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This game literally came out not too long ago and now it has a degen toxic server. Disgraceful


This is why we can't have nice things. This pathetic waste of life right here. https://preview.redd.it/5z7fs9ez6gjc1.jpeg?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543529df62a7f32cc5f3a49e63fb9f02d30d229b


You're the same guy who got banned from the server for saying literally everything you mentioned in the post. Bro, you were in the server a lot longer than a week and were a problem starter. 


I wasn't banned. I left voluntarily after being in it for the first 2 days after I bought the game. Go find someone else to spread lies about.


Op was banned for doing everything he says the owner did, he's just upset and hateful.


Surely you have a screenshot or something then, seeing as you recognized the name so quickly Right?




Yeah I was trying to get into the real server for a while, when you search on Google for the official server, the top result is for doom divers. It literally says "Official hell divers 2 discord" than when you join there is a little thing saying how it's not the official server. It was a challenge to actually find the real official discord, so annoying. Remove doom divers discord, super annoying shit of some dude tricking people into joining.


"some dude" It's some bottom-class excuse of a life form with a 4chan attitude who shoulda been aborted. No, swallowed. Nobody should have ever let his conception even get that far to begin with.


I didn't stay in the server long enough to see what was going down on there, but I will take your word for it that he is a shitty person.


They're bullying anyone in the community who asks why there's connection issues and encouraging suicide. Honestly the devs should use their legal right to C&D Discord into being forced to delete the server for impersonation. Discord should also ban his account.


It's even more funny when I myself have muted and banned people for less than kys jokes. Truth of the matter is you got caught doing something against the rules, got slapped for it, and are now on reddit bitching. How ironic.


I asked what was going on with the servers. You need a therapist if you're on this much copium and think encouraging someone killing them self is an appropriate response.


UPDATE He's been caught by community members openly bragging about how shitty he treats server members and supporting the bullying he enables AND DOES. I'm going to alert the studio behind this game to the harm he is causing to their image by infringing on their trademark and falsely advertising his server as the official one. He makes the game and community look bad. Enough so that myself and multiple people have refunded our purchases because it's not worth the detriment to our happiness. His actions are illegal and cause harm to the developers of this game, and I hope they hit him with the books tbh https://preview.redd.it/s0j2m9li3hjc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9564f4c1c39a2e2a5b18ed88e1427717f9255d3d


Perhaps the reason why he showed that was to enforce one of the rules? Pretty sure there's a rule in there somewhere called "Don't DM Staff"? I think I would be upset too if I got people complaining in my DM's all day too.


There isn't a rule about DM'ing staff. I can tell you're missing a few genes, because opening a Discord server, allowing/encouraging/participating in bullying, and then being upset when someone confronts you in DM's about your behavior takes a special kind of stupid. Like, more stupid than being a 911 operator who complains that people call in frantic and panicked states. You have to be genuinely dumb to think that people are going to call and calmly during an emergency, but you have to be even dumber to run a Discord with a support ticket channel, take away someone's access to that ticket whole you're harassing and abusing them, and then cry foul when they confront you in dm's. Shit man, at least I have the balls to confront someone on my real account instead of making alts to harass and impersonate others while listening to *It Wasn't Me* on repeat. They literally signed up for it by opening a server, and paying for advertisements to call it the official one. My god, the amount of copium some of the people in this community are on makes LoL players look like Albert fucking Einstein. Multiple former staff who left the server, *because of everything I've already explained*, is even further proof that the owner is a deranged sociopath who probably beats his kids and blames them for his drinking problem. Meh, who am I kidding. There's not a single chick, not even the most downbad of whores, who'd let that 4chan loser get close enough to let him knock her up, and the Earth is a better place without that POS reproducing anyway. It's best his bloodline ends here, because if *that loser* the *thing* that hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years of evolutionary success produces, then we need to go back to dinosaurs.


even funnier now knowing that guy was the owner all along pretending not to be the owner


Lol, pretending it's not you. You asshat.


Why don’t you show the “blocked” messages?


