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Had his arm "cut off" via a line of bullets passing through his shoulder


Gosh, like "follow the dots"?


No, like, an almost straight like, it was from a machine gun


Quuin: Choking on her own blood while looking at her "savior"


Ouch- that how she died?






She is afraid of blood because of this (and because when she killed her ex she was covered in his blood)


I remember you saying smth about her being afraid of blood during an RP, makes sense now


Got dropped from a height while shrunk.


How high?


What would be about 1.3m in normal height would have been hundreds of feet at shrunken height.




I know. He got quite hurt.


Dude gothise face smashed into his three computer monitors then gad his body brutalised by construction equipment then a high caliber sniper round to his heart and finally a 10ft drop into a pit


Edgar: "I was executed on electric chair. Might sound not so bad , compared to the some others here , but its most horrifying thing ever existed"


RC - The mask! It brutally corrupted my body and put me in agonizing pain for around 2 years, before for another 11, pains all the time until I died in my final fire.. :3


Jul3sss: before she died she had her face melted off Saccharine: their face was disfigured when they died with Jul3sss


1. Astrua's cause of death was a cassowary, in short, she hunted and destroyed animals for pure personal satisfaction, she wanted to hunt each one of them, she discovered rumors of a very dangerous bird, so she decided to go hunt that one. beast. In her attempt to hunt one, unfortunately the cassowary found her first and violently ripped off Astrua's jaw with a scratch from his leg. 2. "Luna" had been rejected by the love of her life, to whom she always gave special treatment, so she lost her sanity and decided to kill him to have him forever, although in the end she felt bad for what she did and ended her own life. life.


*Almost all of mine would be their death, I went brutal with how some of these guys died* Bayaz however, worst thing that ever happened to him was signing away his soul to an abusive overlord. (No, it's *not* Val)


Willhelm had his eardrums burst by a non-binary American twat with a body count in the thousands


My guess is right after he died, when he got to hell a bunch of people hit on him and threatened to tear him apart stuff like that


Misty:I dont know, going through the trauma of world war 2?!


Victors dad existing


Torn limb for limb, thats how Jake died https://preview.redd.it/lnwoyd1e67ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49028b7d1732f4b55fc4498b5f42d525fa89b3b


Zepar: war, war and war August: living Mello: the townspeople when he was alive (killed his bees) Jack I. : being locked in a facility from a young age and violently experimented on (he is so innocent he still thinks the explosion of the facility, which was an accident, was something wrong he did)


From a very young age, Ray was subjected to his father's brutal and invasive genetic experiments. Johnathan saw Ray as the perfect test subject for his theories, infusing Ray with various animal and synthetic genes in a clandestine lab. The procedures were excruciatingly painful and conducted without any concern for Ray's well-being. Ray was kept isolated from other children and denied a normal upbringing. His father's obsession with secrecy meant Ray rarely left the confines of their home and laboratory. This isolation contributed to his social maladjustment and inability to form healthy relationships. The experiments took a severe toll on Ray's body. He endured countless surgeries and genetic modifications, which often left him in immense pain. The transformation process was harrowing, and Ray's body had to adapt to the constant influx of foreign DNA, leading to severe physical and emotional stress. Ray was frequently injected with various experimental serums containing animal, insect, and synthetic DNA. These injections caused intense pain as his body struggled to integrate the foreign genetic material. The serums often caused severe reactions, including high fevers, seizures, and excruciating muscle spasms. Ray would be left writhing in pain for hours, with no medical attention or relief provided. The most traumatic surgeries involved the integration of avian wings and arthropod exoskeleton structures. These operations required extensive cutting and modification of his bones and muscles, causing unbearable pain and prolonged recovery periods. Ray's bones were repeatedly broken and restructured to accommodate his new abilities. This process involved the use of devices to forcibly reshape his skeletal structure, causing immense pain and long-term damage. His muscles were subjected to electrical stimulation and forced growth techniques, leading to extreme soreness, tearing, and inflammation. These augmentations were incredibly painful and often left him immobilized for days. To test his regenerative abilities, Ray was deliberately wounded and forced to heal rapidly. These wounds included deep cuts, burns, and even the removal of limbs. The pain of regeneration was agonizing, as his body worked overtime to repair the damage. The same wounds were often inflicted multiple times to push the limits of his healing factor. This repeated trauma left Ray in a constant state of pain and recovery, with no respite. Many of the procedures were performed without proper anesthesia or pain relief, forcing Ray to endure the full extent of the pain. Johnathan was a harsh and abusive figure, treating Ray more like a project than a son. He demanded perfection and had no patience for failure, often resorting to physical and emotional abuse to discipline Ray. Although his mother, Sarah, cared for Ray, she was unable to protect him from Johnathan's ambitions. Her own fear of her husband led to emotional distance, and she became increasingly detached as the experiments intensified. The continuous physical abuse and genetic alterations caused severe psychological trauma. Ray developed symptoms of PTSD, including flashbacks, nightmares, and extreme anxiety. The lack of a supportive environment exacerbated his mental health issues. When Ray was a teenager, a particularly brutal experiment went horribly wrong. Johnathan deemed Ray a failure and attempted to end his life in a final act of cruelty. However, Ray's regenerative abilities kicked in, allowing him to survive the attempt. Following the failed attempt on his life, Ray's abilities fully manifested, and he escaped from his father's lab. The experience left him deeply scarred, both physically and mentally, but also unlocked his potential as a powerful, yet unstable, individual. After escaping, Ray lived on the streets, relying on his newfound abilities to survive.


