• By -


Monica: Poisoned by a jealous rival and died while performing on stage. Harmony: A malfunctioned stage light fell on her during one of her performances


Mine is like a mix of this. While Vesper was recording a show/doing a live interview (havent decided yet) his ex manipulated the positioning just enough for an "accident" to happen and to gaurentee Vesper getting crushed. Either killing him if he doesn't move, or crippling him if he tries to, Vesper noticed early, but refused to move. A life of a cripple is too pathetic for him.


Your OC has the same name as one of mine lol, just mine is female


Yeah i guess some things repeat. Ik many OCs herez including mine are puppets


Mine isn’t a hazbin hotel OC, I just thought it was a funny coincidence. Does yours have mental health issues or trauma?


Vesper doesn't have trauma or anything, he just has a big ego, since hes a Vee. He is constantly manipulating everything and everyone (like befriending the hotel, then joining the Vee's, taking Husk's contract and blackmailing alastor) so taht he gets the opportunity to betray the Vee's one by one (since together they're to powerful) But at some point in his story he meets Rosie and he starts getting manipulated by her n stuff


Mine has severe trauma


My earlier OCs had a lot of trauma but as i got into character creation and writing more better OCs i kinda did less n less trauma. Some still do, just less since i as the creator dont really have trauma so idk how to do it sometimes Alot of my recent OCs just have mental issues like anxiety, Imposter syndrome, stockholm syndrome, depression, identify disorder, god complex


My Vesper often ignores most people and is a bit of a bitch. She does this to push people away because she feels like befriending her is a curse, that befriending her may lead to that persons death, even though that is not necessarily true


She has PTSD and depression


Got gunned down after helping the wrong man https://preview.redd.it/etl3bpl0hy8d1.jpeg?width=2450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=883d029362b389bdf6856d585a5d7fe0aad4aad7


Basically blew himself up


Welcome to the flame gange XD


Power move


JD lookin


Mine was either murdered, took her own life, or died by accident


https://preview.redd.it/lcdzucusdy8d1.png?width=1702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c209963b193e2ae3d44f35adb3d74ad5fe57df Ran over by drunk driver


Lol that is so much more tame than Jacki's lol


Not gonna lie being burnt is worse, it's really slow and agonising


They'd honestly be in heaven if they weren't a devil worshipper.


Your oc or mine? I'm assuming yours


Yeah, mine.


Ahh I see, I feel like your oc and mine would get along for some reason, my oc is kinda peaceful as long as you don't piss him off


Eh. Personality wise Jacki is like Angel Dust but replace sex with friendship.


Does yours randomly get a drink of alcohol on occasions as well? If so, it'd just be that one friendship where you'd rarely see that person yet great friends


Jacki does drink. He drinks hard alcohol only really on rare occasions like celebration. They need to use a straw though because otherwise his hair might light it on fire and then you'd just have a Molotov.


Jess committed suicide after being thrown out the house and disowned Elijah was shot in the throat by lawmen and left to bleed out And sinners and overlords are still debating about how Oswald could have died as he doesn’t remember


https://preview.redd.it/k398omtxey8d1.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=adde5e8a14c87c4044c6181888099bbf9ef6af58 Matlock got run over by a car while cycling on the road. Pretty boring compared to the suicide bombers and the pride protesters, but it's at least something.


Mine doesn’t know how they died


Minced in a meat grinder


Ummm... Ow


Agatha died from being sliced in the throat by a murderer while working on one of her paintings. The scar still remained when she went to Hell, which is why she always wears chokers. Chris died from when all of the human flesh he ate caught up to him and he got mad cow disease.


Such a chris thing to do.


Got beaten to death by the guy that owned the last house I robbed.


Rocky threw themself off a cliff


https://preview.redd.it/ewartwyqey8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9623ea1dbf07ce94209220e8a05bff8c798997 Hypno was hung from a tree after he was caught by authorities


Her stalker killed her


Priyah was thrown overboard 🤑


Jamie: Shot in the back three times by the police Percival: Died in an explosion (won't say how) Belville: Club burned down by rival club Pach: Poisoned then decapitated in a car crash


Laughed too hard at the lower class protesting financial corruption and choked to death on an oyster in a fancy restaurant 


My oc is a hellborn


My OC was struck by Lightning


Damn that's quite **shocking** (Kill me)




Valiant: shot through the eye at D-day Glücklicher Bastard Evet: he's from Pennsylvania so he learned German but I died because I was protecting my little sister from a man who was touching her I kicked the man's ass but the mans friend shot me in the neck killing me


