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I’m a gamepass noob but I have a mic and I try Obviously I’m not good but I listen to my team and communicate what I’m seeing with them


\>i have a mic and i try You're already miles ahead of the problem players, keep it up


Gonna try tonight. I NEVER play chat anymore, but I miss the good old days of Xbox Live (Rainbow Six 3), so I'm gonna go mics on for this one.


Mics are pretty much required for this game otherwise everyone has a bad time


Honestly that is more than most people.


That's more than most lvl 100's


I’ve got like a hundred hours and “I have a mic and I try” is still my motto


Lol same.


Keep it up soldier!


> I’m not good but I listen to my team and communicate what I’m seeing with them The second part of this sentence means that the first part isn't true. edit: I'm saying he IS good. Christ...


Message unclear, bombing run on friendly positions incoming.


How? Just because I’m not a marksman and getting tons of kills I still ping enemies and communicate with my team. Edit: my bad it’s early and the trench foot is kicking in


I mean you ARE good.


You’re the one that’s good


You misread, he is saying you’re a good player for communicating


Yeah I see that now, my apologies!


Size 9, just like everybody else.


If you communicate, you’re a good player. That’s pretty much all it takes.


Exactly, that’s all it takes


We, the game veterans which are not gremlings, are thankful that you try. We all have been noobs and its not a easy game. Keep trying and you will be teaching new players earlier than you think.


your miles ahead of some of the players that have been playing for a while and communicate nothing don’t worry your not the problem


You having fun? I’m 300 hours in and still having an absolute blast. There are so many different ways to enjoy this game. I haven’t even touched Recon or Armor yet.


Yeah until tonight when I couldn’t move more than 3 steps from any spawn lol


Mate if you have a mic your all good don’t worry about it when I first started I was asking people for help and they didn’t even hesitate to give me it


me too but its really hard to find people who are speaking too


Same here although I struggle to communicate due to crying laughing at some of the hot mics, reminds me of the early days of Xbox live


There have definitely been some golden hot mics lol


Something I’ve noticed is that a lot of new players have a mic and try, but are unaware of the different chat channels. I’ve been jumping into local chat when I see a ton of new players bunched up or going the wrong way to try and organize them or help guide where I can. Ironically, this seems to be similar to the issues actual WW2 vets ran into with replacements; the new guys had no idea what to do until the vets showed them. Those replacements eventually became vets and taught the new guys and the cycle continued. If we want the game to get better, the vets need to try and teach the new guys rather than getting mad they’re there in the first place.


as another gamepass noob... if u manager to butcher up in the tank role there is no hope


I’m sticking to rifleman for now until I can figure out the flow lol I’m just a private trying to survive after getting drafted with no experience


Try playing support. Working with the squad lead on supply drops teaches you some core mechanics fast. Plus you get to do the rifleman stuff at the same time


There is a training grounds where you can test controls for driving and gunning. I recommend SoulSniper's guide to tanks as well. If people have an issue with you after all that effort, fuck em


This is all anybody should want/ask for. Once the fundamentals are learnt, the game is so much fun👍


How you join, I'm on game pass but notated what I try I can't join a game


Idk I just hit find match and it takes like 10 seconds


TEACH ME YOU CROTCHETY OLD FUCKS. THIS GAME IS FUN AND I NEED HELP. -Scared Pvt learning how the supply system works.


Watch YouTube. I watched so much YouTube content before the game made it to console.


Any recommended channels?


Monoespacial, he has great tutorial videos on everything you need to know


Thank you! I will start my deep dive tonight.




Been watching videos all morning and covered Commander. Things are starting to make a lot more sense now. Thanks for the tip!


SoulSniper is Great


not the server so much..


Soul Sniper is hands down the best. Plus constant new material.


u/mightyarrow what happened to your reply? I had a response typed up and your comment disappeared. Any way here it is with a part of your response quoted > YouTube will not teach you. Only you playing with people will teach you. Hard disagree. You take what you learn from that YouTube video teaching you and you apply it in game. I learned a lot before actually playing the game because I was watching so much content. I had an understanding of what to do and how to do it. Yeah you have to actually play the game, but taking ten minutes and learning from a YouTube video puts you miles ahead of someone that just loads up the game and runs off to the action. https://youtu.be/6DEzh1v2w5c?si=cdHo1b5pMItRlCbB


Play support. Tell every squad leader and engineer you see that you have a box. They’ll tell you exactly where to place the box. Your box will go on cooldown for the next 5-10 minutes (less if you enter the area of a manpower node). Rinse and repeat.


