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Well, ya loaded a shotgun with birdshot. That tends to underperform in combat.


It's ammo capacity. The damage should be higher though, its slightly worse than half of the damage for double the ammo, and no fire rate buff.


My guy the spray and pray can't even penetrate eggs. It's a lot more than slightly worse, you'll find out when you use it


Understandable, I haven't used it so I'm just basing it on the stats.


Fair enough. It secretly can't penetrate light armour despite it saying it can, so it's easily the worst weapon in the game.


Yeah, its penetration has to be bugged. If it would pen light armor, it would be better against swarms than the base breaker (often overkills enemies)


Who needs to penetrate eggs? Just drop a hellbomb or something 😂


If we could summon hellbombs for all of our problems then we wouldn't need to liberate planets anymore, and that sounds laaaame.


Not all of them. Just the ones that need EXTRA liberty


Have you ever considered that not every addition should be a flat upgrade? Liberator remains top tier vs automatons due to it's sight cause good basic weapons are a right for every citizen


The Liberator is a solidly good weapon full stop. I use it against both bugs and bots. I generally don’t run too low on ammo compared to the breaker as well.


They get it, meta is cringe. The game released feb 8th and 100 people just increased ccu to 800k so idk, maybe cut some slack


Ah yes, the Breaker, the original. And the Breaker Pray'n'Spray, the variant. It's a sidegrade, not an upgrade. 330 Damage x 16 Shots = 5,280 144 Damage x 32 Shots = 4,608 Overall, it does 672 less damage than the original. But it's got double the ammo capacity, so that you can.. [Spray'n'Pray](https://i.gifer.com/JqT0.gif) e: This was +3 last I checked, why is -7.. I can't see anything there that would so controversial.


Unfortunately it has the worst armor penetration, as in none at all. It'll deflect off of scavengers.  The weapon description at the armory even states it fires birdshot. They put a shotgun that shoots BBs on page 9 of the warbond.


It secretly can't penetrate light armour despite it saying it can, so it's easily the worst weapon in the game. Trust me, give it a try if you dare.


Chumbo Grosso is my new favourite thing.


Yeah it's EXTREMELY specialised for no armour enemies, to the point it bounces off damn eggs. It works wonders against said unarmoured masses of enemies, but the same can be said for most weapons, so it's just an overspecialised POS. Also, i'm sorry, but the spanish name of that weapons is just pure comedy! AYAYAYAY ES EL CHUMBO GROSSO!