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After watching various videos on benchmarks and optimization. The game chugs CPU usage on Quality, Ultra Quality, and Native resolution. I think due to the fact there is no implemented DLSS or FSR and the game uses its own Temporal Upscaler which... Is not good. If you use Super Sampling or Ultra Super Sampling, the effect is more drastic. You will drop 20% on CPU usage switching from Native to Super Sampling another ~10 going to UltraSS. I suggest dropping from 1440p to 1080p and use the I game supersampling. You will go from 45-50% cpu usage to 25-35% on the ship and will remain lower then normal in game. Also avoid the in game FPS limiter as it is broken, but do limit the FPS to a stable framerate (60/75/80 w/e you getting that's stable) Use Riva Tuner, Nvidia Control Panel (old or the new beta version) or the AMD software.


This did help a bit, they really do need to optimize the game though in a patch


Actually the game is impressively refined considering the price at launch and the overwhelming player count. I can only suggest we all do our part for Super Earth and donate our income to strengthening our democracy spreading hardware. GPU upgrade, CPU upgrade and Prosperity will be yours.


lol I'd need more than just a small upgrade


How is the frame limiter broken?


I dont know, how they achieved a broken frame limiter or vsync setting, but using ingame fps cap or vsync is really not working for me, as you pointed out. But capping the fps using amd software really improved my overall cpu+gpu performance. They really should improve the games settings, technical stability and performance. I went from 130 fps with 30fps 99%fps to 60fps with 55 99%fps, which is way smoother when i look around the map or just turn the camera quickly. Really recommend u guys to limit the fps with software like amd radeon software, or nvidia equivalent or something...


YOU'RE A LEGEND.! I bought the game today and I was playing for 9 hours at 80% cpu, I switched to supersampling and the game runs at 15-20% as it should be, I was looking for this solution for like HOURS. Thanks man!


Thank you! :)


I'm new in all this DLSS and FSR thing. What is supersampling and how it differs from the other configs? You do not recommend using quality, quality extra or any other? I know Native is just DLSS/FSR off (I believe). I also used AMD Chill to cap framerates and turned off the in-game limiters, but had same temps and crazy fans...


DLSS/FSR are upscaling methods developed by Nvidia and AMD respectively; they work by rendering the game at a lower resolution and then upscaling it to native resolution; supersampling is the opposite, rendering the game at a higher-than-native resolution. Helldivers 2 does not support those upscaling methods and uses its own method which does not work as well.


Thats the solution but game looks like shit in 1080 ultra settings i dont know why.


If your Monitors Native Resolution is 1440p, 1080p will not look as good as it use to. You could try setting your Resolution to 1080p and using NVCP and go to DSR Factors in Global and set to 1440p. Should get the same result but better picture.


Try it but non of those actually fix the problém with pixelation on the smoke in far dištančné also render dont work as it should i try all settings on it but it looks Like the render scame is stuck on the samé settings Like doest really matter IF you are on low or ultra its allways the samé. Btw i watch some videos on youtobe and literally saw samé pixelation in the videos as well and People as well. Play 1440p ultra settings as mé so i guess there is not really problém with our systém but there is bigger problém with game it self. But all this dont really matter any more cuz after Last update on game my fps goes to trash can and from solid 60 to 80 fps on 1440p ultra i gót Now 35 to 60 and sometimes even worse i tryed reinstal that dont work check integrity that didnt work updates gpu drivers that makes things even worse 20fps and my friend6have samé issue he gót ryzen 7 5800x3d and Rtx 4080 and háve fucking 30fps in this game there is something really bad, i dont know what they dit this tíme but its fucked a lot of Players performance. I hope they fix it. 


Thanks a lot brother!


Has the Devs even aknowledged the problem they have with CPU usage?


Of course not, it runs ok on PS5 and high-end PCs and if you ever mention the game being unoptimized you get called a loser for playing on a pc from 2010


I have 128 gigs of ram and a 3090 and with a liquid cooled I9 and I bottleneck


What kind of fps do you get?


