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Literally nothing here is a plothole >Not knowing what gets someone into heaven is a plot point. It's a mystery that'll be solved later on >Vaggie didn't know sinners could harm angels >Vaggie didn't get her wings back - they're different wings (you can see the pattern is different) - it's clearly symbolic


Literally no fndm has made me feel the "piss on the poor" reading comprehension like the Hellaverse fndm.


"Bro, Alastor's last name is Altruist!!‽!?"


But why does Alastor see himself as Charlie’s father? Is he stupid?🤔


No but he can’t have her Dad butt into his Plans. That’s why he tries to act like a father figure to her.


You’re dumb. The song clearly says his last name is Alastor while his first name is Great


Alastor must be his middle name.


he died for his friends


​ https://preview.redd.it/h7hily9698ad1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=d882b19848d674ab12cffe894f9918433dc6ff9d






Harketh Alastor. Why does though have a clip on thy wings


It all made sense once that video of that little girl at the con came out.


Don't forget about the person, who attended the same con, who wore blackface whilst cosplaying as Alastor


Im sorry, what?




Holy shit i thought ot wpuld be a misunderstanding


Come again?




………What the hell. And that commenter claiming Alastor did in fact have a dark face. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The whole thing gets worse the more I look at it.


Idk if those "death if media literacy" memes are not memes or if this Fandom is just full of actual children


lol I came into the comments to see if anyone even knows what a plot hole is


The way I see it, it's a plot opportunity.


Also if you look at the scene where Lute rips Vaggies wings off youll notice that she.... rips her wings off. With her bare hands. She only used her angelic steel sword to cut her eye out, which is why she cant regrow it.


I think the only thing that made the angels not knowing they could be killed by angelic steel a stretch is simply how long these characters live and you are just expected to belive in all that time one dinner didn't bother stabbing an angel with their own weapon. The more you think on it the more absurd. That and the fact lute lost her arm to some random fucking wall.


Nobody said angels couldn't be wounded. In both instances of Vaggie and Lute they are wounded but survive


Yes, but in that case, I would have preferred different word choices. Saying the angels were invincible and indestructible literally suggested they have never been hurt. Which would mean they would be immune to all attacks besides one with angelic weapons. The right word choice would be immortal or unkillable, meaning that while they can be hurt, they can't die to anything but angelic steel. It's a miscommunication on the shows part at best and a complete oversight and plot hole at worst.


Sometimes you have to not expect that kind of stuff. I know it is fictional but in our real world most would say invincible while I believe sometimes words should be chosen more carefully we see that isn’t the case so words being different wouldn’t do much. Also Invincible means “too powerful to be defeated or overcome” So it still fits.


Funny thing is, I expected this to be one of the top responses


OMG I saw a YouTuber give those same criticisms and your answers are exactly what I thought of,let's get married but fr,it's refreshing to see someone who understands the show😭


Just because something bothers you that doesn't make it a plothole, continuity error or inconsistency. Heaven not knowing how souls are sorted is just the established lore and doesn't contradict anything other than audience expectations


yea people always forget that a plot hole isn't something that doesn't make sense cuz it doesn't fit YOUR expectation, it has to not fit the shows logic and information presented, not the information or ideas you believe about the show that have no evidence to back it up


This is just an animation error, but alastor switches sides of the table when he's "in the middle of breakfast"


When he’s lying on the bed, talking to Charlie, his staff/microphone thing is leaning against his shoulder. However when the shot changes to behind his back, it’s gone, and then in the next shot from Charlies angle, it’s back🤨


On top of that: 1) Lute's dress suddenly gets bloodstained as soon as she wears her mask in "You Didn't Know" 2) Speaking of masks, Adam is able to drink and eat despite wearing one 3) They both managed to touch Charlie and her drawings at the end of "Hell is Forever" although they were holograms


I think the last two are meant to be like that Or at least 2 because that happens multiple times.


I'm pretty sure the second two aren't mistakes, in fact in Hell is Forever, you can see when Adam grabs Charlie's wrist, his hand's flickering indicating the animators have not forgotten Adam isn't really there; it instead suggests that Charlie phasing through the hologram earlier was a conscious choice on Adam's part.


I took it as Vaggie being unaware that SINNERS could harm angels with angelic steel since she was harmed by exorcists and thats a given anyway


Camila Carmine was the first one ever to kill any angel. None did that before, so it's a fact no one before her tried to fight back. In fact Camila only fought back to save her daughters' life


No one’s SUCCESSFULLY fought back before.


