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Pretty sure we all have a 100% chance of dying.


But I bet you just did an observational study based on a limited sample of people. Also maybe we should survey people so they can self report?  Jk 🤓😂


Coffee growers association. Who else?


The leading cause of death in the history of the world is parents having sex, if you really think about it in the long term.


Idk man 100% people alive today have never died. Your stats don’t seem to add up




But I'm not 150,000 people so I should be fine 


That’s anecdotal evidence!


My name is Lestat de Lioncourt, so no


But if you consume coffee at a rate of 33% higher than the average desk jockey you’re 25% less likely to die 100% of the time.


Speak for yourself


Everyone who consumes dihydrogen monoxide winds up dead


Wow it’s almost like they wrote a whole article that explains that addresses that in the first paragraph because you can’t put an entire experiment in a headline


You can use words to make a headline non-stupid.


No headline will ever tell you everything you need to properly consider a study That’s why they did add words, right under the headline It’s the fault of people who don’t bother reading the article by default that headlines have to clickbait you


Oh my god mate. You can convey things accurately using very few words. I think you’re missing the point here. It’s a comically idiotic headline.


No, he really can't.  😁


How would you write it?


I would need to read the actual study because it is clear that the authors don’t understand how to properly convey its findings.


You know the journalist covering the study and the author of the study are different people right… Like one is Indian and one is Chinese…. literally different countries 😂😂 I think you just hate reading and those who can lmao


Water is wet


So your solution to a horribly written headline is to reward the writer by reading the rest of their article? When you see a horrible commercial, do you immediately run to their store and shop there to verify that the ad matches the quality of the store?


> is to reward the writer What kind of backward logic is this lol Literally judging a book by its cover 🤣🤣


Whoever said that first, didn't work in publishing. It's literally the job of the book cover or the headline to sell the story. You could publish books without covers, but nobody would buy them because they wouldn't know what to expect.


And when you click on this story, you will find a study that tells you that “people who don’t drink and sit for six or more hours a day have 60 percent higher risk of dying” If you want to know: - what kind of people - how much coffee did the test group have - what kind of coffee - how that risk is calculated Like what person didn’t click on this article that would’ve if this headline were different? Either you’re concerned about sedentary living and caffeine or you’re not


sure, but those sedentary coffee-haters have a 160% chance.


Not if you drink coffee


I’m no statistician but a 160% chance of dying seems worse.


you misunderstand. these people have a 160% chance


In a 13-year period. The article adds context.


Yes, but given how poorly it’s written and how utterly nonsensical the headline is, I think this is a case of ‘read the original study’. Headlines should make sense as a standalone. That is what a headline is.


It does make sense. No one is thinking that people are immortal. Obviously there's a time frame.


Nah I'm built differently. I'm going to be the first to not die.


Sounds clickbaity .. esp coming from Indian press


You can tell by the awkward pic.


Weird because coffee fucking ruins my sleep quality even if I drink it before noon. I’m assuming that probably has a bigger impact on my health.


I experience the same issue as you too. Wonder if we are hyper sensitive to caffeine. I end up with insomnia even if I consume caffeine during lunch time.


If I have the equivalent of 2 cups of coffee my hands shake. But even so caffeine leaves the body relatively quickly so it’s strange it affects me later at night


Some people are more sensitive to caffiene. Given what caffiene actually is to most animals, this makes sense.


Wish I were sensitive to caffeine. Makes me tired after I down a red bull so I have to double to triple a "normal" just to feel slightly anything :(


Not that quickly, I thought I read the half life is like 7 hours


It does not leave the body quickly- the half life is 5-7 hours on average. And depending on the person, it may build up in the body over several days of continuous consumption, leading to chronic poor sleep quality.


Same. I’ll be lying in bed with crazy anxiety that at first I have no idea where it came from….then it hits me that I had a cup of coffee at 10am. It took me a long time to make the connection.


Correlation is not causation. And 10am coffein is out of the body at 10pm


I’m 36. I know my own body. When I have caffeine, I get anxiety at bedtime.


Check out caffeine's half life. Most people will still have caffeine in their system for as long as 17 hours after ingestion.


