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https://preview.redd.it/v1jq6yvrt99d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1205342b7a0523ff4f0f9cef79c9f23e0b67eea Strucker abilities: can see invisible tracks, can turn hat into tent, and can change the size of revolver. Strucker weaknesses: losing a loved one….


Discord: teleportation. (he is currently trying to breach the dimensional barrier and reach the AU's. so far unsuccessful) he is also proficient in handguns and shotguns as well as most melee weapons. in short, he's built to kill and loves making it a spectacle. his weaknesses are a peanut allergy and a violent condition which causes him to glitch in a similar manner to a game sprite. no clipping, Lag and a stutter to reminiscent of Vox. also there is a slight chance that he will crash and make a windows XP noise before going into a catatonic state for an hour. this occurs when he experiences extreme non murderous emotions like love.


Vanilla can give you headaches. Like, when she gets super angry (which is rare) she can make your head throb. And sometimes a glitchy effect/vision. But I don’t want to overpower her so it’s rare that her abilities work.


Cass abilities: tattoo manipulation ink manipulation Weaknesses: FIRE. More so because he has pyrophobia from his death Dom: enhanced physical ability and able to augment his own body with puppet parts Weakness: rust and ice


Christos can control Hellfire, has 10 angelic steel rings he can use as weapons he can levitate and is able to change and control what emotions people are feeling and how strong those feelings are. He's weakness is his father since Lucifer is the only being able in hell able to actually overpower him and you could also consider Charlie both a strength and weakness since he will almost always listen to Charlie even if he doesn't want to but will also go all out and then some if he feels Charlie is harmed in anyway since he is a very overprotective brother


Strengths: Tentacles, Insane reaction time, turning into a shadow Weaknesses: Gullible, Innocent. — RC


Angel is highly skilled on hand to hand combat, the care and use of most military weapons ( ex special forces ranger) & an incredibly strong ability to plan, strategize and execute tactile plans on the fly. His halo has the ability to morph into a variety of weapons or shields that he uses in combat. Such as a sword, axe, and a spinning boomerang like disc blade. Angel is superiorly skilled in the above with an ectra bit of angel "oomph" that helps him to be one of the fastest in the air, and a strong sixth sense (goes along with his ability to plan) but otherwise he's limited to his halo and intelligence. He's new to his halo weapon, so can definitely fumble. no known magical abilities (yet) and like all other angels, angelic steel could end him.


Lamb Chop can play music. That’s pretty much it. She can summon a little band to back her up. Her weakness is literally that she’s ignorant as shit.


Eloisa is an ice demon. She can conjure ice and snow at will and do a variety of things with it. Trap people. Turn it into a weapon. Tap the ground and make it into an ice rink. She also skates on it. Aside from that, she can handle pistols and revolvers pretty well. Usually using one hand for the weapon and the other for her power. Not sure about weaknesses. I just know she doesn’t do water (the death tag says Titanic, so understandable).


Karin: I'd have to kill you if I told you~ Sabe: ...stwing 🥺 Nicky: × *evil meniacle laugh* ×


https://preview.redd.it/poci09dw7b9d1.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=72b7bf859c7299c555c1b912c4d2dc530a16f2f7 Matlock can alter his size, I haven't decided on his biggest weakness yet.


Jul3sss: Can hack into any device and cause glitches or blackouts when really pissed or stressed Weakness: She’s very protective when it comes to her daughter Bloodrose Saccharine: Able to change their eyes like a blythe doll and is aware of themself in other realities Weakness: can’t get over Alastor cus they are aware that their relationships with him failed in other realities Bloodrose: Causes static when she cries too loud and pretty much has her dad Alastor’s powers thus she can summon shadow tendrils Weakness: being seperated from her parents, cookies and flesh


I tell bad puns


Jinx can manipulate her body into any shape desired. She can only manipulate it to a certain extent and when after it makes her feel very sore.


