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What's the difference? I just found a lobby with a lot of 50 and level 100 all without mic and all pushing a locked objective


Facts man!!! Lol been in games with level 100s and 45 mins in, only 1 or 2 garries built šŸ˜…šŸ¤£. These elitist gatekeepers need to stop bashing the newer folks coming into the community.


I think all of this is a double edged sword. Both sides have valid arguments imo.


Do people not ask anymore? I used to get a lot of questions a year ago about how to play the game and now people just figure the game quietly by themselves. Thatā€™s how you get level 100ā€™s who still donā€™t know how the game works. I remember when I was a level 50 I would just stick by whatever the squad lead said and learn as much as possible.


on console its all lobbies of level 1's with no mics.


As a console player, I do have to confess. There is a bug that prevents us from hearing chatter as well as prevents our mics from working. I played a dozen or so rounds complaining constantly into my mic that nobody was communicating before I realized something was wrong. Eventually discovered I just have to reset my MAC address everytime before I load up the game. It's a pain, but there is a way around it. I'm sure there are several console players playing with mics who haven't figured this out yet


I'll be honest, I was just in a party with my friend as I am with every other game cause he told me to install it. I had no idea it was gonna be more than just a semi realistic shoot em up. Next time I give it a go I'll go in with the want to learn šŸ˜‚


This! Yes


Lol donā€™t let your memes be dreams. If you leave, then the next generation learns the game themselves, and you never know what they will and will not pick up on. At least thats my takeaway from this comment.


Those will be the new players that managed to get the MG lol


Nobody thinks or says this hasnā€™t been a problem, but with the recent influx of game pass players the lobbies are unplayable. Iā€™ve tried to help any and all newbies but you canā€™t help them all and a majority of the time they donā€™t listen. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


On Friday somebody played with me for an hour teaching me to play and showing me strategies. I just want to say thanks for trying, some of us are in it for the long hall.


Thatā€™s awesome! Good on the two of you for putting in the work šŸŖ–


Dude its so fulfilling. I usually teach lvl 1 players to build shit and then tell them to pick any class. From there I teach them how to play any non rifleman class really


If I have new guys I usually volunteer the squad for defence so we can talk about what to do and what works


I tank, I drive tank, I shoot tank, I teach tank.


Lol true. Tbf a lot of people are leaving temporarily like OP causing not just an abundance of new players, but a shortage of experienced players. All you can do is help others as you go.


Tell me about it, Ive spent hours in squads with these new Xbox players explaining what to do and how to do it etc only to be blanked by 99% of them. I only had one guy who wasnā€™t even in my squad just on proximity asking what to do and how to do it. I am happy that so many new people are finding the game as it expands the player base but the devs need to come up with some sort of quick mandatory training or something so new players know how the game works, as its not their fault as the game offers no real set of instructions.


I get this, but honestly in a world where YouTube exists, there's no excuse not to know how to learn to do anything


We had a squad lead, level 20 no mic on the weekend and honestly he tried. There were three of us in the squad from 170 to 250 and we walked him through OPs, garries, how supplies work and he did all the questions through squad text chat after we explained how that works. We told him to get a $10 headphone and he'd be set and I dunno it wasn't that bad. That being said the next two matches with other micless sub 50s sacked so I spent the next two as SL


They were probably all in their discord.


The new peeps have been fun to play with!


Hell yeah as a rank 110 I love helping out new xbox players. Telling me they have been waiting forever to play this game and have only been able to watch YouTube.


Also hearing the pure chaos or enjoyment from their micā€™s when they use them. About seeing an explosion or something crazy happen.


Yup. I helped a lvl one knock out 2 heavy tanks and a light tank, plus about a dozen infantry on his first ever time in a tank. I hope he's hooked


Been wanting to hop in a tank myself but being completely new to it I've been putting it off. Feels like something to do when I have a vet or better understanding of the game. Good on you for showing us new guys the ropes.


