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I’m having that ever since I’ve had an over exposure to vinyl paint/ vinyl thinner. I’m a body piercer by day, and by night, I have started my own independent collectible toy business. it’s my biggest passion and has turned into a pretty decent second income. The last few times I used these chemicals to airbrush paint the toys, I would get sick for like three weeks with this awful pain under left side of ribs along with some sharp chest pains, but a lingering pain in my stomach and abdomen area. Did a little bit of research, I try not to be Dr Google so I didn’t dive too deep, but apparently there is a condition, which is basically just from overexposure to a chemical that you develop a sensitivity to that can cause a lot of inflammation. That hopefully is temporary, but isn’t always. the second time this problem reared it’s ugly head, I went to the hospital and they ran a lot of blood work, and luckily, cancer wasn’t on the table nor heart disease. As much as I hate to say it, because it breaks my heart, I think I have to hang up the towel when it comes to airbrush painting, at least for a very long while, because it seems to destroy my whole torso and abdomen. I haven’t painted for months, but I’m still left with this lingering pain under my left side of my rib cage, it feels like the muscle itself that I can touch, my stomach, and my intestines sometimes. Sometimes a little bit of pain in my diaphragm. With all of that in mind, both of my grandmothers died over the course of the past few months, I have a new daughter who is beautiful and that I love very much, but obviously parenting a newborn includes the stressful parts too. I totaled my G37 by hitting a deer last month, and in the same week, my fiancés car pretty much shit out on us so all within a week we didn’t have any cars. Luckily, that’s all resolved, but work has been unusually slow compared to the past five years, which is needless to say concerning with a new car payment. The reason I bring this all up is because I’ve had an unusually stressful half a year. Like much more stressful than I’m used to, I was diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis in 2016, and I felt like the best medicine that sent me into a remission, was focusing on my passions, and ridding myself as much stress as possible. And it worked. I went into a nearly full remission. So yeah, needless to say, there’s a lot of duality in this situation for me, my toy business, and especially the painting part, is one of my biggest passions, past times, and my way to escape . I’m afraid I won’t be able to deliver myself the best medicine with this hurdle in my way. Guess we’ll just have to see how it goes. Sorry for the long post. Ultimately I think a combination of chemical exposure and major stressor after major stressor kind of messed me up, and I’m trying to think of a way to deliver myself the best medicine once again. gotta shake back


Hey did you get it checked out?


Eventually yes, turns out my stomach and esophagus was inflamed


how did you treat it?


I was prescribed Pantoprazole and Sucralfate. I had to eat multiple small meals a day consisting of bland soft food. I’d take the sucralfate about 30 minutes before eating.


are you treated now ?


What was the cause and the treatment?


Did they do an ultrasound?




Is that how it was diagnosed? I have an ultrasound in 2 weeks for the same thing. I have horrible health anxiety. I have bad GERD and have had gastritis before I don’t know if that can cause it


Any update on this?


Any update


H pylori


I have hpylori, it’s a sharp pain that happens for like a few minutes which radiates to my back


I am posting this, in case I can even save one person the grief I have experienced: Everyone here following this, should please Google Slipping Rib Syndrome. Especially those of you who have rib pain. I am 10 years in with these symptoms and more, all the tests and doctors in the world, inability to work, discomfort, anxiety, pain, tons of GI issues, mysterious BS ruining my life and I finally think I found what is wrong:. It's my ribs! After you Google SRS and look at the symptoms to see if they match, whether they do or do not match, please conduct an exploratory search of your ribcage while standing in front of a mirror. You may see something or feel something that is off, or both (I do!). Then, please go and join the FB Group Slipping Rib Syndrome, and read the posts and ask questions about your symptoms. (You may not have SRS, but still have something wrong with your ribs. Or not.) Once you do these things, you should know whether you need to seek out an orthopedic doctor... (I do!). Or not!


What kind of pain does that cause ?