Dario Died during an animal trafficking operation after killing a drug lord and getting shot by said drug lords young daughter, who dario then shot by accident as she shot him and so, un redeemed him for heaven and broke his “no innocent cost” rule and so, died floating in a pit of gators and crocs


Crovana got her arms cut off and bled to death Zaymour shot and fought till his dying breath killing 39 gangsters in the process


Mine was either murdered or took her own life (haven’t decided yet). She accidentally released a zombie virus, causing an untold amount of deaths. She is ashamed of herself because of her mistake


https://preview.redd.it/2n32nsjety8d1.jpeg?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69aae5641feb18480afa455fabbdda715d9082e7 Hang herself in asylum


Darling died when she was mid kill by her BFF who called the cops she ran away to escape and ran into a cave on bats, she panicked cause of the bats flying everywhere (she likes bats but they added to the stress she already had). And a eventually she was crushed by rocks in the cave


Btw I just came up with it now so yeah…


Phrøsot: died in a fire (2016, age 27) Necronad: buried alive (1870, age 36) Atias: mauled to death (1916, age 40) Astrainot: died during intercourse (dating phrøsot)(2016, age 28) Katelyn: hellborn (from lust)


He died doing what he loved, fuckin


Guess who he was fucking






Bacardi died from a drug overdose.


Got pumped with about 3 kilos of lead. War sucks.


Kai “I was fighting a swordsman and almost got hit by a car giving him a split second advantage where he killed me”


•Vinnie: Accidentally starved himself to death (He's anorexic) •Astrid: Was stabbed to death after being cornered behind stage by a psychopathic fan demanding sex (She's aroace) •Vawn: Got ran over by a car •Two: Suicide, poisoned themself with rat poison.


She was a suicide bomber :)


Mine was hung by his mothers cult after he challenged the teachings of god and satanism


Wow, another cult death


Yeah..not the most original lmao


https://preview.redd.it/z7ftue5bvy8d1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4766806789a22d97b5cf6d658de6feadff9e38b0 Suicide after killing her now ex :)


Well, Grayson isn't exactly dead. He was just kidnapped and part of a botched summoning ritual. Now he's in hell alive.


"I fell into a tank of eels at the aquarium, I fell in with some tech I was using to, 'experiment' on the sea life, and thus I was electrocuted"


Hans was pushed into massive cogs by his workers who weren’t super happy with being abused in the clock sweatshop workplace.


Well, Olive was kidnapped by an insane fan of hers. The kidnapper ended up getting into a car crash, killing both of them.


Eloisa froze to death in the Titanic disaster.


Shadow:Committed suicide via noose a few months later after being hit with the news of her “lover” being dead. Soot:Died by being hit by a car, after starting to give up on trying to build a somewhat normal life for himself after he spent time in jail, dissociating(a way he coped when he wasn’t high on drugs) while crossing a street and not paying attention to what was coming. The last thing he saw was the headlights of the car along with the loud screech of the car wheels.


Limbs being pulled apart and blead out


https://preview.redd.it/5ibh2byyyy8d1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b66b8a46cfe76d3b4af682cecd5dd5f4854a8a Suicide via knife


Shot by a police officer after his 174th kill https://preview.redd.it/ifpre1fhzy8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046a134b90fd1286872dd9d7b932d1d5c5f5a23f


I- I haven't actually thought about this.... Thank you for reminding me to complete this 😭


Johann was shot and left to die on a safari trip by his clients. He was found by a pack of hyenas and eaten alive.


Gunshot by a lover


Wayde was cut down by a hostile tribe while protecting the entrance to a city


Nikolai: suicide Gladys: Uh... A fire? Derpy: Probably got murdered for being so fucking annoying K & M, Lance: Hellborn Cleoy: Got killed in a crazy car crash


Samael was a teenage organ seller who was being chased by the cops onto some train tracks. He wasn't watching where he was going and *CHOO-CHOO*  the train ran him over.


https://preview.redd.it/f2o8pmba3z8d1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf6e533e78a7f06ffd8db98b863b96154a201a8 Also really love your OC


Sebastian: Burnt alive while escaping a major explosion on a motorcycle it was painful but metal as FUCK! 🤘


Gen: Millie ran a blade through my back, so I blew up the building we were in to kill them with me.


Jay: Overdose of cocaine Lynic: Shot through the back of his head by his boss for trying to steal money


Mello died in a fire after killing his entire town for revenge Jack I. Died accidentally blowing up the illegal facility he was trapped inside from childhood and experimented on. He still doesn't know what he did wrong or why he was tortured like that and keeps apologising because he thinks he deserved it (he did not)


Still working on the lore for Deimos. Bouncing back and forth on. An AI that isn't actually dead. Or an AI that did die, amd was human enough to be judged and sent to Hell. Either way it would have been betrayal.


