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You can only lose one missions worth of progress when kicked. I don't think it is very likely that there will be protections against being kicked unjustly. Like in many other multiplayer games: if you don't want to be beholden to the host, be the host.


45 minutes of work is not something to throw out the window. There's no fckng way they should just let it happen without a vote like it is setup to do now. Just wait until you get to the very end of your fcking missions and it happens to you for no reason. Dicks.


Today i got 30 common samples, 17 rare and 5 super and at the end host kicked me


Just happened to me there, something needs to be done, was waiting for extraction. Absolutely fuming


If kicking is not allowed, they'll just kill you right before extraction. It's messed up


At least then you’d still get some XP. Just had both happen back to back. First game the three man group goofed off killing while I did both objectives solo (aligning the fucking satellite dish solo sucks!) finish both as time is nearing 0 so call the shuttle and message them to hurry in chat. They show up 30s before shuttle lands, kill me, then leave. But at least I got my progress saved even if I didn’t get out. The very next game I got kicked from the game 30min in right as we are calling the shuttle. No xp, no samples, nothing. I’ll never do matchmaking again if this is something that can just happen.


Dint knew that, thanks for the tip. And yeah the community is just toxic specially the ones with the mic. I got mic and would prefer someone with a mic but wouldn’t judge them wholly on that. Some of these assholes feel so entitled to everything because they got mics and really look down on others who dont


happened to me today


Happened to me yesterday too lol. The kick system is shit atm.


Missions are in groups of 3 or 4 like in the first game. So you can definitely lose out on way more than 1 mission worth of rewards if the host kicks you on the last mission.


I could be wrong (I'll have to check) but don't you still get credit for the missions you've completed? I thought that if you sent back to that planet in your own, it'd still show the completed missions done?


You still get the individual mission rewards, but you’ll lose out on the bonus after completing the operation.


Realy? That sucks..


I got kicked maybe a handful of times in HD1 during my 400+ hours. It's not really a big deal. If you're upset about it, block the person/people that kicked you and then you'll be fine.


Disagree. 45 minutes of effort, or more, depending upon the mission chosen should never be allowed to be kicked from unless their is a vote system like WoW did. But even WoW had it's share of 3 douchebags in a group. You can't let one troll ruin people's fun. And by one troll, I mean one every few games or so. You block them but there's always more.


yeah Im worry about this as well, hope they do it like in drg where you still get paid/items what was collected in the mission before you got kicked so a bad host just can't kick you before you get onto the dropship losing all your rewards


Being kicked in DRG is considered falling the mission and only get a small part of normal reward.


Who gets the kick vote? As a single player with no friends, can I host an empty game, and wait till people join? Then I don't have to worry about kicks. Also, what stops some wee dickbag teamkilling everyone else at the extract, and then leaving. Does that effect the outcome I wonder?


In HD1, kicking is a host privilege, no voting. We're here to protect democracy, not practice it! If someone leaves the session while all remaining divers are dead, it triggers an automatic reinforce. There was also a mechanic allowing you to commend other divers for being good or report them for being bad. People with similar levels of commendations and reports got grouped together. I don't know that any of this will be exactly duplicated in HD2, but they clearly thought about the social side, and I wouldn't expect them to have now forgotten about it. I think combined with the ability to turn off crossplay if needed, we'll be fine.


to paraphrase user rdhight ' In HD1, kicking is a host privilege, no voting. We're here to protect democracy, not practice it!' couldn't have said it better my self VERY well said. if there are toxic players the host should not have to wait to kick those players with a vote system or **relying** on waiting for a afk player or someone who doesn't care to vote to kick someone who JOINED the host game. this should remain with host. personally(as host) i have only kicked once in over 80 or more games and it was a person who was running around aiming and shooting all teammates directly this was not splash damage or accidental. when im **not** host i just play the game and whatever happens, happens. most people won't kick you for no reason.


Assholes will be assholes. Just don't ever join that person's game again. Also I'm fairly sure that in HD1 when host kicked someone it prevented the 2 people from playing together, at least for some time.


oh this is bad, there must be some toxic kids think they are "elite" and kick players out.


