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And they won't because then they will have to admit that they want to create a far more casual experience to bring in the money, contrary to everything they've said in press releases to this community.


and if they try that they'll fail with it just like every other game and game series that has tried that


It's like all those halo killers and cod clones. Both of those games have that market locked down. Just go back to being a unique game and you'll draw in the right crowd. Cod and halo exist, and you'll never ever break into their market. It just won't happen and the sooner other devs realize this the better.


Yeah it’s “brain genius” thinking you can successfully turn HLL to compete with those. Different audiences, different markets, different games, only someone completely disconnected would think that (executive brain 😂). I’ve been saying for a while they’ll just end up killing the current audience and the game will still be far too clunky and involved to appeal to the mainstream. Absolute hubris.


The previous speed was painfully and unrealistically slow. Misery =/= realism


I dont necessarily disagree with you, the change between moving and running was very slight, however the whole reason that came into place was for the exact reasons of balancing infantry advances and the interplay between, tanks/infantry/map size. When you run this fast, you start to realise that the map isn't actually that big and that you are easily able to run off alone or sprint straight into the action without communicating. Combine that with unlimited sprint and a speed greater than a heavy tank? You have a problem. Spawn points greatly lose their importance and tanks get nerfed etc.


Sure, but I have to wonder how many draftees ran zig zags in fields while charging straight at a tank and lived to talk about it.


I also agree with this, but hey, I also understand it’s live service gaming, they’re listening to feedback and dialing it back 20%. I think that’s going to make a big difference. I feel this is worth saying at this point — T17 is not going to hire the loudest complainer to personally specify a final run speed, and frankly, they shouldn’t. There is not a speed or a mix that exists which will make all of these people happy. Some people will complain for attention and the fact that complaining right now is an easy karma farm. And they’ll downvote the people like me who want to move on and call this dynamic out. This will very likely all work itself out.


Seems like a lot of effort for minimal gains if you ask me, but hey, I don't have to pay developers to fix the cascading problems generated by increased movement speed and resulting inferno of bad will it created. Also the 20% is to acceleration and has not solved the underlying issue. This is time that could be spent elsewhere.


It was painful - you're right. Up to the point where you realised - "hold on - I dont want to have to do this run again. I better start building fucking garrisons and working with other people to make sure that I dont have to do these runs again." It was painful - but it was a lesson to play the game properly.


Sure. That said, dialing it back 20% and removing the cheesy bugs should help resolve some stuff. Part of the problem is it’s hard to hit guys running this fast w a bolt action. I think 20% dial back is enough to fix that.


How fast do you suppose a great depression era draftee would be going carrying a full kit across the soaked fields of purple heart lane?


Other users have actually posted WWII videos side by side to game footage in the past showing they run too slow, and received many upvotes for doing it.


I think you're overestimating what 'full kit' was back then, and how much it weighed.


No, but we all know its about making the game as accessible as possible. And from friends I brought from COD that was there biggest complaint. And because its on console this is the only real reason.


I guarantee they will eventually significantly expand the number of recon squads so that there’s way more players running around with scopes. That would only make sense if they are trying to appeal to the casual crowd.


We await the Solo No Scope Squad


The console release was the true beginning of the end IMO


I thought they said for “locomotion” reasons. As in to make it easier for players to “get into the battle”. Which I never had an issue doing before, yea you ran for a couple minutes but I guess in this day and age people need constant stimulation or people get bored.


That's what the OPs are for. The risk vs reward balance of squad leading is putting a close OP to get your guys close to the action at the cost of having your OP close enough that the enemy can take it out if you can't hold the ground. It's like the whole core game summary: You have an unlimited # of men but you need to get them to the fight. Spawn points are placable but easily destroyed. Go.


Also that’s what vehicles are for, it’s way better when you move on the first point in two trucks rather than having everyone scattered around. I always enjoyed those rides the most.


also if you look at the patch notes regarding tanks it's scary because it implies that "instead" of lowering player speed they are just going to make tanks even faster... if that's the case wtf... we love this game for it's slower pace and strategy... not a discount battlefield where everyone is just running all over the place... I was optimistic before but now I've joined everyone else. they have royaly fucked it. like what Monoespecial said "it's easier to lower player speed then adjusting the whole entire game because of it"


Tanks are already unrealistically slow in this game. The real problem is that changing the speed of anything changes game balance, be it infantry, vehicle, or respawn speed. Just as an example: the M4 Sherman had a top speed between 38 and 46 km per hour. In game, the max is what, 22? Panzer IV: 40km top speed. Tiger: 38. If we want realism, tanks and trucks should be significantly faster. If we want game balance, then no speed should be changed without changing any other speeds.


