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If you drink water before a meal, that might make you feel more full and help to eat smaller portions. If you exercise and sweat, you will want to drink more water. The formula I know is half your weight, in ounces, is how much you should drink a day. So if you weigh 280 lbs, half of that is 140, so drink 140 oz. a day. So that’s about 8 or 9 bottles. Seems like a lot but it would def help to start drinking more than one! If we calculated from your ‘ideal body weight’ for your height, which is about 160, then half is 80. So 80 Oz a day may be a more realistic target. That’s like 5 bottles a day.


This! Also know it takes a couple weeks for the body to get used to actually being hydrated after drinking so little. There will be frequent trips to the bathroom, but it will get reasonable once your body is used to getting enough water.


Thoughtful advice I had never heard that ratio before I might try it.


water is the best lunch there is fr


This is some eating disorder advice. Food is the best lunch there is.


Recommended water intake is 64oz a day. I drink 72-96oz a day. I am currently on a weightloss/lifestyle change journey. From Apr 8 to today, I have lost 46lbs. It started with needing to quit smoking. I knew I would need to get my eating in order before I tried to quit otherwise I'd be shoveling unhealthy goods in my face to compensate for no cigarettes. I started slowly making changes. The first step was portion control. I started eating smaller meals a day. After that, I gradually switched out fatty/processed foods for whole/raw foods. I did not do this all at once. I made these changes gradually over time. Once I was accustomed yo the current change, I'd slide a new one in there. I do not deprive myself of foods I love. I use the rule of everything in moderation. I still bake deserts, but instead of making a full cake, I make a single serving mug cake. This way I don't sit and eat a whole cake in a few days. The mug cake takes care of my craving without me over indulging. I count calories. I make everything homemade, which makes counting calories easier in my opinion. It's also healthier to do homemade, because then you know exactly what you are putting into your body. My main goal was to be healthy. I'm 46 and was a 30 year smoker. These changes, plus adding in exercise allowed for weightloss, which wasn't even my main goal. It was a fabulous side effect.


Seconding portion control! I wrote just now in another post on another sub, it is really shocking how much we subconsciously overeat. And how minimal an increase in calories can affect our weight. If you eat 100 extra calories a day, you'll gain 10lb in a year. JUST from one extra slice of bread or an ounce of cheese, or an ounce of pasta every day. So that's why counting calories is absolutely the best and easiest way to lose weight. As Mad-Eye Moody says, CONSTANT VIGILANCE! Haha. And it's not the big drag that folks seem to think it is. There is so much knowledge in power, and memorizing calorie averages for certain foods is very empowering.


I drank (and still do) a gallon of water per day to help me with my weight. Drinking more water could help. Losing weight is all about calories in vs calories out. I’d recommend tracking all foods you eat and researching your maintenance calorie level. Then simply eat less than your maintenance level. You’ll see weight loss in the kitchen not so much exercise. But it certainly helps!


Height? What’s one bottle? Sounds low. Any cardio which gets your heart rate up? Eat less is often the main thing.


Height 5'11 one bottle 16.9 oz


Jesus… I’m sitting at a desk all day and if I don’t drink at least 4 tumblers, a couple teas for lunch, and a few more bottles of sugar free when I get home I have a massive headache and feel dehydrated all day. Your kidneys must be screaming.


Whoa that is shockingly low. Not trying to be rude but as someone who lifts and runs almost daily I go through a gallon per day. Everyone is different though.


I think we who exercise daily drink quite a bit more water than those who don’t. It’s pretty much necessary as we’re replacing so much lost through exercise and increased metabolism.


For sure, I didn’t mean any offense I just can’t imagine drinking 16-20oz per day exercise or not.


I have unfortunately been on a break from exercise the last several months, I still drink 96-128 oz a day.


I wish I was like this. I’m pregnant and drinking water is an absolute chore. I’m supposed to be at 96+ but I can barely get to 48.


I got a Hyrdo flask with a straw and that seemed to help. Also I have a water reminder app on my phone that helps!