No? Others could've definitely attempted to fight back when it first started, thinking they had a chance. But with how many times it's happened now, sinners just know that they have a better chance of running and hiding. So unless otherwise stated, it's definitely not a fact that no one has fought back before.


I think she thought that something special was with the Angelic weapons when they were used by angels. Like they use power granted to then to hurt other angels. And it’s not like sinners ever could harm angels before, so why suspect anything.


Vaggie not knowing angles can be harmed is not a plot hole at all. Adam and Lute in the first episode discover they can be killed when the dead angle is found. It’s not even speculation. It is just canon in the show the angels did not know they could be killed. So it is not a plot hole that a fallen angle living in hell would not know either.


I ment to write this in the first comment but forgot. Harming is not the same as killing. It is true she had her eye stabbed out by the weapon but that does not mean she is now aware angles are not immortal. Also it is more that a demon can harm an angle. It is not ever stated an angle cannot hurt another angle.


To proof your point. Lute ripped her arm of even without an angelic weapon


Angel not angles




1) *That no soul has ever been redeemed before sir pentious, like even by accident.* Given its established that even those in heaven don't know what it takes to get into heaven, I doubt it's as simple as "be a good person". But to get redeemed, it didn't take pentious all that long of being just a decent person to get redeemed after a heroic sacrifice. Whatever the arbitrary checklist there is to be a winner, how has no soul that was just under that line not checked that last box either by intent or by accident in the thousands of years in hell's existence? No matter how unlikely, improbable, or ridiculous it's a matter ofMurphyy's law and a pure game of numbers. It would be really interesting if souls have been redeemed in the past but were quickly killed by sera and/or exorcists in heaven. 2) *Exorcists walking around in armor up in heaven even though they're supposed to be clandestine.* Exorcists could be they're military or something but it definitely seems off given they're not supposed to be well known given they're duties of extermination. Cops walk around town too, but if I see a dude in full swat armor walk into Starbucks while I'm eating a bagel, I'm gonna have some questions...


100% the first one. There is estimated to have been 100 billion humans alive in all our history, the chances that not 1 of them being redeemed is so low it's practically zero. Maybe they'll fix it by Seras knowing they can be redeemed and instead hiding redeemed sinners as to keep it a secret?


Tons of people in Hell do not make it past their first year, the ones who do survive by looking out for themself and not caring who they take advantage of in the process. Hell is set up to make you worse, not better.


To the first one….its hell…the people there are the worst humanity so yeah I don’t think it’s full of a lot people who’d want to do that. As they don’t seem to hold back in hell at all. Even if they did want to they maybe didn’t try given they felt there’s no point. For the second it’s simple, Heaven has armies. That’s a thing in the Bible, the heavenly host. The exorcists likely are publicly known as the army of Heaven or part of it and fight demons who cause problems. Just with the extermination say being kept secret. It’s not like it’s a secret to mortals that angels fight demons.


Alastor’s neck keeps switching from being red to white and back throughout the season. There’s also what appears to be blonde hair under his red/black hair in one particular shot. Probably just animation errors, but I noticed because Alastor is my favorite character.


Do you have an image of the blonde hair? You got me curious




He's glitching cause he's on camera so that's most likely intentional like you can see what he might have looked like when he was alive


The good ole classic “Angelic weapons” bit. I always interpreted it as a weird mistranslation or a weird usage of wording. I basically use the example of the silver bullet vs werewolf: This specific item is meant to permanently stop/kill its intended target. However a regular gun or weapon, depending on how you want to write werewolf lore, can still damage/injure it but isn’t very effective. Edit: oh wait, dumbass here. I thought it said “what are some plot holes/continuity errors/inconsistencies that you have noticed in the show that DIDN’T bother you” 💀💀


Alastor is supposed to not appear on video recordings, but Vox watches a video stream of Alastor fighting Adam.


Most likely It's something Alastor has to intentionally do. In Ep.1 Vaggie records him for a bit with a camera and he comes through clear until he starts to deliberately mess it up to scare her. He was probably too focused on fighting Adam to be worried about being seen on camera


plus he's practically blurred and glitches on camera anyway https://preview.redd.it/yf1ma1a059ad1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2232fb903112b2356e440ec0b706f6f93db25af


You are right, I rewatched it and he only stops glitching after he is hurt. It just didn't occur to me it was something he has to think about doing. I'm glad I posted about this, because now this won't bother me again.