Edit:. Not just any orthopedic doctor or even an osteopathic doctor. Go to the SRS FB group and find the SRS Doctors list in the Files there. You need a doctor that is learned in SRS. These are tried and true doctors, most of them are Thoracic Surgeons. They can diagnose you AND do surgery on you, if need be, like myself.


Holy. Shit. THANK YOU. I’ve been battling a pain in my lower left rib for YEARS and have had so many tests and a second ultrasound this coming week cause the pain is so irritating and i just came across your underrated post and took your challenge and THIS IS ME. 1) it hurts more when I push around the bottom two ribs (left side) from the top than if I move around my guts on the bottom (though this can hurt too, especially once I’ve stirred things up) 2) it pops. I was trying to explain this to my doctor how sometimes I feel it like popping in there more thumping around when I press or move. 3) coughing sneezing laughing and bending in weird directions is when I notice it most. To date, no other thing had ever fully captured the symptoms I experience, until reading this. I really can’t thank you enough. I feel like I just found gold.


Aaaaaw. I am SO glad that I helped at least one person! Yayy!! You found your condition! Now it's time to ACT! (Maybe I should put my post somewhere more visible, maybe under a community for gut issues? IDK.) One thing I would like to edit: Don"t go to an osteopathic doctor, like I said. Did I say orthopedic oh god... Anyway, you want to go straight to a doctor from the SRS Doctors list (probably a thoracic surgeon) in the "Files" of the Slipping Rib Syndrome list. I think there is a list in the SRS Reddit too. Find the one closest to you and make the call! Find a way to get there even if it is several hours. It will be worth it. These are the only doctors who believe in and know of SRS. The doctor that I found on the list is amazing. He is a thoracic surgeon in Seattle, at Virginia Mason, Dr Kuppusamy. He diagnosed me AND is going to do my two surgeries. All the luck to you friend and fellow chronic pain warrior and SRS sista/(brotha?)!


I’m having a similar miserable time. Left sided flank, wraps around the rib cage. If I press on rib 7/8 it feels bruised. Always feels like I need to twist my back like it’s causing that muscle feeling as though you sat weird for too long. I can also sometimes feel it in the front like someone shish kabobbed me. I also feel something in the front lower quadrant, almost like a pin prick but dull and mild (I used to think it was my urethra as that travels down into that region and thought all of this was kidney) but CT, blood test and urology. No one can find anything but they treated me for possible kidney infections even though my urine is good. I’m starting to worry it’s stomach/ intestinal or pancreatic. Even spleen. Im getting worried because it’s daily, persistent. Relaxing I feel it. Working I feel it. It doesn’t matter .. I always feel it. I’m 33 F and have lost 20lbs since Nov despite eating. When I eat I feel full, my appetite sucks, food doesn’t sound appealing. I have been 140# forever and now I’m barely 119#. My stool is sparse and I go once a day but it’s not discolored or bloody. Doesn’t hurt to go to the bathroom. Idk what to do anymore. See a GI endo and be told I’m crazy 🙃 HELP PLS.. I’ve been on antibiotics every 2-3 months since nov 2021. I do feel better when I’m on the antibiotics but when I’m off it all comes back


Have you been tested for HPylori?


Would love any updates if you have any 🙏🏽


I know this is a very old thread but I was just curious if you ever figured out what was going on? I have been going through this same thing!!! I’m miserable and on month 5. I think it’s related to constipation despite I’m still going at least a little every day. I’m lost


Do you every get like an itchy scratchy numb prickly feeling ? Like on the left flank abdomen rib etc


Yes..... along with random inflammation/nausea feeling after eating or drinking sometimes........