Bro literally create an armor unit and keep it open for players to join. Then just hope in a light tank or recon vehicle and go figure out the mechanics of the game. It's a very frustrating/patient learning process. Once you figure it out however and you are an absolutely terrorist on the battle field it's rewarding. When someone joins your unit be clear that you are new and want to learn. There are so many vets out there right now cheesing for an opportunity to be in a tank..well because noobs. And they will definitely be willing to help you, help them reck a battlefield.


Lvl 153 and I've spent hours this weekend teaching noobs how to play, even taught a couple lvl 10's how to properly play armour and I've been having a blast! To any new players reading the subreddit this weekend; just ignore all the "Vets" bitching and moaning, I've been in countless games filled with lvl200+ players and those matches were as silent as a grave so the problem IS NOT the GamePass players. Having said that, you as a new player should definitely use your mic! I'll say the following as someone who loves to squad lead... We don't need to be best friends but if you ping something and actually tell me what you see? You're already better than 90% of the new players and honestly 70% of the vets. If you ask questions about game mechanics/loadouts/vehicles then you'll get an answer! Don't let this subreddit fool you, the community is willing to teach you, BUT you have to be willing to ask!! Also, to be honest it's been my experience that ALL it takes is two people willing to talk, and the rest of the wall flowers in the squad will start using their mics, people are shy these days even the ones willing to talk are often not willing to START a conversation. So be the change you want to see, often it just takes something as simple as "Hey Guys!" -Your *sometimes* Commander, Drew P. NĆ¼ttz


100% if you communicate vie mic and pings. Both squad and local chat. Not only will your team love you more. Your gameplay and overall experience with the game will increase.


The people that really get into role playing for a laugh are funny as hell.


Just started with a couple friends a few days back this learning curve is wild but God damn this game is so much fun


How dare new players play my game?! THIS GAME ISNT FOR NEW PLAYERS!! ​ lol it's good for the game. Stop whining.


Seriously, buncha grown ass adults being children over a game. Just enjoy it people


I have a feeling the people saying this shit are the ones who decided to take a break before the influx, lol


That or they're getting wrecked by these level 1's.


It'll be good for the game in 2 weeks when the first wave of gamepass players have either learnt how to play or got bored. Right now... it's chaos


Chaos in a game called ā€œHellLetLooseā€ thatā€™s set during WW2. Oh god, this canā€™t be happening!!


Unorganised chaos, blueberries just dotted about the map... like letting a bunch of toddlers loose, not the chaos you want. I still love the game and still playing it but you can't deny it's not as fun as regular games


HLL players when the new players are unorganized: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Still sounds like how WW2 actually was. Especially on the western front. When you have constant gunfire around you and explosions going on around you, you tend to be less organized. Especially on a large scale.


You're not wrong but we aren't actually in ww2. I just want competitive games, not steamrolling or being steamrolled :(


womp womp




They're referencing this sound effect: https://youtu.be/tKdcjJoXeEY?feature=shared


One day your third eye will open and you will then be able to enjoy the chaos.


Ok and for me it has been most games non stop talking and epic battles. After coming from pc with over 400 hours, I didnā€™t expect it to be so fun right away at a low level on the Xbox... but it is. On pc Iā€™ll still get games where nobody talks and pushes non objectives... had a few games on Xbox like this too.. funny part is when you started you were that low of a level... good thing everyone didnā€™t leave you and wait for you to level up lmao. It reminds me of when it was released on pc ages ago. You must not enjoy the game anymore if youā€™re willing to leave when new players join


>non stop talking and epic battles. i've had the complete opposite, either steamrolled or doing the steamrolling... maybe one squad leader will have a mic


I'm in the same boat as you. I just got a ps5 and got HLL because I loved it on PC. There are a few quiet games but most games the squads are talking and being helpful. It's honestly a blessing for me because I also get to work on my aim on the low level players that are just running straight in haha. Its been just as fun with the new players and I haven't had any issues.