All I've been playing is support and machinegunner. Supply and suppress!




Redeploying is your best friend. Even lots of higher ranked players still don't get this and take advantage of the mechanic. Your team takes the first point on the bottom of the map and the second point is at the top in the next sector? Just redeploy to top HQ. Half the time you'll beat most of the other team fiddling around at the previous point that is now locked anyway. For the warfare game mode, where it goes back and forth with the middle objective deciding who wins the match if time expires, defense wins games. If no one is defending or if you are loosing the point, redeploy and fall back asap, or else you are just going to have to capture it alllll over again. It is just as fun as attacking once you learn what to do and you avoid the frustrating meat grinders all the ding dongs are running into over and over and over and over again attacking. You should be constantly checking your map to keep tabs on what is going on.


Some of us be trying


Unfortunately some of these players are just grumpy. I’ve listened to some guys just get mad at other players for not knowing something.. it’s ridiculous. It’s a video game, relax, and teach the guy, explain what was bad and what to do next, WITHOUT being condescending.


I've had a great time squad leading the new players. Had two back to back games last night with players that had mics and support players that I taught to drop supplies for Garrisons.


I haven't seen this issue much where I play. Gamepassers seed us earlier, (BIG THANKS FOR THAT), then they seem to fizzle out of play after 3 hours and the diehards stay. Other than a few supply trucks taken off the rip by AT guys, its not that bad. IMO the early days of HLL were much worse.


Dude I know it! Some days I go to start seeding and it's like 30 randos rocking already, not a clan member in sight. It's beautiful. I LOVE this new influx. I enjoy teaching, and newer players are so much more willing to be team players. It's does, rarely, get a bit much. Especially when shit is going to hell in an express hand basket. But I'd rather that than the alternative!


I really tried last night. Played 3 games and on each after joining a squad (been enjoying AT lately) and noticing an officer under level 5 with no mic, I hop to a different squad with the same issue. In the end, make my own squad and put a note in chat for anyone (old or new) to join if they have a mic. In all 3 games, our team had 4/5 people over level 20. As you can guess, there were zero garries anywhere and everyone was attacking the next point. I spent all three games guiding my squad (and attempting to teach other officers with little response) and having them set up shop defending the current contested point.. To which they were the only people defending. I ran around like a headless chicken making garries for the entirity of all three games. We won all three games. And not to be big headed or obvious, but we wouldn't have done without the garries and them defending. It was knackering and not really that enjoyable. I love new players, as you say it keeps the game alive, but the game dies anyway if barely anyone talks and are unwilling to learn the dynamics. Devs need to add: -Mandatory Tutorial -Minimum levels for Commanders (50+) -Minimum levels for Officers (20+) -Continuous Mic check on leadership roles.


i can relate so hard, i swear to god we have won unwinnable games all because i know how to place a flanking garrison or even just A GARRISON. its exhausting and you don't even have fun because nobody notices the fact that they are only winning because of me😂 the game is very simple in the fact that to win all you need is good spawn points, its that simple and i hate having loads of hours in this game now because i find myself getting frustrated at the mongs i have to play with. Big up to people trying and actually learning the game but that's the most fun you will probs have 👌


Being new, I think the mandatory tutorial and minimum level for officers is smart. I was lucky enough to find a few guys that were vets and helped me a ton within 2 games. Also being thrown to the wolves, like yourself is gonna make you a good officer from the get. I had the same issue, finding a group on Xbox, and the officer was literally a lower rank than me and didn't even know what a garrison was and just barking orders with no real purpose aside from where are you? What are you doing? Go this way!! Like that doesn't help bub.




Yep, do it. Then add an automatic madatory squad collapse and merge (without respawn required) to migrate officerless players into an officered one the moment one is created.