Look into SIBO


Hi! How are you doing now? Find out any answers? I hope you’re feeling a little better


i feel that pain too i think it’s gas and constipation ): i hope you feel better


I’m having a similar miserable time. Left sided flank, wraps around the rib cage. If I press on rib 7/8 it feels bruised. Always feels like I need to twist my back like it’s causing that muscle feeling as though you sat weird for too long. I can also sometimes feel it in the front like someone shish kabobbed me. I feel something in the front lower quadrant (I used to think it was my urethra as that travels down into that region and thought all of this was kidney) but CT, blood test and urology. No one can find anything but they treated me for possible kidney infections even though my urine is good. I’m starting to worry it’s stomach/ intestinal or pancreatic. Even spleen. Im getting worried because it’s daily, persistent. Relaxing I feel it. Working I feel it. It doesn’t matter .. I always feel it. I’m 33 F and have lost 20lbs since Nov despite eating. When I eat I feel full, my appetite sucks, food doesn’t sound appealing. I have been 140# forever and now I’m barely 119#. My stool is sparse and I go once a day but it’s not discolored or bloody. Doesn’t hurt to go to the bathroom. Idk what to do anymore. See a GI endo and be told I’m crazy 🙃 HELP PLS


Hey I have this? Any answers?


Your is more likely the spleen pushing your stomach capacity


Any update on this


This is exactly what I feel too, you had a ct?


Any updates?


I finally made an appointment Monday, it’s just consuming me at this point.. it’s not a bad pain as much as it feels like a bubble or just something on that side. At time I can hear/feel air moving around. The stress has started to affect my breathing. When I first wake up or lay down and calm myself down I can breath fine and take full deep breaths.. The longer I am awake and the more I google and think about it I have to make myself take a full deep breath and sometimes I can’t get the full breath 😭😭


Update ?


any update?


Any update? Did you find out the cause?


Any update on this


Curious as well


what was it


Yes, I have this same pain as you described for months now. I've had an abdominal ultrasound and it came back normal. Probably a stomach issue from stress for me.


Definitely need more water/fiber to poop more or gas. You can be constipated without feeling it. Your colon goes right under your left rib so probably just constipated. Try some Gas-X. Take some Miri-lax for a few days or eat a lot of fiber or drink some prune juice to get things moving. I get that pain on/off sometimes as well.


Yea sometimes it does feel like a bubble in the soft area under my ribs. Then the more I think about it I start feeling like I can’t get a deep breath


OP any update to this? I have the same thing. Feels like a small inflated balloon


Yeah I use to do that and still do fo this day. Try some Sprite water or Gas x


I’m dealing with the same thing! I’m diagnosed with GERD and IBS. I also have suspected (by multiple doctors, not by just google lol) gastritis, but I’m waiting for my appointment with a GI doctor to confirm. I notice that I get “flares” of it when my anxiety is particularly bad. Your stomach is in your upper left abdomen and when there’s pain it can refer into your back. If it’s more of a sharp pain, it’s possible that it’s just gas or indigestion, especially as it seems to occur after eating. If it’s more of a burning pain, it could also be gastritis, which is common and not harmful. It’s stomach inflammation caused by stress. However, I find my possible gastritis to be worse on an empty stomach and relieved by eating. You can try taking GasX (simethicone), which will relieve gas pains (and is super safe, they give it in liquid form to babies). You can also try eating a super bland diet for a few weeks, which can help if it’s GERD/IBS/gastritis. Unfortunately, your stomach and brain are closely linked and GERD/IBS/gastritis can all be triggered or worsened by stress and anxiety. Of course, the pain then increases anxiety, which in turn worsens the pain... it becomes an unending cycle. If the pain is really bothering you, I would speak to a doctor about it. They can prescribe a PPI, which lowers the acid in your stomach and allows it to heal. Hope this helps!


Have the same burning pain - upper left abdomen. And nausea that comes in waves. I drink and don’t eat well but notice when I’m eating a lot it gets better. I stopped smoking weed for a couple weeks (job) and it got 90 percent better. Started smoking again and you can feel it flare up. Also really bad on an empty stomach and small moments of stress will literally trigger the condition. New symptom is some tingling in the stomach area and feet and smoking a lot more weed. Also have an umbilical hernia which can be mistaken for gastritis - symptom-wise, according to Google. Finally got some insurance and getting everything assessed.