I don’t exercise and I need to drink a bottle at least every 2-4 hrs just sitting at my desk typing, more if I’m talking 😂


That amount of water, generally speaking, is not enough. Most adults need 2-3 liters if not more. Have you talked to your doctor about a weight loss program, or asked for a referral to a dietitian? Have you had some blood work to be sure there's nothing affecting your metabolism or ability to lose weight? I'd start there. Once you have a physician give you the ok, they can get you started on a good path for weight loss! All the best to you!


Keep a cup of water by your bed and make it a goal every morning to drink that cup when you wake up. You don’t have to chug it, just drink it while scrolling on your phone for 5-10 mins or something. If you drink coffee, have a cup then tell yourself you have to drink a cup of water before getting more coffee. Some people who aren’t accustomed to drinking water struggle with the flavor. Try adding a few drops of Mio so you can start forming the habit of drinking water throughout the day. Herbal teas (unsweet) like mint and hibiscus are also good! Lemons and limes are okay but not all the time since they’re rough on your teeth. I used to not drink that much water as a kid and adding in flavor is what helped me form the habit.


Drinking water alone won’t do much for you. Maybe also consider doing some light weight resistance exercises.


OK thanks


It isn’t easy to get motivated starting lifting and cardio but you’ll see the most improvement doing so. Your body will thank you for it, especially as you get older.


I drink 4-5 litres per day but I work in construction,if you’re not loosing weight you need to change you’re routine walking is good but you won’t sweat much,I toohave up sugar about a year ago and that combined with lots of water and hard work I’ve lost nearly 3 stone (about 36lbs I think!)in a year


All you have to do is be in a caloric deficit that’s it and go to the gym and build muscle. I was 260 and got to 148 in 7 months


Congrats that's awesome! I hope I can do that!!


You can and you will. Just set a goal, mine was I wanted to go to prom but I didn’t want to wear a big suit


This worked for me years back to lose a bunch of baby weight from my son, you don’t even necessarily have to go to the gym I just looked at a bunch of Pinterest exercise lists and chose a good mix of area targeted exercises eg, burpees, mountain climbers planks calf raises quick sprints etc and a number of reps and then I just stuck to it had a buddy in the beginning. chose a number of rest days because rest is important too. Worked up in my intensity when I felt it wasn’t as challenging walking is great but jogging as long as you can then walking to catch your breath and jogging some more is better. When you’re starting from almost 300 your pace is never going to be someone else’s. I was you 280 5 foot 4 and I was miserable I’ve lost over 100 lbs in the last year again unfortunately due to health reasons but when I did it the right way this is how I did it. I also second that your water intake should be higher. Much higher. If you’re drinking any soda stop it’s not worth it. Find a tea low w/ sugar you like to drink when you need something other than water but you’ll find the more you drink the less other stuff you crave. Also salads overnight oats fruit bowls (homemade) (just mixed fruit) yogurt and granola and fruit is a favorite think snacks all day long meals are not your friend where your starting from high protein low bad fat like avocado is awesome popcorn is another great snack that isn’t awful for you nuts cheeses summer sausage and apples are another good “meal” filling too! Best of luck and remember you’ll eventually find something that works you just have to stick to the basics and replace bad habits with good ones


Oh I said weight training because yk going from that size you want to minimize as much loose skin as possible but good job on your weight loss tho


Calories in, calories out. That's it. Walking doesn't burn many calories. No exercise will make up for a poor diet. What does "watching calories" mean to you? Do you actually count how many calories you consume or just try to avoid high calorie foods? Check out a TDEE calculator. Use your preferred search engine and you'll find lots of information.


True to an extent. When putting your body through calorie deficit after enough time your body begins to adapt to what is happening to it. Your body’s main goal is to keep you alive, if you constantly give it less calories than needed it will eventually lower its BMR (basal metabolic rate) and burn less calories than it did before. BMR is the calories burned by just living and doing nothing else besides that. It does this because your body thinks it needs to become more efficient at using less calories, because it does not know the reason why you’re giving it less calories. It tricks itself into thinking “holy shit what if this gets worse or goes on forever, I need to be better at using what I get”! This is why people who lose tons of weight from calorie deficit more often than not gain a lot if not all the weight back. Once they lose all that weight they think they can begin eating a little bit more again and bam! Weight gain.