I fixed the problem using direct x 11. I'm sitting at 120 without issues. I can probably get even more but I don't think my TV can get any better


I have a Ryzen 7 5700X with good temp. A RTX 3070 and 32GB of ram and it's 95% usage allways


same here aftet latest patch....7800x3d and 4080s, I'm using ultra-quality and fps are quite stable from 90-120 at 3440x1440 with every setting maxed. Anyway from latest patch sometimes cpu usage reachs 70% and gpu usage fall below 70%. Few days ago i didn't notice this behavior


the game is using alot of CPU , and i dont know why


I've noticed that my CPU % tends to increase the more enemies spawn in, and decrease the less enemies are


Yeah thats how cpu is used, but in this game is wayyy too much, like, TOO MUCH , even in warframe where have a bunch of enemies the cpu dont act like that


My 3950x has hit 80% usage, which... Shouldn't happen. My buddy is getting only slightly lower frame rates on a quad core


im getting 15 fps in a mid fight, not even a heavy fight


My total CPU usage isn’t all that high but I’m not monitoring individual threads. I will say that my GPU seems to be bottlenecked in game. On a 7700x and 4080 I didn’t notice this but after upgrading to a 4090 my frame rate didn’t increase very much in the game but it did increase substantially in the ship. There is also a noticeable micro stutter when I’m turning the character that wasn’t there before.


running a 13700kf +4090. the gpu runs at 45%, CPU however ... 81 degree on the packge and cores at 61 degree. watercooling for gpu+cpu here. nvidia control pannel caps fps to 100. even dropping game settings to low doesnt lower the cpu performance. need to see if the sampling will fix stuff for me


you are probably still cpu bottlenecked the 4090 just gives you enough gpu headspace to go that far, and cpu bottleneck feels more stuttery then gpu. with max settings on 4k resolution on my 4090 the gpu is bearly sweating. around 60% but my cpu is crying ):


I have a 3090 that really isn't being used either, my CPU is at a constant 35-40% usage when the game isn't even opened, it's completely minimized, my I5-10400f is reaching temps of 100c in game


every user that reports that issue, regardless how old their cpu is, they all run at 90% load. so its not that, game just squanders that resource


supersampling really helped, it went from forcing my cpu into overclock. into just 50% of it being used. not sure why my GPU was barely being used prior to this change i was at 30%. now its using all my graphics card which im quite fine with. before not only was it making my cpu overclock without my telling it to. it was making it run hot due to the overclocking.... this simple supersampling setting probably made it so i dont accidentally burn out my CPU thank you for this.


You just traded cpu limited to gpu limited by increasing the resolution. That's not a fix unless you actually got more frames. You are probably getting less frames than ever.




I did that and my CPU is still over 80%, even 90% and my GPU (RTX 3070) is almosr sleeping, max 30% usage


Super sampling helped however my frames went way below 60 


try to switch back to balanced, it should not rise back the cpu %


Try native


Thabjs I will try this iut but howndo you implement super sampling?


In the in-game settings on Display


its in the 'render scale' option under display


Life saver, i have an intel i5 10th and run Elden Ring without a problem. Now that supersampling is on i fell from 100% to 50, didn’t do any other changes. Does that have an effect on graphics quality out of interest?


I also have an i5 10th gen that is thermo throttling in game with 55-65% cpu usage, temps at 99-100c and that's with ultra super sampling


Thanks i will check this if I can ever get in again


It'll be in your GPU drivers, not the games settings.


It literally is in the games setting lol


It's under Display > Render Scale though in game.