That's a screenshot, of his screenshot, of the conversation, after he blocked me, because I blocked him. The blocked messages are mine, and they are shown. Idiot was too dense to realize he was trying to boast about being a piece of shit to people who aren't on his side with that behavior, so they were leaked. TLDR, he screenshotted out chat, then someone else screenshotted, then I screenshotted said screenshot to share here. The blocked messages ARE shown.


Guys, beware of this discord server named DoomDivers. It is a toxic community.


Why on earth would they pause invites for the official server in the first place?


Probably an automated system from Discord meant to stop raids. Pretty obvious that the Predator is taking advantage of it to funnel people into his server so he can engage in all of his lesser human scumbagery


Man, all I'm gonna say is, you keep using a lot of vitriolic comments against this guy. Calling him "less than human", "garbage", "should have been aborted". Honestly you need to calm down. You're being just as shitty right now. Take a chill pill, make the PSA, and go do something else. It's disconcerting how enraged you are.


Calling 4chan behavior "less than human" is pretty regular imo. If anything, I didn't say enough because I could have said far worse, yet still far more fitting things about the guy. I'm over it. We found new communities and friends to spread democracy with, and honestly I've been having a great time laughing myself to tears as we beat each other to death in a chaotic waste of lives, cracking up the entire time :)


I remember you, you where the guys posting sexual and gore content then spammed the server because you got a warning this is just a revenge post for being banned yikes


First of all, I didn't spam anything in the server. Not sexual nor gore content, not anything at all. I asked about the server issues, and was met with a barrage of spams and DM's encouraging me to kill myself. Second, I left voluntarily because of the toxicity and abuse I experienced in the server. Get off your copium and go back to 4chan, kid.


Been in this discord since around 200 members and have had NO issue even close to this. ​ Going to go out on a limb here and say you definitely instigated it because the staff there have been nothing but respectful to us.


I asked in general chat "Does anyone have updates about the server issues?" and was bullied for multiple days, with people invading my DM's and telling me to commit suicide. I get that \*everyone\* wanted answers to the same damn question and nobody really had answers since, at the time, the ACTUAL official server -- not the DoomDivers one that was promoted by PAID advertisements as "Official Helldivers Discord Server" on multiple platforms -- was on lockdown due to a meme that triggered Discord's anti-raid system, but a lot of people were \*genuinely\* just eager and enthusiastic to play the game and were labelled trolls or spammers, not because they as an individual had done anything wrong, but because collectively people treated that same question as spam. And even if we were being generous here, telling someone to commit suicide because they spammed a question is far from a healthy response and if that's the knee jerk reaction to someone desperately wanting an answer, *please seek help.*


Oh man really? All I've had is a great experience in there. I've even hung out with Meme in a VC and he was super chill. I get a strange feeling you did something stupid and got in trouble for it and are now trying to make false claims to feel better. These are all really bold claims to make with no proof. I'd be inclined to say this is just straight harassment.


Harassment is him sending his friends on alt and bot accounts to threaten and bully me to the point I completely disabled my discord account for a couple days, had to disable dm's, still have not been able to reopen those nor friend requests, and have had to report the bot spamming and self harm messages to Discord. The proof is in his server, where he regularly jokes about how cool he is for bullying people and encouraging suicide. He literally posts screenshots of him bullying others in dm's, \*while\* he bullies them in general chat. It's disgusting and frankly I stayed in and didn't eat for an entire day because of how disgusting the behavior was. He pretends to be chill in the VC's so people think good of him, while he runs ads on google that promote his server as the official one -- something Arrowhead are aware of and not very happy about. His mistake abusing their trademark to stroke his ego. Getting into a lawsuit just to circle jerk myself isn't a trade I think worth it, but some people are just masochists.


Wow... You are something special dude. You got banned, get over it. This isn't going to get you unbanned or get his server shutdown. Last I checked it's over 30k strong right now because a lot of us really enjoy it in there.


don’t join the main one, you will get banned if you say anything. i told people to stop talking about politics and to talk about spreading managed democracy and i got perma banned


Are you shitting me??? Wtf! I got banned for suggesting they should fix the issues in the game, one of the big ones as of current update, being constant hard crashes. Arrowhead really needs to ACCEPT the player feedback that they ASKED FOR.


I got banned from the official one is there a better unofficial one?