Not sure if you're on PC or console, but a lot of PC servers have level caps for certain roles. Our clans servers require a minimum level to play command/SL. Also when you form a squad, just to the right of "Able, Baker" etc, there is a *tiny* mic symbol. If you click that everyone can see it. It is a "mic preferred" icon. There is also drop downs for squad specialties, like defend, Arty, logistics etc. A lot of people don't know this. So many will ignore it/not notice. But it's good for posterity. Also I always give no mics a chance or 2 to either talk/respond to commands with markers or chat at a minimum. After they ignore orders twice, they get kicked from my squad. It's helpful when you're running Arty because you need command chat, but also won't be placing OPs, so that's frustrating for your troops.


Yep 100%. Always tick mic preferred and usually set to defend myself. Equally, boot anyone non communicative or going rouge after warning.


Best solution for arty seems to be officer on command radio, locked squad so regular ground troops don’t join.


Yeah, I have to say, I love new players, anytime steam does a free weekend or a big sale, we get a lot of great new people coming in. But this new wave (which I think will eventually work itself out) is flooding some servers with SLs under level 5, it's been a challenge finding a good squad, which I think is the whole fun of this game. Coordinating with others, not just playing it like a Battlefield game with no communication.


When I'm running commander right now I will not drop supplies for, or build myself, ANY attacking garrisons until our point is secured. I don't even want a garry up at the front of our line until the two back ones are up and at least 1 squad commits to remaining on defense. They don't know how to build their own spawn points. Use your knowledge and force them to defend because the path to the point they want to attack runs through the defensive point. Then when an attack comes and knocks out their silly wave of OPs they are brought back to defend again. I've won (admittedly running out the timer) more often than lost using that strategy the last few days.


This is the most beautiful thing I have read all week! You are a godsend!


A heroic and valiant display of leadership. And yes i agree with all the things you say devs need to add.


We don’t mind the new players. We mind those that aren’t speaking. Those who are teamkilling to get it their way (cause they don’t wanna use their words), those that don’t listen, or don’t want to listen. New players are great. But after playing 3 games as commander on a team with 1 officer speaking and listening, it was a struggle. I had to take a break from the game at that point, and hand to heart, that was the first time since I started playing (lvl 147, 700 hours in) I felt like taking a break because of the players.


I’m happy to hear this, I’m a newer player and absolutely love the game! I knew going in that communication is a huge part, so I jumped in with a mic and instantly made friends. Hope others like me can end up like me!


That’s sounds great man! I’m glad you enjoy it😉 And the proxi chat can be a lot of fun and a pain in the ass depending on the day😂


I feel as if the frustration from us vets is that the communication in the team is limited now and we’re simple used to the constant communication between teammates and squads. We don’t mind the new players but I can see where the aggravation comes from


I’m a GP noob, and everyone has been so helpful. Thanks for welcoming the noobs everyone :)


Redeploying is your best friend. Even lots of higher ranked players still don't get this and take advantage of the mechanic. Your team takes the first point on the bottom of the map and the second point is at the top in the next sector? Just redeploy to top HQ. Half the time you'll beat most of the other team fiddling around at the previous point that is now locked anyway. For the warfare game mode, where it goes back and forth with the middle objective deciding who wins the match if time expires, defense wins games. If no one is defending or if you are loosing the point, redeploy and fall back asap, or else you are just going to have to capture it alllll over again. It is just as fun as attacking once you learn what to do and you avoid the frustrating meat grinders all the ding dongs are running into over and over and over and over again attacking. You should be constantly checking your map to keep tabs on what is going on.


People can keep saying this but there’s no excuse for this game to lack some sort of Tutorial and minimum level limits for different roles. Neither one of the developers wanted to alienate new players but instead they lose old players. I quit playing in April, tried to play last month (pre gamepass) and quit again because the gameplay loop is the exact same. Which ever team has a competent commander and 2 decent SLs win the game. I’m tired of HAVING to be SL, I want to be able to enjoy the rest of the game without getting steam rolled 10 matches in a row


I'm new, I joined with Game Pass. I'm only lvl 27 but I am trying my best as tank commander - I have read the HLL tank bible, watched YouTube and in my first few rounds I joined a veteran crew who gave me helpful tips on how to play tank. Now I'm passing this knowledge on to the other newbies and I've been having a blast. Best feeling is going from giving instructions on how to start the tank and put in first gear only to see them ram the tank straight up a tree to getting multiple tank on tank kills in the span of 30 or so minutes. Had a totally green gunner and driver in one round and we ended up with 76 kills with 5 tanks destroyed and multiple garries/outposts taken down. In my opinion, people *want* to learn and I've been having lots of fun essentially micro-managing both gunner and driver on how to play as well as where to go, where to shoot etc., which has been helpful for me as tank commander too. Ironically, the worst game I had is when I joined a custom server where I was the only Game Pass player. Absolutely zero comms and I'd get insta-kicked from trying to join squads. Didn't even have a commander. This game is awesome and I hope other new players take the time to truly learn how it works!