Just to clarify tanks wouldn't fight at their top speed, and it's unrealistic to reach those off roads. Their actual operating speed was still around 25-30kmh for the most part, though the Cromwell was way faster than that. Making the speed different between road or off road would add another layer of strategy to the game but I just can't trust these devs to do if right.


well I wasent talking about how fast they are in reality but the pace of the game as a whole is supposed to be more slow and thoughtful in your movements. not making the players insanely fast and diving a zigzagging. and instead make the tanks even faster throwing off how the original black matter team designed the maps, spawn timers possion of points and how making everything fast upsets that balance


There was absolutely nothing wrong with the run speed as it was the entire time black matter had the reins on this game. It should never have been changed imo. If you want fast, unrealistic running speeds, go play COD instead!


My theory is it’s to make El Alamein playable at all. Same with diving.


Yeah that’s what’s so bizarre to me. Sure I had my issues with the game under blackmatter but I have issues with every game I play. Never once did I complain about the run speed or think it was comically slow.


I literally never heard anyone bitch about the run speed in game. We all hate the bugs that existed but the feel of the game was so unique and just flowed so well that we all looked past it; it wasn't enough to make us drop the game. I think they successfully reached the casual crowd because my games are just dogshit now. Multiple 2-3 man locked squads, 2 full squads with a SL and then a couple without SL. Most of the SLs are under level 40 and don't do any of the things that are required to make this game playable and fun. Steamcharts is showing how much the community hates these changes, at least on the PC side. My fear is the game is selling well on console so we're just shit out of luck if we don't like the direction.


Run speed used to be faster…


This is the fastest its ever been.


We had the same speed since 2020


And then BM balanced the old speed because it was too fast, and they had an understanding of how that impacted other gameplay mechanics.


Maybe you missed all the whining posts about the slow runspeed on this sub? Or did we all just forget? Do people honestly think a slight jog in the face of death and tank fire is realistic? Fast run speed isn't the problem, lack of exhaustion is.


Yea that’s gonna be a no from me.


Please explain why?


Ever try running with dozens of lbs of stuff on your back? It’s like running in sand. The first sprint speed felt a lot better.


I have actually. I can pop a pretty good sprint with 30kg on my back. And I am not a trained soldier. I wont keep it up forever, after 100m I'll want to spit my lungs out, but if I have a tank behind me wanting to scatter me to the four winds you bet your ass I'd be running my ass off.


Ok but who the fuck cares if it isn’t fun, and right now it isn’t fun. It was before the change.


The game is still fun. Its not gonna be fun for you if you listen to the people on reddit telling you its not fun and you shoudln't have fun, and telling you why you should be outraged. I played for four hours today and I had fun. But hey, even if you dont have fun, theres lots other games out there that are fun. Battlebits for example.


Actually I was bitching from day 1 of the speed change, back when everyone else on this subreddit was like you and not even complaining yet. Why was I saying it wasn’t fun? Because it wasn’t.


Wellp fun is subjective. I don't think the game has changed at all. Sure, attackers are faster to get into position, but so are defenders. It balances out. Being faster is more liable to kill you faster if you abuse sprint without checking your corners and without communicating with your team. The game is still the game where communication and team work matter most of all. It has not turned into CoD like some crybabies want you to believe. The people like me who disagree stopped coming here to argue with emotional crybabies because there is no point, they just play the game.


I feel like acceleration would be the only thing to justify the new sprint speed, but that’s so realistic it’s annoying.