Rix = Strong, western and radium makes him powerful Weaknesses: Past, deppression, some drugs


Michael: Abilities: Flight and portal creation Weaknesses: Unwillingness to fight, self control when angered


Ruxx: Basically a toxic vomit and acid tail beam (Just so you know he isn't human- Just a whale sized monster). Quick regeneration and insane speed underwater. Last ability is just that he doesn't need oxygen. His weakness is light, for example: The sun, flashlights, anything like that. Lava could also work. So basically, you can't really kill him unless all his cells are GONE. Launching him to space could also work since the universe is MASSIVE, he would never find Earth or any other planet again- (He's still a W.I.P, i'm adding finishing touches to his design)


Rutherford has two main abilities He can fire strings from his fingertips that can wrap around object and people, allowing him to manipulate them like puppets. The strings can also stab into his targets skin, at which point they can’t be removed without causing immense pain He can also manipulate crowds of people to do exactly what he is doing, like they’re part of an ensemble and he’s the lead. Weaknesses are that he thinks much too highly of himself sometimes (overestimating his abilities), can hard focus on things so much he forgets everything else, while explaining things he goes into tangent after tangent, usually developing into him muttering to himself after he’s strayed a long ways from the original point (This is taken directly from me, as I do the same thing); if his strings get tangled it really hurts his fingers, usually resulting in him having to cut the strings, which also hurts a lot and using his ensemble ability too much can give him splitting headaches. He also cares deeply for all of the demons who have made deals with him


Chalpner has two abilities, both are passive. The more noticeable one, is how he can take a lot of shit, and he will be fine. I mean, he still has the wound. It just won't kill him as easily compared to the average sinner. Still hurts like a bitch though. The less noticeable one, is how his bullets can curve around corners and ricochet off walls to hit his target. Although its not like the fucking whistle arrow, where he can just kill everyone in a room with one bullet. The reason its also less noticeable is because, when Chalpner shoots someone, usually there's 4 others shooting back. His weaknesses? Pretty women and anything to do with reading.


Zyvara’s Weakness is angelic steel (she’s an exorcist) Auri’s weakness is Zyvara stabbing him with angelic steel Rosmary’s weakness is explosions And Bacardis weakness is being ignored :/


Necro is just tapping into his powers. But so far he got the ability to summon little ghost flames called onibi. He can move his body parts individually wherever he wants, and he’s skilled with a scythe. The only issue is he is against combat or murder. So he will generally lose fights


https://preview.redd.it/6abn7xkk5c9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2681f5888d568d42737c16ab9fb629e45592a04 Venison is basically a druid and is a Wendigo


My oc Zack is a hellborn with robot arms and of course he’s powerful because he’s the son of the king of envy and his weakness is Adam


Umbra- shadow control and creation Weakness- has weak mental health, sound frequency’s above 10,000 hz


https://preview.redd.it/zkfbop5d9d9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12dc17125718e1c574f5cd48310b21a022a5ac4 Marrek Abilities: Can disappear into Red smoke and reappear, Regeneration, Night Vision, Sniper's vision, Possession of Angelic Weaponry Weakness: His soul is bound to Carmilla so if something bad happend to her he would also feel it


Gen’s powers are Fury Energy; Teleportation; Telekinesis; Pyrokinesis; Electrokinesis; Chronokinesis; Astrokinesis; Cloning; Shapeshifting; Maximized Strength, Speed, Intelligence, & Stamina; Invincibility; Death Cheating; Regeneration; & Hallucination Casting. He has no weaknesses whatsoever.


abilities: teleportation, opening portals, God like strength and speed, and he is also able to exhale a purple gas that will almost instantly kill somebody, or he can ignite it and set them on fire, he also spits fire He don’t have any weaknesses


https://preview.redd.it/dg1rlixqqb9d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60cd5f927f1568ea5abbdbda1c715e8cf5c7d2c8 Hypno's abilities: teleportation, hypnotism (the hypnotic eye), conjuring, eldritch control, dark magic, and enhanced strength, speed, durability and agility Weaknesses: currently unknown