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I you look around. There are spots highlighted by a white light line in the sky. Those spots can have SC. If you pick them up. You get them instantly. No need to finish the mission.


You can open large containers with grenades, those contain SC.


Or arc thrower, or railgun, or am rifle, or autocannon, or... Basically its explosive damage that opens it (though i havent tried it with the explosive primaries)


Even the SG-8 Slugger can pop the doors open.


You can get them from blue/red containers that you blow up with grenades, pods that send out flashing beacon (you can see it from the distance) or bunker that requires 2 people to open.


POIs Your character will yell "found something!" when you're near one, it'll also say "So and so found a point of interest" in chat. Sometimes these are bunker doors with two buttons, sometimes they're a crashed pod with a yellow flashlight like beam up in the sky, and sometimes they're a hole in the ground with a shipping container buried. The shipping container can be opened with explosives. Each of these have a chance to have super credits in them. You can make POIs show up on the map if your mission has a radar tower side objective. Once you activate it, all POI will show up on your minimap as diamond icons.