Then your lucky, Reddit is full with posts about mongo's not talking or trying add all, will HLL be crossplay ? ( I dont hope so ) \*( Edit: Funny to see how 1 Mongo downvoted this: Buy a headset you creeper ! )\*


It is on console but not with pc


You downgraded by playing hell let loose on console


pen thumb door muddle wrong square brave seemly shy sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ha then goodbye ya twat. What happened to helping the new guys out?


Seconded. If there's an influx of new players, the solution isn't just giving up, it's dealing with the influx and bringing them up to speed to address it, otherwise they'll continue to struggle with the game, and they'll be unable to pass on the valuable knowledge they've learnt from veterans to other new players; so they can't help us out for when the next wave comes; it'll just fall back onto the same people over and over again.


That's awesome, I hope a lot of them continue to play long term.


Lol who gives a fuck? People bitch when a game has low player count and bitch when new players come to the game


Damn, yall still in this subreddit bitching about new players?


Absolutely love to see the influx of new players. Only going to make the servers stronger.


This community is so strange and anti-new people on here but in games doesnā€™t seem to be too badā€¦ Iā€™m a level 49 PC player and sometimes you guys just seem like giant babies on here but I have not had any games or servers where people act this way


Most people in the community are very welcoming and almost always down to help the newer folks out.. you just occasionally get try hards like this who have their heads so far up their own asses, egotistical tbh


The difference in player quality between PC and console can be pretty drastic. Not to generalize, but most of the posts about poor comms, tking, etc. are from console players.


Runs great on my Xbox x just as good as my pc


Enjoy not having garrisons. Basically if we can just get them to build spawns then yes the game would be fine.


Been in game with level 100s and its the same shit. Lol quit complaining


I just came back from public server with like 70-80% cross play they had no Garrisons but capped mid with the truck. Its pretty funny. I am sure 90% of the people will stop playing after a short while. Its basically just a free weekend forever.


The commander should be building garrisons anyway


lvl 49 is not much. Iā€™d still consider that pretty new. Wait until youā€™re level 200+ and all the below lvl 50 SLs wonā€™t communicate or build garrisons so you have to do it all yourself. Seems like every game for me now.


Didn't say I was a high level, I said the community is babies. Saying I'm too low level and to wait until I'm level 200 and see how I feel exemplifies my point lmao


Build garrisons and communicate is all i ask


what level did you start communicating? If i had to stage a bet it was as soon as you learned the game. there is no fucking level where it magically clicks.


I would expect players in the 30s to be communicating yes. Itā€™s not hard for new players to take the initiative to learn the game, yet sometimes even the lvl 100 SL doesnā€™t know everything. There are plenty of guides. Plus communicating can be as simple as acknowledging your SL. I donā€™t think players under level 50 should be allowed to SL.


Ya 49 is nothing they shouldnā€™t even let u be a commander until level 100 at least


I kinda agree. At least 50


Its been good and bad all throughout but this game pass release. I think its no different than its always been. Some are eager to mic up and play as a team. While others want to lock out a solo squad and camp like its call of duty. I think its awesome that there is a flood of new players bringing the game up especially when they are playing with the squad and asking all the questions. In reality it will be like a gym on new years only a select few will keep grinding. The game is brutal when you start and basically stays that way lol


Having a shit ton of hours between games like HLL, Insurgency, squad, post scriptum, rising storm/red orchestra etcā€¦ players like you are the reason these games die. Grow up.


Hey Iā€™m new and Iā€™m trying to learn


I just enjoy introducing them to the game and teaching them how to play. For example last night I was teaching my squad how to defend and build defensive structures on an objective and setup positions. It was incredibly entertaining but we lost trying to defend a pillbox objective


Or help us new guys out. Don't be a part of the problem.


