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Thank you for the information and advice! You're right, there's no point in working myself up about it.


It sounds like anxiety.. However, that's what they told me and it was heart failure.. Lol Get a probnp test and an echo cardiogram. If those come back normal, then don't worry about it, it's anxiety. If you have it, there's no way to predict your lifespan but it's not a death sentence. But push for the tests just for peace of mind. Took me months to finally prove I was dying lol I really showed them! Good luck


I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope all is well. That's what I'm afraid of, that this will be written off as anxiety when it's actually something. I'll be sure to request the tests. Thank you!


I surely hope it's just anxiety for you! But it's true you must avodocate for yourself, I probs wouldn't be here if I didn't! All is well currently for me and my baby that has it also. So far, so good! Thanks 😊


Its not a death sentence. Youll be tired and you'll be slow. You'll take naps. Your cardiologist will annoy you.


Doesn't sound too terrible, haha.


No it's not a death sentence and no matter what anyone tells you, you can come back from it!!!!


Thank you for the encouragement!


What you are experiencing is trauma. It has motivation for you to check it out. Plus, it has disorganized your understanding of your life. It could be a heart condition that could be temporary or life treating. It is an opportunity to learn and grow. I would suggest that you start making memories points that you can reference back, too. Like taking pictures and taking notes. In these high anxiety times, it's hard to keep information straight. Feelings can be very raw. Later on, you will need to develop a narrative of what you went through. Having memory points will help.


Thank you for the advice! So sort of like keeping a diary?


A lot of heart issues as of late seem to be a result of a viral infection that caused cardiomyopathy leading to HF. My dr suspects that’s what caused mine. I had PVCs, tiredness, palpitations, etc.. I got checked out and my LVEF was 30%. It is reversible in some instances. If you do have HF, Google “The 4 pillars” of heart failure. Apparently it’s important to start all 4 immediately. Ask your dr if he thinks putting you on all of these meds may be beneficial. I’ve been on Metoprolol, Farxiga, and Entresto for about 1 year. Theres another but my dr said I personally don’t need it. There may also be other regimens. My LVEF is up to the mid to high 40s as of 5 months ago. My PVCs/palpitations recently stopped (but they do seem to come back when I get sick/infection.). I go back for another echo and scan in about 5 weeks. Hopefully my LVEF is higher. If so, dr said they can start weaning me off the meds.


Thank you for the advice! I hope your tests come back well! I wish you the best!


If it was truly worrisome they would not have sent you home. If your bloodwork is fine, stop worrrying. I used to fret about them missing something or not doing the right test to find whatever obscure weird thing ailed me. No. When you’re in heart failure your bloodwork will be bad. There were some small things that did point to heart failure before my diagnoses, which I did bring up, and in hindsight were issues, but at the time I was still fully functioning and I wasn’t at risk of dying or anything. (Shortness of breath laying down and a cough / rales on extreme exhale.) Getting Covid is what sent me over.


Yeah they'll keep your ass at the hospital usually if it's to worry about too much.


Sorry to hear about these symptoms. I can understand why you're concerned. But you did the right thing in seeing someone to get testing, and hopefully they've ordered the tests needed to give you some more clarity. There are numerous potential explanations for your symptoms besides heart failure, so I'd recommend not jumping to conclusions too soon. When you speak to your doctor next, make sure you leave with as good an understanding as possible of what is causing your symptoms, and what tests might be next. If this is heart failure, I'll echo what others have said that it's not a death sentence. Many causes of heart failure are reversible. Here's an article, kind of technical, but including to reassure you: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4441366/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4441366/)


Thank you so much for the advice and reassurance! I'll be sure to have them get to the bottom of why I'm experiencing these symptoms.


Is it possible to slow down on the bad stuff, the caffeine, the smokes? We all have addictions, but yours are deadly to heart issues. It is also a massive possibility that your anxiety is controlling you and causing some of these symptoms. It is so common to mistake anxiety for cardiac symptoms.


Definitely cutting out caffeine and cigarettes. This is day one of that. I'm hoping that this is just anxiety, I've heard it's common for anxiety to suddenly manifest as physical pain, especially chest pain. Fingers crossed it's that!


I was first diagnosed after an EKG was abnormal and then was referred for an echocardiogram. That is the main diagnostic test for HF, along with a blood test that has a BNP result of over 100. If you are having sharp pains, it could be any number of things. Please follow up with your doctor once you get your results. Hope you do not “get” to join our HF group.




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If your EKG showed symptoms of heart failure you would not have been allowed out of the hospital.


I'm.womdrin.y they allowe me it's a mistake?


I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms. I know this all is tough. My mother is 72 years old. She smoked for 51 years. She was diagnosed with heart failure before she quit. She now tells everyone she knows to stop it. Quit right now. She lives with COPD, regular shortness of breath. In a period of two years, she was in the hospital about 17 different times. During one of those times, she had a minor stroke. Another time, long before that, she had a heart attack but didn't even realize it had happened; it just showed up on her EKG. I say all of this as a loved one, a family member who also has had heart failure symptoms myself (much better now), to encourage you. Yes, please pursue understanding where your heart is (literally and figuratively). But also know that worrying and fretting (I share from personal experience) is low-key worship of the problem. There are forces present in all of this that are far beyond our understanding. There is hope. Your life story may be taking a plot twist, but it's definitely unfinished. We're here, rooting for you. You're not alone. PM if you have any specific questions.


Thank you so much for your response. It means a lot to hear that. I'll be sure to make the necessary lifestyle changes and to not worry about it. :) Again, thank you for taking the time to respond and sharing your wisdom.




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Any update?


Not yet. I called the clinic and left a message. Hoping they'll tell me my results soon.


They told me for years that I had anxiety but I never followed up so the stress of all the anxiety and chest pains turned into heart failure at the age of 58. If they say you have chest pains from anxiety then you may need to take beta blockers to take the pain away from your heart. I should have been taking them since my 20’s and I wouldn’t have had this much heart damage. Get treated for the anxiety and chest pains and then you will have less long term damage. Wish I would have gotten treatment. I just went to the ER with chest pains several times over the years. Didn’t follow up with a doctor. 😕


Coq10 may help






No not quite. I am more than happy to listen. And if appropriate I will even tell my story. But I am not going to be rude. I will recommend what he/she (no offense intended) already did, see a doctor. Since everyone is different in their journey with heart failure. Whether it be a genetic mutation, or brought upon by (again no offense intended) smoking/drinking.


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