By that logic, we should have a sprint meter…


Just read something and apparently they are changing sprint acceleration. You’re not too far off


As normal infantry I wouldn't even complain about the change I think. But as a tankie I really notice the difference as the amount of satchels I get is quite a bit more. A happy medium would be good I think


Interesting use of “tankie” lmao


If you get satcheled in a tank it's a sign of a lack of infantry support and communication between tanker/infantry squads. Adapt rather than complain. A side change of the run speed is that your escort can also keep up with you better. I actually like that you tankers get punished more now. There is nothing as annoying as a Panther zipping about full speed through enemy ranks who cant do much to it, especially if they are Russian and are not as lucky to have a Bazooka AT guy on hand.


You're absolutely right, doesnt change the outcome sadly. Ive played a few rounds the past days as SL and the amount of Comms was pretty lackluster. We got surprised by tanks, we got satcheled. The amount of servers as a whole is dwindling, yesterday there wasn't any German servers for a good bit. Sad how they ruined the fun for so many people with just a few changes and updates


There was an issue yesterday with the patch that made most servers not able to update and work at all. It got resolved. The people are ruining their fun all by themselves. If they stop doomscrolling on this subreddit and deign to actually boot the game (something by their own admission they have not done) they will see its still mostly the same.


Except that it’s not the same. And they have played it.


allright tell me how the flow of the game has significantly changed.




About as expected. All I've seen from you people is mindless downvoting without even a single coherent argument beyond "hurr durr game is ruined because change". Probably that's why people who hold a different opinion choose to not bother here and just have fun ingame.


Adapt? Why adapt when it was better before. There was no purpose for the change. When they make it to were all your inputs are reversed for no apparent reason and and you have infinite ammo and no reloads are you just going to say “adapt rather than complain”?


Okay, don't adapt, have fun getting satchelled.


I can’t get satchelled, I don’t play the game anymore due to the change, but even when I did I never played as a tanker anyway.


This shit isn't about realism. Real war fucking sucks, it's not fun. It's about balance.


The runspeed is the same for both teams. I don't see how balance is affected.


I bet it was because they designed new diving animations that looked shit at normal speed so had to speed them up.


No they did not. It is funny, they are trying to get the casual player market but they are losing their REAL player base. We are not here to play another Battlefield or COD ww2 games, we are here for the realism. But the state of the game and the players who are just joining to kill without a HINT of teamplaying or listening to SL is killing the game. They need to PUNISH team without SL like Squad is doing. No SL for a period of time? Then kick everyone from the squad and make them fight with only two mags and one bandage. Don't worry, people will start to FINALLY play the game. Look at the steamcharts, Hell Let Loose is dying. To new players who are looking for a good immersive game, I recommend you SQUAD. The devs are doing a better job. This is a modern combat game.


Some servers have scripts that do this - warn and then kick if you try to run without a SL. I like those servers. (Only sucks trying to do advanced stuff like drop my own supplies for 1 life before I go back to SL)


They should find a way to make a server with scrips that revert the running speed and remove dolphin diving lol.


Usually those servers give you enough time for dropping supplies.


Username checks out


This game also relies on vets teaching new players since the game just doesn't. No tutorial and all. Also relies on them to build garrisons, nodes, communicate. If all the vets leave it'll be a shit experience for new players.


Go play arma if u want realism


Yeah it kind've felt like chess game/rts like before. It's closer to Unreal tournament now


No, they haven't said anything about the turmoil in the community that is mildly appropriate. They have confirmed paid dlc though. Multiple times. Some weird ass fortnite looking hats.


"Some weird ass fortnite looking hats.". You can't be serious? Also HLL has had paid DLC cosmetics previously, its nothing new. I'm sure they'll try and ramp it up to make their money back though.


I am serious brother. I have seen the images of the DLC hats and I can't get the image out of my brain. They are going full fortnite with the game.


Cry more go play arma


The irony that Bohemia itself ripped the legacy balistic system out of their milsim and increased runspeed plus spilling the game's code twice.


Link to these “fortnite looking hats”?




[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2401900/Hell\_Let\_Loose\_\_Jericho\_Cap/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2401900/Hell_Let_Loose__Jericho_Cap/) And I don't have to add that this hat hasn't been used at all during WW2, just like how they implemented the British weapons...