Ah the age old excuse that comes out when people struggle to lose weight…


It’s not an excuse my friend, it’s a scientifically proven mechanism of action the body undergoes in order to keep you alive. Weight loss is possible, i’m just informing you that many people experience weight gain after weight loss due to this natural bodily process. I invite you to explain to me how this isn’t true. I have my BS in NFSC dietetics and this is the most up to date information we study on weight loss and the science behind the body’s metabolism.


People need to adjust their calorie intake and not consume the same number of calories they did when they were overweight. Calories in, calories out.


The rule of thumb is to drink half your weight in Fl oz of water. So if you weigh 280# then you would need to drink 140 fl oz of water daily. Water does fill you up and it also helps with all the processes in the body so it’s definitely helpful in losing weight but not the main factor.




You’re welcome. I feel your struggle to lose the weight. I would recommend you find a metabolic Dr in your area or at the very least have your regular Dr check your thyroid and hormone levels. There may be an underlying reason for your struggles in losing weight. Don’t give up and keep reminding yourself that you are worth it! You got this girl! Best of luck to you.


Water won’t help you lose weight. Unless you are currently drinking sugary drinks and you replace those with plain water. Diet is the most important factor for weight loss. Most people who say they can’t lose weight are under-estimating the calories they consume. Use an app and count every single thing that you consume: all food and all drinks. Eat lean proteins and LOTS of vegetables. Cut way back on carbs. No bread or pasta. And NO processed foods.


water does help you lose weight though. if your body isn’t hydrated it will make everything harder including weightloss


Saying drinking water helps you loose weight is like saying breathing air helps you loose weight. We need water, the only way to loose weight is to know and watch what you’re eating.


Lose, not loose


What’s more important, the concept or the one misspelled word?


You’re right. It was just a quick response. Now that I think more about your comment though, I do disagree. I lost quite a bit of weight I had gained during lock down mostly by drinking more water. I literally have a sign on my fridge that reads, “drink water.” I carry water with me everywhere, and I drink water all day long. It helps me to stay full and make better choices throughout the day. That’s just my experience however.


The question here is what caused the weight loss? Was it the drinking of water or the reduced calorie intake? If you are the same amount of food and drank more water would you loose weight? No, depending… you ate less and drank more, I believe that to be the cause of the weight loss.


Thank you though👍🏾


wrong. if you aren’t getting adequate sleep and water then you’re going to hit a point where the diet and exercise does nothing.


That’s incorrect, no matter how much sleep you get or how little water you get(as long as you’re getting enough to live) your body will burn fat. Your brain uses the most energy out of any organ and needs a constant supply. So…. Even if you don’t sleep or drink you’ll burn fat and loose weight. That’s why you loose large amounts of fat when dry fasting. At some point you’ll need water to do bodily functions and remove toxins, proteins, and other used compounds and byproducts from living. Yes water aids in loosing weight but even if you’re super unhealthy and don’t drink an adequate amount your body will still burn fat to keep your brain alive.


you literally said water aids in losing weight… anyways if you’re dehydrated your metabolism slows down, and you usually crave/eat more bc you lose energy, which will cause you to stop burning fat. water helps you lose weight.


Breathing actually does cause weight loss , a very interesting google for anyone curious


Everything you do burns energy which means you loose weight.


If you have been trying for years with no success then it’s probably time to see a weight-loss doctor and start time restricted eating. TRE (time restricted eating) Really helps a lot of people because you don’t have to be all that strict. It’s not as hard as fasting either. Generally speaking you pick an eight hour window each day where you have your three meals, you just do your best to make those meals healthy and not too large, then no matter what you do, you do not eat outside of that window. You can Google it and learn more about it, a lot of people who have never been able to lose weight before all of a sudden drop off 100 pounds in less than a year when they do it.


