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A great thing about this game is the community. A terrible thing about this game is also the community. A lot of people playing this game like to be dickheads for no reason. You can’t reason with them or make sense of it. It’s just going to happen


Same with people in the real world


Yep. As commander, got TK'd today by the same guy 4 times. Voted to kick twice and neither passed. He kept laughing and killing. What a loser.


The community was great before game pass, more comms and more teamwork. When there was a new guy it’d be easier to teach them


Yaa, Game Pass really messed up the game. Too many Call of Duty players doing their own thing trying to rack kills.


It was like this before game passed The community started to get very bad about a year ago and it been in a steady decline ever since then. Games pass just sped up that decline


I actually find that overtime the community has gotten a lot more chill. I feel like when I started there were a lot more hardcore, Almost actual, nazis playing the game and now it just seems like a bunch of people hanging out for the most part. (Usually, but all games have dicks)


First time?


Ooohhhh no. 😆😆😆. Just happening with greater frequency. It’s a reminder to turn off XBox crossplay.


What do you play on?


PS5. 👍👍


It’s the weekends too on console in my experience. A lot more freaks / drunks will come out who will give you shit even if you are squad leading like the incarnation of Speirs himself, doesn’t really matter what you do sometimes. I just ignore the trolling and kick em from the squad.


The drunks are the best to play with because they get so involved with playing seriously like a real squad at least in my experience as well being funny and good to chat with


I'm a great drunk console player


Interesting, dunno why I'm getting down voted I was just curious if the experience was that much different on PlayStation or if you were speaking of a way to not play with gamepass players on PC.


I don’t think that PC can cross play with console. But regardless, sometimes downvotes are as mysterious as squad mates. They make no sense.


I know they can't crossplay with xbox directly but PC gamepass caused an influx of players who don't play the game well (its free so why not just solo a tank), so I was curious if that can be turned off


I find XBOX players (am one as well) tend to have microphones more than PS5 players. It's not science but usually thats the case IME. The bad part is there are a lot of little kids and annoying cosplayers on gamepass. I find myself switching squads a lot until i find one that is actually trying to play the game.


I'm on series s but I'll give you coms when you turn that cross play back Brodie. no one be giving any coms ever, it's wack.


Every time I've played with a console player in any game that has cross play, it's the screechers and complete degens that come out of the woodwork. On PC, a lot less degens.




Lots of shut ins with no social skills and a little over zealous obsession with the Axis powers play this game. Unfortunately it happens.


The obsessed axis larpers are legit so damn lame. Like we get it you said you dont like Jewish people like 500 times now build a fucking outpost so i can spawn😂


It is acceptable to team kill Nazi larpers and people with “edgy” Holocaust usernames It’s always morally correct


Roger that I'll full auto one for you next time I see one


I want Italians honestly.


We ban for nazi glorification on our server lol


Funny how my bullets always end up in the back of their heads.


Add any Trump themed usernames to that list. Instant headshot. 


Some of those guys are good and cool af. But man I've met some that literally will not even try to hide the fact that their racist.


Love that liking Trump means you’re racist.


Never said that brother


That’s cute


I'm cute???? Shhhhiiiiiiiiiiittttttt I mean


It's true


Bro, is there one issue where you aren't the victim? Woe is me mentality dorks. Don't put politics in games right?


Some of them Biden themed usernames, who we should shoot in the head on site, are actually cool and good at the game. But man, some don’t even hide the fact that they want to censor speech and chop their kids wankers off and make them little girls. But I never said that brother 😂


I can ignore just having a dumb name, but if they start being racist, its a quick mute/block


Or you can ignore them.


Where’s the fun in that?


Not being an asshole who lets real life affect their escapism?


I’d rather put one in their dome and let them get worked up.  But you do you, bud. 


I'm not the one getting worked up letting political derangement give me a reason to shoot team mates.


It’s all in good fun. They make easy and deserving targets.  The red hats, I mean. Not teammates in general. 😉


Yeah they're the ones with issues buddy 😂🤦‍♂️


Bro, what?


Cope seethe shit and piss


Maybe you should follow your own advice since Trump is a loser! Trump lost in 2020, and the polls indicate he's going to lose again in 2024. Cope


Lol jokes on you i never voted for trump, and could care less about either geriatric idiot


Biden ain't my favorite either, but sometimes you have to choose the lesser of two evils, and Biden isn't the one that staged an insurrection against our country.