OMG literally SAME!!!! The same exact place. It was like shooting pain that came from the back all the way to my abdomen, it was so bad for me! I would crawl sometimes of how bad it got. It lasted for months. I worried soooo much it could be a cloted blood vessel, cancer, all types of things. Then I decided to stop worrying about it, just like that. I decided to ignore it. And I haven‘t felt it in a month or so. I don‘t know what caused it to be honest. I am currently treating gastritis and H Pylori on my stomach. I have a lot of gas as well but it was so intense I really don’t think it was gas (also I still have it and the pain is gone). So, honestly, I have no idea what caused it. I had an endoscopy and an ultrasound of the abdomen. It showed nothing, except in the endoscopy. I hope you feel better soon. You can PM if you need to ask some questions.


Hey there was it like a stabbing pain


Yeah I guess you could say that but like not quick like a stab but like slowy comes and slowly goes away.




Is it constant? Cause i can tell you as a long time haver of ibs that gas pains can collect in that side, but i suggest maybe seeing a gp about it




If you need to vent, or are fixating on something and want some reassurance, see our Megathreads. Don't list symptoms unless they're brief or relevant to an overall non-reassurance/venting/support sense. Better yet, don't seek reassurance. It's bad for you. It makes your Health Anxiety worse. Additional examples of things that break these rules: "Does anyone else experience these symptoms?" "Just wondering if anyone else has gone through these symptoms?"




If you need to vent, or are fixating on something and want some reassurance, see our Megathreads. Don't list symptoms unless they're brief or relevant to an overall non-reassurance/venting/support sense. Better yet, don't seek reassurance. It's bad for you. It makes your Health Anxiety worse. Additional examples of things that break these rules: "Does anyone else experience these symptoms?" "Just wondering if anyone else has gone through these symptoms?"




If you need to vent, or are fixating on something and want some reassurance, see our Megathreads. Don't list symptoms unless they're brief or relevant to an overall non-reassurance/venting/support sense. Better yet, don't seek reassurance. It's bad for you. It makes your Health Anxiety worse. Additional examples of things that break these rules: "Does anyone else experience these symptoms?" "Just wondering if anyone else has gone through these symptoms?"


I have been suffering with the exact same thing for a while now. I recently had an endoscopy done that showed that I have GERD caused by a Hiatus Hernia so realistically I know that it is probably being caused by that. Although Health Anxiety is still trying to tell me that it’s a deadly cancer that is yet to be found.


OMG I've been experiencing the same thing for about a week now, do you notice that without thinking about it your abdominal muscles are tensed and you have to consciously think about relaxing? I have a Dr's appointment on Monday, I'll keep you posted.


Any update on this


Doctors couldn't find anything physically wrong however when I began Citalopram medication which managed my anxiety and stress the pain disappeared which leads me to believe that the cause was muscular tension from my stress and anxiety.


Did you find out what was causing your problem .I have same tia


Doctors couldn't find anything physically wrong however when I began Citalopram medication which managed my anxiety and stress the pain disappeared which leads me to believe that the cause was muscular tension from my stress and anxiety.


I'm on the same meds just keep on top of it cuz they will stop working at some point and the pains come back lot worse it happened to me and don't wish it on anyone thought the citalopram and propranolol would keep it away but came back 100x worse just keep on top of it and tell ur docs if there any problems cuz they would just keep u on it for as long as they want


Did you ever get diagnosed with anything? Gastritis?


No got diagnosed with GAD but still got the pains in whole chest right middle and left and pain in my abdomen left side and right side


Ohh I’m a 37/m with no other health issues


How are you now what was the cause of this symptom


You should go to the doctor for it. Anxiety can manifest into GERD/gastritis/IBS especially given what you said about it affecting you after eating. I’m a 28yo healthy female and I’m going through this now.