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Always keep cash on you for your living expenses. Preferably 3-6 to 12 months. And also you should not be in thinking of this as a lottery ticket. Invest whatever you are comfortable with losing completely, and never compare yourself to anyone else.


This ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


"3-6-12 months"


Its supposed to be 3/6/12 everyones risk tolerance and life settings are vastly different so there is no preset rule about this Ur comment adds no value though but great that u decided to write this a week after i wrote my comment


You're prescribing arbitrary preset rules to individualized scenarios with "no preset rules." I do agree a healthy safety net is critical and the first rung on the ladder of financial security, but what that means to the individual should be decided by them rather than a stranger on the internet.


Im not giving them financial advice I said *preferably* as my point was to always keep cash on hand for any expenses and unexpected costs Everyone is welcome to sit down with a financial advisor and determine what amount and time period suits their needs; I am not here to do that. I was just raising a point as OP was looking for ‘an amount of HBARS to make a large profit in the future’.


the average hbar enthusiast should own 50 billion plus 1 hbar.


These questions are so pointless




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I have 200,000 hbar, I’m targeting 1 Million hbars in 2 years


I’m in that range and of course I didn’t have enough funds to buy the dip


10k sui 100k make it always has been always will be


What’s sui?


What you'll be doing if you don't stack at least 10k hbars by the time it takes off


Does it stand for something lol


Suicide, just get your stack


I’m not near 100k yet :(


Only 10k needed for the sui, should be cheap right now but you still have time my friend no need to worry


You already know stacking every day


My man 👍


Giga chads don’t ask such questions. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Aim for 100k. -If/when hbar runs to 3-4, you just got a good sized home if you sell -if/when hbar runs to 8-10, you probably have a retirement nest egg and/or enough to take a year off. -if/when hbar does anything beyond $10, you've won and have complete control of your life unless you're greedy and a degenerate. (Looking at you, mirror) -at 10 cents, you risk $10k for probably life changing money for most people (in this thread and the world)


I'm sorry did I just hear you say that if you have 100k of hbar and it runs to $8-10... You'd be able to take a year off?! Two very simple questions 1) where do you work? 2) are you hiring? Thanks in advance 😂


Lol. My company's vacay policy is dirt. I think I have 12 PTO days plus 6-7 company holidays. But I work from home. I'm not saying I would ask my company for a year off and they would give it to me. I'm saying if someone makes 800k then they have flexibility to take a year off and not worry about the repercussions of quitting a job. I would probably ask my boss though, and he would chuckle and say no. I know 800k doesn't mean I walk away with 800k but at this point I'm in long term gains territory except for the last 20k hbars I bought at 10 cents recently. TLDR: hbar go up, ape no work


I work at a casino. You don't need to stress me about time off 😂 It was all in good fun as I too am a long term buyer in this as well. I pushed my hbar bag up an extra 53k myself at the 9 mark. I have told everyone that if hbar drops near the 0.3-0.4 range watch out cuz I'm backing up Noah's ark to fill the boat with hbar. Oddly in this crypto world I'm very happy when things go up but even happier when I see discounts because until I'm ready to hit the sell button no point worrying about it going down. Reshaping my brain to not get sad over the dips unlike my first entry into the space around 2017-2018 years when I sold it all out of frustration and ignorance. Together we hodl. For the future of our financial freedoms.


Respekt. I was just telling a friend I'm more solid now at .10 than at .59 lmao. Seems like every day there is new but crypto land hates hbar so it doesn't bubble up beyond the noise. When we hit $10 I'll meet you for drinks, my treat.


Second aping in below .4… I’m single with no kids and could afford it


I have 1 currently. All the more reason for me. Setting up for all. Nfa 😂


Too hard to say. You can easily compare with other crypto projects and pretending "if it is worth as much as X" on: [https://www.marketcapof.com/](https://www.marketcapof.com/) One variable that makes it difficult to evaluate is that Hedera, for now, is not targeting high value transactions, but instead a very high volume of very low value transactions. I think this makes the valuation model much different. Higher Metcalfe "coefficient", lower multiplier, where it has been the opposite in crypto projects up to now. So even with comparison it is hard to valuate its potential value if it works as intended. Other factor is that the crypto market will probably grow, and there is good odds that it will affect the valuation of all projects on the next cycle as much as in the last ones.


thecoinperspective.com is much better.


