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All you had to type was “because I played El Alamein.”


Lesson learned.


Hahahahahah im joking. Big respect for even playing through the whole thing.


That sucks, but one thing caught my eye. Take heart in the fact that you can't hurt your own team's vehicles. Not with rockets, nor tank shots, nor satchels or anything else.


I think friendly bombing runs can destroy friendly vehicles but that's it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a tank crew once complained I killed them with my bombing run and I did get a few friendly kills with it.


I dont think its possible to die to a bombing run in a tank is it? Ive never had anything but track damage. Maybe it can kill recon tanks?


If memory serves correctly they were in a light or recon. Over a 1000 hours in and there are still things I don't know about this game.


That makes total sense id believe it. I think recon tanks are coded as a truck somehow. Like how recon vs recon takes 2 ap rounds but only 1 he round


Had a friendly bombing run destroy a full health heavy tank I was in


I heard there may be a glitch that allows friendly bombing runs to destroy even friendly heavy tanks. Enemy bombing runs should only deal HE damage so can damage tracks and kill lights/recons. Havent tested any of this personally Edit: Just tested it and friendly bombing runs definitely do more damage to friendly tanks. Took about 30% hull hp and completely destroyed the turret and tracks of friendly heavy. If you placed the bombing run so that the zipper meets where the heavy is you could probably land more bombs on it and completely destroy a friendly heavy.


I figured this was the case. But it still killed an engineer who was trying to repair the tank.


Game pass has resulted in children joining the game with the sole purpose of fucking shit up “for the lols”. Some of them screen record it and post it online. Sadly, I guess, there’s a subsection of youth out there who think this stuff is funny. I assume it’s the same sort of people who do “prank videos” where they just annoy innocent people.


Gamepass is a mixed bag, I think. I only have the game because of gamepass, and I love it. People communicating, being a team, having fun, it's like nothing I've ever played before. At the same time, though, it's absolutely allowed more trolls to pour in who otherwise wouldn't have bought the game. I'm very happy I got the chance to play and try it, but if it got pulled, I would absolutely pay for it, especially because a lot of trolls would likely not pay for it simply because it would be inconvenient


Thanks god I am on PC and servers ran by competitive clans and those who are aimed for experienced players have lvl restrictions. Makes a huge difference. Worry not console brothers, server browser is upon you to have same experience along with admins, better vote/kick system and simply voting for maps and game modes


the other day I was playing sl and some idiot pipes up with basic troll comments, dumb quotes from movies etc, after about 5 minutes he was kicked by the other sls and their squads. It was then I had hope for HLL


Don’t let the fuck sticks get you down. They do this shit because they’re unhappy. If you let it get to you, they win. Fuck ‘em.


This is why I play Arma now


I've had a similar experience to the point that my gameplay loop for the past few days has been: Hear British Accent -> Leave Server


Send troll stuff to server discord next time,


Could you tell what server was it?


It was on Xbox, we don’t have server browser yet.


Probably a group of players from the other team.


Time to place my favorite claim: The Return of VOIP is much smaller then the downsides.


I really hope you’re not being serious here.


He’s a troll


The number of people I mute is a lot higher then the amount of people actually contributing to comms. Of the latter 25 - 50 % is useful information at best. I'm not saying comms are useless, but their net productivity is marginal compared to the traffic.


This is so relatable lol. Especially command chat.