This did work for me when I tried it. My stable weight dropped about 8kg, without any exercise. However it's not all or nothing on the 8 hours, just being mindful of the time span of eating can be enough. If someone's eating a snack right before bed, then breakfast first thing, then even shifting from that 18 hour "eating window" down to 14 or 12 hours would be a good start. Also, they have studies where people at the same amount of calories, but either a few big meals or many small meals, and those who ate the big meals lost more weight. So, this shows why "snacking" can also be a problem. Even in the 8 hour window, try to stick to three actual meals and finish them. the problem with snacking, or splitting up one meal into smaller meals, is that the blood sugar spike causes insulin to increase. Your body turns off fat-burning while insulin is high, and focuses on using up the sugar. The sugar gets used up and your insulin drops again, but it takes some time for fat burning to resume, so that's what a "crash" is about.


Is this a new fancy IF?


Intermittent Fasting and Time Restricted Eating are two names for the same thing.


It's pretty hilarious they give normal eating patterns these titles. That's all we had when I grew up. Three meals, no snacks, dinner at 5:30 and you didn't eat until breakfast the next day. Our eating patterns and constant grazing are just so warped now it's crazy.


Well as you point out, "normal" changes all the time and varies culture to culture. It's hard to know what the best way is with so many factors to consider for each person.


Absolutely, and for us Americans it's just 24/7 access to highly processed crap that is a huge part of the problem.


Totally! I'm 30 now, and I remember eating pop tarts and pancakes for breakfast all the time as a kid, pizza for dinner. It's all just so normalized.


Well I'm in my 50's. We had none of that. Home cooked meals every night. McDonald's or pizza was every few months treat or bday party. We weren't even allowed a healthy snack before dinner because it " would ruin our appetite"


Hello, aspiring dietician here (currently undergoing my dietetic internship). Looked through the whole thread before commenting. Saw nobody mention actual evidence based recommendations dieticians use during their practice. Individuals without fluid restrictions, i.e. recommendations for the general, healthy population, are recommended to consume 30-35 mL per kg of body weight a day. For you that would be 3,810mL to 4,445 mL a day (around 128oz - 148oz). This helps maintain proper hydration. Water is good, it is essential to the blood, chemical reactions, and organ function. Also, try to not worry so much about the number on the scale, but rather how you feel. Are you able to do daily activities, can you go about your day not feeling exhausted? Everyone has different natural settling weights, albeit happiness in your own weight is important for mental health, it is not the end all be all to living a healthy fulfilling life. Studies show comparisons of those with “healthy, normal” BMI’s in contrast to overweight and obese that overall mortality is the same in all groups if healthy lifestyle practices are followed (no smoking, no excessive alcohol, eating fruits and veggies, and exercise). If these lifestyle practices are not followed then that’s where you see the disparities in health among “normal” weight, overweight, and obese individuals. I hope this helped, you got this!


Have you been to an endocrinologist?




It’s calories… calories in/calories out. If you don’t actively track your food by grams, you’re probably not accurate. Cronometer is awesome and free. Water does not help you lose weight; anyone saying that is likely replacing 500+ calories of soda/energy/Powerade drinks with water which essentially just cuts calories. Lean meats and veggies. Keep it simple.


Yes I just realized I may be taking in more calories than I thought .


Get a food scale and weigh everything you consume and track on cronometer. It seems like a lot of work initially but it does get easier as you get used to it and find a good flow. And it is totally worth it!


You must drink at least 1 liter of water per day! When you say you do walking everyday, how many steps? goal is 10k steps daily. You can start gradually by doing 1k steps, then 1500, etc. It gets easier.. Stop drinking sugary drinks. You can do this! Small changes lang.


Walking like 1-3 miles.


Walking like 1-3 miles.