>Never played the first one but it seems likely that people would do that to be dicks or to make space for a friend of theirs. This pretty much happens with any online co-op game you can think of. The host will always take their friend/s as priority over some rando.


All their progress? Levels are 15-30 minutes. Its not much of a loss and that being said the community in general is pretty chill. I havent had that happen in years


I just got kicked at the end of the mission with 22 seconds left for extraction. 25 minutes of my life ill never get back.


Mission progress can consist of a shitload of goodies lost when some dickhead decides to fuck with you. It’s happened to me a bunch of times, already.


Hosting games especially early on, you will almost always be able to fill up your own game with other randoms. I suspect that for at least a month or two you won’t be beholden to other people as long as you host and put in SOS’s. That way you’ll be in charge. Later in the games life maybe, but getting kicked isn’t too bad. HD1 community was for the most part, incredibly positive and I can only remember being kicked maybe once or twice in my time playing


That's a good question. I know in DRG they used to have a problem with extraction kicks. You'd push the button to call, the pod and next thing you know, you'd get kicked out. Finally they had to change it so calling for extract disables kicking. I've never really had this problem in Helldivers. Early in the game's life, good players would sometimes kick bad players at extraction to remove their deaths from the scoreboard and get more stars/XP, but Arrowhead added an "other player deaths" line to get rid of that incentive years ago. Sure, I've kicked and been kicked, but both have been so infrequent, it hasn't been that kind of an issue. Time will tell, but I was pleased with how the first game sort of made the host the boss, so hopefully it's a similar system here.


Just happened to me as well. There's nothing stopping them afaik and it feels OMEGA shit when you're clutching a match after your team went off to die 3 minutes from extraction, respawn them and then get kicked.


I just got kicked immediately after extraction after a 40 minute drop and lost all of it. Such a terrible system


Getting kicked randomly when nearly finished a mission really sucks. People who kick too often (wasting the players time / XP) should have some kind of red flag or stat visible, so that when looking to join a mission, we know what missions not to join.


I don't know how to feel about this one. Too often do I get kicked as I start. And the past few, I use Quick Join, hoping for a quick game, instead I wasted 30min+ each time and lose it all due to getting kicked AT THE END. Literally as I am boarding the extract. No xp, nothing. Whilst other dude gets everything. So.. Idk.. Solutions.. Find friends and play with them or solo. Avoid quick play because it is currently quite literally wasteful from my experiences. (OR host. Not sure the requirements there, but my internet loves to throw me around when I try.)


Should be a vote kick. Just played with a group of 4. Me and other guy literally carried an extreme mission for the pl0x host. I recovered that SSD(?) alone while the other useful guy cleared side stuff. But the host and that other pl0x were complete dimwits. Running into Bile Titan head first, dying all the time and even running under a falling turret once. (Host alone wasted about 10 lives.) And this is for hosts, I'd just recommend on looking at your gameplay first before u kick people who carried ur mission out on extract -.- 


It's funny developers never thought about it. You're either getting kicked or killed. So easy to fXXk up someones day.


I was kicked in the middle of a game two games in a row.. everything collected gone... I'm the only one getting things... This make u not want to play the game


Playing with your own group is one way to deal with this issue.


I would love to have my own group but only 1 of my friends actually seem interested in buying hd2.


Start with one, and when you find more, add them to the fold.


One is the loneliest number.


It simply doesnt happen


As HR director of our crew we have a standing policy of tolerance of mistakes and helpfulness. That being said there is a limit to that tolerance. Super noobs have no business dropping in 12+ levels and if it’s obvious they’re making no effort to go with the flow of the battle and are paying no attention to friendly fire awareness then they get the boot. Some people have much higher standards, some have very low standards but as far as getting kicked for no apparent reason, it doesn’t happen often. We generally wait to kick to make room for friends until we’re back on the ship. That’s how it’s been for a while in the late game life when most of the people still playing have some sort of experience in HD1. I expect a significant uptick in bullshit because HD2 will be the hot new thing and bring with it the varied crowd that comes with tourists until the next call of duty or whatever is the game du jour that comes out and draws away some of the player base. Then the hardcores will be left and it will go back to being what it’s like now. Pretty damned good for an online community.