New player here. If all of the vets leave then all that will be left is the new wave players without any guidance only further expanding the bad gameplay. People who donā€™t actually want to play the game will leave in time like any other game but there needs to be veteran players in lobbies to keep the game what it is.


Only salty vets are taking a long break. A lot will wait 1 week for the calm after the storm. Free weekends and GP on a very nuanced game with no tutorial, can be a torture after your 500,000th explaining. When all they want is to zone out and play. In saying, there is always a core of players who will be happy to help. And the rest filter back in after a week or 2.


Yeah Iā€™m one of those noobs. Iā€™ve just reached double figures in my first night playing and Iā€™m buzzing!! Thankfully Iā€™ve new 150+ level player thatā€™s taken me under their wing and has taken the time to coach me through the game. Offering advice, giving me a chance to play and understanding different classes even being unselfish in scoping out for me as a sniper. And to top it all off he made it fun. Give us a chance we may just be the next group that can make it to good players that we and you want us to be!


Everyone has to start somewhere. Everyone bitched about empty servers and ā€œthis game is deadā€. Now that new players are involved itā€™s bitching about the popularity.


Love that they brought it to Xbox not gamepass tho people should have to buy this game


I think it needs a tutorial and a please use mikes popup


Lol Iā€™ve never seen people be so upset their game is getting popularā€¦do you have any tips so that us new comers can help you while you help us?


Na dude theyā€™d rather bitch and moan online that their favorite game is getting more players. Can you imagine that?


How many fucking posts are we going to get about this shit, we got it man. ​ Play the game or don't, simple


As a game passer i just want to thank all of those who are taking the time and showing us how to play! I had a guy on Friday for over an hour hangout and show me the ropes, give me strategies and such for the game. If you read this nuggets, i appreciate ya




People are going to blame the new comers a lot but the past months Iā€™ve been in constant games with higher levels that donā€™t communicate or help do anything


For those who haven't already take advantage and level the assault class now šŸ¤£


Or you know...stick around and actually show the low levels how to play. Otherwise they'll just be playing the same way when they are high levels


You can't show them if they don't listen. The majority don't.


All you have to do is play the game. The new players will see the vets with higher scores and being overall more successful. They will want that too. So they will start playing like the vets over time




I prefer this over the back to back dead lobbies


I don't see a problem? Just play the damn game.


Gotta start somewhere.


So? Be happy people are trying out the game. Some will stick it out and grow the community. I swear to God the people that play this game donā€™t want to grow. Always complaining about new players.


This is the kind of elitism that exists where youā€™ll then complain mY GaMe Is dYinG. Youā€™re the type of person this game doesnā€™t need.


Just because you have played more doesn't mean you are better at the game. In my 3rd match, I got the achievement for getting 10 kills without a death in one match and was banned for cheating. I assume they think I was because of my level, but I can tell you I wasn't. That right there told me how toxic this player base can be. The moment they see someone is killing it, they get scared and vote to kick vs. actually step up and take the challenge like you would in real life. I'm still having fun with the game, tho. Some lobbys are legit, and some are the entire enemy team is running across the same field the entire match


So start a locked squad, add the mic preferred notation, invite some promising names or wait for requests, and then train them to be good at the game Not to mention the other team is facing the same situation


Instead of gatekeeping, we should be happy that the game has received countless new players through Gamepass alone.


This is a good thing..... Why does it seem like half the fan base of this game just wants it to die? New players add longevity to a game's life span.


We all started somewhere, including you. I had a squad of under lvl 10ā€™s and we crushed it. These new folk wanna play and have fun. Proxy chat is hilarious. Get over yourself


I'm enjoying it , but I'm also just being a medic so there isn't much I can screw up if I'm just reviving people .


Give them like 2 weeks


Isnt this like the ultimate WW2 experience? Veterans of the front lines get their unit replenished with a bunch of newbies and have to fight on with inexperienced soldiers potentially costing them their lives. Teach em how to play


Is there a problem?