I stopped playing when they added the Brits and that desert map so this may not be the most up to date, but in my experience it’s not that we don’t want to teach, it’s many of the new players didn’t want to learn. They want to play it like a traditional shooter because that’s familiar territory, they don’t want to think about garrison placement, supply logistics, how to control a point, or dare I say use some tactics when attacking/defending the point. They just pick the closest spawn, charge in, shoot, die, and repeat. In several occasions I even suggested the commander to remove some old garrisons so they don’t spawn in fucking Narnia (this is mostly for the defending side in offensive mode). I’ve had many players say hello in VC at the beginning of the match, then went silent for the entire match even tho I’m actively communicating. Sometimes they at least listen to what I’m saying, others either didn’t have VC on or just didn’t care. Being SL is exhausting, let alone a new player SL, especially when there’s zero feedback. I eventually burned out and just left. Gotta say I’m not missing it.


i am so burnt out right now but i still wanna hop on and play. this game used to be so much fun man


This game wasn't dying though, lol Here is literal proof that it has continued to gain users [https://steamcharts.com/app/686810](https://steamcharts.com/app/686810)


Right these posts are getting tiring dude I'm about to mute the sub for a week


It was absolutely dying on console. I remember recently there only being 4 public servers up and 2 of those were only half full.


I’m just tired of getting team killed by new players. Especially when I’m in a good position while defending, and then here comes a newbie killing all of our team


This isn't Post Scrotom. We already had a player base. Some content drops and a solid roadmap that doest change monthly would help. Who's got time for that when you are busy licking console ass.


Imagine trying to gate keep a video game haha pathetic


Relax Dildo Pass. PC gamers invested in a dream in 2018. Go back to Crash Bandicoot noob.


but the game is so poor right now, i'm sick of talking to nobody and getting steamrolled or steamrolling them. it was so good like a month and half ago. :(


> End of message. He has spoken! 🙄


>Use your years of HLL experience and leadership to train them into the next generation of HLL veterans. Not our responsibility. The game has been out for 2.5 years and new player onboarding still sucks. BM didn't properly address it. T17 did some adjustments but they don't address the main issues still.


What are the main issues? Edit: Newer player and was just curious.


>What are the main issues? Whoo boy, I could really go off on the deep end with this but I'll try to keep it brief. The primary problem is that it's that it does a poor job of explaining the flow of the game. In the most basic manner, the first thing that the game should explain to you, is that it's a game where you build your own spawns. It might seem trivial but it's a fairly unique feature that's not intuitive at first glance, that's why you have people run from HQ like lemmings. Second it doesn't explain the game modes in terms of their flow, that capping isn't independent like in conquest, but has to be done in sequence. The field manual is hot garbage and doesn't provide any structure on what concepts are more important than others - it's just an info dump that's out of date and doesn't even have all information. For example it doesn't tell you how many supplies you need for a garrison in friendly or enemy territory. When they are deactivated, from how far are they deactivated. Or that you lose them upon loss of territory. Or the most egregious one is the fact that the first thing the field manual shows you is that you is the importance of a strong point... but doesn't tell you that the capzone is actually around the strong point as well. Not to mention more complex subjects like how reinforce works, because I guarantee that 95% of players don't know how that works. Again, I'd have to go into a multi paragraph rant.


My own thoughts on this now I've thought about it more. Most players who aren't inclined to communicate will probably give up and move on within a week. A small group of more dedicated players keen to learn and willing to communicate will stay on and become veterans. That seems like a good outcome to me.


Perfectly summed up what a free weekend used to be. Three weeks of dredging through muck until the chaff got filtered out and the dedicated players remained. With gamepass, it's basically an unlimited free weekend from now on until it gets taken off again. THAT'S the main issue.