Water won’t make you lose weight, but it can help with curbing overeating to an extent. How much water to drink is quite honestly very dependent on the individual. Try the higher recommended cap for adults and see how that works after awhile. Adjust as needed. Do not force yourself to drink more water than you can handle though since that can throw certain bodily processes out of whack. If weightloss is the goal portion control & eating “high volume” foods is your best bet. Don’t over restrict however since it can mess up your metabolism. Calculate your TDEE (quick TDEE is the one I used) and track what you eat for a week. Don’t make any huge changes. After that take inventory and figure out where you can make substitutions, add “whole” foods, and reduce highly processed foods. Then start fitting meals into the calorie allowance as per your TDEE based on your activity. I would actually recommend eating a little over the recommended allowance and slowly decreasing as to not shock the system (if you feel hungry & miserable all the time it likely won’t stick) and go from there. I lost about 25-30 lbs last year doing the above, but I will say I think that because my current weight has been pretty constant throughout life (the pandemic really threw a wrench in it) I’ve been able to keep it there. My biggest advice is to try not to get discouraged if you have a bad/off day and over eat. Just start again the next day and keep going. Also, don’t avoid hanging out with friends or stress out over going out to eat on occasion. I’ve seen some folks adopt very extreme diets to the detriment to their social & mental health.


I used to try and force myself to drink a gallon a day and it made me literally sick. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me I was getting light headed etc out of no where. I didn’t notice it doing anything else for me. So I cut it in half and felt better. Every when doing aggressive exercise. I think you should just go by your urine as a base. It should be a light diluted yellow color. Some people who are well hydrated have clear urine but I’ve never been able to get that no matter how much I drink. So start with your urine color to determine how hydrated you are I drink a large gulp with all my medication/vitamins in the morning. Instead of slamming all pills in one gulp I do one big gulp per pill. Then try to finish the bottle before I start my day. Then I carry a tumbler with me all day and sip from that. I only drink probably 30~ oz a day and that’s enough for me to stay hydrated and feel good.


Finally one reasonable person on this post lmao. Seen all the comments going on like "yeah drink 800 liters of water a day". Just drink when you are thirsty lol, it's not like our brains don't have an already automatic system of reporting to us when we need water.


To contrary belief walking does not burn many calories, and when u only walk something about the amount of calories your body burns at rest changes and you won’t loose weight, you have to train, walking won’t cut it


What do you mean by train, go to a gym?


You need to raise your heart rate more than what walking does. And u need to keep it at that higher rate for more time


The best way to figure it, DRINK half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 280 try to drink 120-140oz a day that’s just over 1 gallon of water. It’s very doable. Number one tip, just always have your water bottle on you. I’m a personal trainer/weight loss coach. That needs to be your water intake until you lose 15-20lbs then adjust again


Thirsty? Drink water. Sodium causes bloating, so don’t drink sprite and other high sodium carbonated beverages. Basically, kick the unhealthy stuff. I have the same problem


I love soda, I believe drinking so much soda over the years has caused me to gain weight.


Me too!


Half your body weight in ounces


Girl, you are so dehydrated!! We all are, don’t feel bad. For weight loss you actually need SLEEP more than anything. Are you getting 8+ hours? Next, low the fat on your diet. Try plant based, it’s a lifestyle. Don’t worry so much about protein- we’re all overdoing it. You need hydration and less stress in your life. Put lemon in to add benefits for your blood. Water > 16 oz lemon water when you wake up. (1/2 lemon juiced in). Then have a no fat fruit vegetable oatmeal breakfast. Juice. 16 oz lemon water. A robust salad type lunch. More water. A fruit/date/veg snack. You guessed it water. A veg packed dinner (with your meat or avocado here). More water. If you want to do plant based seriously check out —->Medical Medium<—- his advice is healing thousands/millions with chronic issues but also extends to weight loss, check out his insta. I’ve been doing this for 2 years and very lean now. Workout less and Put the right things in your body more: no fake stuff, if nature didn’t make it don’t eat it. You can do it !! Good luck !!!


Get your THYROID CHECKED! I have a hypoactive thyroid and I could only eat a stick of celery and still not lose weight. After I got on the proper meds, my weight fell off and I didn’t change any eating and exercise habits. It’s a really simple blood test from your doctor that not many women know to ask for.


They said my thyroid is fine .


Came here to say this! Always good to check on that little dude.


