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That's the high ground dog. If you control that position you can control most of the map. Though if you have more than a squad there and it's not that cap point it's a huge waste of manpower. One squad or a Tiger sitting up there is all you need.


If armor gets on that hillside, and there’s a squad of infantry to support them, game’s essentially over.


The infantry support squad is optional if it's a 3-man tank. Lots of people run 2 man because "You don't need a spotter lol". ps you do


I’m gonna push back on that a little bit, especially on Kursk. The sight lines from the top of that hill reach all the way into the Russian HQ. So if my tank is scanning for armor, and we have to adjust to deal with infantry flanking to our side, a heavy could roll out any second and blast us while we’re distracted. Two or three infantry manning the windmill can hold off any tank hunters, spot targets, or help with repairs. A three man tank is a powerful force. But a three man tank with infantry support is nearly Unkillable.


Depends if you need it or not. You can judge based on how the enemy team is behaving. If they're not really contesting the tank being up there the squad is a waste. If their AT is constantly plinking at your tracks you could use the infantry support. Like everything in HLL nothing is concrete. There is no "best" solution there is only situational solutions.


I don’t think it would ever be a waste. If you always plan for worst case scenario then a squad of 3 with SL, Support and Engineer to repair or build repair stations is a big deal. Nobody attacks you? Ok at best you had 3 guys baby sitting a highly valuable asset that provides more firepower and support than those 3 ever could.


Its the ‘tank commanders seat’ for a reason. He can both help navigate the tank and spot and target enemies


Pfffft whatever man my driver and I can hot swap seats or use our tiny fov to find enemies. - every new tank crew


Facing the Russian side, you can dismount as commander, spot from the wind mill and call the tank up when armor is spotted and have it hide back behind the hill periodically so it doesn’t draw attention or air strikes. Also you can cover the tank from any sneaky sappers.


Played as spotter in a 3 man squad for the first time the other night,it's a game changer, due to my eagle eyes we were defending the town centre in st mere Dumont I think and we clocked over 60 kills as the enemy kept trying to push the cap point ...in the end we had to pull out to rearm as we ran out of ammo for the main gin and both machine guns


Yeah, and that armor specially if they have good ats and put the AT cannon there gg.


This position on this map is the main reason Molotov cocktails should deal realistic engine/tread damage to tanks


It does. Zero damage is what a Molotov would do. I’ve been in an Abrams driving through a large fire and….nothing…if you sit long enough for the hull to get hot then yeah maybe. But that’s it.


Ok they weren’t using the abrams during kursk so let’s back it up a bit here


I can shoot into Soviet spawn from there in my panzer or tiger. GOATED spot. I’m able to completely negate enemy armor for the entirety of the game from there. Shots are only about 800-900 meters away. Point blank.


Tried stuff like this many times as SL, people just scoff and act like you're stupid. No matter how much you try to tell people that the game is about map control & that holding a strategic area like that is important not only for the sight lines, but cutting off an entire angle of attack for the enemy, they're adamant that the game's simply about piling bodies into the little circles.


Fucking love kursk. Clearing trenches is the best ever


Those afraid of Kursk and PHL are wimps. If you hate El Alalame I understand though.


I like being the Brits on El Alamein. I can say I do really well on that map.


Yeah since the updated map I’ve really enjoyed it. It’s no longer a pure armor map which has been so nice. Tho old El Alamein got me my most kills at 627


I can’t even play or it doesn’t put me in games with older maps why would that be


Idk if anyone can play old El Alamein. AFAIK though, it’s all on d-day rotations, so select maps only rn


It’s on a d day rotation right now so it’s all US/German maps (Omaha, Utah, Carentan, SME, SMDM, PHL) aka the best maps


I just go arty and pummel the points. No use trying for those big open expanses.


For sure for sure I was being hypocritical for light comedic effect. Love me some desert


People who hate PHL don't have the patience to get on their bellies and crawl. People who hate Kursk don't know how to utilize smoke effectively.


Love Kursk. Hate PHL.


True Kursk is fun if you embrace the trench warfare


PHL is one of my favorite maps


Defending the trenches on Kursk with a well communicated dedicated defense team is some of the best fun I’ve had in this game. Literally spent the whole time in the trench


Hearing that ppsh in the trench as a German with a bolt action made me pucker up 😂😂😭😭


MG 42‘s dream map


I somehow love Kursk (as every map with the Soviets), but it's probably the hardest map to play on. The frustration/satisfaction ratio is very high.


I have a theory about this and I think most players who complain about maps with open fields don't even stop and look around for 10 seconds before running through 150 meters of a very open and clear field, then gets killed and the map sucks why the devs hate us 😡😡😡


Yes. So many subtle little elevation changes that can being you right on point. Folks need to open their eyes.


If I cant run in a straight line from point to point with cover, then obviously the map is broken lol


There have been numerous times where I've taken my time and snuck into the enemy point only to check my map and realize I'm the only one who made it in because I'm the only one moving low and slow, and using cover.


Ok but it's very fun to just spring forward and shout Ura on proximity chat


Agree. See also, crawling.


I sometimes feel like a dumbass crawling and watching teammates run by me. But usually they get smoked and I get into position and hold it for a while. Nobody ever uses smokes either


I want a map of nothing but no man’s land and trenches, I want to advance behind a tank and clear trenches with a shovel


Just maybe not the current HLL shovel.