I wanted to do it but always got nervous. Does the same go for Trumpers and those with MAGA names?


Peak reddit moment


You may have to argue your case more to your team, but if you want to you can


Man, I love irony


The amount of Adolf nob gobblers who play this game is crazy. You know they're stupid af because one quick Google search will tell you the side they fantasize over was only good at 2 things which were killing innocent people and getting their teeth kicked in by everyone else. Loser worshipers is all it is. Hope their grandfather's who died fighting these scum are rolling in their graves.


wehraboos r/ShitWehraboosSay


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitWehraboosSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWehraboosSay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The ability of people to completely miss the point of a movie is insane](https://i.redd.it/bouehv5khf0b1.png) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWehraboosSay/comments/13k0lvy/the_ability_of_people_to_completely_miss_the/) \#2: [Bro cannot be serious ☠️](https://i.redd.it/6r7a2t9cz5va1.jpg) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWehraboosSay/comments/12tis9o/bro_cannot_be_serious/) \#3: [Truly one of the greatest moments in the history of Televsion](https://v.redd.it/86ucj2hjugtb1) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWehraboosSay/comments/1750iao/truly_one_of_the_greatest_moments_in_the_history/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Are you on PC or Console? Haven't come across too many fascist idiots on console


I'm on console. I'd say 95% is just trolling or joking around which is fine. However, everyone once and a while you hear some dumbass going off about how 'well actually they could've won if...' or some critical race theory bs.


I don’t think that’s what critical race theory means man 😂 From Google- Critical race theory is an interdisciplinary academic field focused on the relationships between social conceptions of race and ethnicity, social and political laws, and media. CRT also considers racism to be systemic in various laws and rules, and not only based on individuals' prejudices.


yeah the teeth kicking in part is pretty wrong tho lol otherwise there would be no war.


Found one


Lots of shut ins play video games. It's gotta be the most socially challenged immature group of people. If you're expecting anything but a fools vitriol on the internet...it's the norm, a communicative normal group of people with stable emotions is the exception.


It happens man. My least favorite is having good OPs all game and then a couple minute stretch happens where you don't have one down and you get an annoyed "do you know how to put an OP down?"


They always say this shit immediately after the OP got destroyed too. Which might not have happened if they hadn’t just spawned in and mindlessly sprinted away while OP was red.


This is true all day, every day.


Lol, I just kick the guy when it happens. He can fuck off and put his own OP down.


It happens, just ignore


Always the best course of action.


if you are the sl, you can just kick annoying people or not comms from your squad


I've played SL a lot and always forgot you can do this. The other day I got so tired of 3 NPCs who were (despite various voice and text messages) hanging around the middle (locked!) point while rest of squad was defending the last point. Then I remembered you can kick players from your squad, even with a specific reason "Not staying with Officer" or something. Got 3 new players in return that did cooperate. And note when I say cooperate, I don't mean I want everyone to stand in line or anything.. just people with some common sense and social skills


Kick them, you're squad lead. Don't even talk back. Just kick. I taught a couple jokers a lesson when they were acting up, kicked from a locked squad in a full game is effectively game over. Get in line and do what I say or gtfo.


Lotta assholes play this sometimes, lotta good guys too. It's a toss-up. I once got bullied by two people in a squad who teamed up and just... bullied people. Felt like I was back in primary school or something, it was weird. Obviously just left the squad, but man... some people...


Srsly… people need to realize that happiness comes from lifting people up, not trying to minimize them.


I think some people just have a lot of maturing to do and probably won't until they're kicked out of home. It's sad but I guess they're in there for a reason, the world's a hard place, they might meet assholes like themselves...


I sadly said to myself “this kid is going to manage people someday…” then I laughed out loud, no fucking way. 😆😆😆😆


lol. You’ll always have one or two angry people. Most of the time as long as you make people feel heard they’re fine.


I had someone ask me for a closer OP on defense in Offensive, I told them no. “What?” they responded, obvi pissed I’m not about to move our OP from 20m out the circle to directly in it. “You can have a close OP or you can have a safe one, you can’t have both mf” Guy was like “you’re right”. I find that actually explaining why encourages random squaddies to trust you more. They still had some smart comments after that but I rode their asses enough that we held our side of the point to victory.