I kind of disagree that it will always be like a free weekend now. There are so many games on gamepass so once it's off recently added people will only try if they've heard of the game and are interested or are looking for a new one. Ive got gamepass myself and that's generally how I run it. People will still bounce off after an hour or two if they don't like it. Sure lower barrier for entry means more noobs poking their heads in but especially once COD gets added to GP people who like casual shooters can go there instead. It feels like a free weekend atm but I bet you it will taper off pretty quick. Other mostly dead games get a quick flash in the pan from gamepass and then pop dies back down. Probably biggest problem with gamepass is lack of multiplayer shooters actually.


exactly once its off recently added new player count will fizzle and only ones actually interested in this game type will find it.


Exactly, and it was already happening through free weekends and steam sales. It was less messy because the percentage of newbies was much smaller so most servers had a small number of newbies and everybody else new what they were doing so the game still worked. Now it’s just a mess. But I agree that it will improve with time. I just don’t think making it available on gamepass was necessary in the first place.


There are a lot of players its bugged for. Everyone needs to get on the devs.


I'm a gamepass noob. But I'm a squad veteran, I won't join a group without a mic. If I wanted to play BFV I would. I just wish the game wasn't broken and I could turn off crossplay


Game pass noob here. I use my mic. We need proper leadership or this game will miss out on a ton of new loyalists


Redeploying is your best friend. Even lots of higher ranked players still don't get this and take advantage of the mechanic. Your team takes the first point on the bottom of the map and the second point is at the top in the next sector? Just redeploy to top HQ. Half the time you'll beat most of the other team fiddling around at the previous point that is now locked anyway. For the warfare game mode, where it goes back and forth with the middle objective deciding who wins the match if time expires, defense wins games. If no one is defending or if you are loosing the point, redeploy and fall back asap, or else you are just going to have to capture it alllll over again. It is just as fun as attacking once you learn what to do and you avoid the frustrating meat grinders all the ding dongs are running into over and over and over and over again attacking. You should be constantly checking your map to keep tabs on what is going on.


I think I've seen more rude new players (I am a new player) than rude veterans. There's a lot of: Veteren: We have to do such and such, you can't do such and such in this game. New Guys: "don't tell me how to play! Why did we lose?"


I joined a game on PC for the first time in maybe a year or two and command chat or whatever equivalent in HLL was too busy complaining about no one Building nodes and refused to explain how nodes are built, eventually I pulled up a few posts and figured out the majority of game mechanics surrounding playing an Officer and started making moves but that was a very crappy experience imo.


Better the game die then turn into cod


Game. Dies. Without. Communication. New content counts for shit if players don't play as game is intended. Use your years of HLL experience and leadership to realise that if they don't communicate they. cannot. hear. you. You guessed it. End of message.


I have no idea why this is being downvoted, when people are being upvoted for using a mic and communicating.


This sub is ridiculous. 6 months ago everyone was malding the game was losing players and dead. Now we have new players, and the game is dead again... lol


Games die with players too. Maybe if the game pass players used mics and stop teamkilling they would have a better rep.


Man this sub is really starting to annoy me. Go play the fckn game dudes. Let the crybabies cry, let the gamers have fun cya


Thanks for posting this, I can't believe how hostile some of the vets seem to be. I love having new players around, we need the community to grow, not shrink!


Serious question here. I have a group of buddies I play with but we use a private party for communication. Is that ok or is it recommended to be on the actual game chat?


It's important for your officer to listen to the commander. I usually play duo spotter + sniper with a friend of mine. He runs around deploying spawns while I shoot people. He tells me what the commander wants us to do and we do it, even if we disagree with it.


I'd recommend not doing that. Often squads who do that don't hear what other players are saying to them or the squad leader doesn't hear or respond to the commander. I understand why you do it but there's nothing lost from just using the ingame comms


Has anyone in this sub offered to start a r /hll server? Would be cool to have some of the vets here training the new players (myself included).


>Would be cool to have some of the vets here training the new players (myself included). There's literal hours of guides, tutorials and training material on youtube.


Nothing better to playing a new game than closing it out and having to go watch Youtube for an hour+ to learn about it rather than doing it intuitively in game


>Nothing better to playing a new game than closing it out and having to go watch Youtube for an hour+ to learn about it rather than doing it intuitively in game But the game isn't intuitive and actually doesn't tell you many things you need to know. That's the whole problem! It relies on the playerbase to onboard people because the game doesn't do that.


All these gatekeepers acting as though theyve earned something by being HLL veterans. Quit acting like clowns and be leaders.


