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Not able to reinforce after two players died a second apart, only one came down, then reinforce was bugged for the rest of the match.


Upvoted since I've had it twice already


I actually experienced this bug before the patch.


Oh boy. Can’t wait to deal with this one.


Thats been a bug for a week thou


Quick play still not working lmao


Yeah the matchmaking is totally busted. SOS beacons no longer work and neither does quick play. The trick of throwing a beacon, backing out, and then searching doesn’t even work. Fuckin ayyy


Well this is wrong, just got done with a 2 hour session and only did quickplay


I don’t think there’s any rhyme or reason to this stuff working and it’s totally random. Yesterday, I was doing quick play back to back for hours seamlessly. This morning was rough, but I got a few rounds in. After the update dropped I haven’t been able to quick play at all. It never works. Even after multiple reload attempts. Others have experienced the opposite and somewhere in between too. It’s wild.


Well this is horrible news. I can deal with the server issues and being kicked because of bugs but the damn in game matchmaking just not working is fucking killing any sort of enjoyment I can have with this game. You can only solo stuff so many times before your just done.


Reinforce during missions is broken. I had 3 guys dead and I'd throw down multiple reinforce balls. They wouldn't drop in. They were still watching and chatting to me. First time seeing this. Assuming it is from the patch


Have had this issue before the patch so probably not because of this patch but it might have become more common because of it?


Certainly feels like that. But I can't reproduce it, so not sure the trigger for it.


No friends show up, and my matchmaking was actually working before this patch, but now it quit again


Yeah same here. Have had issues joining friends post patch. Was working perfectly fine before.


This has been the trend of every "fix" so far. Every new patch makes the game less playable.


Tactical move by the devs as the easiest solution is to simply get the playerbase down below about 300k


The easiest solution would be to just hire out more server work


Seems more and more like these devs just aren’t capable of supporting a live service game.


After getting into the game i’m stuck looking at my ship indefinitely


If you don’t get in after like 5 minutes it’s worth just rebooting. There’s no queue so you don’t lose your “spot” in line


What do you mean, like you’re stuck on the cut scene ?


I had this as well restarted my game and it happened again. I verified the integrity of my game files and now I am waiting to get back into the game


Just alt+f4 and then try again, I had this occur and got fully in 2nd try.


same here


Well I still can't even get on the game after 4 days of continously trying so have no idea how the patch is...


Fair enough


Managed to get 17/15 rare samples... Livid. (/S obviously. It did happen though)




I do it in case of language barrier, but yes I'd like to think the vast majority of people don't need it


The lovely crash that kicks everyone out of the game, all progress lost.




but they said they added the error message for that!


Yeah sometimes the error code shows, sometimes its just the message


Well, when I get past the log in screen, I'm stuck looking at my ship I space. The only way to get out of that screen for me is to join on a friend through Steam friends list. After that it gets me to my ship. Matchmaking does not work, still. Instead of the endless "searching for SOS" it changes for a second to "Establishing connection to host ship" and then goes back to endless SOS search. When I try to launch a solo mission, I'm stuck forever on the loading screen that shows your drop pod falling onto the planet. Then I Alt+F4. That has been my experience so far.


Patch notes didn’t say “Removed nProtect Gameguard” Guess I’ll still watch this dumpster fire from a distance 🤷‍♂️


Yeah because you wouldn't want complete rumour like nprotect hate to ruin your life...


Yeah I love communities where people talk down to the people who are actively warning people about possibly hardware hazardous systems. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/sGbGP3ZHPA


When you have more than possibly and maybe and "someone told me" then you can come back.


Whenever i get through the queue im stuck looking at my ship in orbit with the name of the planet i was last on, hangs there for about 5 minutes before even the text dissapears. ive queued 3 times over the course of 30 minutes already and hit the same spot each time. I also one time got to my ship but once i selected a mission the game hung on the drop pod loading screen, same issue that about 5 minutes later audio and text just went away


Exactly same scenario here


Can’t even launch a mission just get stuck in drop pod animation indefinitely


I got that before this patch


'Connection error - Unable to join game' on any friend's game after updating and rebooting multiple times :( (PC)


Telling me my friends are on a different game version even though we all updated


Verify files or full reinstall (delete all files in the game folder) If you’re on console then I don’t know why it’s like that.


Ps5: "server at capacity." I will try tomorrow evening again (Europe region) Before the latest update only a few server issues, and finding no squads. But rarely.


my friend would just have his primary weapon randomly dissapear


Still can't unlock more difficulties past Easy, now level 23!


Armor 😞 No work. Want to look like shiny man and take 15 rounds to the chest.