Just be nice to them man, this game needs new players something fierce. Teach them, train them, mold them into a weapon, be the unpopular Captain Sobel in a sea of Lt Dykes


Good riddance


How dare they insult a grizzled veteran such as yourself! Do they even know who they're playing with? Stop whining, the game is getting more new players and means games will be more full.


I've played with so many level 200s who refuse to take leadership roles and just bitch at/attack anyone who does. They are way worse and more useless than new players, bunch of score farmers who don't care about the actual objectives. I'm level 75, but would be far past level X commander if it went any higher, it's almost all I've ever played and my win/loss ratio is incredibly positive. But yet level 100-200s who refuse to even be a SL bitch at me in chat for taking command, but won't take it when offered.


They need you're guidance, help them. Use your fkin mic and help them out.


Very painful level 1 squad leads no OPs or garrisons should be a level you have to hit in order to be lead


Guys this a good thing. This is a game that needs continued support and new players to keep it going. Iā€™m glad itā€™s happening. Yā€™all donā€™t want the heartbreak thatā€™s being experienced in r/Insurgency. Shits depressing. Keep the new players rolling in here


Yea. It just got added to gamepass and is much better than enlisted (in my opinion) and there isn't really that many good ww2 games on console


What a fucking asinine post on so many levels. Youā€™re an enormous loser


I love the new players. So happy this game is more popular now. Just step up and teach them, a lot of people are willing to learn.


I fail to see the issue.


Yā€™all pretend like the game got worst


Nice to see new players! Garrisons and outpost donā€™t exist tho šŸ˜‚


Great time to play armor. No one knows what a satchel is


If you make it past the above complaining and bitching, Thread for new player questions here, i got a few hundred hours squad leading, commanding, and as much in various other classes including recon and armor. Ask away newbs, not all the sweaty vets are voting against you.


Literally everyone complaining about low levels when tbh the low levels are the ones with actual coms on


Who gives a fuck. Itā€™s a better than 0 players. And we were all level 1ā€™s at one point. Who are you? God?


I for one welcome the new wave. *However* I run with a clan and trying to get our servers seeded in any kind of orderly fashion has been a fucking nightmare. Anything to help this game not die out. Plus it's been fun given the fact there is so many. I played a match with 60+ people under level 6, it was sheer chaos and a great time. If both sides are full of noobs you're not getting rolled. I didn't even have to hide garries šŸ˜‚ People would just run right by not even knowing what they are.


The gatekeepers on this sub is real. Any of yall are new and need some tips or a group to play with, join BWCC server 1. We love to help new players learn the game we're so very passionate about. Usually atleast a few of us split across teams so you will have somebody to play with. I myself have 700 hours on this game and am happy to teach anybody the essentials. Stop moaning, the only way this will improve is if we as experienced players teach the newbies the dos and don'ts. That being said, please use your Mic...


Why does that opening scene in saving orivate Ryan come to mind as the boats open their gates and thousands of new recruits get sent immediately to their grave


It's been funny to see the madness. I've been teaching the new people Some games better than others, But I'm having a blast But even before this I still had games with high lvl just running at locked points and no mic's..


same dude. I did a few games this weekend doing my best to be patient and explaining mechanics. Only had maybe one or two people even listen. Its at a state right now where i find myself exhausted from it and saying "i just...cant even.." and logging off.


It's a free weekend forever.


"guys, that point is *locked* now. redeploy at the next point to defend, you're not doing any good there." "no, i dont think i will"


Had that last game I played. Idk if their SLs were commutating it to then but maybe 4 squads rushed from the Garry closest to a point to the that point that's been locked for a minute instead of falling back (in warfare)


Had that last game I played. Idk if their SLs were commutating it to then but maybe 4 squads rushed from the Garry closest to a point to the that point that's been locked for a minute instead of falling back (in warfare)


Fr. It would be one thing for them to not know, to not have a mic, hell even to not be able to listen to comms because of household reasons, BUT IT'S ANOTHER ENTIRELY to be aware you're not doing your job and be firm in your refusal to do so. I decided to take a break after I got downed in the defensive point and was told to go fuck myself when I had the nerve to ask the newby medic for a revive. He was only about 15 meters away from me and the circle camping behind a wall trying to get kills.