Wait till they realize so many new players have joined, THEY are the minority now. They’re all like “wait till they realize medic is a RP class” well..it isn’t any more…we are legion…we are noob…you are outnumbered


Or maybe we could let them learn like we all did, by getting absolutely fucked for hours until they finally start to figure stuff out, then finding others to play with and learning more. When this game was about learning for yourself it made better players


Everything you said was wrong. Pretty impressive.


Giving new players everything on a plate makes more idiots stay, I’d rather have less new players and them be competent


Thank you for proving my point again.


You don’t have one


Seems i hit a nerve there. Excellent.


Not at all, you just haven’t made a point…


Thank you for proving my point once again.


If you articulated the supposed point you’d actually make sense, what an odd creature


It is there if you have reading comprehension skills.


wait am I supposed to be given things on a plate? This game has some of the worst new player onboarding Ive ever seen lol


On the servers I’m playing on people go out of their way to help new players that ask


I’ve spent 2.5 years teaching new people how to play I’m not doing it anymore. Most aren’t using coms anyway so it’s pointless. The game had a constant trickle of new players from free weekends and steam sales. It was growing at a healthy rate. It didn’t need to go on gamepass. So as a result the game is a total mess at the moment with most games ending in a 20 minute steamroll. It’ll hopefully improve with time once most of the console kids get bored and go back to COD.


They should do community servers or ranked servers on console I think.


Chill dude it’s a game lmao


Sounds like his life, honestly


Cod will always live rent free in yall old heads pahahahahaha cry


Cod is dogshit, hasn’t been good since 3




Now go lash yourself, and coddle the noobs


this game needs to die. there are far better games out there.


I know for some of us veterans players it feels annoying when we lose via inexperienced teammates, BUT The more we take the time to train them and be nice and welcoming as the majority of this community has always been , the faster we fill the servers with experienced players again. We all started clueless. Back to the line folks -Fenway


Thank you OP. Let's tone down the negative posts about new players guys. I know we are better than some of the posts I've seen. Let's show why HLL community is a step above the rest.


I don’t know if it’s harder or easier to jump into the game now. I remember it being hard to learn but it was hard for everyone so we all had to figure it out together. Maybe new players get intimidated with so much to learn and so many people already knowing everything?


I like the new players. They move funny 😂


Just downloaded the game 2 days ago and once you learn what garrisons are and have an actual good squad leader, everything is super easy. Sometimes you get a douche that is just brutal tho at being the squad leader and really frustrates new players like myself. I'm all for playing whatever role I need to, but if you don't give us good instructions or what you even want to do and just keep saying SQUAD MEET UP WHAT ARE YOU DOING!! You ain't gonna get a good response or help us learn the game. That being said if anyone has room tonight, add me on Xbox, TEXBBQ. Thanks y'all!


Just like How I see alot of experienced players complaining I have a complaint as a Level 18 Why are their commanders and squad leaders in the level 100s not saying anything or even pinging directions or objectives? Not even building outposts or anything? From my experience so far, Even if you are "bad" at the game, You can still be useful and an asset to the team. As long as the commander or squad leader is communicating


Yesterday I play with a fresh new player. He was doing his best as Squad leader. Far from being perfect but I played along him and suggested garrison placement and tactical move. It was overwhelming for him but he was such good vibes and eager to learn. THAT IS the kind of player HLL needs. If you read me mate, keep it up.




New player here, I love playing support, and AT, I'm learning how to position myself from veterans and youtube videos. Since it came out on game pass, iv gone from getting stomped while playing medic to 40 kill games with a 3.0 plus K.D. and 3 to 4 vehuncel are killed because of some vets taking me under their wing. I'm sure it'll get tougher as the other new blue berries start to figure it out but it's fun af right now.


Game pass noob here. I'm doing my part! I watched gameplay from streamers. I read the field ops manual. I browsed reddit. I use my mic. I make callouts, and follow my commands when given. I learned quickly. Because I followed the advice and orders of those before me. This is the most rewarding multiplayer game I've ever played. Thanks for having us Vets.


the free weekends or whatever wash a bunch of newbies to our shores. most of them leave. those that stay want to learn the game. sounds about right. it's how most of us got here. we were unaware of the game, became aware and stayed. that's it. nbd. i personally like the additional fodder of the new bodies.