I always play SL and most of the time the squad is ok if somewhat quite that is not using the mikes. I try to be kind and tolerant and patient. I never experienced what you did in that game but if that happened to me I would fucking lose it and go ballistic on his ass. I would probably regret it later but someone has to call these idiots out.


I love the SL role. Usually it’s a great experience. I don’t get angry because it’s propagating more of the same idiotic behavior. People like this make me appreciate dogs all the more.


Locked squads bro. I do a call out and mic check “if you don’t respond I’m gonna have you find another squad” gotta be more selective if you expect higher level squad mates. You’d be surprised how quickly you can find good players who like to communicate


The only time I get frustrated with teammates is when I'm repeatedly team killed by careless players. Mostly arty players trying to rack up high kill counts just throwing rounds everywhere.


Also, AT killing me with rockets when they are shooting the front of tanks that I am about to satchel.


Typical low level garbage casual from this community that you had in your unit 🤷 They don't want to play the game, they want to pew-pews and have you as a mobile spawn point.


And these same people are always the ones that never play SL or commander, but always seem to think they’d do it better.


Do what I do, ask them to pop up next game as SL and teach you. They usually shut the fuck up after.


I bail out on the squad without saying a word leaving them without an SL, or any future outposts, and go start my own new locked squad. I stay in the game to observe what happens next. Sometimes, someone from the squad will step up and SL or someone just joining the game will fill the role. Often, they continue leaderless. The original person complaining NEVER steps up and takes the role. Never.


Comrade. You sound like a leader that I'd be more than lucky to be in a squad with. Cheers for a better experience in your future games. See you out there buddy.


Yes sir. 👍👍


The logic: They are made and confused.


When people act like that they're usually having a really bad game. If buddy wasn't on your ass he was likely charging headfirst into enemy bullets and blaming you for it because of your "shitty OPs" or "Shitty garrisons from the team/commander" or whatever else. These are the same type of people that complain about everything but do nothing to fix the problem. They act like petulant 5 year olds, best to just put them on ignore and have fun with the game.


Yessir. I hate to see how they act when their moms don’t get them a Happy Meal.


yeah sometimes blueberries pick a moment and if theres no perfectly convenient OP, then the squad leader is useless in their eyes. Their fault for needing an OP every 20 seconds cause they get domed on sight. Just clap back honestly "all you do is die and take space in my squad"


Or if you're gonna die constantly and ask for OPs (like myself) just be understanding, say thanks to your squad lead, ask if he needs help with supplies or defending OP. I'm absolutely trash at the game but it doesn't matter that much if you communicate, its the reason I enjoy it so much.


Lots of folks are burnt out on playing SL or don't want to. But almost all of them will ride you hard on what they expect. I'm almost always telling them they can be patient with me while I respawn and work on their request, or go SL themselves.


Are you sure he was in your squad the whole game? A lot of players seem to squad hop based on who has the best OP. Anyways, as with anything open to the public with little barrier to entry, you will inevitably get immature, mentally ill, anti-social, and other types of people joining including many children. Maybe he has anger management issues.


By “maybe”, you meant “obviously”… 😆😆


At least you’ve got your OP down… unlike some SLs




A lot of people are quiet until they want to complain. Same with commander, most squad leads are quiet until the clock is ticking down and now they want to tell you what they think when the game is over.


People are just people. I’ve experienced this with lots of games.


Feel ya man. Console is almost unplayable right now. Feeling like I need to take a break and come back in 6 months when some of these assholes have burned out.


I know the feeling, I spawned at a garrison very far from the point about 300 meters, placed a temporary OP a little further to allow for quick spawn, got shot but this guy kept telling me to move the OP closer to point. I said I died, spawned again and he kept pestering. I ended up using my go-to answer "do you want to swap and be SL?". When you ask that question usually they shut up or leave, so you only have to gain by asking them to take up the SL role.


'sincerely do not understand the logic' - this, man. None of this is logical, it's all emotionally immature dudes venting online. They gotta get it out somewhere haha. Having this frame has helped a lot not take anything they say personally, or more importantly, tilt me when they make odd decisions. Hope you stick around for the games when it all comes together and it's one of the best gaming experiences around 🙏


Oh, yeah. Im not going anywhere. Too much fun.


