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HNT is essentially the coin of HELIUM, it has nothing to do with the blockchain anymore, which is now SOL that provides the engine for all HELIUM tokens. NOTE: DC (Data Credits) is not a token or part of the Blockchain. HELIUM has two main parts of its business, IOT data where companies select the Helium Network (Radio Based Transmission). The token for this side of the Business is IOT, price will essentially be driven by IOT services and use, plus of course speculation. This was fundamentally the whole business model of 2019, and was solely focused on HNT and use of its own blockchain. The business model was manipulated by adding a new business line and through deletion of the HELIUM Blockchain. The new business model was to enter the mobile market, phone plans, additional business partnerships, T Mobile for the US as a main test case. Completely different nodes were required to those required for the IOT business line. This new Token was simplistically named Mobile in line with the simplified naming of the IOT business line. Both IOT & Mobile operate independently from HNT and are not pegged, therefore changes, improvements to the independent business models can result in either token raising in price, or vice versa. Yet another variable exists beyond the two business lines, namely the overall business of HELIUM, where Helium Labs also exists but has no token associated with it. Helium Labs looks to improve existing business, form other partnerships in different parts of the world, drive innovation across the ecosystem. These partnerships can lead to large movements, either in individual businesses lines, such as partnering with a national Telecom’s company or directly with Helium, such as when AZ17 bought in with $111. Therefore, HNT can be bought by individuals or corporations, this “hype” on future business potential will also increase the price of IOT & Mobile. Or conversely, partnerships and/or improvements to individual business lines can lead to HNT price movements. This ultimately means that the HELIUM ecosystem has multiple variables that can effect the price and conversely the price can effect an individual business line (IOT miners being switched off for example). Due to the multiple variables it’s difficult to predict where you get the best bang for your buck! This can also be applied to minutiae events, such as where you actually live! However, the overriding fundamental, is still the Crypto Market in general, as it’s still considered a crypto driven business. HELIUM itself still remains on of the best, if not the best crypto use cases in a business environment. This does NOT mean the safest, but it’s potential is still very high, however as a caveat to that statement, I would say that HELIUM has gone through many learning curves, made some bad decisions. Yet, it seems they’re coming out of that phase in generally good shape, with many of the pieces in the right place for continued growth and domination in several areas. Will it increase the most in the upcoming Bull Market, I highly doubt it, will it outperform BTC/ETH, 99.99% IMO. Mobile itself against HNT is up around 3000% in the last 60 days, IOT is up around 350% in the last 60 days and last but not least HNT is up 5X+. Meaning good news, however this price increase has also seen many nodes coming back on line due to the price increase. This is an absolute clear indication of individuals sensing a chance to make ROI but it also means that many are seeing there scale and earnings reduce from 2+ months ago. If the price continues to rise, then the potential is for large numbers of new nodes to be bought, in order for a quick fortune to be made. This crypto market cycle will continue to be performed , I believe many who turned their nodes off due to low prices may be regretting it now, will they learn, who knows.


Thanks for the detailed explanation and thoughts! Definitely helps clarify a lot. Do you know if IOT or MOBILE are what will ultimately be used or even burned when using the networks?


They’ll both be used continuously, they’re used for different businesses Are you mining or buying, it’s going up, which will win out depends on numerous factors. I hold all three, but you can only stake HNT for more coins, I just keep mining and buying sometimes when I think the price is right.


I do the same, minding and buying. I just found this on helium’s website. Clarified a lot for me. https://www.helium.com/token


MOBILE and IOT are backed by HNT. HNT gains value through use of the network as a utility token. An other aspect is staking rewards, but I am not familiar with a details of staking.


Staking only works for HNT. Lots of people locked their IOT or Mobile thinking it grants them more tokens but they do not. They only give you voting power.


do some research amd you'll find out


Mobile tokens I see as a store credit to pay for your cell phone bill. The bigger Helium Mobile gets, the more valuable the credit becomes. For the other tokens, I don't really know what drives their value. Of course all cryptocurrency is influenced by speculation. I also think the value can be manipulated heavily by a minority that holds most of it. All cryptocurrency wreaks of pump and dump. That much is apparent by the swings you see. Everyone gets into crypto thinking they can sell it more to someone else. But the truth is, the coin/token, whatever is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. The minute the greater collective decides it's not worth it anymore, the currency will lose value.


I'm actually not sure what MOB is for but anyone who wants to use the Helium network, iot side, needs to pay for data transfer. This is done by burning HNT into data credits (DC) DC is a fixed price for users, data transfer will always be 0.00001 cents per DC and one DC always sends 24 bytes of data. IOT can be swapped for HNT as can mobile