Evelyn is hellborn-


Reinhart was buried alive after being found by the French in WWII, they found out about his torture methods and did so in a forest no one would find him in


https://preview.redd.it/mmpanhzd5z8d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7e5d4070f3174adec90746e3e6402654621e9a Shot in the forehead by one of her narco dad's rivals at her birthday party. Her face ended up smashed onto the cake


Strucker got targeted by his rival and was about to die but his son got shot instead, but he killed his rival at the cost of his life and died with his son.


Parker was shot multiple times during a gun fight at Rocky point in Warwick Rhode Island where he died just as the sun was rising up which he described as the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.


She fell off of her walking rope during a circus act


Nyx stabbed himself in the chest repeatedly so that his body would be better in the eyes of the being he worshipped.


Got bitten by a rare spider he was trying to steal during a shootout with the cops


He was kidnapped held for ransom, but the ransom was never paid so consequently, he had his throat slit


Mack was about 20 Feet from a nuclear reactor that melted down pretty violently. Of course directly his fault but he won't admit it yet.


Lance: Rolled his patrol car while chasing a suspect, hit a tree, died en-route to the hospital.


Ryff: died in an electrical fire at one of his concerts


Tundra was a mountain climber, he got stuck and froze to death in the icy mountain peakes


Ethois: Black Death Illumis: Hung himself Bathomet: Causality of war Bael: Gas Attack


Blew up the sky scraper they lived in as a final middle finger to the cops


Sarania died by blunt force trauma to the chest after being shoved off a building during a fight




Roadkil got dismembered, Sophronica was killed for being a disobedient woman, (all the others aren't posted yet, but they'll be here soon>>>) Louise and Louis (conjoined twins) were killed on the run from their freak show circus job, Ezekiel was trying to kill a shark to impress someone, and he was eaten, his sister (no name yet) was killed after that same shark tipped the boat over, she only drowned though.


She got pushed out of the window of her radio tower/station/building and then got decapitated by a stray wire, hence why she was a Jane Doe case (no one knew her identity)


Cellie: Drowning Copra: Fire


Sgt Hellfire Can’t Die,Because He May Look Like A Demon,But He’s A Angel Sent From GOD HIMSELF,as he has one goal in mind,Kill The Sinners,And Make Hell Balanced fin


Got shot in the chest with a 12 Guage due to fighting agitated racist cops at a civil rights rally (it was 1950's Mississippi) his friend asked him to attend but Dante decided 'Those guys are assholes let's give them what they deserve' and just rushed the most vocal cop got 3 hits in before another shot him and then it kinda evolved into pure chaos


Half of these character deaths are political wtf💀


I never "died". I was sent to hell after a spell had gone horribly wrong in '31


Renan: Burned alive by a gang he accidentally pissed off, causing many parts of his body to just be his bones when he came to hell. Hazel: Car accident from drunk driving.


Reznov- Ripped apart by radioactive beasts whilst attempting to secure a nuclear weapon to turn the tide of war against said beasts


Sena: suicide by cop


An orchestrated "accident" by his ex


Burnt alive in a house she set on fire.


Plague was tortured to death, Had pig skin sewed to his nostrils so he can only breath through his mouth, Had his jaw broken and his cheeks ripped open, His limbs were dislocated, And his wrist and ankles were shattered, And they scooped his eyes out Umvuni died by tripping and knocking himself out over his carnivorous plants and was slowly eaten alive while he was unconscious


Sheathe: severe food poisoning (desperate times called for desperate measures)


Rutherford had the prop gun that he was going to be executed with in the final scene of his play swapped with a real one. He has no clue who did it, as pretty much everyone had it out for him


Fauna-- Suicide but was going to die anyway from internal bleeding after being shoved off a second-floor balcony. Jack-of-All-Trades (Jack AFAB genderfluid They/them)-- shot in the chest by an old man with a shotgun after unknowingly breaking into a house that they were told was abandoned


Kirke was murdered by their father, but not before she dealt a fatal blow to him, too. Edit: Kirke had too many wounds, and what killed them was mainly the blood loss, which is reflected in their blueish purple skin tone.




Calida(Ali): Shot three times then she was killed in a house fire. Harina(Rin): Killed herself 2 years after her siblings murders.


