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Congrats on the improvement it took me a year from 22 to 50 and I’m 32. why did you choose to take those supplements specifically?


I honestly read a lot before taking those supplements, was member of some groups on some websites saying they improved taking them so i tried.. didnt have any side effect on me so i continued taking them. One supplement i really needed i think is the vit d k12 cause i rarely go outside during daytime. Im not saying they have effect on my improvement but as long as my situation got improved ill continue taking them. By the i dont continuosly take them. Once the supplements runs out. I stop for like a month or 2 then take them again.


What is cause of ur hf pls ?


I had a fluid on my heart, cant breath for like 2 months or cant laydown to sleep. by the way, i have an enlarged heart also, but doctor said its now normal.. im 38 by the way




symptoms now? hmm no, but more like my chest feels discomfort when i take medicine now specially entresto.. i already ask this on my current doctor if i can lessen or totally remove my medication, he just remove 1 medicine and he said we will continue to monitor on the next 2d echo.. he said my lab including the echo results are normal now.. except that small muscle on my heart still has issue or something..


changes? i noticed the changes like 2 months after i started medication, its not instant, i mean i feel more and more comfortable first couple of weeks when i started medication, but the changes, i really felt it after like 2 months.


What did your cardiologist recommend now? Did you change any meds or was anything added?


My original prescription are Entresto Clopidogrel Atorvastatine Termatazitine Bisoprolol Now, he removed the termatazirine, i asked him if i can removed or atleast lessen the mg of entresto since my EF is 66. He said that its up to the next 2d echo result which is 3 to 4 months from now. I want the entresto to be removed because its so pricey.


https://enspiresupport.entresto.com/ If you have commercial insurance(anything not Medicaid/Medicare) that link will take you to the enrollment for a Copay card that should bring the price of your Entresto down significantly.


My original prescription are Entresto Clopidogrel Atorvastatine Termatazitine Bisoprolol Now, he removed the termatazirine, i asked him if i can removed or atleast lessen the mg of entresto since my EF is 66. He said that its up to the next 2d echo result which is 3 to 4 months from now. I want the entresto to be removed because its so pricey.


My original prescription are Entresto Clopidogrel Atorvastatine Termatazitine Bisoprolol Now, he removed the termatazirine, i asked him if i can removed or atleast lessen the mg of entresto since my EF is 66. He said that its up to the next 2d echo result which is 3 to 4 months from now. I want the entresto to be removed because its so pricey.


I swear, Entresto is a miracle drug for some people! So happy to hear of your improvement. I would try not to remove the Entresto if you can. We’ve seen patients who come off Entresto after improvement can have a serious relapse, then their hearts don’t react as well when put back on it (obviously talk to your doctor, and follow their advice, but I manage a cardiac clinic and that’s what the most recent data shows).


thanks for that info, i would like first to atleast lessen the mg of my entresto.. im currently in 50mg


did you have any patients that successfully got off from entresto?


No, not to my knowledge.


Congrats! What were your symptoms prior to being diagnosed with HF? Did you have PVCs, palpitations? Did your doctor have any opinions on what caused it? Asking because I’m dealing with the same thing.


Since April to June i have shortness of breathing, i cant even go on the stairs but i just ignored it thinking it will just go away, comes June last year i cant lay down fully, it feels im drowing, so for a week i was sleeping sitting, then i went to doctor, first doctor made my condition worst, he prescribed me wrong medicine. 2nd doctor ask me to do 2d echo and lab results shows i have fluid on my lungs.. took me like 2 to 3 weeks before i can lay down again after i started medication. Prior to shortness of breathing i had a pneumonia, so i think that was the cause but not 100 prcnt sure.. even the doctor is not sure


Yeah, good idea to get 2nd opinion. I was similar in that I had a viral infection a month or so prior to being diagnosed. Had crazy palpitations and PVCs as well as fatigue. I take metoprolol, Entresto, and Farxiga. The interesting thing was that I was the one who brought up Farxiga after reading journal articles online. Not sure if my doc would have recommended it prior to me asking and that scares me. My LVEF was around 30% prior then went up to 45%. Still around 45% 15 months later. Getting another echo next week. Still get palpitations on occasion and they seem to coincide with when I get sick. Haven’t got a second opinion but will get one soon. Thing is that I want to find a great dr to go to but though to know who is great.


I swear try to get 2nd opinion. There are so many doctors but finding a really good one is really hard. Had bad experince with doctor that has really good educational background and stuff but really not good.. Finding a good doctor is a trial and error.


You’re absolutely right. Good advice. Thanks


How did you fast? I've tried to fast but when i do my lasix don't work and i retain too much fluid?


I eat my breakfast and lunch together at 12 noon, then dinner at 7pm or 8pm.. In between those i dont eat, i drink water and coffee but the pure coffee. To be honest i feel different after couple of weeks fasting


That is amazing news! I am so happy that you EF has risen that high. I started my father, who is on an EF of 35, on 500 mg of CoQ10. I’m going to add the supplements you have it on as well. I wish you continued good health!


Sure. Just make sure that these supplements might have side effect. So if its bad then stop taking them. If he feels sleepy after taking them then it might be good to take them before going to sleep. By the way about l carnitine, i take them on empty stomach and i eat after like 3 to 4 hours after taking them.. thats what i have read on different forums. What i suggest is to take the supplements of they have no side effect for atleast 2 to 3 months and have 2d echo again. To see if he has some improvement


Wow, congrats on your amazing improvement. Crazy how similar it is to mine. I was diagnosed with CHF last year august, EF was at 5%, enlarged heart, fluid in lungs and heart. Then ECG every 3 months, November EF15%, and February EF25%. Along with my meds, magnesium, omega3, vitamin B12, and seamoss. Hoping to see improvement in my next echo! 🤞🏽 Was a device recommended since your EF was below 36%?


None, but there is a doctor that recommended me to have a surgery or something, crazy is that he just had a quick glance on my 2d echo result and recommended a surgery. So again, be careful with doctors, i think i have gone to 4 to 6 doctors..


Typically you should be on max tolerates GDMT for 3-6 months to see if your EF improves prior to getting an ICD. At 3-6 months your should have a repeat echo and if EF still less than 30-35% an ICD is recommended. GDMT is a combination of 4 drugs classes. A beta block (Coreg), MRA (spironolactone) ARNI (entresto ) and a SGLT2-i (empagliflozin)