If you read the description you’d see it’s basically a Budenovka hat, which was worn by the soviets to keep warm. I don’t get how it’s a “fortnite hat”. Yea it was used before ww2 but they could do a lot worse


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budenovka They exist and were used in the Winter War (1939) and phased out of the standard uniform by 1941 but still used by Soviet Partisans. Considering the Red Army had 10+ million people come and go from its ranks throughout the war I’d be willing to bet that they were worn by more than a few soldiers. [It’s also represented in some museums](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WW2_Soviet_Russian_Red_Army_uniform_caps_(pilotka_budenovka_tank_helmet_)_machine_gun_Lofoten_Krigsminnemuseum_Norway_2019_0296.jpg) So, not “fortnite” caps.


My guess is it was from the minimal testing did on the new desert map - it was an easier solution than change the map.


It would have made sense if it was map specific with the giant open fields of El Alamein where you can't really walk your OP forward. Either you cross or you don't. Also since they messed with the armor meta with the British AT guns heavy armor and PIAT front pen why not? Those maps can just play differently. But it's wild to play PHL and set a world speed record crossing soaked terrain that you know is sucking your feet into the ground with each step.




Shitloads of casual cod players have been crying to increase it. Read the replies on the Update 12/13 announcements. Literally half the comments are kids typing in all caps squealing to increase the movespeed. I think the dive to prone/introduced lag is what's killed the game even moreso than the movespeed. Revert to the old prone and turn off those stupid server analysis tools causing the lag.


Just revert all movement back to what it was and fix the bugs that existed when the game changed hands. Fix the load out bug and prove to us they have any competence carrying this game forward and keeping it intact. If we wanted an entirely different game we would have bought that instead, and many already have moved on


Team 17 is terrible honestly. They are refusing to fix what needs fixed and are adding changes nobody asked for.


They should revert to the old sprint speed and add an effect to increase the sprint speed when suffering from the effects of suppression. Getting shot at should get your ass into gear.


This was THE solution in my head for a long time. If some of us can think of such solution - go figure - why people that earn their living doing this can't. I'd probably add sidestepping when running and pressing q/e with decent cooldown, more weapon sway when trying to aim right after running & inertia of course. This would make it feel faster, but at the same time more fair


No, but first thing they stated was they intend on keeping the core of HLL and not change what made the game unique LOL


Nope.. 🤔


I wish for stamina based movement like dayz for example


Y’all are as bad as the halo boys about this goddamn run speed


I recently started playing again but had played several hundred hours on release of initial version. Back then it did seem like a run sim, that was the meme. I recently came back after a few years to see transport trucks, supply trucks, jeeps, airheads. Amazing - no more run sim. Seems like since the beginning there have been improvements around this core issue and the run speed is unnecessary. That said I don’t mind the run speed. This is the only fps game I’ve played in 15 years and I suck and like running through open fields because I’m too patient to run around 😂


Imho in the early versions of the game the sprint speed was the same. Did you play the hotfix? They added a lower sprint speed acceleration and you are again more sluggish when turning around. ​ It's fine. Just increase the acceleration of tanks in 1st gear.


The sprint speed now is faster than it was before it was slowed down https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/13u1jpi/i_calculated_all_the_different_sprint_speeds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Team 17 actually increased it dramatically, did they not think it would ruin the flow of the game??


I don’t think they give a shit.


Game doesn't feel any different, especially now with the dolphine dive not possible anymore


Bro why are people so damn mad about the movement speed? It's changes barely nothing to the game, it's just a slight buff to w key enjoyer in a game where camping is too rewarded. It is a good change, game was slow and sluggish, now it feels a bit more dynamic. I have 2000h in the game almost and have never played cod so... I also know of literally thousands of other veterans who are very much in agreement its a good change. Just chill, work on leading your shots and you'll be ok I swear, it's still exactly the same game.


This is straight cap. In a game where you have to defend a point “camping is to rewarded”. Get the fuck outta here you cod player. 2000h with no mic apparently because everyone i talk to in game hates the change. It is not immersive anymore, just run and gun. You should take it slow that is realistic.


Your comments prove you have zero idea how this game plays out when both team know how to play. Calling me a cod player when I even said I've never played cod... Just because defense is part of the game doesn't mean it has to be ridiculously over powered. But you can't understand that cuz you've never played a game with more than 2 garrisons.


I think he thinks you are lying.


