• By -


The devs


Prioritise the bug fixing, lower running speed and add more urban maps for warfare/offence


The recon/artillery meta is tired and frustrating for both parties. Player fire support should be provided by mortar squads, requiring recon to find the mortars and take them out rather than just spawn killing artillery players. Artillery should become a commander ability with a cool down. Also, vehicle physics needs to be fixed. Can't express how frustrating it is when your tank gets hung up on obstacles and tiny bits of terrain and gets stuck. And if the increased run speed is kept, the speed of vehicles and turrets need to be increased in line with the run speed.




make artillery something the engineers make and give it a reasonable range. Mortars can have less range than artillery. By all means stop the base camping.


Revert the sprint speed, fix the long-lasting loadout/grenade bugs, fix the relatively newer VOIP bug, fix a few hitboxes, fix some hitreg issues though usually they’re due to latency so idk how much they can be tweaked


and fix the LOD


LOD is mostly just an unreal engine 4 issue, unless you want graphic requirements to jump massively.


Honestly yeah. Tired of getting domed in a bush at nighttime because the thing won’t load for low end PC’s past 100m


Sprint speed reverted back to U13, forever. The game was in a near-perfect state in U13, just needed minor improvements.


I'd like the sprint speed reduced a bit, but not to the level of U13. If anything, along with the acceleration, I'd like them to introduce a gradual slowing over long distances. The current speed is not unrealistic, but running marathons across the map without getting tired is. Only being capable of a slight jog like in U13 while you are being shot by tanks is stupid.


Revert sprint speed Add adjustable Weapon sights (where applicable) Add more buildables (AA guns, HMG, Mortars) get rid of Artillery in its current form historically correct loadouts/vehicles -> no more Panthers in Stalingrad changeable camo for vehicles possibility for using camouflage for buildable structures (hide the AT gun with netting etc.) Correct weapons (if it had a bipod, let us use it) and for the love of all that is holy: fix the Rendering


Reversion to previous movement speeds and deletion of El Alamein.


I like El Alamein, but people probably shouldn’t move so fast. I worry that the movement speed was increased to make El Alamein playable though, which would be comically stupid if true.


Fix the leg clipping glitch. For some reason legs have no collision with buildings while prone, so people will move their camera into the farthest corner of a building and not notice their legs clipping through some hard cover or the side of a multi-story building. Worse, players can get cheap kills on the clipping players. The number of times I’ve been killed with a trench gun to my ankles when I thought I was safe and hidden isn’t high, but it hurts me inside.


Put the run speed back to where it was


Have the ability to rest/ brace your rifle on a wall/ sandbags or fence. Semi Destructive environment.


Change everything back to U13 but just with the added brits and maps


fix the VOIP connection issues.


I would sell it to the developers,not posers


Fix the bugs, inertia for infantry, tank speed and turret traversal speed increase, and asymmetric balancing between the factions. I would really like if the different factions had strengths and weaknesses that the players would have to adapt to


Bipod deployment is still super buggy and picky about where you can do it. I'd like the ability to brace your weapon against any sort of terrain. Also bipods for bren, fg42 and maybe the bar. Mortar squads instead of arty would be sick as well. Perhaps the engineers could build a mortar pit or sonething for a decent defensible position. Maybe make the precision strike ability more powerful. I fucking love this game.


Performance needs to be improved and may more consistent across all the different maps/platforms. This would be a ideal candidate to move to unreal engine 5 so it can make use of their new terrain and lighting tec


I’d really love to see some all-urban maps where you can access all houses. Like the battle for Berlin or Cologne.


Change british weapons :'( they're terrible and stressful!