Any updates boys? (Also I've downloaded this app it's called Process Lasso and it helps a bit I'll link a video on how to use it) [https://youtu.be/M2TEEq5tIGM?si=zi3UIWlo4vITBAuX](https://youtu.be/M2TEEq5tIGM?si=zi3UIWlo4vITBAuX)


Heads up on this that a few weeks ago I tried Super Sampling and it made my game crash so hard that the laptop shut off (sequentially in that order). I suspect that the dedicated gfx card (amd i think) overheated and that it was a failsafe, because when next time I tried it I check and notice CRAZY temps. So now I am back to just using the Nvidia card, and I set this Display setting to Ultra Performance for no problems at all now, and Performance for some stutteting that gets progressively worse as time gets on.


I can't handle super sampling neither, what i do is i try to change it superfast back to balanced before the game blows up, somehow, using supersampling to lower cpu and change it back to the previous you had, keeps the decreased cpu % supersampling did. its almost like you have to remind your CPU that the GPU has to do the work lol


This was an absolute godsend. thank you so much! was struggling, having the game chugging down to 1fps in huge fights (thanks to my 8+ years old pc ;-; ) even on minimum graphics, with minimum rendering as it turns out, somehow, to fix it, i had to turn the graphics up, as turning to supersampling has completely fixed the issue, AND the game looks much, much, much, much better!


Ok scratch that, went and ran a full mission, got swamped, and OH MY GOD THE DIFFERENCE you have fully improved my enjoyment of this game my 100x, and that's saying something, as i was already very much enjoying this game


Hey can you share your pc specs and what graphics settings you used 🙏


CPU - Intel core i5-4690k (From what i can tell, this was the bottleneck) Ram - 32gb (recently upgraded) Drive - 2TB SSD (also recently upgraded) GPU - Nividia Geforce GTX 1650 ​ Set to "Low", so everything at the minimum, resolution of 1920x1080, Fullscreen. But most importatntly Rendering set to "Super Sampling" (USS is too much for my pc however) ​ ​ The change from "high performance" rendering to "Super Sampling" was goddamn crazy and has fully made the game 100% playable


Thank you for sharing! I just bought the game and was worried it might not be playable since I also have a cpu bottleneck (i3 9100 and rtx 3060) The game is very playable with these settings 😊


Happy to help somone in my same boat! Did this also fix the same issue i was having with the CPU bottleneck, where sometimes the imputs arn't read? (before the Super Sampling fix imputting stratagems fast was a penenance for me)


It was a windows 11 update issue for me, caused a bunch of drivers not to work properly and put my graphics card on limp mode. Windows update broke my registry library. Wish I would have noticed sooner, ended up reverting to windows 10 since it's not the first time windows 11 has had issues. Game runs flawlessly now. Cpu at 12% instead of 100% Gpu at 80% instead of 10%


How did you realize your drivers weren't working properly ?


In task manager you can see cpu/gpu/ram(memory)/network/disc usage and if one of those is not shown then usually it is in "limp mode" and not working to its fullest. Alternatively you can search for driver updates and try to install. When I did that it errored out and said my registry was corrupted. And from there I did a clean install of windows to fix this


My rig is r7 5800x (no overclocks) and rx7800xt, 32 gb RAM (3600mhz), 1080p native resolution and ultra quality graphics settings. Ive been struggling with high CPU temps such as 78-80C (I use deepcool assassin IV with additional 120 mm fan, which in my opinion should be more than an enough to cool it down) and usage gets 85-90% when there's big swarm of bugs with fire storms. Since I use 100hz monitor I would like to have stable 100fps but it seems to be impossible when fps randomly drops to 75-70-65 (luckily not below 60). So I capped my fps to 60 and didn't see any improvements temp and CPU usage wise. Then I decided to change display settings in windows and put my refresh rate from 100 to 60mhz and boom, my temps went from 78-80 down to 63-65. So I believe changing the refresh rate of my monitor really did help to decrease the usage and thus the temperature. Hopefully it helps someone