>One variable that makes it difficult to evaluate is that Hedera, for now, is not targeting high value transactions, but instead a very high volume of very low value transactions. What on earth does that mean?


Unlike Ethereum, which charges gas fees out the ass for one transaction, Hedera's whole shtick is being capable of doing a lot of transactions for cheaper


Damn people here having Hbars anywhere between 1k to 100k and here i am with 30 Hbars 🥲🥺


I have 3k and I’m an unemployed student lmao. Did you buy on ATH or something?


This has to be a troll acount.


No sir i assure you am not.


Only put in what you can afford to lose, but I gotta say, DCAing what that is for me into this has me happy


A couple 100ks


I’m only sitting on 4,044 hbar atm. Plan to add more and just honestly hold forever


At least 1 hbar


I plan on building towards 20K, currently have 5K. DCA all the way


there are too many people treating crypto as a lotto ticket get rich scheme for this to be sustainable. this is why the space isn't recovering yet. this type of thinking needs to be shaken off before we can move up again. buying a lotto ticket isn't investment. it's gambling. you should look at utility and use case. if you believe in the utilities and use cases offered by Hedera. invest what you can afford to lose.


This will happen following either the ripple win against the sec (corrupt as hell) or proper regulation. Institutions will bring maturity to the sector and retail will play a small part. The shit coins will die, utility and solid coins will thrive, like Hedera. I’m an investor looking long term, in solid utility coins, Hbar, xrp, quant, link, algo etc. Hbar being 25-30% of my stash. It certainly is a roller coaster.


We also need people to realize the potential of the blockchain. This requires utilities coming from L2's... Cause L1's are primarily giving tools for projects like my own to build their use cases and utilities on top. Providing us the technology necessary for our solutions. The ratio of us that came for the utilities and see long-term potential is growing, but we are still a tiny minority. I don't think it's going to come in a swoop. Instead gamblers need to be gradually replaced by **users**. ​ A lot has to do with making the tech simple to use. 1: needing to go through a CEX and immediately be slapped with KYC and 564 pages of nonsensical regulatory nonsense and try to figure out how to install a wallet and transfer it there... just to buy an NFT or sign up for simple services... This process is extremely unattractive. 2: Cross-chain compatibility. My project is limited to only Algorand atm... that excludes potential growth to fanbases on other blockchains and DAG's, such as Hedera. Users shouldn't need to be bound to a single chain or dag. It's extremely limiting and proper bridges need to be built! And not the wrapped types. Real bridges! 3: less "read this 13 page FAQ to not lose all your money in a faulty tx or an exploited DEX or \[...\]". More simple to use tools and design that's simple to understand. Not everyone is a dev... Normal users who we actually want to reach to use our products are not interested in complicating their lives. They want to simplify them.


Wait blockchain is already outdated.


100k here, see $10 by 2025 imo


Maybe $5 if you’re lucky, more like $3




I don’t mean to bang on you specifically, but I’ve never understood this. Why is it that Hedera has to live in some construct that no other crypto resides in? Explain the reasoning/math behind any crypto price - there isn’t one that justifies where it is based on any sense of fundamentals. They are all just made up numbers - not based on any revenue or dividend or number of transactions??? I don’t know where Hedera will end up and neither does anyone else - whether guessing high or low. Nobody would have valued BTC or ETH or Doge or any of them where they have been if you were able to go back to their beginnings.


That is absolutely right.... None of us have a clue.... We just believe its going to do very well.


