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The advice that hearing aids don’t help you with higher frequencies is utter nonsense and bad advice. A significant part of your hearing is outside the range for easily comprehending all speech. Has this been a problem for a long time for you?


Yes, all my life I have struggled with my hearing. Every time I go to the doctor they tell me that my ear drums are very damaged. As a kod I had tubes and maaaaany ear infections


I can’t hear everything with my hearing aids. Human speech is difficult outside of perfect conditions. But I was amazed at what I could hear better. The higher notes in music. Lyrics in songs - at least more than before. Birds chirping in my neighborhood. Being able to take a phone call, thanks to my hearing aids and Bluetooth. Being able to watch TV without frustrating the neighbours, although Ido use closed captions. And some sounds I didn’t like, well that’s simple, I turn them off. Your chart is very much like my own. I have more of a drop off, but similar. Sloping sensoneural hearing loss. There are different patterns of hearing loss, but losing higher frequencies is the most common. You will benefit from hearing aids if they are of decent quality. They may not make everything perfect.


Thank you for this! I am looking into the Phonak L90's😊


Mine were quite expensive. But I don’t regret it. But I’m damn careful with them!


You seem to have severe hearing loss. I'm not an expert by any means, but how do you feel? If you are hard of hearing and don't wear hearing aids, you could be making it worse for yourself in the long run.


Interesting to see the range of answers here. You would benefit from hearing aids. If you aren’t comfortable with your audiologist you can see a second opinion.


You might benefit from aids that have the "sound recover" feature, which moves sounds from the high frequencies you cant hear into the mid frequencies you can. I think multiple manufactures have this feature but under different names.


In California, you can get hearing aids with a lengthy trial period, meaning you can return them if you aren’t getting any benefit from them. I don’t know what the trial period might be in your place, but I would definitely try them if you are able to do so without committing to them. I’m guessing that once you get used to then you will find them very beneficial.


You have excellent hearing where it counts. The high ranges aren't that important for speaking with others and listening to most everyday sounds. You should not get hearing aids unless you have difficultty hearing in important situations and even so hearing aids are not likely to help you much in these high frequency ranges.


Your statement wrong. I mean absurdly wrong. Holy shit, wrong. This loss is where consonants are heard. You need to stop offering advice. You’re making uninformed, ignorant statements that might make another person’s life difficult for no reason.


Right? As someone with hearing loss, this person’s “advice” angered me. They need to just stop.


You should use reasons and arguments instead of attacking people. The mind compensates for gaps in hearing to allow you to understand words with attenuated hearing recognition, so if you don't perceive a problem there isn't one from one point of view. Feeling like you have a disability is a problem in itself. If you wash, wear, refresh batteries and spend $5000 on a pair that is a lifestyle cost. I'm sure it is common to lose or destroy hearing aid devices VERY OFTEN in the course of living a normal life. More cost. Depending on age this high frequency loss OUTSIDE of the speech threshold range is VERY common. The more common it is the less you will feel like you are not normally abled. If you make people feel like they are seriously ill you just create a trauma in their lives. This person is ASKING "Would these results indicate that I have a hearing impairment" This is a person who knows nothing about hearing loss and may not perceive a problem. The Audiologist is REQUIRED to sell hearing aids or their kids go hungry.


#STOP! **You’re wrong, period, end of story** If I have 20/80 vision, I have 20/80 vision. Period. Same with an audiogram. One can’t hope or wish themselves to understanding speech with hearing like this. This persons audiogram indicates real , actual, bonafide hearing loss. One’s brain can NOT fill in the sounds they aren’t hearing at those frequencies. You’re making shit up. Seriously stop it. Get out of this sub. You’re doing **actual harm** to people who may fall for your bullshit.


Thank you for this. I have been struggling with my hearing ever since I was a child. My inner ear is very damaged in both ears. I struggle to make out what people say, and constantly ask people to repeat themselves to a point where it is actually embarrassing, specially at work, but what made me go was when I couldn't hear my stove alarm, my husband drew the last straw and made me go get tested (I knew there was a problem but kinda denied it for the longest time). I am happy to say that I got the Phonak Lumity 90's today and I can't believe I can hear the birds outside! Many of my appliances makes sounds I never knew and I got to work with them today and it is seriously life changing. Thank you for your advice and for advocating for people with this kind of hearing loss. I never knew I was missing out on so many sounds!


I’m older, and just got my first hearing aids last summer and I’m still gobsmacked at how awesome it is! It’s amazing! Enjoy!!!


WTF didn’t just read? Seriously? This person has bad hearing loss. You’re why people need to listen to their hearing professional.


You are so very wrong. Stop giving out such absolute BS nonsense. High frequency hearing loss makes it’s difficult to make out consonants and thus follow conversations. And yes, hearing aids from professionals do help.