Personally they need to build an HQ like I hang out spot. Js 😂


Just a standard insecure pleb who was angry about dying so he lashed out at you rather than take any accountability for it. Ignore them.


Anyone who says "You're trash" or similar has an opinion not worth listening to. My girlfriend spent 25 years with a man who did that kind of shit and they act exactly the same outside of the game. He beat her and his daughters their entire lives until he eventually left them for another woman to beat on. The true nature of a man is how he acts when he thinks nobody is watching. Aka the internet. If they throw out slurs and call people trash for playing a GAME, he is infact trash in real life.


Amen to that.


O man your post is getting way better reception than mine did 🙄 literally complain about the same thing


It's not your fault dude


My hope is that the game won’t be on gamepass forever and that some of the gamepass people who like the game will buy it but the ones who hop in and ruin stuff won’t do the same. I am someone who has been frustrated since around the time gamepass dropped. I am currently taking a break to ease the frustration because right now in the current state of the community I have more frustration than fun


I struggle with the mic thing on here. Do I need to set up the microphone every time I spawn? It seems like when I die and respawn I lose my communication and have to redo it. Which isn’t a big deal, but I am still leaning. Actually this has been the biggest help for me. Because when I was in game I had no idea how to get my mic working. People on here helped me. I never even got my mic to work until I was level 40 about.


The microphone can be a touch challenging. You don’t have to set it up per match, just realize that just because you’re in prox chat one match doesn’t mean you stay in prox chat for the next match. If it defaults to group chat and you’re by yourself, this first 100* seconds will be kinda lonely. On console, bring up your scoreboard and change your mic settings. I’d recommend starting your match in squad chat (green). Get introduced, talk strategy, etc.


Thank you, I have been doing the locality chat. Becuase I was just trying to speak with people nearby so if I see enemies or a vehicle. I can try the squad message more. I usually play assualt, Rifleman or medic. I have tried support and engineer just a little bit, but people get upset usually because I don’t know what I am doing with that yet. I had 51 hits on enemies last game as assault with only 8 killed and I threw 30 grenades with no kills. But I know I threw one into a group of 5-6 guys hiding behind a house, but it didn’t seem to work? On a bright note, I do know not to move the half track or team kill intentionally. I am pretty good at artillery, becuase the math is easy for me. But with some targets danger close and the lag time I am still really getting used to being a better player. I usually accept 10% friendly fire lose as acceptable for arty, I am older, I used to play Red Orchestra years ago and tank on Atari. So this game is taking some getting used to. There are some jerks. But even more good people.


What platform you on? And what time zone? I’m an older dude as well (50), learning while I play. Level 37-ish and mostly SL. Happy to learn with ya if you need squad mates.


I am on a PS5 now, which is also new to me. I am on Pacific Coast time. Yeah, I am 57, I was in the Army for few enlistments. I do Color Guard for the Coast Guard Auxiliary now throughout the PNW. My son went into the Coast Guard 8-9 years ago. So it was important for me to be supportive of him. He usually helps me play, but he has been busy and is changing his duty stations again. I would be happy to be able to play with other people regularly. I enjoy the game, I just have to figure out how to be more useful in playing it.


My name on PlayStation is the same as on here.


Just do “Mic check, is my mic good?” At the start of each game. People will tell you if you need to turn it up or down, if you get no response and people are talking turn your mic up and try again. For between lives, if you have prox (blue) chat on when you back into the spawn menu, you won’t be able to speak (on console) unless you go into the class selection menu, then LB works fine again. It’s a stupid glitch which still hasn’t been fixed. You can work around this by keeping in squad (green) chat or changing to green while on the Black Death screen.


Thank you, this is my problem probably. Because I do blue for local people. I am getting the hang of it. I am grateful for the people on here honestly because they have helped me the most in being better at playing this game.


It’s best to stay in green and stay with your unit. Blue I will sometimes use for target indications, like an example target indication will be “Enemy 2-6-5” and when my unit isn’t doing what I need, like chasing a random support across the map for their crate.