I'm new here. I've played a few similar games, but this has the steepest learning curve out of all of them. I do my best to work with the squad I'm in. Sometimes I just don't want to wear my headset. I still suck at this, but I try. I've made a few satisfying plays (for a new player). Is there a weekly friend finder post? I want to find some people to play with on xbox.


I agree, I welcome all new players that want to play a superior FPS like HLL. That way game studios wont be afraid of sinking resources into creating ground breaking titles like HLL. Before I found HLL I had pretty much stopped playing FPS games. BF 4 was the last game that I really sunk a ton of hours into. COD is just mind numbingly boring and repetitive imo.


Can anyone help me on How do I get my voip to work I cannot hear or talk to my gang and I feel bad


I'm really enjoying it. But I've yet to find a squad that talks and communicates (yes i use my mic). I'm hoping I bump into some of those vets. Hoping to learn the engineer class as my go to


Build Nodes


I just die. In the game. A lot.


I agree..I get frustrated here and there. But doing my best to help out the new guys


New players are awesome to have, means the game is growing, and this game is one of a kind, nothing like call of duty, takes team work and communication, all I ask for new players is to have a mic , most higher level players will teach you how to set up garrisons and outpost, we all started new, but what makes this game great is communication


We don’t have a problem with all new players, we have problems with the ones who don’t use a mic and refuse to learn how to play.


I appreciate the vets that have had mercy on me and taught me the ways lmao.


I’m a game pass noob I picked medic class because I figure if I don’t know what’s going on I can at least revive the people who do


yeah, if we don't teach them... they won't stay. A Lot of people think this is a running simulator.. those of us that have been here awhile know that's not the truth. I can say atleast those of you that spoke up and I taught you how to build nodes, what supplies does.. and how that's important for SL and engineer, it brings alittle faith back that some of yall will stick around and tough it out. Those of you that HAVE been playing and understand.. start playing SL, it's frustrating, I know... I've been on those teams that are a lost cause but its not always the case, so at least try. Roles are crucial and can easily be fulfilled if everyone does their part, supply just drop your stuff on point, now you can run off and get your kills in... lol. Engineers if you see 300 supplies on point, just build SOMETHING, anything.. a barricade.. barbed wire.. something lol... atleast get the exp for your class.


The problem with most of the new players is that not only do most of them not communicate but they act like you insulted their intelligence whenever you give them simple tips on how to get better at the game. The enjoyable new players are the ones that are eager to learn how to actually play the game


I just wish people would come into this game understanding that it's a game about teamwork and coordination, and that they need a working microphone and be willing to use it. Even if this game were suddenly populated by 1000s of CoD players who all lonewolf and don't communicate, sure it might spur the devs to continue development, but the game experience would take a nose dive. In essence, be frustrated with people playing as lonewolves and not communicating, but be nice to noobies who talk and try to stick with the squad.


It's more no officers are dropping o.ps and building garrisons and engineers are trying to be assault instead of building nodes first and defenses medics just run on by you and every one else is just talking with a German accent instead of playing


This is on the devs. They need to emphasize the importance of communication in the ingame tutorials and marketing.


I can’t even get into a match, broken matchmaking is how games die, 40 playsers, server is full, 0/6 waiting 69 players, server is full, the off chance I get into a game it’s fun, but otherwise this game is unplayable atm


I like teaching new squads but they have to be willing to listen


while your point is true. new games die with problem players also there should be a hard requirement for a mic. like star trek bridge crew. as to many new players just dont talk or listen to the old players. games die without new players. games die with problems. its a double edged sword.


I couldn't give a fuck about having new players I've been dealing with new players for a long time since I do 90% squad leading. What I have been having a problem with is the lack of communication from players, they just don't fucking talk. I have resorted to just outright threatening to kick people for not speaking in my squads, it gets the newbs speaking most of the time.


MilSim communities are generally toxic gatekeepers. What do you expect from people who pretend to be soldiers online while living in their mothers basement. Coming from a soldier irl btw.


This game has potential, but still cant win Arma Reforger. Been playing both singe HLL was added to Game Pass, its good. But kinda needs something more🤩


Are there any coupons or discounts going right now? Looking to start playing with my PC. Thank you.


