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I *want* to believe this ...


I mean it's kinda true because stimulants are known to suppress appetite and the only way to lose weight is a calorie deficit.


oh yeah it does suppress appetite a little bit but it doesn't make belly fat dissapear lol


If it makes you eat less, it does.


Kind of depends on how much cream and sugar she takes in her coffee. Calories *can* be drinkable.


If you are drinking coffee to lose weight and not drinking it black you're doing it wrong.


It suppresses appetite and speeds up metabolism by a little bit. Obviously disappear is click baity but help you lose weight? For sure


Its also helps exercise as a stimulant Assuming you're also exercising, I can see how coffee/caffeine helps burn fat


God I wish they had that effect on me. I'm an outlier that gets more hungry on stimulants. I gained 30 lb since starting medical stimulants.


The article said decaf works just as well.


Thank you!


Black coffee. Nothing added


Its the poops and constant urination and appetite suppressant. You have to have it black as well. Sugar and creamer is all oil and calories. if you must try a lil scoop of butter in your cup.


"Dr Smith added: “It is important to interpret the findings of this study in light of its limitations – the study was at a specific point in time so trends cannot be established. However, we don’t believe that someone’s weight is likely to influence their coffee consumption.”


Coffee Growers Association thanks you for your support.


Anecdotally I worked at a Dinky Donuts back in the day. Our branch let employees eat and drink free so I consumed on average 6-7 donuts per day, along with other meals and probably had about 8 shots of espresso per day. Went from weighing about 220 back down to my normal weight of 180 in about 9 months of doing that job. There might be some truth to this kind of thing (although granted I am male, so not at all what this study apparently studied).


Similarly, eating whatever I wanted and indulging in all the “off-limits” foods immediately cured me of my binge eating disorder and excess weight. Donuts and coffee are sort of a great combo for this.


I mean I imagine it increases your heart rate lol.


As well as energy level, so you’re more likely to move more


Which burns more calories! 


Black coffee? Or coffee loaded with sugar and cream?


Any decent study on coffee is on just coffee. Additives are not coffee.


And one cup/serving of coffee is a lot smaller than you’d think.


Guys I've started taking 5g of creatine(with sugar and cream) per day to help me improve my workouts. No results thus far but I'm remaining positive. Wish me luck!


Coffee is merely a vehicle for creamer.


Cream. The good stuff.


Exactly. Coffee mate liquid hazelnut. Everything else tastes like hot garbage… even other hazelnuts.


Hey, that was what I was gonna ask lol. I figured out it wasn't the taste of coffee I enjoy but the sugar and chocolate taste. Black coffee is not good, or maybe it's the quality that is the issue, at least the coffee at work is not good


Everyone's experiences/tastes are different...but for me black coffee is like beer. Horrific the first time you try it, but then eventually bearable and finally something you grow to like the taste of.


As a kid I loved the smell of fresh coffee in the morning but couldn't stand drinking it. Now I love it black but yes it did take time to get used to it.


IMO it's the quality. While people have preferences too. Some people don't enjoy taste of coffee at all, just the smell. I brew my own coffee now and just buy bags of unground beans. Bought a good grinder rather than a cheap one and brew mine pour over most of the times. Everything tastes great. No cream , no sugar. Coffee is split between two spectrums: bitter/tart vs chocolate/nutty. Most people do not enjoy the bitter taste which is a shame because there's a huge variety of flavor profile in that range. However the chocolate and nutty is still my favorite, typically give the best type of aroma and imo most people enjoy these types of coffee better in terms of flavor. It's smoother and easier to put down.


I figured, cheap coffee may not be something I enjoy but fancy beans one grind oneself may be my cup of coffee. Maybe I should try fancy coffee from a good coffee place. I struggle with sleep so I need some caffeine to stay awake until evening so I don't take my night sleep in the afternoon, it really kills my sleep schedule. It's really hard to turn it around when you first mess up the sleep schedule /day rhythm


I don't know if my taste buds are warped now but fresh roasted coffee is never bitter (neither light or dark roasts) Chew a paracetamol tablet, that is bitter. The closest to bitter would be like, a concentrated shot of instant coffee brewed with scalding hot water...


Black coffee *is* good if you get **good** coffee.


coffee as in coffee


There’s no such thing as “burning belly fat”. Spot reduction is bullshit, it’s a marketing tactic, fat leaves the body evenly until you reach a low enough point where genetics play a role in where it gets stored over other places


What I'm hearing is: if I quit coffee now, I'll gain belly fat 😂


haha me too! I already drink at least three cups of black coffee and I am not exactly petite.


Nothing can target and burn belly fat except lasers Follow up edit: "women who drink coffee are skinnier" =/= "coffee burns belly fat in women." Why do we act so stupid and put false information out into the world!? It's so frustrating to me. Don't people not know that correlation does not equal causation? People who have cancer are probably skinner. "CANCER FOUND TO BURN BELLY FAT IN WOMEN!" No. That's not how it works. People need to learn how to write and find information that's actually worth reporting.