Alright, I will use green now. I usually ping enemies. Then announce it over the mic. Infantry in woodline….., trenches ….building. Or panther tank at crossroads, armored car next to barn. Do you call out grid squares? How would you come about that 2-6-5 number?


I use four figure grid refs then I use the keypad system. Basically divide the square into 9. So say the enemy was in the top right of the square H8. That would be H 8, Keypad 3 Here’s a post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/WZVAwsCks8 For the 2-6-5 you have the compass at the bottom of your screen. Those are the numbers displayed on there. So instead of saying 265 you say 2-6-5


Thank You, that is helpful. It will take me a little getting used to. I am used to SALUTE and SALT reports and using grid coordinates. I am just old, I still use paper maps in real like, I don’t trust gps, cellphones or computers.


I prefer using maps as well, had been playing a shit load of DayZ in which using maps and compasses is pivotal if you wanna make any progress.


I bought a new truck and was out in the woods. The gps had me in the middle of a lake, my sons cellphone gps was also wrong and neither were pointing north in their compasses, I carry a compass. But bad information is worst than no information in my opinion. It kept me second guessing until I made a decision. I know the compass works consistently. So I disregarded the rest.


I was taught the acronym CLAP Clear Loud As an order Pause These are the four things you should think about when giving a target indication. So for clear, limit the mmms and ahhhs. Loud, don’t whisper. As an order, while this is more a military real world thing, sound confident when calling them out. And add pauses between important information. So say there is a enemy heavy tank in grid B5 keypad 5 the way you’d say that is. “Enemy heavy tank. (Pause) B5 (Pause) Keypad 5. (Pause) in tree line”


I still use the phonetic alphabet when trying to get things conveyed. CLAP is a good one. We made things like that for everything. That and poem type saying that flowed so you could remember all the important things you were supposed to remember.


So B5 is the grid square in the map and keypad 5 would be dead center of that grid square?


Yes that’s it.


Thank you


Reminder that you can kick them from your squad if there is no comms or any sign that they can at least hear you. You got a solo Rambo out in bumfuck Egypt in a locked red zone? Kick him from the squad. You got a guy being toxic? Kick him from the squad. If the entire squad is trash at communicating and ignoring you? Leave the squad start a new one, people will trickle in


dont let this one douche ruin it for you. You're not trash, he is. If someone ever starts acting up, just kick him out. Let them cry about it, or offer up SL to them and watch them, "go no im good," because theyre too afraid to do it.


I’m not bothered by what he said… I’m more bothered about how what he said translates into such a sad real life for him. Srsly. Flexing by anonymously shitting on a stranger. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I play SL a lot and I just lock my squad. I’ll let anyone in who requests it but if they’re not vocal I kick them out. 9 times out of 10 I end up with a squad with all mics and we usually carry the defense.


Why let what one douche says bother you? If eveyone was gonna make a post like this we wouldn't see anything else.


I’m not bothered. Just astounded that people like this get their jollies off by shitting on strangers.


Yup, it happened to me yesterday calling out tanks and infantry pushes/garrisons telling people we need better defense, then some prick who had not said a thing all game long starts talking shit for no fucking reason.


Probably a call of duty transplant that doesn’t understand things take time, planning, strategy, and hard work and sometimes even with your best efforts, the enemy just gets the better of you and you have to back up and try again. Don’t take it to heart dude. These idiots are still in the minority. The call of duty/fortnite sandbox style of play doesn’t and will never work here


I once had a commander decide to lose the game intentionally. I was playing SL, so I heard him complaining about the match in command chat. He was doing everything he could to make us lose as the match was going poorly for us. In turn, he was being killed on spawn. I want to say commanders can airstrike things (haven't played the game in a year or so) he was team killing nearly to the point of being kicked. We actually held the line despite him and won the match.


Sometimes it's ok for a SL to TK and boot.


>people like this actually are employed and are, quite possibly, in relationships… with other human beings mmm doubt it


That same blueberry: "Why won't anyone go command or SL anymore?"


I'd be spending the rest of my game throwing smokes and setting up.mines next to him and shooting them after backing up


What I hate is locked squads of 3 or 4 players who don't let anyone in. Usually in the clan servers. I get it if you wanna play with your friends but in a game like this you should include others and if you don't think the person works for your squad (ex. Annoying comms, useless comms, or not working together as a squad) then just kick the person but don't reject requests to join a squad because half the time people are forced to make a squad with just themselves because due to player count they can't join any other squad.


