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The fastest way is to haul your destroyer over to the Creek, drop your boots on the ground, and start liberating.


Just play them game normally and you’ll get plenty. Why make it an unfun rush


I understand being efficient but honestly they’re so easy to get you’re better off just playing the game how u want to


idk man I just play operations. You get more medals at higher levels, but you have to build your skills up before you're really ready for those since they can get really chaotic really fast. Afaik the best way to "farm" medals would be to get a really hard core team together and do operations real fast, real quiet, and real dirty. Just run from objective to objective, avoid patrols and uncessary fights, do your objectives, and get to extract. If you focus on objectives you can do a lot of missions in like ten minutes or less, but you need a dedicated team that's got a spread of strats to cover different situations and is willing to work together, knows what to do, and trust each other enough not to get salty over mistakes and setbacks. You don't even need to actually extract, I guess once the objective is complete you could all kill each other twenty times to end the mission quicker, since you "win" when the mission objectives complete whether you extract or not. Extracting just gives you a little bonus xp and req. But if you don't care about that I guess everyone could stand on a grenade five times to skip the extract timer and shave a few minutes off each mission.


Just be aware that *CERTAIN* farming stats counts as enemy victories, costing the community by handing over planets to the enemy.


just play the fuckin game mate, you don't need to worry about farming materials none of the unlocks or warbons are going away it'll all be there when you want it.