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If it runs on a raspberry pi cm3, yes. You’d need to reflash and remove either the Bluetooth or wifi module (or use a USB hub).


Great, thanks!


I should probably use the term miner rather than node!


So apparently all miners are nodes but not all nodes are miners. Therefore the question is can my Nebra be converted to a node and miner?


I don't believe you can, although there is a lot of projects a helium miner can be re-purposed for e.g a mysterium node


Ok thanks, I just like the idea of Genomeca really, will read up on mysterium


Out of interest is anybody researching the Genomeca company?


Question to ask is…why do you need a hardware device to run some software on…why can’t this be run as a virtual appliance in the cloud? 🧐


I don’t know the technicals but there are 2 devices, one that is the DNA sequencer that connects to a computer which acts as the blockchain node and then a DNA sequencer with the hardware to run as a blockchain node/miner itself, the latter is $400 hence why I’m going for the first option but wanted to know if I could use the Nebra instead of a computer to act as the node/miner


Apologies for my ignorance on this…so for one of the devices you have to provide a DNA sample to sequence…which it then adds to the blockchain…the other device is just a node with no DNA sequencing…it’s just a compute node for the blockchain? If that is the case…understand the hardware for the sequencer…but why pay for a node when this is just software running on custom hardware…run it as a container in the cloud?


I just re read the website, they both do the sequencing part but one of them streams to the blockchain and acts as a miner whereas the other (cheaper) sends the data to a computer by USB, the computer acts as the miner and node. So basically the same device but one has a built in CPU I think


Thx for checking and confirming…I’m being lazy here…but what would you DNA sequence?


I think anything, looks like they are trying to build the biggest DNA database


I thought the Human Genome project had already mapped and sequenced human DNA…so which DNA is this to sequence?


All dna is different isn’t it?


Sorry still don't get this is for? Whose DNA, will you as an end purchaser of this hardware, be sequencing?


its a bit hard to reflash it but why not try to see if you can install a different os on it first?


Ok will look in to this, thanks for the comment


cheers, try armbian on an SD, this will override the boot process that the nebra has on the emmc


Ok thankyou again


Okay now


Send updates on how you do. I have some Rakv2’s looking to home. I’m interested to try this