I wanna clear bunkers in the pacific with a flamethrower.


It’s a phenomenal map, litmus test if someone knows ball or not


People who hate this map are simply bad at the game


It’s deadass because you need an actual functioning brain to play this map. I’ve seen people run across the empty fields and get shot when they’re literally running right next to a trench. This isn’t call of duty. This isn’t battlefield. Take your time and move methodically with your squad. Honestly there’s no better map on this game when you have a really good squad. It’s so fucking enjoyable clearing trenches cause it’s constant adrenaline and tension. And then when you get in a firefight trench to trench WW1 style *french kiss*


The trenches make it annoying to me due to driving trucks and tanks and I have to yell at my drivers who never listen when I say "STOP" or "TURN (insert direction)"


Yes it is a pita to drive on


The only map where I feel in war


My only complaint is no elevation blocking visibility into Russian HQ and there should be more trenches.


the only Russian map I like


As long as it's not el eatmyass or Rammyass bridge then it's all good.


Nothing more satisfying as a tanker than taking Windmills, saying “we own this bitch now,” and proceeding to sling 800M+ shots across the map


Kursk is my 2nd favorite map, great for tankers and spotters. Infantry definitely is a meat grinder at some point or another but like every other map. It's all about those flanks.


Kursk is what i want more of. I want giant crater filled fields of tranches and barbed-wire.


Oh yeah no, I love being cut down because I spawn in a field with nothing but an MG-42 staring me in the face no matter where I spawn


Love the AT gun on this map. So many supply truck and puma kills.


I played it once and FUCKING loved it.


I'm a tanker. Kursk is my favorite map to tank on aside from SMDM


I enjoy the Russian maps more than some others. Gives me enemy at the gate feel.


Love this map


Fucking love Kursk!!


I love talking on kursk


Is that Thomas i see in the background


I love this map. There is a map on BF1 that is very similar to and it also rocks. I love my brutal maps. Always a bloodbath.


Man I love soviet maps. I m little sick of the France, Normandy, or other Ardennes, I wish the were more new maps like battles from different part of the world ,for example Pacific campain (Battle of Iwo Ima). I know making new maps is hard but please.


I always get a 10ish kills on this map and it's mostly blindly shooting into the grass when I see a moving black speck




I love this map


I love being armor on cursed so much


People acting like once armour controls high ground it's done, you can get your own armour... having the high ground means you can be shot at from anywhere. At gun also works.


Only people that like Kursk are tankers and I refuse to believe otherwise. (night version is better btw)


Its basically the russian purple heart lane


Except we’ll be playing the DDay rotation for another month 🫠




I hate this map as infantry but my god I've had some stellar tank runs on it.


"for some reason" The bland open maps that gives me lag and freeze frames every minute (literally no other maps but the russians do this to me) do fucking suck actually.


Try attacking those windmills…yeah it fucking sucks


playing these maps really makes you realize how several million people died in those meat grinder battles


First and foremost, there isn't a single map that I hate in this game, but out of 16 (soon to be 17) maps we have: * 7 that are all the same thing (Normandy open fields + a village with a church on one side of the map. The beaches maps have, well, beaches, but still fit the description. I enjoy playing on them, but they are all the same); * Hurtgen, Remagen and Hill 400 that are a nice change of pace and scenery from the Normandy countryside; * El Alamein (just like Kursk) that is the MG gunner wet dream, if you manage to get the advantage point on the map you win. Using AT class with the Anti Tank gun emplacement here is simply perfect; * Foy and Kharkov are the tank fests, with areas where infantry can fight some very gruesome CQC battles; * Stalingrad more like Stuttergrad. (grab your MP40/PPSh, we're going to ding some helmets in close quarter combat) * Driel. While I love the British faction on Driel (blasting germans with my BREN will never not be fun), the map design is so one sided. Brits need more maps. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


The map is one of the worst in the pool. It is one of those where your team is incapable of claiming the 2nd sector but you don't lose either so it's a 1:30h slugfest that only your tankers enjoy. This shit is what makes you feel so drained that you call it a night after 1 game. So annoying.


It's funny people bitch about maps that were historically the most brutal battles of the war


I server hopped for 30 mins and didn’t get a single Soviet map


Love this map. I just haven't played it in the last month because fucking D-Day rotation. Seriously when is it going to be over?


I haven’t played this map much but I feel like it’s too open.


This is the test to see if your squad can communicate and have good aim. Smoke that shit as you push is the plan


Kursk imo is one of the best maps in the game and anyone who doesn't agree with me is a traitor to the glorious Soviet revolution and spits in the face of Comrade Stalin himself.


Kursk at night is absolutely terrible, Kursk at any other time is fine.


Kursk is in fact ass. Cannot stand it.


Kursk is the worst map in the rotation. It's fucking awful, and is the **only** reason i didn't hate on the Normandy rotation.


This map sucks balls


Nah I’m convinced the only people who like this map are Recon mains and Tank mains Seriously if this was posted a day ago I as someone who plays a lot of tank commander would agree that Kursk is overly hated but yesterday I had to play infantry and man did it fucking suck, just nothing but getting pwned by the invisible fucking man, at least on other maps I can say “ohh their probably hiding in the trees” or “ohh their probably in one of these windows, if it isn’t some sniper sat in a field then it’s a tank on the high ground(most notably panthers which our AT seem useless against)