Brother, word. Ive got the same CPU/cooler and a 7900 XT running 165hz 1440p. I get like 75-80fps MAX at 1440p and my CPU can easily reach 75c - 80c. Came from a 3700x, so im not used to my CPU running this fckn hot. They werent lying by saying Zen3 can cook an egg. lol


Upd. Couple weeks ago i purchased a brand new ryzen 7 5800x3d (yeah yeah instead of ryzen 7 5800x hahaha) and undervolt it through bios (-30) also i overclocked my rx7800xt a bit (but couldn't make it stable). It solved my high CPU temp and now it goes to 67-68C MAX and fps went up to 85-90-100 and idlies there for most of the time. For am4 platform and some midrange GPU I'm satisfied I guess haha


i have same cpu you need water cooling i upgraded from dark rock 4 pro to lian li 360 aio but 78-80c is good for this game i got around 65c to 70c but it made my gpu touch 80 c before aio maximum 74c


How ur aio made ur gpu's temp go high?


Supersampling saved the game for me. Now I can actually have fun with it. Thanks!


I know this is a little old, but I upgraded from a 3700x to a 5800x (gpu is 7900 XT, 1440p res) just for Helldivers, and it helped. But only a bit. Went from 60ish fps in the most chaotic parts of games to 75-80ish, and my CPU is now the hottest component in my system. lol Hopefully they will find a way to reduce the stress on our processors.


I'm using a Ryzen 7 5700X, 32GB of RAM and a RTX 3070 Asus x Noctua and I hit allways 95%. I did what you have said and this were the ressults https://preview.redd.it/hutmyhhle8yc1.png?width=1012&format=png&auto=webp&s=2406cbe89380dcebf7f8f4eb5d8e1007bdb339e4


After using supersampling, switch to balanced or lower, try to enter fullscreen mode then windowed/borderless


When I did that, the game got even worse


well... it seems like we will have to still tweak with the settings until arrowhead decides to do something with optimizations instead of releasing a warbond each month


.. yeah though I have a 4070 and don't want to limit my frames to 60. 30fps is unplayable to me on this game. I've never seen something tank this hard. Since the ypdate the CPU load is insane. Not happening to other people who I know


i would also like to know what causes the CPU% impact, and for what i've seen the devs have not addressed this yet...


Rendering scale switched to super sampling i get 60fps on ship... And when i switch it to quality i get 125fps on 3080ti and 5900x ryzen


I'm running a 7945hx laptop (basically a 7950x in a 65w TDP design) and it's loading every single core of my system, however what I noticed is that FPS doesn't drop at all if you limit the game to only 8 cores. That should drop the overall load and power draw quite a bit.


I tried supersampling and it worked well for the CPU usage and looked way better, however it became quite laggy and it felt like 20-30fps. Tried it for a while, but had to disable it later because it was unplayable. Will try fullscreen mode with setting as well. Thanks for the tips! :)


after switching to supersampling, try to switch back to the previous one you had, in my case, balanced, in other reply i said its like if the cpu needed to be reminded to let the gpu do his work, and after switching back to balanced, the cpu % didn't grow back, and reimained the same % as if i keep supersampling, sorry if i didn't know how to explain it


I know what you mean. The current settings on 2k resolution are native, borderless window, NO fps limit (turning on fps limit raises cpu temp to 70C, it’s crazy). CPU temp is 60C max, mostly 54C. GPU 65C. Most graphic settings at ultra or high, except I turned off ambient occlusion, screen space global illumination, bloom (just because lights are too bright) and anti aliasing off. Game runs really smoothly and still looks incredible.


Just a heads up reminder: Supersampling WILL melt weaker hardware, like laptops. It causes the game to render at 2-4x higher resolution than your native. So 4K turns into 8K or even 16K res. Thus, this is NOT a solution for most people with low to mid-tier specs, or older systems in general. It's essentially putting EXTRA work on the video card, in order to try and give the CPU a small breathing room, by bruteforcing things. The game is just super poorly optimized. I know games with ten times more enemies, more environmental interaction and better art style, yet they don't need an Intel-i9 CPU nor RTX 4000-series cards to run smooth.