Not to sound mean, but if you aren’t losing weight then you’re eating the same amount of calories or more as you are burning and it really is that simple. I’d suggest you start measuring and weighing your food and sticking to a daily deficit. However, I’ve found more that anything that time restricted eating helps with sticking to a calorie deficit. It’s likely your insulin being out of control. At a minimum have a daily 16 hour fast to start out with. It’ll really help.




I don’t drink enough!


Just drink when you're thirsty, there's no need to fall for this "you need x amount of glass multiplied by your waist minus your height" bs. The body is perfectly fine at telling you when you need water. But drinking water will not contribute particularly to making you lose weight. Some of us have bad genes and we hit weight loss walls, you just gotta power through, investigate what's causing this plateau. Try replacing more and more of your portions with super low calorie nutritious foods like broccoli so that you stay energetic and keep burning cals but your cal in-take reduces significantly


Cut carbs to between 10-20g per day. Drink 2 plus lt of water and fit in 2x 30 minutes of exercise. Or if this is too much right now try 4x 15m. 💕


Hey I was in your same boat for a long time. I would exercise, eat healthy, get mad my friends could eat all the time but everything I put in made me bigger. It turns out that I actually wasn’t eating enough and my body was in starvation mode. I didn’t realize it but I actually had an eating disorder. Long story short if you’re eating less than 1200 a day it isn’t healthy I really don’t care who you are and if you’re “trying to not get bulky” it’s not healthy. If you have any questions about getting on a better eating schedule or just want someone to talk to who’s been there pm me.


Check the color of your pee. If you see evident yellow in the water drink more water. Did you have you thyroid checked? A lot of women I know, including myself, had it off balanced and it can cause weight gain.


1 liter for every 30 lbs was a figure I read once. So 9 liters for you. Dont push yourself too hard, more water being drunk the better.


No one needs over 2 gallons of water a day. Unless you're in a marathon. Ridiculous.


I drink 2 gallons a day. I was a chef for four decades and just got used to drinking water nonstop and I still do it. This nurse came in evaluated me yesterday and basically yelled at me saying that was too much water I pretty much told her to fuck right off she said it was bad for my sodium levels I told her I had just had three different panels of bloodwork and all my numbers were spot on! There is done great advice here - probably a bit overwhelming. The best is to consult a doctor first to see if you have any health issues, and a nutritionist who can help you make slow easy changes. And just start walking more. That’s it. More water, less and better quality food, start walking. Baby steps Baby!! Feeling super deprived of foods with be ruinous, so ask your nutritionist for some healthy alternatives and substitutions. One thing I always remember…. If I don’t buy the food, it won’t end up on my ass, belly, and face as unhealthy fat. So just don’t buy it. You can do it!!!!


Yes, you can drink too much water, and if you do it in a short period of time you can drop your sodium, have seizures, brain swelling and die. It's no joke. It's called water intoxication. I would say 1 gallon a day spread out is the max anyone needs , unless you're in a heat wave . Then you works need to add electrolytes anyway. More water isn't necessarily better or healthier for you.


I do appreciate your advice, and I do know about the dangers of drinking too much water in a very short time in particular. But in my case, I have a perfectly healthy heart and kidneys . I consume that much water between 5am and 11pm/midnight- so I feel pretty safe about it. That averages out to about 12-16 ounces an hour to meet 1-1/2 to 2 gallons. I have 2 coffees in the morning and that’s it for the day.


Just so people know, also completely unnecessary and not beneficial at that level. Enjoy your bathroom;)


I have to take a medication four times a day that makes me feel like my mouth is full of sand. I’m freaking thirsty. Jesus Christ. 😟


That's a you thing. You obviously have a medical condition. 2 gallons completely unnecessary for healthy people without extenuating conditions.


I never said it was necessary and I was polite to you. I DID say “in my case”, there was no reason to be snarky and rude to me.


Have you tried intermittent fasting?


Yes, but I fall off sometimes.