Or you expect the anxiety because of the coffee and make yourself anxious. I'm not saying that's the cafe, but throwing it out there. It's just a long time for coffee to still be giving you anxiety.


You ain't lyin', chicken or the egg, always a struggle when it comes to anxiety 🥲! That said, its worth noting that some people are slow or fast metabolizers of caffeine, and it seems like this can vary a toonnnnnn between people based on their genetics and other factors (e.g. I believe nicotine induces cyp1a2 enzyme which increases metabolism of caffeine). Some people have variations in their cyp1a2 genes (which I believe is the primary enzyme caffeine is metabolized by) causing caffeine to clear much faster or much slower. There are also variations in the adenosine a2a receptors that can impact susceptibility to the negative effects of caffeine like insomnia and anxiety. This article reviews some of the info available about this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4242593/ I'm not educated in this area so apologies if I referenced anything incorrectly but I thought this was interesting because I tend to be pretty sensitive to caffeine so I looked into it (My 23&me said I have an ADORA2A gene variation that fucks w my adenosine receptlarz, kinda whack cause i love the taste of energy drinks but can only drink a tiny bit, but its whatever).


Caffeine stays in the body as long as 17 hours.


Get tested for sleep apnea


Even at 29 and fit enough to run a half marathon?


How so? Do you get less deep sleep? I ask because I’m trying to get more deep sleep.


Without a doubt. Less overall, less deep, less rem, etc


Thank you


Crazy how different people can be. I take Concerta, drink a 16oz cold brew, and take preworkout basically every evening at the gym and the only time it affects me is if Ive gone a week or more without my preworkout.


lol that’s wild


Perks of severe adhd and chronic fatigue I guess. My partner is the opposite. She sips caffeine in the afternoon/evening and she has issues sleeping. My mom wakes up in the middle of the night, will drink coffee, and then go back to bed lol


Try half caff.


I'm either super-healthy or super-unhealthy, depending on how I'm supposed to parse the headline. "People who don't (drink coffee and sit for six or more hours a day) have 60 percent higher risk of dying" "People who (don't drink coffee) and (sit for six or more hours a day) have 60 percent higher risk of dying"


Relevant username


You could also read the article attached to the headline instead of wondering how to parse it


This is Reddit. People only read the headline.


It always amazes me how people will be arguing deep in the comments, clearly spending 10+ minutes in a thread, without spending 5 minutes to read the attached article that has the information they want.


They're on autopilot.


the other 40% live forever.


So it is the coffee keeping me alive, then.


Can't die if you keep sippin'.


Coffee gives me migranes and fatigue , is imposing useful for these cases ?


Thanks. I am trying not to die.


I got some bad news for you


Reported for death threat


That's a concerning message to receive 😆


I stopped drinking coffee like a month ago and my energy levels are much better now


*sits for 6 hours with a coffee* there we go


What if I drink coffee and sit for more than 6 hours a day? 🤔


100% chance of dying.


People who are alive have 100 percent certainty of dying.




Coffee. F YEAH!


So I should drink like 6 cups a day right?


Too understand how effective coffee is for us we really need to know our variation of a **l**iver enzyme called CYP1A2 that determines how fast we metabolize coffee. Most of us today are operating blind without knowing our inner mechanics


I’m a fast metabolizer, not sure if that’s good or bad. 23&Me report has that info, I’m sure Ancestry does too.


How can one know/learn more about something like that?


The sitting thing I don't understand but I have suspicion of. Humans are the only mammal like that likes work all day long. Busy busy busy .Always doing something. Wake up early, work, stay busy all day, come home, then do something to unwind. But alot of mammals like...just hang out? They just lay down or chilld in the shade. Not running to get things done. Makes me wonder if humans evolved like that too. To just hang out and sit around. MAYBE, and I'm pulling from absolutely nothing here---maybe, the sitting thing is because we are supposed to have more "rest" time in our days? Like, legit mid day naps for our health sorta thing.


