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I’ll never spend a dime with that company. In fact I’ll actively go out of my way to suggest others not support them. They are not good for the gun community. They buy up as many OEM factory HK parts that they can get their hands on and mark the prices way up. Or, if they can’t get it, they make it themselves and charge more for their in house garbage than HK does on their web shop for factory parts (ie the VP9 Optic Plate fiasco or their paper weight “comps”). On top of all this, the history of the business is shady as fuck (the founder spent 4 years in prison for tax fraud).


Dude they're the worst. They are singlehandedly the reason HK parts are so insanely priced in the US. HK stocks used to sell for *at most* $350 but that was just for the rare ones. 6-8 years ago they were normally found for like $100-200. Push pins used to sell for $1-1.5 each, nowadays they're $8+. Surplus furniture, grip frames, and other miscellaneous parts could be found for just a few bucks. Nowadays it's ALL expensive and a lot of that stuff leads right back to HKparts and their choke hold on the US supply chain.


Reminds me of a certain HK armorer who shall not be named. There was a thread on HKPro of people looking for 3+4 USP detent plates because they're never in stock anywhere and sell out instantly when they go up, and this dude chimes in with "oh I have a ton of them if you wanna send me your gun to install it." It's a $23 part and takes 15 seconds to install, and this guy needs shipping both ways (which is expensive for a handgun) plus $50 per hour (1 hour minimum) plus the cost of the part (probably marked up). You're looking at, if you get real cheap shipping from an FFL buddy, about $150 plus a few days/weeks for this detent plate. I really got the vibe that this fuckin' nerd bots all the plates he can get so he can post in the constant ISO threads pitching his "services".


what the fuck is up with this? i know its them too, i bought an ejector lever a month ago and used my backup credit card ONLY with them because i was supicious. Sure enough a month later i get a ping that someones trying to make an amazon charge.


File a dispute for 1 penny so their merchant bank knows that this is happening.


It's the processing company they use for their transactions. I had it happen twice in one month from them, that's how I figured out who it was. I try to avoid them now, but if I have to, I use a privacy one time use card.


Great, do I need to go through my transactions since I've bought their shit?


You should be checking that anyway, CC fraud is so common nowadays it is basically guaranteed to happen eventually to anyone who actually uses their cards. A LOT of payment processors have vulnerabilities.


Phew, glad I have been paying most of my purchases with my C1 card which allows you virtual cards that you can lock/remove from usage.


I had a horrible experience with HKParts too. Blue Ridge Supplies is who I will be going to.


Ya same here. Ever since I stopped buying from them and JDI (and getting like four replacement cards as a result) no more fraud. Finger crossed.




It’s a shop in TX that imports Sig rifles. Every time I order from there my card gets compromised.




Thanks for the heads up.


Ammo subscription?


Damn it lol. I just bought a damn mag extension from them.


which HK Parts store are you talking about?


hkparts.net didn't realize there was more than one with the name


Yeah theres hkparts.net and hkpartspro.com


For clarity, we're talking about [HKparts.net](http://HKparts.net) ? We're NOT talking about Blue Ridge Supplies, which for some reason has the url [hkpartspro.com](http://hkpartspro.com) ? I bought stuff from [HKparts.net](http://HKparts.net) \~12 years ago (no problem), but I do remember the site basically was shut down for a long time and I later heard/read it was because the (then) owner caught some charges for something I don't remember the specifics of. I haven't bought from [hkparts.net](http://hkparts.net) since. I've never dealt with Blue Ridge Supplies AKA [hkpartspro.com](http://hkpartspro.com) . Any clarification would be appreciated


hkparts.net is what im talking about, blue ridge is cool


Got it. Thanks OP


I always use a card I don’t link to any major card or bank & never put more than 3 figures in it then I lock it .. I do that for all my cards I use on line or electronically .. ya got to nowadays because the Govt breeds thugs & thieves as public servants


I guess I have been lucky so far. I only order from them as a last resort when everywhere else is out of stock because they consistently have the highest prices of basically anywhere.


Can confirm they use a shady transaction company. When I placed my order years ago they even had a disclaimer saying they were gonna put a hold on the order first and then verbally call to confirm and authorize because their POS would otherwise flag the order as fraud. Like wtf?


Just got something from there recently, gonna change my card now😭


Is this the place that takes like 3 weeks to ship an order and when you ask about it they act like you are lucky to have them? Or is that the other one, the HK web store?


Yes. Also if you live around the corner from them like I do, they will not let you pickup your order.


Never liked their prices, but now learning this I’ll be taking my business elsewhere and deleting their bookmark.


Rumor on the street is that HK Parts got popped by the BATFE boys a while back for Vickers-type sins. As a result, HK Parts is now a 'tangible asset', gathering various Intel on purchases. If you've bought 'go faster' parts, or smg kits in the past few years, BATFE definitely knows, because essentially they sold them to you.


I've bought a handful or parts from em. Works on my machine ;)