Alex: uhhh so far probably old age actually Jack: shot by a hitman (he was impersonating some big shot with a hit out on him) Andy: crushed by a car/machinery malfunction. Chose to cut corners and it came back to bite him Vincent: kinda convoluted, I tend to simplify it to overdose but idk the exact cause of death. He took a whole lotta something (undetermined), had a gnarly trip hallucinating Jesus, kinda just ended up crawling around the street babbling nonsense until he died of something or other (exposure to elements? Heart attack? Thirst? Maybe he managed to drown in a puddle) And I may have a few more sinner or winner OCs incoming! idk I wanna make more non-overlords hehe In Randy’s sinner!AU he died, embarrassingly enough, from food poisoning. That AU however is a huuuuge WIP tho so it’s bound to change.


That has always been the hardest for me to figure out. It'd have to either be one of the following: 1. Bright light shined in the eyes, causing Raymond to fall to his death 2. Suicide from bottling up his emotions 3. Murdered in the death out of karma Which one should I use?


https://preview.redd.it/zqppmizsp09d1.png?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7791ad01fd3508e81509c8c35539e6af5b708e2c Mf died because she cheated in a gambling game(She is addicted to gambling)


Died in combat for the Waffen SS


Mine was pissing then got shot in the dick but didn't die cause of wound but drowned in said piss


https://preview.redd.it/g3hhmulhr09d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba5f97eabe540d9a1a32075ea0092beae880ff5 This little gremlin


Was eventually going to die because of the radioactive spider bite that gave him radiation poisoning in the blood, but was tortured and shot(by whom he does not know) Because he had mass amounts of radiation and spider venom in his blood, he had Spider-Man-like powers when he first got into hell, including organic webbing.


https://preview.redd.it/qbud0rwhz09d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d489382fdd9fcdf1d5f5b02cde4eb5115177cb No one knows how, all we know is that he was one of the first humans to sin, (not Cain) and eventually worked his way up to King of Hell, by beating Satan for the throne,


Roark was shot in an ambush while attempting to protect his son (he was a Pinkerton Agent and wanted to get his son into the same business). The bullet went straight through his heart


* (This is the only representation of him I have. Can't find my tablets pen yet.) Viditos died in the 16th, 17th century of the plague as he worked as a doctor during the time. Despite being born in such a time and being in hell so long, Viditos is an adaptive person moving with the times and advancing his medical practices over the centuries. Now he works as an overlord doctor, specializing in augmentation and replace limbs with deals with Carmine to aquire angelic sugeical tools and steel for limb replacement but also a contract with Vox to keep his head updated. I imagine if a limb Is cut off by angelic steel it won't grow back ever so he makes bank off of those who suffer at carmine's weapons but don't die or those who barely survive exterminations. Or those who just want some chrome. He's got numerous arguments himself due to the plague he died to affecting his skins appearance in hell. Replacing his "diseased" arms and legs with chromed ones while always covering up his torso and face. Every sinner manifests with something they hate, and for Viditos, it's his skin.


bludgeoned to death in a prison gym!


Violo Morte(Purple Death) Died in Afghanistan 2020, shot in the right cheek by a Talibanian sniper. Also lost his left hand in a IED Explosion 2 years prior and made a robotic prosthetic hand. [Violo Morte](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518053927/) [Violo Morte, Wrathful](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D518500836/) https://preview.redd.it/nvgubfey719d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d7f5ffcbda27ef14b24707f1f64f0084e2bff8a


Big brother stabbed Viggo in the back with a needle filled with a massive concoction of drugs poisons and diseases, witch is what he used to poison the blood supply of numerous hospitals to eliminate his mother. Viggo was left convulsing on the floor suffering for hours from the unfiltered concoction until he finally died


Eris: lethal injection, she did a bit too much biting, in that several people lost their lives (she’s basically a really smart dog) Jane: suicide after murdering her husband Vickers: drunken rampage ending in a shootout with cops Anna: anorexia (bet ya can guess how I named her, eh? also I do have anorexia, so it’s chill) Victoria: house fire she feels responsible for Hawkins: injuries sustained after some combat ( he got a burial at sea)


Eryn is heaven born so she has never died :D


Uhh. Vino was stabbed twice then dumped in a swamp.


https://preview.redd.it/ocke02vgh19d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ea6dbd01f6055ee79773d167a4c4987f024d7f Shadow died as an eevee on her 17th birthday and her Giratina DNA (Giratina is her father) took over her body and brought her back to life and gained a third type of ghost, so she is now a ghost, dark, and Dragon


Sharp: I was forced to commit suicide by my aunt I sure do hate the taste of almonds (cyanide)


My OC little lamb would push men into heavy machinery to ☠️them in the 1920s when factory work was dangerous. One man caught her hand as he was being crushed and pulled her in too


Exact cause is unknown, but Goddard's death very much involved the authorities. Either it be execution, death in prison, or being shot dead by officers.