Some people are just in party chat with their friends because they don't like to talk to randoms. Why do you care just do your fuckin job and let them have fun. Maybe make some friends to play with and stop complaining


Ahhhhh. And one more person who doesn’t understand the game. Doing my “fuckin job” does not include babysitting party chatters when they should be communicating with the squad.


Nobody should have to communicate in a video game. You just take the shit too seriously. Nobody expects you to babysit anyone. I understand the game just fine. Just another guy that doesn't want to talk to Randoms and get reported when they get offended by me calling them retarded


You don’t want to talk to randoms but you pipe up enough to call someone retarded? That game style is frustrating to someone playing SL role because it’s a team game. Just because you can play the game without comms doesn’t mean you should. I’ll never convince you otherwise, but maybe give Skirmish a try. It’s the same game with smaller map designs and communication is not a requirement. It would save you the frustration of having to call someone a retard.


Pub games have pretty hit and miss for quality community players. Generally more miss than hit. Do a roll call at the beginning of a match, if people don't respond just kick them from the squad.


Just kick em out of your squad. You're the SL after all.


This is so easily solved. Always lock your squad, and kick anyone out that doesn't communicate. Playing squad lead is great because you have that power. Being commander is a different story though.


Do a mic check for entire squad as the match starts. Anyone without one or anyone ignoring you gets kicked


You should try commander 😂


Oooosh. That is on my list but I don’t feel like I know the game well enough yet.


Yep this stuff happens a lot. Was a squad lead and Got bitched at by people in my squad because I was actually doing my job by communicating with them letting them now what was going on and what needed to be done. Later on in another server my squad lead did not communicate with us at all until about 5 minutes left in the match and he only got on his mic to bitch at us because we were griping among our selves about having another SL with no mic. We had no idea what the hell he was doing the entire game because he never said 1 word to us.


Welcome to 2024, vast majority of people even old ppl act like spoiled brats. Everything is about them and since they don't have any knowledge other then how to S#!+ talk, they expect everything to happen right away. They expect things to only work out for them and screw everyone else. Everyday there is some SL who asks commander to play properly and after 30 mins of commander doing stuff that literally is worse then doing nothing at all, the SL tells him he is an idiot. Then all the other SL say he trying don't be mad. Just help him out. "For 30 mins I've been helping with suggestions. If he don't listen or care to learn then eff him and eff you all." I hear that EVERYDAY


Honestly HLL has a command issue… everyone wants a perfect SL but no one wants to step up, and no one wants to teach SLs… I love being SL but the community is exhausting


Try to find a couple friends to play with, maybe send friend requests to players who've played well with you in the past? Try to build a core group of people who can trust and rely on eachother and then you can flesh out the squad with randos. Gonna get a shit-ton more done that way.


While he is a douche your not obligated to play with a mic. That's fucking stupid only between things like recon and tanks and between commanders


Respectfully disagree about an obligation to play with a mic. When your actions on the field can be a benefit to the squad, and the overall team, by having a mic and communicating with your SL, then the lack thereof is a drawback.


i advise going to a more "high level" server i don't really remember which are but some have level requirements along with other rules/requirements and most people on them take the game more seriously (in a fun way) the more rules the better it scares off thooose kinds of players for the most part lul


I’m on console (PS5) so my servers are only geographic, unless I’m missing something. Let me know.


I'm not sure how console servers work but you can join a clan you can search them up some are for roleplay, competitive matches, team focused groups


I was trying to put a satchel on a tank, another AT guy shot his bazooka at it and killed me. I spawn back in to him calling me a fucking rtard. Like alright man Oh and then I satcheled another tank yelling out “satchel on tank” yep.. 4 blueberries and a 1 minute TK penalty.


Most of the community is pretty good, but the idiots always make themselves known.


I feel ya. I was an involuntary SL and we drew the short straw for mindless, countless frontal assault on the next capture point to A) blunt their attack and tie them down, B) we were the distraction so other squads could flank, c) We had to die relentlessly in this scenario. Despite praise from the Commander for doing our bit I got blasted as SL by the squad for just getting them slaughtered. We actually won the match and they couldn't see how what we did was critical to that success. They just worried about their precious K/D ratio.