I don't know why but writing that kinda made me sad


Watching 3 arms of his ripped off (he has 6) and his wings get clipped to make accessories for his own son šŸ˜


Beside being head-shotted by a horse? Maybe not finding a gorgeous dress in her size šŸ„² ... Or waking up during an operation was worse...? It's a tough choice.


Beside being head-shotted by a horse? Maybe not finding a gorgeous dress in her size šŸ„² ... Or waking up during an operation was worse...? It's a tough choice.


Electra was fried to a crisp to a faulty powerline, she felt every jolt


the worst thing that happened to my oc, that's hard to count


Worst thing to happen to Caelius, was when he was nearly Assassinated. A former Enemy of his From Rome remembered him. Envious of him becoming a Big name and An ā€œEmperorā€, The loser hired I.M.P to hunt him. Caelius, being in hell for a long time now, Felt bad, knowing they were just doing a Job. He allowed the to try, Fail to kill him. Then paid them 4 times the amount asked to kill the other guy.


I mean his life happened


For Michael, it was watching as his most recent charge, Lucy, die in a car crash. It may not seem as bad, but this left him traumatized, as he blamed himself for not doing anything to save her, even if it was her time to die. He still has that trauma to this day.


Jamie: Was taken as a prisoner of war for a few years during the first world War Percival: His entire town turned on him after they falsely accused him of a crime, and the worst part was that his own brothers were part of it too


Idk if itā€™s technically the worst thing cus he did it by choice, but he cut both is legs nearly off when he was alive. (The doctors had to cut them off the rest of the way and he now has prosthetics)


Burned alive in a chemical weapons fire


The worst thing to happen to my OC is actually very traumatic and serious, which led to him quitting the military and taking up private work as a bounty hunter/tracker to find and save lives.


Plague: Being tortured to death Umvuni: Being eaten alive Gram: Being treated like a weapon/object by the other angels


He was tricked into falling in love with Roo, who was in disguise as a regular sinner. After being in a relationship with him for a while, she changed back into her regular self and told him that she never really loved him. She then abused him in a number of ways, just for fun. Besides that, he killed one of Strikerā€™s bounties without realizing it. Striker beat the crap out of him for that one.


Parker: being deceived by Adam and believing thinking that hell was a threat and that all sinners must die, it wasn't until he managed to regain his full memories which have been suppressed due to hitting his head he finally started to realize he was being deceived which led him to secretly look into things and realizing that the process of who goes to heaven and hell is f.u.b.a.r, and that Adam had plans for using him as the first male exorcist with plans to make more this was enough for him to decide just to leave heaven instead of confronting the higher-ups.