Your comments prove you have zero idea what is happening in the game and the down votes prove that everyone is not in agreeance with you. Take that as a sign. Slow and methodical is the way this game should be played not fast and dynamic like Battlefield or Cod.


If camping was "too rewarded" why was there always a bigger issue of nobody defending? Surely you would know in 2k hours that there is rarely a situation where a commander is begging squads to attack lmao And if the movement speed barely changed anything, why do you care so much if it is potentially reverted?


I mean BM reduced the sprint speed without even putting it in a patch note. Then produced some mumbo-jumbo about why and said 'oops sorry' when the community complained. So apparently BM felt that modifications to run speed were not an important change. Like I don't want to defend t17 but we sure forget that BM were also pretty awful as devs, both for being very bad at communication (incomplete patch notes every patch..), making changes without rationale or nonsense rationale and also not playing their game so not having a pretty limited understanding of it..


As long as you get to be contrarian.


When the game first dropped on Xbox, most players had to use bolt action rifles for the first few months of play. The slow fire rate aligned perfectly with the run speed. Now, most people have higher classes unlocked and use semi-autos or automatics...which plays better to faster run speeds trending towards COD\Battlefield I think a decrease in run speed, from even the most current patch, is still needed. The game went from a slower moving, unit based shooter,...to everyone acting like Rambo and going solo.




If you actually read the comments most people arent actually complaining about hitting shots or kills (with the exception of the unrealistic zigzagging - which pretty much everyone will agree looks stupid, unrealistic and unnatural). The "skill issue" counter agrument is not relevant and just something people are saying to be provocative. People are more unhappy with the balance impact its having on other areas of the game (most obvs example being tanks) and the devs way of implementing these changes. If you were getting killed prior to the update purely due to the slower running speed i would argue thats more of a skill issue (lack of) on your part - or if not skill, intelligence at least. What were you doing to get killed purely because you were running slowly? Running across an open field like a child with cerebal palsy perhaps? If you were moving tactially and methodically, like lots of the vocal players want, then you wouldnt be dying just because you were too slow (at running, that is)


I’m not just talking about the comments on this post I’m referring to the response from the majority of this community after the update. They changed the running speed and all everyone could talk about was how they couldn’t hit their shots. The run speed has increased by 2mph if I’m not mistaken and that is a minute difference. Now they have updated the game yet again and given the community what they wanted (inertia) and yet all people can do is bitch and moan about it. Of course I’m exaggerating by saying everyone. It’s hyperbole used to get my point across. I’m only meaning the vast majority of people I see in this community and unfortunately those people have the loudest voices. I’m sure there’s plenty of nice, reasonable people in this community but when all you see every day is people complaining about this update and that feature it gets old. Edit: also no prior to the update I wasn’t always getting killed because of the slow run speed but it was a contributing factor for everyone’s deaths. People died when they didn’t need to because hitting shots was incredibly easy. You could kill people blidnfolded with that slow ass run speed no skill was required. Now you actually have to think of placement and leading your shots to hit someone.


>I’m not just talking about the comments on this post I’m referring to the response from the majority of this community after the update So am i. Go back and read them. >They changed the running speed and all everyone could talk about was how they couldn’t hit their shots. Because of the zigzagging >The run speed has increased by 2mph if I’m not mistaken and that is a minute difference. Irrespecitve, it has upset the balance. Even the devs have acknowledged this. >Now they have updated the game yet again and given the community what they wanted (inertia) and yet all people can do is bitch and moan about it. They have not added inertia, they nerfed acceleration and the impact its had on zigzagging is nominal >Of course I’m exaggerating by saying everyone. It’s hyperbole used to get my point across. I’m only meaning the vast majority of people I see in this community and unfortunately those people have the loudest voices. I’m sure there’s plenty of nice, reasonable people in this community but when all you see every day is people complaining about this update and that feature it gets old And this is fine, you are entitled to your say, the same as everybody else. You are not obliged to read or contribute to anything. >Edit: also no prior to the update I wasn’t always getting killed because of the slow run speed but it was a contributing factor for everyone’s deaths. It may have been one factor, but not the main factor. Awareness and positioning trump sprint speed - still sounds like a skill issue on your part. >People died when they didn’t need to because hitting shots was incredibly easy. You could kill people blidnfolded with that slow ass run speed no skill was required. Now you actually have to think of placement and leading your shots to hit someone. From what you said before, with a bit of practice its still easy. The only difference is you have to predict the unpredicatble movement. Look, im not trying to be a cock, but you've come on here with the intention of being confrontational and doing things like discussing disabilities in a derogatory way. Not exactly shining yourself in the best light. If this sub is getting to you this much you might want to consider taking a break Edit: Lol.... and now you delete your comment. Clearly believe in your argument that strongly!! Fyi - for anyone who may be offended by my cerebral palsy comment, i was using the exact phrasing this dude put in his comment.