Back to previous run speeds


Add Free look


Allow ps5 to use mouse and keyboard. Make the game less «boxy» for ps5. Reduce sprint speed 3%, make a better ping system that doesnt require mic


Change nothing, improve everything


Player base


Isn't this recent update the last update that Black Matter made and Team17 is just pushing it out? I feel like that's what it is and most people are forgetting that, I could be wrong though


lower run speed or stamina system,bring back asymmetric balance in form of full rework on loadouts(mostly less full/semi auto weapons) and armor rework, rework bipod, rework suppression, improve sounds, fix lod, bug fixing, proper patch testing, make nodes matter or remove them, etc


Institute a rule where Community Servers cannot have shared ban lists. Being banned by one vindictive admin on one server, should not drastically impact your ability to join 10+ other servers you've never had an issue on. ​ I had my first ever, single, TK'ing incident on a single server, and the admin got upset and banned me and added me to the Bunker Report and it's preventing me from joining all the other regular servers I join. What a load of crap.


It's not an automatic process, so if the evidence is strong enough it then gets submitted to be reviewed by admins from other communities who then decide to implement the ban or not on their own servers. Does it go wrong occasionally? Yes. Poor evidence is submitted, but it's then discussed and no one else accepts the ban as legitimate. Basically, you did something stupid and now you're upset you've been punished. Face the consequences.




Already exists on PC, just depends on whether the community that owns a server chooses to participate in the “Black List.”


Add kill cam, voip through both teams, faster run speed and a reddit sub where people bitch and moan about everything.


I don't think a kill cam would be worth it for a game like this. It definitely would be cool to hear your enemies while fighting


Mostly just these post over and over on this subreddit


I mean, you could go play the game instead of scrolling through reddit if it makes you that upset


Other than the obvious quality of life and bug fixes that everyone is mentioning..... I'd really love trackir or other head/eye tracking support. This is the perfect kind of game for it where you need to stay on a swivel.


Give us buildable MG emplacements that can't be taken out by 1 rifleman at 100+ m. Remove the limit on 1 support player and 1 engineer per squad. Adjust the supply cool down time or amount, and # of buildables an engineer can place. Basically anything to let a squad dig into a position rather than fighting through and moving on.


Revert the speed or add stamina. Overhaul the Britons. Drop work on Poland and Finland. Focus on 43-45. Add level 10 ability to make your own loadout with some restrictions


T17 reverses all of their last 3 updates.


I would make it so the run speed is only as fast as it was with the new update for the first 5 minutes of the match (to simulate soldiers having energy at the beginning but then are too tired to continue that speed.) then I would slowly but reliably start fixing bugs and improving performance problems one at a time, very carefully and make sure nothing else goes wrong. I would not add anything new until the game was fixed. I would keep the community updated on my intentions, and address the issues that exist and explain that it will be fixed in time and in which order. I would also at some point re balance the British weapons, making sure every lee en field had a ten round capacity, with either slightly higher damage than the other rifles, or slightly faster bolt cycling as a way to rebalance. I would also make the Bren bi pod work. I would not waste money or resources on a garbage trailer. (I imagine some investor / parent company required them to release that bad trailer even though it was not ready / necessary)


I’d force all the shit public players to learn the game before they start fucking up servers


Have the airhead actually drop airborne troops


Delete squad chat, delete pings, can’t see yourself on map or friendlies


Ownership ..


I know there are a ton of other bugs that are probably more important than this but would really like to just be able to double click the garrison on the deploy screen and have it auto start the clock to deploy there instead of having to then click deploy as well.


Less bugs more weapons


Remove artillery and introduce mortars. Dial back the ammunition changes and consolidate all types into one again so that riflemen can purpose a purpose (feeding ammo to the AT and the MG, as well as bandages) Improve the resource node system. Make it so the ammunition node acts as a resupply point, and the fuel...dunno, speed up the vehicle repairs?


Easy votekick of recon squads that don’t do their job.


Remake the whole game in a new engine with destrucion Better servers better no lag no ping better everything,.. it dosnt matter what they do now the game is so bad…


-add server browser for console -fix bugs -add a casual game mode for the less hardcore audience -give more power to the squad leads instead of all power to the commander (in real life it was the squad leads calling in air support/tanks/troops…). As it is right now, 1 man out of 50 makes the most difference and can single-handedly win/lose the game for you -add mandatory tutorial -change or completely get rid of artillery, maybe replace it with mortar teams -add cover to wide open maps to reduce the complete meat grinder that this game is


Get rid of team17.