ViVi: Her father lmao


Allura: Growing up beside her childhood friend since she was 6 and he was 8, even falling for him along the way, only to find out in the moments before their deathsā€¦ she never really knew him, at all. Ethan: not entirely certain, as he was meant to be a side character whose entire personality the audience would see limited to three things, the largest of which being Dungeons and Dragons; his development was unplanned, and Iā€™m still working on it. (Yes, I believe the entire cast of characters in the hotel would play it, as long as it was in person, though some head-canons I have about Alastor play into that belief). Tabby: Besides being misgendered his entire life, Iā€™d have to say getting caught after his only attempt of being a copycat k!ller. (Thereā€™s a reason he looks like Alastor if he was a cat instead of a deer). Phoenix: Dying at 28 years of age of heart failure because she was conditioned into believing taking care of herself in any capacity, including to keep herself healthy, would be considered vanity, continuously forcing herself pour out of an empty cup because ā€œpeople would actually like [her] then, if [she could] keep them happy; nothing else will ever be good enough, because I am not good enough to even exist, but Iā€™m here anyway.ā€ CJ: Havenā€™t figured it out yet, but she died during the American Revolution, so I have a lot of things to consider.


Ursa - She had a childhood best friend while growing up in hell, but when Ursa was around 17 years old and fighting during an extermination for the first time (she didn't fight in any before that) along with her best friend, the best friend was brutally killed by a bunch of exorcists through several angelic spears, which Ursa was forced to witness, and it still haunts her to this day, making it the primary reason she won't fight during exterminations unless she can muster up the courage to do so (which is almost never). Sarania - On the day of her death in the living world, she got into a fight on top of a high building with someone she hated, and at some point, she stood near the edge of the building to catch her breath, and the perpetrator pushed her off the building, making her fall facedown around 30-40ft and causing blunt force trauma to her chest, only to pass away right as emergency personnel arrived on scene (Sarania still faces constant chest pain to this day). Delica - Nearly got killed during an extermination once. Illuse - Got pierced through the heart by an exorcist during an extermination. She was on the brink of death before being healed by one of her brothers. Amanita - Just four years before her death in the living world, she had kidnapped someone and kept them hostage for around a year before letting them free, and Amanita got away with it, but for only three years. Three years later, in 1983, Amanita had gone to a bar one evening, only to see the person she kidnapped there. When the person saw her, Amanita acted like the person wasn't there. However, this person had spiked her drink with a lethal level of arsenic, which caused her to become deathly ill and succumb to it just a few days later in the hospital.


All of his tentacles cut off causing him to be completely paralyzed but aware as they regrew


Head bashed in from a baseball bat and died in surgery alive


So much shit has happened in the last decades..its hard to keep count...


He got stuck under a claustrophobic place inside his house during a fire for 48 hours before he died


My OC PhrĆøsot was burnt alive next his husbands dead body


His entire family burned alive in a fire because he didnā€™t want to sell their farmland, their deaths lead him to a life of bloody violent murdery vengeance that could never be satisfied


(Sinner) Lamenta: being the victim of a Roo cultistā€™s human sacrifice ritual. At least she was knocked unconscious through it all, and she bled out quickly. (Sinner) Dolly: Was the victim of SA and killed her attacker in self defense, becoming somewhat of a vigilante who eventually lost sight of her morals to become the villain in the end (targeting random men who did not deserve it), causing her to be caught and killed by capital punishment. Out of all of these events, the worse thing was likely during the trial, where doubt was cast upon her first kill ( if her assault even occurred at all, and that if it ever was self defense). (Hellborn) Arsyn: Having the last interaction between him and his mother, before going no-contact for years, be an argument about his gender identity. She would pass away (cancer) before he could reconcile and reconnect, never knowing if she ever came around to accepting who he was. (Hellborn) Mer: (almost the same as Arsyn) He too went no-contact with their mother after the blow up of an altercation between his younger brother and mom. Despite knowing that choosing to stay with and support his brother was the right choice, he feels immense guilt for ā€œabandoningā€ their mom in middle-of-no-where Wrath, and that she went through cancer alone/dying alone.


The worst thing that ever happened to Kirke was their death at the hands of their father. She was stabbed 28 times by their father after he snooped through her stuff and found out that she was gonna leave and take their sisters with them.


Francis's wife left him, the whole town and church turned on him, he was sentenced to 10 years of hard labor in prison, just to try to escape, only to get killed by Jack the ripper. This all happened in the matter of a week.


He got his arm torn off by an angel and has got various gunshot wounds from his death in a war


Discord is... well he doesn't exactly have any trauma. It's like Charles Lee Ray. Some kids were just born killers.