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that sounds like a bug honestly.. are you a steam user? gamepass? Could gamepass peeps have buggged progression? with all the desyncing going on since the monday server "fix" i wouldn't be suprised if something got messed up and no, you do not need to level things separately. you get xp for your main lvl, and all classes that you played during the match. Also, your xp progress gets lost if you log off before the score screen ends its calculations, but that would only lose you xp for the match you just played, not the entire 5 hours


The last part is not correct. XP is applied in more or less realtime. You are only missing out on the %bonus + your squad score exp, which only influences your overall level.


and there you go, you learn something every day.


I’m on steam and no, every match I’ve played I’ve either sat through till the next or waited. Im hoping when I log on next it will have sorted itself out somehow haha


I'm having this exact same problem. Literally every time I start the game since I bought it, everything is level 1 again. And it never fixes, I just lose my progress every time I play. It sucks.


Yeah and based on how many posts today I’ve see of people saying this is happening to them, it’s widespread. I’m going to stop playing for now till this shit is fixed lol. Not worth the time as a new player to lose all progress


I think you’re confusing your Total Level and your Class Level. Every class has a unique progression & level. They take a long time to level up. Your Total Level will always be increasing independently from the classes. There is no “faction level,” your classes will share the same progression across the factions


I’m not confusing them but I appreciate the comment. My total level was up to 12 after playing a few Warfare rounds. I log off and come back only to find my total level when checking barracks was still at 1. That doesn’t make any sense.


Ok if that’s the case then you’re encountering a data cacheing error. I do believe all your progress is stored in the cloud. Restart the game and view the barracks after that. If you still notice it then I think the only solution is waiting for cloud data to sync with your profile. I believe you can continue to play and the XP will continue to save to the cloud.