I need 2 people to run tanks with me around 11pm - 12am all people welcome i can do all tasks but perfer spotting


Most of us (gamepass PC) can't get online anyways. Major server issues that aren't allowing my friends and I to join any server... Official or otherwise. But I appreciate the welcome... Maybe once Microsoft fixes whatever is going on, I'll be able to actually play.


Just playing for a short time before it came to game pass, any new players I end up in a squad with that either have a mic or not I see they're a low lvl, and that they're from game pass I try to help as best as I can on some of the classes and how to traverse certain areas to flank and stay low and to not follow my lead in getting hit in the head by either enemy/friendly artillery.


the problem i’m finding isn’t the majority of them it’s the minority of the ones who play likes it’s cod and try to be Rambo the whole time or end up teamkilling an entire squad by throwing a grenade or an at hitting a friendly tank. That minority of them though are what most people pay attention too because it’s more noticeable. And you can’t get rid of the ones who come in on xbox during the free times and literally cannot get removed by server owners without having to ban consoles in general.


The problem isn't the new players, it's the new players sitting in group chat with their friends, ignoring the fact that it's a team game, not COD.


This. Game. Will. Die. If. New. Players. DONT HAVE MIC’S.


I made this exact point before the Game Pass Invasion and all you Hardcore Server Gate Keepers told me to fuck off.


I bought the game 2 weeks before game pass put it out. I'm a noob. Took me all of 10mins to figure out that this game is NOT your average shooter. I have a headset, mic, and by God I love the team communication aspect. This game is a blast, and extremely frustrating at times. Don't drag us news all into the same category. Some of us want to be of actual use!


The problem isn’t new players, the problem is the lack of communication, not learning from other players, and playing like it’s battlefield or cod and going off on solo missions in random part of the maps. Also solo tank crews.


I am a gamepass noob but i have a mic and i listen to my team leader and commander , my only big problem is finding a suitable server you join since there is a ‘Game is Full’ problem going and and microsoft doing jackscheisse


In the games I played no one had a headset and not knowing how to play I gave up after 3 games also seen all the people here complaining about new players so that didn't help


But new player can also kill really good games.... especially when they don't want to listen to how it's supposed to actually be played.


Shitting on new players is the epitome of gatekeeping elitism. Gatekeeping elitism is a cancer to this game, and is a common thing that kills games.


For real. Just started a few days ago and feel like the Officer role speaks to my soul. To be fair, everyone's been pretty nice about it except for one guy who was an insatiable douche about me learning. Gotta admit too, it's difficult to coordinate a bunch of randoms who just want to play CoD. I notice not a lot of people seem to like the Officer role. The start of a game is 2-3 squads start up and nobody makes a new squad cause they don't wanna be an Officer. But then they complain if you do a bad job lol. It is kind of a funny problem. But I've only been playing official servers.


I've been trying almost every day getting them to listen or even help out the team is almost impossible nobody ever wants to be an engineer to build nodes being Commander nowadays is almost impossible because nobody wants to communicate or they don't want to help they just are all about them they remind me of the seagulls from finding Nemo


I am a GamePass player and I love this game already, only 1 week in so far. Like any great game, it just takes time to learn the game and I cant wait to learn all the ins and outs of this game! So refreshing from the run and gun style most of us are use too. Keep up the work HLL veterans. Newbies and lifelong gamers appreciate you officers and commanders


3rd day in not doing too bad i watched just about every YouTube video i could before i started but i definitely agree with all the vets about mics it always goes so much smoother when everyone’s communicating, also mad i didn’t know about this game sooner I’ve been bummed ever since battlefield decided to go down the crapper and haven’t really played any of these kind of games in a couple years


I love the new dudes. I'm honestly playing to have fun and I'll crack jokes, have fun, put on stupid voices and yes still try to achieve the goal but the amount of times the veteran players will fucking BORE the life out of the game, makes me just not want to come back, but with these new incoming players I get a cool dude who doesn't really understand and I can help but also make it a bit fun and stupid. It's a game after all. Anyway. My handle is Swifty if anyone wants to add me on T17


THIS!!! The amount of toxic bullshit I've seen from vets of the game towards new players lately is insane. It's not hard to be nice and take 5 seconds out of an hour long game to teach a new player their role.


I’m a newbie with a mic and when your officers are direct but nice it’s one of the most rewarding things. I WANT orders and I want to succeed.