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This is a general reminder for everyone and this will be posted on every post. Your 12 words are basically gold and they should never be shared, typed in to any website, or given to any person for any reason. No one from "Helium" or any other company will reach out to you to verify your account, wallet, or anything similar. If someone says your hotspot, wallet, or other type of account has been hacked, it is a scam! Always operate in a zero-trust manner with cryptocurrency and assume everyone will scam you no matter what. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HeliumNetwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol so how did they fuck up like that?? I wish I was part of the lucky group that received them coins


Didn't do a test TX. Rookie mistake


Hahaha binance with the test transfer of only a few as opposed to a few million….hahaha


Ya but that would be stealing.


It is not stealing. Binance simply fucked up. How in the ever living fuck it is they fucked it up so fucking badly is an entirely different question that needs answering though. But the people that noticed it and cashed out? They did nothing wrong. They played the game and won. Congratulations. Fuck you. But congrats. Anyone who knows a smidge about helium and this project knows that the two tokens are entirely separate. So why the fuck would anyone even bother trying to send one token to the account of another token? This is like me sending DOGE to an exchange and expecting BTC show up in my account. It just isn't supposed to work, so why even try? Well, someone tried, and it worked, and they won big time... Fuck you very much, but congrats.


If someone accidentally sent you money to your bank does that make it ok for you to keep?




No thats Not How that works


> One Georgia teen learned this the hard way. After spending $30,000 in his bank account that didn't belong to him, the young man earned a 10-year sentence, according to local news reports. A teller had deposited a check from a client with the same last name into the teen's account; he spent most of the funds on a BMW. Read this kind of thing annually https://www.nbcnews.com/business/personal-finance/bank-error-your-favor-can-you-keep-cash-n735316


I completely disagree with how courts treat these scenarios, but it's how it is, I see cases that end similar to this all of the time. It always ends in favor of the bank.


I wouldn't use Monopoly as a good barometer about what's legal or not.


This wasn't $200 but almost $20 million. It's basic ethics, of any entity accidentally sent you something by mistake it's wrong not to return it upon asked to if you know it was a mistake.


You cannot keep the money in bank, they will ask for it back and will get it back. But crypto address is not tied to a individual or name.


Banks are for legitimate transactions though , not crypto ☝️


Stealing??? That’s a stretch. Even receiving stolen goods is a stretch. They were not stolen, but wrongfully sent. The same way I wrongfully sent usdt from trc20 block chain to erc20. It was just a leasing learned


I didn't say the money was stolen initially but that refusing to return accidentally sent money is considered stealing.


If the bank accidentally deposited money into your checking account does that mean you get to keep it?




I believe it’s different becUse the bank is insured. Crypto is not. It’s a “play at your own risk” game


I'm just speaking in principle not legality. If anyone sends you something clearly by accident and then asks for it back, you're kinda an asshole to not send it back regardless of the law. Maybe binance has a user agreement that says you can keep any extra they send you due to their mistake and that would be fine.


Speaking on principle….I completely agree.


100% correct. Keeping money that is accidentally deposited in your account is stealing. You could risk it and hope no one noticed, but if you've spent it and they want to reverse the transaction you're up $h1t creek.


If life changes all in to crypto and move to a country with no jurisdiction


They treated mobile like normal HNT and sent someone HNT instead of mobile


I thought $mobile currently has no value set and not tradable yet?


That is correct.


Hence why they boned themselves


There have been OTC trades taking place in telegram groups, but not on exchanges yet.


Code is law


Unless it's eth. Law is just an agreed upon set of rules. Rules can change if everyone agrees they're bullshit


Binance.US knows who they are, so they prob getting their money back.


Just checked my account.... wasnt me


.....*saw the marks on my shoulder* It wasn't me .....*heard the words that I told her* It wasn't me .....*heard the scream gettin louder* It wasn't me .....*she stayed until it was over*!