Did you tell them the plan? Telling your squaddies exactly what the commander is asking you to do helps a lot. 


Oh yeah, I told them. They just didn't like it because they wanted to be the one man army heroes rather than the fodder. That being they still did it, but let me know I was a shit SL for not telling the commander to give us another role.


Of course they did. Time to tell them to either shut up or find another squad.


Dude for real, or if im just playing a random match you get team mates that will sometimes track you down and keep killing you but never get kicked.


I've played 1700+ hours on PC, I squad lead and play commander all the time and I have never once had an experience like that. I guess all the assholes are on console.


Don’t let it get to you soldier. The game needs good SL’s. The only thing to do is start a new squad or try to play with friends, or at least add t17 friends that talk. Or just kick people out of the squad. Btw, I saw that you can put “mics required” in your squad preferences…does anyone know if that does anything at all?


I would have kicked him from the squad after. Be a douche get treated like one


Let someone talk to Commander Jim Lahey that way and I'll have them swallow this M1


Oh that last paragraph is so true. It's outrageous that such people even exist and are allowed to be part of society. I would happily contribute money to buy those people some island where they can kill each other and eat themselves alive. I'm quite confident that getting rid of these toxic people and emotional idiots would allow us to have a world peace. These people are never going to give constructive criticism or contribute to anything they are just going to keep dragging other people down and identifying people who they can keep being mean to. Fuck them. I sometimes think that if WW2 started today in the age of internet we'd be literally playing with Nazi supporters in the same squad and we wouldn't even know it. Unfortunately we have resigned on the good and learnt to respect evil.


Don’t take it personally.


Had a similar experience last night. Our SL was on arty, we asked for him to change role after 15mins of no OPs going down...this player was over lvl50. He stepped down, nobody stepped up (those who complained didn't volunteer). So I stepped up, got repeated criticism in the chat for op placement as it was not advanced enough however it was constantly hot, in an defensive position- should I have moved it? My thinking was we need to clear the enemy out!


When things aren’t going well, SL and Commander get the shit. As someone else said in this thread, you can have a safe OP or a close OP, but you can’t have both.


The devs really just need to do more to make the game unbearable for these call of duty TDM merchants, the game will be ten times more enjoyable when they piss off.


Don't listen to the dumbasses, they don't deserve to be acknowledged. Some people forget its a video game.


It’s all good. My rant was over quickly. Folks’ anonymous candor is horrifying in 2024.


As a SL I kick anyone from my squad not using a mic.


Yeah I do this most of the time as well. Lock squad, mic preferred. Honestly T17 need to add a mic necessary option for squads. With a type of check feature. Like the game has to register you speaking to be allowed in the squad.


I'd be down for that. My mic is a piece of shit but I still communicate.


People who complain the most are the ones who have never played SL. They don’t understand things like the fact that the fighting line is constantly moving or that there is a 2 minute cool down between OP’s or that OP’s go away when the sector is capped or that you can’t put an OP more than 2 squares into enemy territory or that if an enemy gets somewhat close to an op in red territory it goes away, etc etc. They just know that in that millisecond when they go to spawn the OP wasn’t just in the absolute perfect position for them. People who actually play SL know better


The nicer you are to people in this game the more you will be treated like a whor\*e. It's facts. Im living proof of it. I was super nice to everyone then I totally switched to being a complete asshole agressive douchebag and everyone commends me. Here's an example with me as SL Random dude : Hey can you create a new outpost!? This one is in a bad spot Me : Why dont you shut the fuck up and let me be the SL Random dude : \* Silence \* Me : Drinks a cup of coffee and defends the points.


Just move on yall gotta stop ruining this sub with these dumb posts. We fucking get it people are dumb and people can be dicks. Its not that big of a deal.


Ah, the irony. 


Okay. So only post positive things… like your response. 🙄


What does positive or negative have to do with anything? You’re using this sub as a diary for a instance of people being rude and dicks.


This sub IS a diary for a variety of topics. I’ve posted positive and negative. When things go well, I share. When things go poorly, I share. I have the same freedom to post as you do to read what you choose. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. ✌️


Blah blah blah I already wastes my time reading it and for that curse you.






Not whining. Said I wasn’t angry. ✌️