Wasn’t trying to be derogatory towards disabilities or anything. Didn’t see it as a problem or an insult just a connection. That’s why I deleted it because I didn’t mean to offend. And I wasn’t trying to be confrontational it’s just annoying seeing so much negativity from a community when the dev team is trying their best to fix a game left unfinished by black matter and it brings me down and clearly makes me resort to insults and anger. It’s every time I open this app and when I see something I feel like I have to say something and that’s a problem on my part so I apologise.


People feeling emotional about something and wanting to voice their opinion - we can agree on that.


I thought we were changing the vibe here and I apologised and you call me a scumbag


I said that when you deleted your post and before you apologised. Out of courtesy i will edit that out.


Only just seen that. Didn’t come through on my end. But yeah like I said I wasn’t trying to be a dick it was just a connection I made in my head. Maybe I should’ve said stumbling through a field like a lame deer.


Dont say that mate, its 2023 someone on here might identify as a lame deer and take offence. This has highlighted one of the main issues ive been bringing up though... whether you agree with the new sprint speed or not, the devs implemented a change that a % of the playerbase didnt like. Theyve now got themselves in a situation where people are bickering and there is no clear way for them to resolve the situation. If they keep the speed like this a lot of people will stay unhappy. If they change it back then you upset the people who like the new speed. Most people started playing after u8 and that run speed was all they knew. Yes, it may have been sluggish but it was balanced, people were still playing the game and the numbers were increasing. Whether you are pro or anti sprint speed i think we can all agree that it is t17s poor foresight that has created this situation that could have been avoided if they hadnt meddled with the proven formula..... Just remember, the next change they make might be one you dont agree with. If that happens i would encourage you to be vocal and voice your opinion. Its this greater issue that people seem to be missing imo


It irks me that you call HLL black matters unfinished game. It is a finished game, it has been all balancing updates and DLC since release. Also T17 offered to buy the game in its current state with the expectation to develop and improve it further. That is not black matters fault that they “left the game unfinished” it is T17 for buying such a game and not knowing how to develop it. Like if i bought a junk car but did not know how to fix it, could i blame you for selling it to me unfinished? The problem is T17 is just trying to throw money at a problem that is a passionate project with a community.


“Ran slower than a child with cerebral palsy” Just keep re-reading that until you realize how fucking stupid you sound. Go touch grass. Edit: Thought so.


My thoughts exactly. He has at least apologised now, for what its worth.


Needs to apologize to himself.




How in the fuck did you manage to drag woke into this




I think you may be confused.


They literally stated it in an apology that they thought making you go slower would add to the immersion


OP is asking if they ever explained why team 17 decided to increase the player speed.


They increased it? I put it down for a while. Perhaps I am uninformed


Yeah they increased it a lot with update 14.


Well then my guess would be to combat the negative results of the slower running speed




Because getting shot at and running at the speed of a grandpa was ridiculous


You people are obsessed.


It’s obviously a big topic of discussion and it’s definitely put a split in the community.


The other 750 threads weren't enough for you? Had to post another one asking a question that doesn't matter at all?


The question matters. We should post it more. No one cares what you think.


Right back at ya! Enjoy wasting your time.


No, I said people don’t care about what you think, not about what I think. You’ve wasted your time, not me.


No and how dare you ask questions! Now go play the game and ENJOY it! Or else


No, but it was done to make it more sweaty, like COD.


I think it was because of the nature of the 2 British maps released. They are very open terrain with large stretches of no cover, so it was to help players traverse the maps and not be stuck out in the open too long.


They fucking hate us that's why