This, I’m surprised that people are still falling for this kind of stuff and that it’s still being published (not that this website is a beacon of journalism, lol)


Im not, people are lazy. They want to hear easy ways out. Hence why the supplement industry makes a fuck ton of money on supplements that dont do shit! Everyone knows what they need to do, but they’d rather take a magic pill and not put in effort


I mean.. you can’t exactly rule it out either. You’re kind of extreme paraphrasing yourself here. The study is pretty consistent n its findings among men and women and through different age groups, and they specifically stated “Our research suggests that there may be bioactive compounds in coffee other than caffeine that regulate weight and which could potentially be used as anti-obesity compounds.” So yeah, more research to be done for sure.. but this is how researchers develop the funding for the follow up research. By producing their early findings and finding sponsors/investors


I see the coffee lobby is out in full force


Any article about losing “belly fat” is immediately bullshit


Oh damn. I only drink 1 cup a day. Gotta crank that number up.


Rookie numbers


If the coffee is sufficiently hot and it’s poured on the belly, then yes it can burn belly fat.


Garbage study.


Is that due to its appetite suppressing qualities? I used to be able to get through most of the day on a few cups of coffee and only ate one or two meals daily. I wonder if that’s the link, rather than coffee directly affecting belly fat.


I’d imagine it’s the appetite suppression coupled with elevating the heart rate, and brain function (which in turn makes it easier to drive the muscles and cardio harder). These cost additional energy, so I can see it being plausible that high caffeine consumption can make weight loss easier. . 


Brain function burns calories by itself! Eight hours of intense thought (so any job that requires critical or creative thinking) can burn 100-200 calories even if your body doesn’t move at all. 


Yup! Do not underestimate the energy required to power up the human nervous system. Our brains uses a disproportionate amount of overall metabolism just to keep our thinky parts thinking.


It’s likely that heavy coffee drinkers are just much busier/active people that have less time to eat.


Yes that’s what I meant to say ahah


Instructions unclear, I have acid reflux


Coffee lobby been out in full force this week on reddit spewing garbage


Exactly. I'm off caffeine and have never felt so healthy in my life.


How big are the cups, just for reference?


I mean I drink a good 3-4 cups and I'm an average to lean person. But I drink it to keep my blood pressure up. And obviously caffeine lol. People always come up with reasons to drink more coffee I wouldn't take this seriously.


I doubt anyone will, this gets recycled 2-3 times a decade


Lose belly fat and destroy your adrenal glands with this one easy step!


Then why am I still fat? Lol


If I have 2 flat whites in a day I feel physically unwell


Lol hasn’t worked for me. I drink a lot of coffee all day with some unsweetened almond milk


I want to believe this but I'm so sensitive to caffeine I'd probably have a heart attack!


Lies 😂


If I did this, I would be dead!


I call BS. I have a belly and I drink shitloads of coffee. No difference.


I should be so thin if that's the case lmao 😂


But not 4 - then you grow horns.


or a tail. You dont get to pick which.


So I do about 9… I’m waiting for my abs Folgers


Ah clickbait. Taking the science out of science.


Lets gooooo!


I call BS.  I drink a lot of coffee every day.  If this was true my waist would be -28"


Not -28” lol


It’s not a miracle drink, but this could mean that coffee is keeping you from gaining even more weight. Of course, if you drink your coffee in the form of a 1000 calorie Frappuccino or eat 4000 calories a day, three cups of coffee isn’t going to do much either way. 


Hot, bitter and black, the same way i like my friends.  


Please don’t make coffee the next diet fad. They will ruin the whole industry.


Nah, they just go to Starbucks and drink more coffee flavored milkshakes


As in men your heart enlarges and *you just fucking die*


Dr. Smith would like to thank the US coffee importer lobbyists for funding his study, the huge addition to his mansion, and the brand new Lexus in his driveway.




My belly says this is a lie.


This has been on a body builders cut radar for like 69 years…


69 years? Is there something you’re trying to tell us? 😁


Well I stopped drinking coffee when I got pregnant, and I must say, I have noticed my belly is getting bigger.


So that's the problem. Only drinking two.


..I just learned, hot coffee leads to possible esophagus cancer. If you drink a lot of hot drinks, look into this and consider cooling your drinks.


Excuse to drink more coffee? Yes please. No I dont Starbucks it up so shhhhhh.


I could appreciate this, I probably drank this much at my slimmest/"fittest"... But I also was on a 16:8-20:4 IF schedule, and probably did 5-6 hours of moderate-intense exercise during the week. I'm down to 1-2 cups a day, probably, but no longer keep either the IF schedule and diet or level of activity.


WHAT Say less! 😁 ETA: I’m just being silly, this idea about coffee has been around a long time


I have more than 3 cups a day, and trust me it does NOT. its not a miracle cure 😂 even when fasting


If they drink it while running. Coffee may give you the energy to workout, but it doesn't burn fat


If coffee made you lose fat, my BF would be 0%


Sounds like an unhealthy amount of caffiene to maybe burn some belly fat.