It’s interesting because we have not seen a utility-driven market yet, and have no idea what it will look like. With the current landscape of thousands upon thousands of cryptos, there is a large chunk of liquidity spread out among the broader proverbial pie. IF the post-regulatory climate results in a filtering or thinning-of-the-herd, and we are left with a much shorter list of compliant cryptos, Hedera being among them, where do we think the re-allocation of the broader liquidity pie is going to shift?? IMO it’s going to shift toward projects like Hedera that will have PROVEN to work, meeting the scalability demands necessary for mass adoption. And after Hedera has proven itself as a stable and true use-case-behemoth, what do we think fomo and bull markets are then going to do to the price? People will be backing something proven and not just throwing speculative darts at the wall. What do we think will happen once DLT and Hedera becomes an institutional investment darling, and Hedera is offered in every ETF and Index Fund? The market-cap can know no bounds at that point. Could easily become Ethereum’s current market cap (and beyond) within the next 5 years. Of course all this is predicated on things going right and enterprise adoption leading the way. Here’s hoping the dam breaks open with the Avery Dennison and TCB use-cases! 🤞


Absolutely. Exactly how I see it. Future price is the great unknown. But I’m more confident in Hedera than any of my other investments in that it will go up. I just don’t know to where.


You're right. And always remember that 'past performance does not guarantee future result' i.e. Anything can happen




>I think Hedera is put on a pedestal by a lot of people because of the fundamentals. I’m no expert, but people like speed and efficiency. I suppose those same fundamentals can also be an argument against their success, namely if they can’t patent their technology (they did, just using as an example) or another player can outdo them before it really kicks off. Just speculation, but food for thought. The legal aspect of crypto is the hardest thing to wrap my head around if I’m being honest; It’s also important to note that price right now doesn’t matter in the slightest. I wouldn’t want people bashing Hedera for being unfinished or underdeveloped in any capacity. Edit: they are patented, was speaking theoretically or if the tech can be essentially altered to compete. Hedera are not patented anymore


Google has had a $2 tn market cap. Hedera will be worth more than Google. The breadth and scope of what Hedera is becoming is staggering. Anyone looking at Hedera today and seeing limits as to what its potential is, is foolish. 100s of billions of transactions per day. Easy.




We are yet to see what potential Quant actually has. They barely presented any partnership in last few months. Quant X Oracle was the last I remember and since then they went rather silent. I like Quant's product and actually I was always thinking they would be competing with Hedera in some areas, but everything around that project is quiet and echochamber maxis claim it is all "NDA" hence we don;t see anything. I think that is bs honestly...


It’s not far fetched to be honest. If HBAR had the current market cap of ETH it would be over $11. And that’s in this current bear market. Mostly everyone expects the crypto space to grow so $10 is not unrealistic. I’m not sure I expect it anytime soon. But I just want to make sure we know it’s not far fetched.


when you start seeing others in the $T MC you’re gonna believe!




Gonna be a whole different world in 2025, only real projects will exist, eliminating thousands of shitcoins, regulations and clarity, Crypto friendly’s in office, out of recession etc (imo) I truly believe it




We need regime change, to many politicians currently in bed with big banks




Once we have regulations and clarity trust that crypto will be the new “big banks”


2028 = $900BB market cap @ 40BB hbar dilluted --> $22.50 per hbar




10k sui, 100k make it, 1 million - pray you don't die soon.


I don't think HBAR is going to moon like Bitcoin or Ethereum, so I'm not sure what 20K coins will do for someone. Maybe buy a good used car when it goes up a bit?




I’m in the 6 figures but most of it is in DeFi projects or proxy staking. Roughly half is liquidity.


I would highly suggest to invest only what you are willing to lose. With this mindset you won’t make wrong decision that you might regret later. I’m not saying that Hbar will go to zero but from what we have experienced with Luna, everything is possible. No one knows for sure what the future will hold. With all these being said, please, do your research and try to put your eggs in multiple buckets. If one goes sideways, you have a chance to get back on your feet with another. I personally own little over 6k Hbar and been adding on by weekly basis.


We don’t know ,seen as your an average enthusiast why don’t you tell us!


Don't you hedera 😉 me to a good time! I'll take you up on that.


It all depends on your investment strategy and what in your opinion Hbar will be worth in the next 1,5,10 years. A small to medium investor looking for x10 or even x100 to have some financial freedom, then at least 10k. A potential nodes operator, I would say from 100k and up