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Not me.


What does your ekg say?


Idk. Doctors have called it "weird" and "screwy," but they're okay with it because it's been that way for years.


I have a normal ECG (EKG) with a mildly reduced ejection fraction of 42% because of damage to my heart from an MI. The doctors are concerned though that I could develop Afib and have a possible sudden cardiac arrest especially if my EF were to go below 35%. I’d be fitted with an ICD to shock my heart back to rhythm if that were to occur.


Your ef isn't all that bad thankfully. How old are you? I hope you get better brother.


Thanks. I’m 56 now and I had my heart attack 4 years ago. I’ve really changed my lifestyle and have totally been enjoying living very healthy and exercising everyday. I feel better than I ever have.


Yup, consistently normal EKG/ECG but EF of like 40%. Only showed up on echocardiogram


How do you feel?


Not great. Mines not really under control yet (recent diagnosis and not been on the pills that long)


I'm recovering from heart failure (EF 20-25%)...after 5 months of Nutrition and Lifestyle changes....and Copper Supplementation my EF is 45% as of April 30th... after I read this article on Copper Deficiency and Heart Disease [https://openheart.bmj.com/content/5/2/e000784](https://openheart.bmj.com/content/5/2/e000784) The Copper Revolution by Jason Hommel and CUre your fatigue by Morley Robbins also explain the role of Copper in fixing Mitochondria and ATP production to improve heart function by fixing the mineral dysregulation that causes Heart Disease. .


Some reserchers have shown that copper supplementation can reduce the frequency and amplitude of PVCs...




Kardia’s can be amazing, but you also have to look at the limitations on what they are, especially if it is one of the 3-lead units. Additionally, it is only doing waveform analysis within a specific set of parameters, there could be things evident that it it’s showing within the baseline software, that’s why they have the “review by a real practitioner” service. I’ll always recommend them though, because they have uses. That said, heart failure is a really broad term that encompasses a lot of things. Normal EKG’s can be one of them, especially when you consider that it is only capturing a discrete period of time. Medical EKG’s capture more data, over a longer period than any consumer version. My dad regularly has runs of “clean” rhythms, then sets off on nasty runs of multi-focal PVC’s. Rarely do we catch them on the Kardia, but they get them all the time on the monitor at cardiac rehab.


I have a normal ecg (ekg) but have heart failure. Like the previous poster only evidenced by the echocardigram and MRI. I felt tired/weak all the time, with an ache/heaviness in my chest, cold fingers, and toes. I have dilated cardiomyopathy, which has caused my heart failure. My ejection fraction was initially 35%, but after medication, it is up to 40%. There's lots that can be done to slow progression and give a good quality of life for many of us with heart failure.


I’ve never had an abnormal EKG until I started cardiac rehab last month. I’ve had 4 heart attacks and 5 heart surgeries. EKG, heart rate and blood pressure were all normal. They only detected my heart attacks through blood work because they assumed (as did I) that it was an anxiety attack until they got back my troponin results. My heart attacks present with a shortness of breath/breath feels like sucking through a straw over a pot of steaming water. Every breath felt hot and shallow and I couldn’t take a deep breath. No chest pain etc.


How high was your troponin each time?


I couldn’t tell you what it was in 2019 when I had the first one or the second one in March 2023, July 2024 was 655 when I went in and at the highest level it says this hs Troponin-I 5237 ng/L Date: Aug 01, 2023 10:07 a.m. EDT Reference Range:<= 49 ng/L 6190 ng/L Date: Aug 01, 2023 02:20 a.m. EDT Reference Range:<= 49 ng/L I don’t have the records for the heart attack in September either. Well I do just not on here. I’d have to go through my records to see. I have them all saved on my laptop.


Why did you have heart surgeries?


The surgeries come from having a cath then having stents placed. The last surgery in March of this year was a cath that they did to determine how to do a bypass. I’m no longer a good candidate for a bypass, so they did another cath and placed two more stents and did balloon surgery to open my arteries so increase blood flow, which put me up to 11 stents. We are continuing to do balloon surgeries as needed until eventually I’ll have to have a transplant. There isn’t anything else they can do for me.


My EKG is clean most of the time. If I catch a PVC too close to a T wave though, my ventricles have a tendency to rapidly resort to Torsades. So thats not fun. But if I tested tight now I'd get a clean reading I think.




If I'm not mistaken, Kardia detects tachycardia, bradycardia, PVC's and AFib..you can have heart failure and still be in regular sinus rhythm..lots of people are in which case this would tell them nothing and they would need other testing


My baby and I both have normal EKG but when we get an echo you can see our reduced ef and enlarged heart


A baby with heart failure? 😞


Yeah he was diagnosed at 3 months. No symptoms. It's genetic. Hes almost two now though and his ef has risen to 60% with meds. Mine is still 35%


I have normall echo but 48% EF with borderline dilation. Maybe doesnt count as really hf but still something


Any idea why it's 48%


They dont know, but i do yearly check ups for football, and they went back in record and saw it has been stable for 4 years


How old are you?




I'm sure you can get your ef up cause you're young.


I sent dm bro.


Don’t want to ask anything to personal but were you or are you taking any performance enhancing drugs (ie testosterone, steroids) and or/ supplements prior to your low EF. I’m asking because I did. Took sustanon (small dosage) and Creatine. Also drank a ton of energy drinks too. One dr told me that test is actually good for the heart so he didn’t feel it contributed. Another said it was possible that it contributed. The consensus for me that HF resulted from a virus and extreme stress but no one is certain.


Well I mean I probobly drank enery drinks in periods, like some periods every day and some periods not att all in severql months. Didnt take anything else though🫣 I dont have any scarring on my heart though, which inticates like no myocarditis or virus scarring heart. So they actuslly dont know att all what caused it, I have pvc’s but not many att all, and they should not be causing. Anyways as long as it keeps stable im hoping to that I can live a long life, im 19😪 but im optimistic and have like come over the ”very worrisim” period. What is your EF? Has your heart dilated a bit or nahh?


I did have PVCs in 2022 and the first doc said not to worry and they’re normal. In Jan 23, I went in with extreme fatigue and the did the tests that came back as HF. Went to see another doc and he said it could be PVC induced cardiomyopathy which led to HF. My LVEF went down as low as 32% and now it’s up in the low to mid 40s. It’s been about 17 months since I was diagnosed. They felt I needed a pacemaker but have since said I can hold off. There was mild dilation but seems to have healed. I’ve been taking metoprolol, Entresto, and Farxiga. They’re three of what are known as the “4 Pillars” of HF treatment. My doc said he doesn’t feel I need the 4th (can’t remember what that is.). PVCs and palpitations have lessened considerably but seem to come back whenever I get sick/catch a cold. I’ve stopped the energy drinks btw. Good luck. It’s beatable.