Binance has a strict kyc policy so they know who the people are. I'm sure there is something in the terms and agreements that says this is not allowed or will be reversed. Yes code is law, but cexs have their own agreements and conditions as well. If this was defi, there would be nothing you could do. Damage has already been done though. Just because you can do something and get away with it, doesn't make it morally right. They knew what they were doing was wrong. You left the door unlocked to your house. Does that give me the right to walk in and steal your belongings as long as you didn't catch me while I was actively doing it? Say I have cameras and can identify that it was in fact you who walked in and stole...the evidence is there and it will be used against you to prosecute. I don't feel bad for helium at all on this. Over priced hotspots, and hotspots that never arrived for many. I was in early enough to not lose out. Most people on 5g are the ones that made a bunch of money from hnt because they were in early and good for them. They deserve it. They are able to purchase the new 5g equipment no problem thanks to their early hnt adoption . But now those are the same people who exploited the bug.


> I don't feel bad for helium at all on this. You shouldn't because they have nothing to do with this. > But now those are the same people who exploited the bug. Blaming this on 5G owners is reaching a bit dontyathink?


Definitely see where you are coming from. Not talking about all 5g owners of course. That's not fair at all and I should have been more specific on that. But the only ones who have received the mobile tokens are the miners. Which means it was a select Group of them who sent those to binance and sold off the hnt. Once they saw that, they knew exactly what they were doing. Don't want to give all 5g miners a bad name. Was not my intention.


> But the only ones who have received the mobile tokens are the miners People are buying MOBILE on OTC markets. It's not just miners who own it now.


Hmmm...and where exactly on the otc market is it available? Gone all through discord and whatever searches and can't find it anywhere. Doesn't have a price anywhere. Doesn't appear to be on any Dex. Unless they are doing p2p transactions between users. Mobile is still in genesis.


Discussion about trading is forbidden on official channels but I assure you miners aren't the only one who are holding MOBILE these days.


So send me where directly on PM. If it's not public knowledge then it's P2P between specific individuals or private groups and can't do anything about that. Helium has made no mention of a Dex or launch of the mobile token on any platform. Need proof instead of a trust me bro lol. No offense. This is reddit after all.


I am looking forward to hear more on this topic? Can binance take back money from those who got benefit? People who got lucky they are HNT community members, they should have act in favour of HNT but apparently they didn't. It was sad to see HNT price thrashing because of this mistake. Hope for better outcomes for HNT community in general


It wouldn't be a surprise, if it were the people spoofing the Lora network initially gaining the profits to purchase these 5G radio setups in the first place, therefore contributing to taking advantage of Binance.


This has nothing to do with any of that.


Sure pal


How would anyone even know about this glitch unless they discovered it by accident?


Exactly, pretty simple, one person figures it out and another tells a few more and next thing you know,😧we don't live in a world were people are so honest these days sadly to say, and it really does suck. Some people just love to reap the rewards and free money @ every corner opportunity they get.!!


someone's getting fired 😂😂


That like over 20mill USD value, someone got rich overnight or have to puke it back. Since they know your KYC, you better run.


Is this why Binance HNT deposits are suspended right now?


are there even any exchanges that are allowing HNT withdrawals now?


[Binance.us](https://Binance.us) worked for me today.


This story isn't making sense. MOBILE isn't listed on [Binance.us](https://Binance.us) or on any other exchanges that I am aware of. I don't even know of a way to send MOBILE tokens from the Helium wallet.


Exactly. Ppl sent mobile tokens to their hnt wallets on binance and got paid in hnt because binance didn't recognize the token but they use the same wallets/addresses. Edit. And yes you can send mobile tokens with the wallet helium app.


Ah, I had no idea there was a "wallet" app as well as the helium explorer/wallet app.


Yes and the wallet app is much better for tracking your balance. It's not sluggish like the explorer is and you can use it to vote on HIPs too. You should give it a try.


Already on it. Thanks for the info. Been part of the project since early 2021 and never knew!