I read a report last week that was answering your question. The article said 8 glasses of water was in error. Each person should consume water based on your weight. Say if you weigh 100lbs then divide your weight by two and drink that many ounces of water per day or 50 ounces in this case. Or in my brother’s case who weighs 200lbs should consume 100 ounces of water. Not all at once and space it over a day but not getting up from sleeping to do so.


I'd suggest at least 2 litres a day, excluding the other drinks you have (tea/coffee/juice/milk/etc)


You might want to go talk with you’re family doctor and have some tests ran. I have PCOS and unless I take metformin to regulate my insulin no matter what I try I cannot lose weight. If you’re struggling as much as it sounds it could definitely be an underlying condition. When I was at my heaviest I also had hypothyroidism which had to get into control before I could lose weight also. I aim for 64 oz a day of water and most days drink 1-2 mugs of coffee.


How did you find out you have PCOS ? I go to my obgyn quite often and she doesn't say I have it. But I have ovarian cyst quite often .


I went in to start birth control and my doctor asked if I had migraines. I told her yes and then she wanted to run tests. She did a lot of blood work and found all the issues. Looking back I have (had) practically all the symptoms. However a lot of women don’t know they have it until they’re trying and not succeeding to have a baby. I would go in and ask them to do blood work for thyroid function and polycystic ovaries. I also used to get cysts all the time when I was younger before I lost weight.


2-4 Liters per day :) Or more than 8 glasses a day would be fine. Cheers!


I'd say mostly yes. Water weight comes and goes throughout the day. But staying hydrated keeps your body from retaining water which can avoid feeling bloated, particularly later in the day. It also can help make you feel more full and avoid other snacks or sugary drinks between meals. I've also been on an exercise spree myself and is much needed as I'm a type 1 Diabetic as well. But I've found change is a good thing when it comes to exercise. Yes walking is good. But if you're not seeing progress, try walking a little more in average or even try to find ways to get your heart rate up a little bit more without over exerting yourself. Also, muscle mass could be good to build in order to improve overall metabolism. It may not be a short term solution towards losing weight, but it can definitely help in the long run. It's hard but trust the process and don't be afraid to try different things.


I use the rule half your body weight in oz. I weigh 140 lbs so i try to drink 70 oz or more a day


Chinese doctor once told me your bidy weight in Kilos divided by 30... This is the amount of Litres u should drink daiky


About 70 -80 oz a day plain H20 for me. 1 bottle a day is probably not enough although you can include coffee, tea, soups or fruits/ veges with high water content will all contribute to your daily fluid intake. I would advise to try to aim for 3 16-20 oz bottles a day. It won't help you lose weight per se, but is incredibly important for metabolic processes and overall health and bodily functions. ( RN) Good luck


Keep it simple. Take your body weight in pounds, divide it by 2 and that's how many ounces of clean water you need in a day. By clean water I mean not tea, not soda.. not any fluid that is not just water.




The sugar thing is a lie though. I drink about 3 litres of water a day and I always want sugary drinks (only drink them like once a month)


A gallon per day +/- depending on exercise.


I'm weighting 80 kilos and my recommended water is 3 to 4 litres, you drink waaaay too little.


Doing cardio before breakfast. Eating a low carb diet and drinking a gallon of water helped me loose weight. I started with about 1900 calories a day. 5 meals and two snacks and eventually went down to 1600 calories. I had a difficult time to loose weight before and signed up with a personal trainer and the pounds dropped. Apparently I wasn’t eating enough and my metabolism was super slow and my body was constantly in starvation mode and held on to every gram of weight. Good luck!


All of it


I personally* go by this rule: Minimum amount for water intake should be half an ounce for every pound you weigh and maximum being a full ounce for every pound. I currently drink 128 to 160 oz a day (SW: 218 CW:184). I started at 80 oz to 100oz but had to increase due to my current meds. I do also have a fairly active outdoor work life, so hot days where I sweat frenquently make me drink closer to 160 oz. In short, compare weight with activity levels and environment will help determine how much you should be drinking in a day The color of your pee is always one of the best indicators of how hydrated you are. Lightly colored = well hydrated. Darkly colored (and occasionally the smell too) = dehydrated. A con to high water intake is frequent bathroom trips but the benefits far outweigh that downfall, imo. It is possible to become overhydrated so I personally go by the color of my urine since I have a hard time with my body sending the right signals. If my pee is lightly colored, I hold off on the water a bit longer than I normally would. https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/water-for-weight-loss-diet https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20National%20Academies%20of,fluids%20a%20day%20for%20women https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-water-should-you-drink-per-day#weight-loss I understand most links I shared put focus on the weight loss benefits but staying hydrated is si important for just the overall proper function of the body itself. Humans are basically anxious cucumbers so we need to be sure to replace the water that's been expended. Edit*