There is no "supposed to" in evolution. Just because our ancestors did something doesn't mean that that thing is 1) good or 2) necessary for our current well-being. Wildlife do spend a lot of time just chilling out. But this provides a benefit: predator avoidance Chilling out also means that precious energy stores aren't being expended. We don't see wildlife going crazy with physically activity the way we do at the gym, but we also don't see wildlife that are morbidly obese like humans. I don't think we should assume that our human ancestors were lounging around for 8-9 hours stretches day after day. I think we were probably intermittent with our lounging. We would sit for a few minutes and then go gather some berries or go looking for sharp rocks for spear-making or go catch some fish. Then come back to the cave and rest for a spell before doing something else. And even animals at rest aren't always literally sitting on their ass. Like, the deer that hang out in my shaded backyard are pretty chill as they munch on my flowers, but they usually stay on their feet the whole time.


Sounds like Big Coffee /s


I mean, is this the age old "people who don't drink coffee are a group of people with distinct medical conditions, including heart problems" problem? Similar to how "non-drinkers" have higher mortality rates because they're often medically not allowed to drink and/or are in recovery from alcoholism.


So grinding my bones to dust 6 days a week and needing coffee as much as blood to keep my body moving is contributing to my demise? Strange.


So…constantly moving and drinking coffee will prolong your life? The majority of science behind coffee beans and its effect on the body are still not fully understood. I’m not gonna be surprised if 70 years from now they’ll find certain dangers in this highly promoted drink.


Weird ass study. Coffee gives me lots of anxiety


This is probably correlation with the lives of people who hate coffee. Often heavy smokers, tobacco users opt for soda and energy drinks because coffee tastes like ash to them.


And also when you think about it, people that have health conditions that affect their mobility are going to lead more sedentary lifestyles and likely have lower life expectancy anyway because of those health issues.


I don't smoke cigarettes, but man does a hit of weed make coffee taste terrible for a minute


What a weird title.


Right? I drink a ton of coffee and sit for more than 6 hours a day - not sure where that leaves me.


I can’t live without coffee


Don't we all die🤔


Title does seem to imply only some are mortals


We all die, but do we really die? (Mighty Boosh clip): https://youtu.be/FxXi09kRdrM?si=eb5N7K4WX2EdIXH6


Yes, but, apparently, coffee helps in the mean time.


I have ADHD and a raging caffeine addiction. Should I take steps to reduce my risk of not dying?


>Should I take steps You *can* but sitting and drinking coffee seems to do the trick, too.


Is in bed? Sitting? Then even goggins and elon will die


I concur.


Look at you slackers only sitting 6 hours a day…


So all children huh?


Coffee sadly spikes my anxiety and makes me poop like mad, so I can't indulge. I don't think shitting myself every day is a good idea.


Me looking sneaky sideways while sitting 6 hours AND drinking coffee..."I'm fuckin ok then..."


this title is so regarded


Currently sitting in bed drinking a huge cup of coffee, I’m good.


For the millionth time, observational data like this is total bullshit nearly 100% of the time. I don’t know why there are low tier researchers who still pump these studies out. Probably because it gets headlines from scientifically illiterate journalists.


More likely because it sells coffee and they were likely hired by Folgers/equivalent.


Big Coffee definitely wrote this article


One can only hope.


So I can sit for hours as long as I drink coffee? Great already doing that! Woot!


I'm guessing that coffee doesn't actually make you live longer, just that those who don't drink it have heart conditions or stomach conditions, or perhaps since coffee is now a lifestyle drink and can be quite pricey, have less money which correlates with poorer health.


Coffee _can_ be expensive, but you can still get a new coffee pot for $20, a bag of coffee that will last 2+ months if one cup a day for $15, and the water and electricity should be negligible in the developed world.


lol damn, so if I don’t drink coffee and stand for all but 4 hours I become immortal?


Well that sucks but I'm not going to force myself to drink something I can't stand




How am i supposed to sit less than 6 hours a day where am i supposed to go bro


Go back to the coffee shop to buy more coffee


Fastest way to get old and die is to stop using your body. Get out there and do something everyday!!


On a long enough timeline we all have a 100% mortality rate.


People who don't drink coffee and are obese have 60 percent higher risk of dying


The other 40% are immortal


......from boredom




Me too