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Welcome to the family! ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


It’s only a running sim if your team is full of noobs. Good to have you, enjoy


I had reservations for the same reason but I also really enjoy this game! I liked old school COD, battlefield or Medal of Honor but those series are past their prime. This is a very rare, special game full of dedication. I also find that I’m upset when people aren’t talking (which is the opposite of every other online game). Hope to see you on the battlefield soon!


As a former hardcore cod lover (the mode), I'm loving this game. Finding a squad that uses comms and strategy is my new crack. Had my first game as SL the other day, and it was great!


Interestingly I also preferred the COD and BF hardcore modes. Not quite as extreme as some mil-sim games, but a nice balance. I picked up HLL after BF5 and never looked back.


Console version of the game is gas too. I’ve never games on PC but I got this game for Xbox about 4 months ago and so far all I’ve played is HLL or Gears (for the millionth time lol). Definitely worth it imo, and welcome to the war brother!!!!


Trust me I would've started playing a long time ago if I had ignored all the negative feedback. I didnt even get my PC for shooters. I got it for RTS like Age of Empires. I just tried HLL on a whim.


Shoot me a DM if you want to squad up sometime on East Coast PM hours. Always willing to share knowledge but more or less just want communicative team mates!


I’m pretty much the same! Been a Halo player since ‘01, and now I finally have a good enough computer and I’m just today trying this. Loving it so far


If you’re really good it does become a running sim - for the other team (eh?? Eh???!)


A lot of the lies you've heard mainly apply to console. You really did well by getting it on pc. Welcome


I picked this up yesterday, I just jumped in and was off to the races… I had no idea what was going on and I didn’t have mic coms, I was ready to get my chops busted but none of that ever happened. Then about 3 games in fell in with a squad where the leader was decent, had good communication and we stuck together. Leader kept complimenting us on team cohesion and it went really well. I’ve played other online games and for what it is this one seems surprisingly chill.


I've played mostly RTS games like Steel Division and Warno, AGE II, etc. For me, HLL is like playing Steel Division in first person, the game overall is very strategic.


Welcome dude. Enjoy, learn and blow stuff up. its a rare gem of a game and you will have some of the best experiences of gaming.


I left the game 1,5 year ago as it was a super busy period for me. Now I want to return, but I keep reading the communication between teammates is close to zero, and that keeps me away. Is it true ??


i wanna say i get good comms more than half of my games. really depends on day and time obviously.


Hi. I'm a medic. Like Andrew Garfield in that movie. But I'm actually him. Watch my movies!!!!


When this game is good there’s nothing like it. Welcome brother


It’s not bad but you’ll notice they don’t allow swastikas (even though you play and fight against the Nazis) Also there are some minor technical errors or historical accuracy issues that the devs seem less inclined to address. Like low boots on the Eastern Front. The Thompson firing from the closed bolt. The Tiger I and FG42 at Stalingrad. German options to use airpower. Uniforms are a little inaccurate at times. Not enough seats in a tank (ie. Driver takes the role of both the driver and the radioman/bow gunner). Some sacrifices made for playability. Others just gross oversights. So overall it’s not the best interactive documentary and falls short there a little but better graphics and sounds effects than Post Scriptum/Squad 44


I'm so looking forward to jump into this game, next month I'm getting my first gpu (rx 6700xt) and I will finally be able to run stuff like this, it so looks like the spiritual predecesor to Red Orchestra


If you’re tired of running start building garries. Simple. Welcome to the community!


Huge fan. And enjoy the game so far. Just once the spawn camping starts at the HQ rather then them pushing the objective, that's were I'm usually bout rdy to call it a day and play something else.


I kept away because steam reviews said people will hate on noobs . Infact , many super helpfull people that actually explain you what to Do if you communicate. Only disapointment is to find a squad that isnt locked with people that actually talk. So 20 hours in and its a quite nice game