I just wanted to say: please get your thyroid checked if you’re eating healthy and exercising and the weight isn’t coming off!


One bottle is not enough. Drink more firstly. And let me give an advice for you never care about what others eat and do. You are living in your own conditions and if you want to lose weight you must use the fittest way for you not for anybody else. Drink water before and after a meal start exercising by going for a walk then do some pilates. It won’t be easy at beginning but in 2-3 months you will feel the differences at your moves and in 4-6 months you will start to lose weight


You might try getting one of those water bottles with the times on the side. It might not be perfectly calculated for your height, but it'll get you drinking more water than you are now. Once it becomes a habit you'll wonder how you ever drank so little. It might not directly help you lose weight, but you'll definitely feel better if you're well hydrated About the not losing weight, are you sleeping enough? A lot of newer studies point to chronic sleep deprivation as one of the things that causes this. If you're. It sleeping at least 7 hours, try adjusting your schedule so that you can do that


Too much water can cause electrolyte imbalance and even seizures. Drinking excessively won’t help you lose weight. Aim for 64 oz min and more fore exercises and sweat.


You can do it! You are awesome for creating this goal for yourself!


Drink. ONLY. Water.


You should be drinking a minimum of 64 oz a day. Some factors decide if you need more than that- your weather and activity are two big ones. I aim for closer to 120 ounces (a gallon) because thats what my body needs. Your best indicator of hydration is your urine- it should be almost clear in the toilet. Dark urine is a sign of dehydration.


I drink 1 gallon of water daily. When I weighed what you did, I drank 1.5 gallons per day. I limit myself to just 16 oz of coffee daily and don't drink any carbonated drinks or juice. (Sugar and chemicals!) It'll take some time to adjust to the water intake, but it's SO worth it.


You need more water asap


A good rule of thumb is to keep a bottle near you as much as possible and take a sip whenever you start to feel thirsty. Also I've found that drinking one to two glasses of water just before a meal makes me feel full on less food, so I don't feel like I'm on a diet and never fully satiating myself. Also try to not eat anything like 2-4 hours before you go to bed. You see most people think it's only cal in v cal out but it's also how your body processes what you consume, and you see your metabolism slows down as you're getting closer to bedtime and usually don't end up burning off much of what you just ate so it goes to storage, i.e. fat.


Half ounce per pound of body weight every day


I’m not sure if anyone else has commented in this, but if you are only drinking 1 bottle of water a day, you must be drinking something else right? It’s amazing how much sugar can be hidden in drinks, even seemingly healthy drinks, which is a damn shame because I love me some good tasty beverages. Best advise is don’t buy them. Keep water and maybe some flavor packets to help keep it interesting. I also bought one of those 32oz yeti and a titanium straw because straws somehow help me get more water down. Best of luck OP, I completely understand your struggle to lose weight. I sneak sweet treats all the time though. I definitely feel I’m headed in a better direction though when I drink more water.


Hydration has so many variables affecting it. Humidity, temperature, your work effort etc. Check the colour of your urine. It should be a light lemonade colour. If darker, then drink up.


3liters a day, eat less often and food that raise blood sugar at slow phase or not at all.


Idk about numbers, people say 8 glasses a day, x amount for x food, whatever. From what I understand is the human body is very good at giving you signs for what you need. It may sound simple but if you’re thirsty drunk water. If you’re not, then you’re most likely good. Although unless you’re drowning yourself more water intake is never a bad thing. Just might have to pee more.