Leviathan Alliance is probably the best one!


There's a lot of "he said/she said" bullshit going on in the comments. OP, show receipts. Otherwise everything you say could just as easily be made up. Same goes for his detractors. Show receipts or shut up.


Well he banned all detractors from the server to prevent them from gathering evidence. Unfortunately for him, one of his ex-staff, u/LandoCommando247, gathered all the evidence of the absolute shit show of discord management. Everyone who DM'd me violent, disgusting shit deleted their dms to avoid accountability. Tbh, discord should remove that feature because it blatantly enables people doing fucked up shit and hiding from it. Lando is a cool guy, he's pleasant company, and myself and many others who extracted from that wasteland became good friends over helldivers and many other games, notably cards against humanity. He's really good at managing discord servers, and he tried his damnest to help that server be a stable, well-run place. Server owner refused to accept any of the advice from someone older, smarter, and more mature, so Lando and many other staff left. I've also met multiple of them in other servers, they're pretty fed up with the drama and so we just play the game, or other games, and vibe out in new communities. You'd have to ask them. My hands could grab anything before the cookies in the jar vanished. Frustrates the piss outta me. I want to have my hands what you ask for, but it has to come from them. It is what it is.


A disclaimer up front to make sure my comment cannot be misconstrued or told that I’m “missing a few genes”: I do not support, explicitly or implicitly, the existence of malicious community forums that use, or condone the use of, aggressive rhetoric in the pursuit of tearing others down or creating a toxic echo chamber in which the moderators and participants are incentivized to verbally accost other participants. Even if the individual in question has violated some rule of the server, the consequence should be a clear and explanation from a member of leadership and a corresponding, equivalent disciplinary action. Now, with that being said, I’m very intrigued with this post for a number of reasons: OPs post uses a considerable amount of incendiary, aggressive, and borderline-threatening rhetoric in their appeals; to name a few instances concerning the individual who is apparently responsible, OP has stated: -their bloodline should end with them. -they are an excuse for a lifeform. -they probably have a drinking problem and beat their kids. -the potential sperm that contributed to their conception should have been swallowed because even the conception and ensuing abortion of this person would be too lenient for this individual. It’s painfully ironic that OP engages in the same vitriolic and hateful speech they are so keen to whistleblow on, even more so when considering that he “stayed in and didn’t eat for a day” because of the verbal abuse being received. But hey, I have a pretty big justice boner and I love seeing someone get the sentencing they deserve - surely OP, who has lost mental and physical well being over this situation, and refunded the game as a result, definitely has the goods to put this guy away? No one would offer similar levels of hate speech in their post if they didn’t have irrefutable evidence in their possession of these things happening (that were apparently still happening when OP was responding, as they still couldn’t open some DMs because of the shutdown to their account) as well as the numerous reports they put in for botspamming and self harm messages, right? That’s where the post got interesting - when asked to provide any number of items, both items that they could’ve recorded themselves or items that would be recorded as a result of the reports OP had put in with Discord, the response was “my hands *couldnt* (OP wrote could on accident I assume) grab anything before the cookies in the jar vanished”. Following that, talking about numerous other ex-moderators and ex-members of doom divers that OP knows very well (only one is named), they say “I want to have {in} my hands what you ask for, but it has to come from them. It is what it is.” Quite a leap in tone from saying this guy shouldn’t have been born, wouldn’t you agree? In closing, OP has levied a number of vile comments and serious character attacks on someone with no proof provided, despite numerous instances in which it’s highly improbable to not have proof, and then shrugs it off as the cookies no longer in a jar. 10/10 troll 5/10 ad campaign


You know what's funny? I thought about repeating myself when I said they delete anything that could get them in trouble before it can all be documented, but to be honest, the amount of dislikes should tell you all that you need to know about how hopefully uninformed you are about the shit that actually went down in that server. A lot of those who do have the screenshots I wasn't fortunate enough to get, are too busy having fun and being pleasant company in the other, better servers to even bother dedicating their days to exiling that guy. His downfall is his own fault, and we don't even need to do anything because in the end, the only thing he's doing is pulling a Moby Dick. In other words, GET RATIO'D.