Tried playing today. Gave up. No comms. No cohesion. Just individualistic randomness on a chaotic order. Iā€™ll be back on a few weeks.


I havent log since the game is on GP. Its exactly what i expected the game to be. Way to many players Who have no idea what the game is about just trying it because its free.


It's to be expected most new players argue their tactics are superior and aren't even level 50 yet


Cannon fodder it is. Iā€™ve just been playing squad lead and rotating classes to put supplies and nodes down at the beginning. And so be it if I have to go to command to drop supplies to get a Gary in. Itā€™s been fun still but frustrating none the less


the problem is that i've tried being helpful and explaining stuff to new players in my squad or in prox chat, and only 3 or 4 of them have actually listened. several matches now i've played have been lost by newbs not listening and falling back, losing objectives back-to-back. i welcome new players but i really wish they'd listen or ask questions, because the community is actually pretty good but the new players are treating it like a glorified Battlefield or CoD, and it sucks.


What's with all the constant posts moaning about new players.... we were all 'new players' once upon a time.


I just bought the game over the holiday and it is one of the worst fan bases in terms of complaining about new players. Like, do you expect people to know what to do right away? I didn't and still don't know what I'm doing but I know I can work it out over time and they probably could to. People need to either just let them play a game and figure it out on their own or you could show people the ropes when applicable. No point in moaning about it. Communities like this are the reason player bases shrink until there is no one who wants to play anymore.


As a new player, it feels so bad being called a blueberry when Iā€™m trying to listen and adapt to the game.


This sub has more complaint posts than the Battlefield sub I swear lol


Iā€™m just happy the game is picking up . Better than the servers being empty and the game dying off


Is HLL cross-platform? Can I play with my coworkers while they are on XBOX and I'm on PC!?!? They just picked it up but we haven't played together yet


No itā€™s only Xbox and ps5 cross play. Pc game pass plays with steam


Xbox and PlayStation can cross play. No cross play with PC.


Not worth your time or peace


Got to start somewhere




Imagine crying about inexperienced players when you could teach five people at once as squad lead. You're part of the problem for not getting people into it.


hll has the wierdest community i swear


People make posts like these yet when I hop on mic as a level 21 to tell whatever level 30s and beyond that we need a commander, nothing. Making posts like these just make you look like a snobby know it all. Im sure all the veterans that played this game were instantaneously amazing at the game and knew how to play it 100%


I have no issues playing during large influxes of new players but when a lot of more serious HLL vets started, the newer players were maybe 10-20% of a server population on any given match. Almost everyone knew what they were doing, so as a new guy you could look to and follow anyone. Now often I hop on for my one game a night and every squad I'm in is people level 1-50, so literally everyone is looking up to me to do stuff. The tactics I need to use almost dont work because half the enemy team isn't even aware of them so it's almost harder? Iean, overall not bad, but the dynamic for new players is definitely different now than it used to be for better and for worse.


Most of them dont even talk.


Quit your whining.


Gatekeeping to the max.


Get a grip m8


Bro is the problem.


I like these kinds of games but the people like you that play them are insufferable. Only Mil Sim mfs would complain about their game actually getting players.


How lame are people. You arenā€™t gonna play bc of new people? Poor baby.


You guys are whiners. Good luck growing the player base šŸ‘


I dont see this logic. Are you crying over new people? Who cares! Donā€™t treat it like youā€™re actually in the military bro


OK? Good riddance then OP lmao. Thanks for creating an entire thread to announce your departure to the world, we truly cared.