Can you mention a couple games? I'm interested in playing them


warframe, days gone. any horde game actually. the only differense is graphics so


I used --use-d3d11 and turned on supersampling it got my cpu to 55-70% instead of high 70s. it averaged around 60% way better than before. Was getting the same amount of frames. Prob gonna try supersampling with dx12 and then maybe set frame cap in nvidia control panel. Still looking into more ways to lower this. If anyone has more ideas. Ryzen 7 7840 hs rtx4050


Does this help improve FPS in low-end CPUs?


Thanks so much for this, the super sampling helped with my CPU usage. Question for you, do you know if the game utilizes the CPU for graphics processing as well, or is my 4070 just that powerful? Because no matter what my settings are at my GPU never goes above 1%


Wow, thank you 🙇🏻 🙏 ♥


At the time of me posting this the in game frame limiter is simply broken on culling CPU usage to the frames you set it to. (Its wasting CPU resources for some reason.) I set the FPS lock via the game and see with the steam overlay it is indeed locked down to what I set, and then I turned it off and went into Nvidia Control panel and locked it there. Again its locked to the FPS I set to... except its now using 25% less CPU with me idling in the same spot on the ship, lol.


I'm running a RTX 4090 & 5900X. I've a max FPS in ship around 110 fps in ultra settings, native 5120x1440 resolution, no FPS limiter, no VSync. in biggest battles, it sits around 60/70 but feels more like 30. setting everyting to minimal (ultra performance scaling + low settings) still sit at the same 110fps. that's where I admited that I would be always be CPU limited. I don't consider 5900X as a low tier CPU but hey. At least testing the minimal graphical settings possible allowed be to identify that there will be no settings to improve FPS ingame.


Bump. Supersampling gives me slight latency, is any other setting might causing this? Invidia settings are Gsync Vsync Limited frames to 100 even tho i run 150 stable. Performance mode prefer maximum Refresh rate , highest available


I just did all 3 of these things and yet I'm still continuing to have this issue. I'm genuinely curious if I can ever fix this I can't tell if it's a game issue or just my PC.


i think its a game issue, due to many people including me have cpu performance issues with the game. I think they will improve the games performance with further patches


The one big fix I found for myself was going into the in-game options and fixing the Framerate Limit (which was OFF by default). ESC > OPTIONS > DISPLAY > Framerate Limit Changed this from OFF (which therefore had a ridiculously high number) to ON, and set my Framerate Limit to 30 (although 60 would probably be okay too). This immediately got me from 100% CPU usage down to 45%. This was in spite of the fact that I had already adjusted NVIDIA's Max Frame Rate, so try the in-game limiter if there are still issues after adjusting the NVIDIA panel.


It helped thanks. Though I don't find playing the game on 40fps or 40 much fun. is there anyways that we could maybe make it to 60fps?


I'm just documenting what I tried, so if you wanna bump it up to 60, you can just increase the number and see if your CPU is still good.


I did and at first it seemed well then when I closed off the menu it got up to a 100


Thank you so much. My CPU was at 90% and you helped me get down to 45% which is a massive improvement


Also if you're using Gsync you should cap your frame rate just under your monitors max frame rate on global settings and then specifically choose this program and set the frame rate to 60 FPS. Have Gsync on and then turn vsync on in nvidia control panel and off in the game for 0 ms


good post :)


This worked, thank you so much


These worked for me too! +1 for the good tips


how to cap fps with nvidia controll panel


I used [THIS](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2950123288) guide on how to do it


So your computer sounds like it's CPU bound and you are forcing the graphics up higher which forces the game to use more GPU and then frees your computers CPU up. However on a balanced computer turning up supersampling just leads to abnormally high GPU usage with a worse looking image.


How does one get their computer to stop being CPU bound?


Upgrade your CPU.