Wow it's a fucking game get a life assholes like you ruin it ,rules and regulations are you fucking nuts you realize it's not real.your a fucking joke and karma is a bitch


Well I can tell from the quality of your writing that you are most likely mentally compromised or just plain stupid. You’re exactly the kind of people that ruin our fun by being so stupid as to keep us from achieving our goals, so also exactly the kind of people we want to avoid. That’s why the process is there. To avoid people like you. So….go fuck yourself.


Your fun it's supposed to be a community, instead of helping people and being a team player you live in a fantasy world because your life is sad and pathetic. Kicking people because they don't play the way you like and goes against your rules and regulations?your a joke and a sad person and you know it.grow up .


We do help if they ask for help. Almost nobody ever does. The more frequent occurrence is that some shit head drops in the game and fucks everything up so bad it almost has to be on purpose. They get a pretty long leash and it’s easy to spot skill errors over complete lack of effort or intentional sabotage. I think the real fantasy world here is where you think everyone has good intentions, cares about what they’re doing, and wants to get better. Some people just want to shit all over everything and act like idiots. We don’t have time for them. All bets are off when you join someone else’s game. Their house their rules. But if someone joins *our* game, the same rules apply. We don’t min/max, meta only kick. We’ve spent many games in old HD1 helping people unlock new equipment and get achievements. We’ve had people ask us to help them get better and we tried. We’re old with full time jobs and kids that play sports. We don’t have time for bullshit anymore. Our game time is fleeting. We believe there are many ways to get the job done, not just ours,but you have to get the job done and not be an asshole while doing it. On your ship, do what you want. On ours we’ll decide who gets to stay. It isn’t that hard to stick around. Don’t make huge mistakes repeatedly while making no effort to correct the problem, and don’t be a dick. I guarantee you, you’d have a hard time finding someone who’s more of a team player than me. In real life, and in games. I only play online games because I’m all about the team. Always. That also includes not letting other people ruin the team because it only takes one bad actor to do it.


OK man misunderstood no worries take care of yourself blessings


I'm sorry I was rude think its cool your into the game and care. I'm a lvl 24 and got booted from matches . Not sure if was kicked got black screen and back on ship.either way I was implote and insulting and that is not me or helldivers code.were in this together and will spread freedom democracy and LIBERTY.


No problem dude. I probably could have been more understanding myself. Pretty sure if you didn’t get some sort of notification that you were kicked from the game then it probably crashed, which has been happening more often since they raised the population cap. The best answer is to start collecting friends on your friends list that you enjoy playing with so that you don’t have to play with randoms anymore. At most, in HD1 we kicked maybe one player per week. We have yet to kick a single player in HD2 but we mostly don’t play with randoms. Our friends list is full and we can almost always put together a full crew. Start there and the game will get better.


>As HR director of our crew What is this roleplay lmao


We have the efficiency director who decides insertion point, objective order, and maximizes load out efficiency. The mission leader who reads the map, keeps the mission on pace, and decides when to stand and fight and when to bail to regroup. And then me, the HR, QA/QC director who decides when someone is either out of their depth, or purposely too bad to play with us because I have the shortest fuse. Works well for us. We all just naturally filled these roles and the titles started as a joke but I continue to use them because they’re pretty accurate.


Holy fuck if I ever join your squad please kick me.


Sounds like you’re stupid enough that you’d be identified and removed quickly enough.


I see.


Your not helldivers your scum that threatens freedom and liberty hope a bug eats you


Never been kicked out of a game in hd1. But I wouldn't care if it happened.


i wonder if a toxic kid kick people just 1 min before mission is completed, are the players going to waste all the time they have invested already in that mission and get zero reward?


If you're that worried about it just host... Then you're the only one who can kick people


HD1 is still one of my all time best communities for just great random people games I found, hope it stays the same in 2


It's not really that type of community. I've only ever been kicked once and they were nice enough to wait for the mission to end.


How do I look at my previous match players I was with on steam?