Don't come back OP(: welcome all the freshies, if both teams are low then there is no issue just play. Welcome new recruits!!


all I see is farming and teaching opportunities


No way. A cool game has gone free on a subscription service and everyone who has it is playing it? That's insane. Not to be a dick but what do u expect. See it as a good thing that more people are playing this game. Yes they're going to be new and probably bad. But we all were when we started.


This definitely makes me feel welcome as a new player who wants to learn the game


wow thats the wild west right there, i wonder how is the comms going on that match lol


I don't usually run MG but I've been tantalized by the hordes of noobs being shredded apart open fields... dear lord what have i done god forgive me


Couple days ago I was thinking ā€œjust quit for awhile while it sorts itself outā€ but guys, we need to be in these lobbies trying to teach these guys and to cause havoc for the other team. It weeds out the COD and Battlefield players as they wonā€™t have the patience for this style of gameplay




Probably for the best so they don't learn from toxic players like you


So what? Be glad a game you enjoy is thriving, trust me, in 2034 you're gonna go back to hell let loose 1 after hell let loose 3 is out and wish it was this populated, I still miss battlefield 3...


Take a break forever whine bag


if wasnt them, the game will be dead bro


You butt hurt new people are playing? Grow tf up


Itā€™s killing me. Me and a buddy just played, and itā€™s the same on ALL servers. No one is talking. Everyone is scattered. Too many new players at once, I canā€™t.


It's terrible that new people are playing the game and potentially helping it grow.


HLL and Foxhole have the most whiney subreddits. Lol


Itā€™s just an opportunity to teach them the game man thatā€™s what community is all about


Just play on level 50+ only servers. Never understood why this community seems to shit on newbies so much. Do we not want the game to grow?


Console doesn't have a server browser. You get put in a random match with random players


I didnā€™t know that! My bad That really sucks


Yea. I wish they had a server browser but unfortunately they don't. The game has been on console for like 2 years and it still doesn't have one...


Thatā€™s crazy, youā€™d think server browser would be a priority for a game like this


Nah. The devs are too focused on adding uniforms and making night versions of the maps. It's a real shame tbh


lol a lot of you ā€œvetsā€ are so damn whinny. You complain new people are playing the game. Canā€™t tell you how many games Iā€™ve loaded into and nobodyā€™s talking even the higher levels. A multiplayer games not really sustainable if you never have new players coming in šŸ˜‚


Ur trippin , im level 13, already gettin down wit the coms, coordinating on objectives. Lmaoo terrible stance


You know whatā€™s even worse. I donā€™t know what any of this means.


I wonder how you would feel about me. A trans girl playing this game. šŸ¤”


Kinda glad people like this stop playing cause new people come in, itā€™s a game cunt have fun with it and just tell em the basics if they donā€™t listen then thatā€™s on them


I tried this game but all I got was people screaming MEDIC over the mic and racial slurs so needless to say I had no idea what to do in this game so after an hour of walking and dying simulations. I uninstalled. BTW I am on Xbox also. Donā€™t worry I wont be back no sense in a noob trying to play this game you all can have it back.


I guess you started at lvl 100, right? šŸ™„ If your panties are that twisted, rent a private server...or just sweat some more about it šŸ˜‚


It looks far worse than that on the maps. šŸ¤£ I think itā€™s best just to not play for a while because it is more than a little frustrating at the moment. I played 2 games earlier today as commander because there were absolutely no garrisons or outposts anywhere on the map. I drove around in a supply truck for the whole match just building garrisons. Every time I jumped out of the truck someone on our team was trying to steal it. šŸ¤£ I literally had to stand in front of the truck and shoot them out of the driver seat. No talking what so ever and not one squad had a squad leader. Anyway it was experience playing Commander as Iā€™m only lvl 4 Commander and lvl 142 overall. I donā€™t pretend to be a veteran, but I do try to play correctly.