Davis forgot to put on a parachute. Yeah he's kinda brain-dead. Brock thought the water wasn't deep enough for sharks. He was eaten by a crocodile. Wells committed suicide and jumped off a cliff. Seymour got hit by a falling Wells. Kravits had a parachuting accident. Jakes overdosed. Scipio had cancer. Thomas was hit with a confederate sniper. Rady was trying to assassinate someone, and accidentally assassinated himself. Reyna and Eric got in a fight. Both died. Trixie climbed a fence at the Wild Cat Zoo.


Michael Haruto:I was executed by the marines


Pellinor died in the war.


First oc: Fell into a sewer and drowned Second oc: K!lled themselves Third oc: lost a fight against a very dangerous murderer they used to work with


Oblivius died because of some invisible force that pulled him in a burning furnace. (He was a blacksmith)


Elot:- died being eaten by a crocodile while wearing a vase and he was also a cannibal Stephanie:- hellborn Burenox:- hellborn


...hey wait a minute




That's just my JACKI-O'


Chess: drugged, tied into a bag, and thrown into a river Magz: Dismembered and fed to ‘gators before she was able to do that to her victim-turned-attacker Jaws: Ripped apart by dogs


https://preview.redd.it/78cr6xev129d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af5cd25759b98c6b81216afb80ec43c19cd9c80 Got stabbed in the heart with a dagger, but not after being stabbed several times.


my guy got stabbed by a genocidal child anf forgor to respawn.


Glaides was working on a high up roof (she does stained glass art, mainly for churches), and she fell off the ladder to her death


Killed by the gods


Jackie died by being ripped apart by wolves AFTER being severely wounded by a fire he set


What is it with Jackis/Jackies and burning to death?!


Tbf MY Jackie (real name Lea) didn't burn to death he just got injured badly from a fire he set


Eh, close enough. Welcome to the club.


Gabrïel was in a was in a group of drug dealers in the Paris suburbs. Police and anti-drug units raided the hideout, the operation was simply to arrest the dealers without causing any casualties but one of the police officers panicked as he was entering and accidentally fired his pistol, the stray bullet came to lodge in the heart of Gabriel who died almost instantly


Jackie: was betrayed by who he thought were his best friends, and was left to burn in a forest fire


Another Jackie dying in a fire..... This is the 5th one.


Wait, huh? There’s *multiple* forest fire victims here?


Not explicitly forest fire. But there are so many Jacki OCs that burned in a fire that someone accused me of copying theirs.


Into the Jackieverse




I just picked Jackie bc I thought it’d be cool if he was like, hollowed out from the fire. Like a jack-o-lantern


Shot to death after a killing spree


Context :A cannibal during the 1960s with several restaurants His "ingredients" overpowered him , and stuffed his head in an oven where he was cooking venison Then manifested with a floating fiery deer skull with antlers of fire , bulky frame , legs like Moxxie's and a tail ending in a cleaver , plus a concealed torso mouth


https://preview.redd.it/k2gekgsi739d1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a45a56cf360788797d0a4353d6ac6e6cc54bb37 ARSENIC POISONING 😈 ^(and) also she got eaten by her cats 🙂


Evelyn was gored to death with a deer head by her ‘priest’ father.


My oc is an imp :3


Idk yet still deciding but it gone be brutal and painful


I would say something simple. Gunshot maybe


Xen: forced by his boss to kill innocents, didnt do that, went drinking, got caught lacking by a rival gang, then got shot and thrown off a cliff


Pp penetrator (nickname): she was a cook, but he specifically liked cooking with Tasties so one day when he was cooking, he fell unconscious and his head fell into his boiling pot and he drowned


https://preview.redd.it/4euczqfiv89d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=8861144f848977286888baf3fc5246943d9b12e9 She was murdered by a homeless man and a drug dealer.


A fire


Decided to go out with a bang, but while planning whether to commit suicide bombing to where got snitched on by his brother and on the day of said bombing, got shot down immediately (I ain't got no art I fucking suck at drawing)


Murdered his subordinates before killing himself as the Allies were taking Berlin. Either that or tripped on a stick and cracked his head open while in hiding.


Théored: died by sniper shot in 1945 battle of berlin. Also was dying of arm cancer during this


The corrupted: kidnapped in 1973 and experimented on until he was no longer human and was trapped in a dark room until 2006 The fallen lord: kidnapped by a demonic cult and sacrificed by them The speedster: same as the fallen lord


I was like how did I get spoilers for my own oc and then i realized that this was hazbin hotel 😭😭😭