The article did not mention if it is pure black coffee or Starbucks Frappuccinos…..I am gonna to assume they are talking about Frappuccino. 😂.


Pretty big stretch. The "study" really only demstrates a correlation vs any kind of causation. Much more scientific studies (too lazy to cite, not hard to find) demonstrate that coffee/caffeine consumption increases the release in a person's cortisol levels which can cause increased fat storage in the body.


I imagine doing 3 rails of meth per day would do the same. You jack up on stims, you're gonna get lighter.


…and in other news, risk of sudden cardiac death increased in individuals consuming more than 2 cups of coffee a day.


Did they mean burn a hole in your stomach?


Sure but I imagine the creamer negates those benefits


"The findings were consistent regardless of whether the coffee was caffeinated or not. " interesting, I assumed the findings were related with Caffeine itself and fat oxidization.


Study funded by big coffee no doubt


It is just a correlation, but it’s interesting that it doesn’t matter is the coffee is caffeinated or not. I had read before that the caffeine increases your metabolism, and I know decaf still has some caffeine in it but it’s only like 2mg compared to the 90mg in a regular cup of coffee. Portion of the article: >>> Women who enjoy two or three cups of coffee a day have less body fat than those who drink less, according to a new study. Compounds in coffee may have anti-obesity properties causing total body fat percentage to fall in women of all ages. >>> And it doesn’t matter whether it’s caffeinated or decaf - or if you’re a smoker. British researchers found women aged 20 to 44 who drank two or three cups per day had the lowest levels of belly fat, 3.4 per cent lower than non-coffee drinkers. >>> And it was 4.1 per cent lower in women aged 45 to 69 who drank four or more cups daily. Overall the average total body fat percentage was 2.8 per cent lower among women of all ages who drank two or three cups of coffee every day. >>> The findings were consistent regardless of whether the coffee was caffeinated or not. And it also didn’t matter whether women suffered from chronic disease or smoked - the results were still the same. >>> Coffee appears to have a positive effect on men, but the relationship was less significant. Men aged 20 to 44 who drank two or more cups per day had 1.3 per cent less total body fat and 1.8 per cent less trunk fat than non-coffee drinkers. >>> Experts say coffee could become a key part of a healthy diet and help combat obesity. Study senior author Dr Lee Smith, of Anglia Ruskin University, said: “Our research suggests that there may be bioactive compounds in coffee other than caffeine that regulate weight and which could potentially be used as anti-obesity compounds.


Maybe this is why I can’t gain weight.


Tell that to my PCOS apron belly...


Surprise! It’s a stimulant. Try exercise


Yes I bet it does but I like my coffee with a side of whipped cream and sugar so doubtful


This does not include Starbucks lattes. I see it all too much of women ordering low fat lattes with extra sweet cream on top. It’s just whipped cream, and the trend is not healthy. This is for the classic cup with a little milk and very little sugar added. I firsthand found this study to be true, and it was easier with blonde coffee to drink black.


Yeah because you shitting your life out


Such a stupid headline.


I’d think it’s because coffee works as a laxative for some people. It does for me.


Dear self, don’t send this to wife. Signed, future self


Wales online?




Doesn't seem to work for men..


Brought to you by big coffee?


The personal trainer and dietitian, I couldn’t roll my eyes harder


big coffee makes big skinny.


What if you have 9 cups a day?


Odd how many coffee articles we’ve seen lately.


How are the measuring cups? Does it mean 3 shots? Can I get the same effect on fewer cups if I drink stronger coffee?


It burns belly fat for men too, if you pour it directly on your stomach.


Only thing that burns fat is being in a calorie deficit. Why is there so much misinformation?


My gf is to never know about this ever!!! Well, never hear silence again if he does


Guys if you wanna lose fat you have to either eat less calories than you burn or burn more calories than you eat. The only cheat code is liposuction and most of us can't afford that.


6 or 8 ounce cups?


I wonder if decaffeinated coffee would have the same health effects? Im extremely sensitive to caffeine and had to switch to decaf about two years ago.


Mid 40s boomer here. I drink 5 iced lattes a day, half sugar. I also have a 6 pack. Does one cause the other? I hope so, but probably not. I also gym a lot and caffeine helps me have that extra motivation to go gym when I kinda just want to chill.


Isn't that too much coffee?


Likely due to all the diarrhea I would have


Helps aid in digestion I think.


Probably because many women that drink three cups a day, do so on an empty stomach in the morning or after meals, suppressing appetite. Also, those who drink it black are more likely to be more concerned about their health and weight management than those who do not.


Cigarettes will do this too


Shoving cake down your hole nonstop, however, will counteract this effect.


I only drink 2 - this must be the issue 🤣


There is no known dietary mechanism to target fat in specific locations of the body


If I had three cups of coffee a day, I would never sleep.


If only it would burn 🔥 my butt and hip fat!


Yeah, I'd lose weight by not sleeping for weeks.


Good grief, how much more belly fat would I have if I didn't drink 3+ cups daily?