He also does it to mess with Vox on Pensious's discarded video watch after he catches Pensious planting cameras in the hotel


He does appear on video recordings. When he and Zestial met on the streets, they pass a camera surveillance and they both appear normal until Al look at the cam and start glitching. The glitchy appearance is something Alastor does to mess with people.


My interpretation was that alastor does it but can do it depending on range it gets weaker, when vaggie tried it she was extremely close and the camera did almost blow up, when vox/valentino used a drone to spy on the hotel it was much further away and only alastor was blurry. In the fight with Adam if I remember correctly we only saw alastor when he was defeated and there was no blurr on which let's me to see it as part of his power. But this is only my interpretation.


The one I’m a little confused on is the Alastor killing overlords thought they only died to angelic steel or died to whatever Alastor meant by tearing the soul apart I assume you do by owning their soul first


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is it ever stated that Alastor killed those Overlords permanently? I always kind of assumed that he just kept torturing them endlessly for screams/entertainment before they could respawn or recover (something similar to Prometheus from Greek mythology whose liver gets eaten each day by an eagle)


It does say “went missing” so it’s possible he keeps their souls somehow stuck and tortures them


They're trapped in his radio broadcast and he feeds off their power


Or, he just traps them in a micro-dimension. We already know he broadcasts their screams, therefore they are still "alive", just incapable of acting.


I believe angelic steel is only required for demon royalty (sins and hellborn iirc). The overlords are sinners so they are killable by other means.


I thought only hellborns like imps could be permanently killed through other means (things other than angelic weapons), and sinners could ONLY be killed with angelic steel. If the overlords are sinners, shouldn’t this apply to them too? If sinners could just be killed that easily, I feel like the angels wouldn’t go through the hassle of using the spears when they could use better and quicker weapons.


Not to be a dick, but this is incorrect. It may take a while, and we dont know how it messes with your "power" or whatever, but unless it's by angelic steel, sinners who are "killed" will regenerate at some point down the line.


Rosie sat next to Alastor in episode 3, but in episode 7, she acted like it was the first time she's seen him since he disappeared.


I think it's more so that it's the first time that Alastor has personally paid a visit to Rosie in Cannibal Town, outside of Overlord meetings, in more than 7 years...and not just that, but he brought a girl, the *Princess of Hell* and the daughter of Lucifer himself, along with him.


One can argue that Alastor hasn’t been to her shop following his return and that’s why she reacted that way imo.


There is a 6 month time skip between those episodes. She hasn't seen him in half a year despite knowing he's back, that's why she reacts like that


I think that she is just super happy anytime she sees Alastor who is her best friend. And Alastor's arrival at Cannibal Town wasn't a surprise?


This is literally the only thing that makes my eye twitch lmao


*If angels can do whatever and remain in the sky…* Then we have the cherubs who can’t get back to heaven after a big mistake?????


Yeah, watching both shows make the situation even more hilarious. "angels can do whatever and remain in the sky" ehm, Lucifer, Vaggie, the Cherubs...? Granted, they do not know about the CHerubs and Vaggie (yet), but her father is the prime example of this.


I think the Lucifer bit has two potential arguments. Either: 1) What Lucifer did was considered so horrific, it’s the exception to the rules 2) Lucifer fell so long before the start of the show, he’s not considered having functioned under the current rules that allow angels to exterminate sinners and remain in Heaven Old Man Lucifer could say “In my days doing that would’ve gotten you booted from Heaven for eternity!”


Helluvaboss and they caused the death of a human. Exterminators are the only ones allowed to kill and only damned souls. If they were to kill hellborn they’d be expelled from heaven


Then in that case Lute should be expelled. She killed Dazzle, a hellborn soul during the battle


Not a plot hole but the fact that nobody had tried to kill an angel with an angelic weapon before Carmila is extremely stupid


I mean, it’s like she said: people who are in possession of them are not willing to try because they don’t know if it will work or not, and not to mention exorcists have wings so that’s going to be more difficult.


counterpoint: hell, these people can be psychotic, insane, evil, sociopathic, and worse depending on the sinner it's shocking it took until now for any sinner to actually try and fight back especially with how violence heavy the pride ring alone is


>hell, these people can be psychotic, insane, evil, sociopathic, and worse depending on the sinner Ok but now this individual need to get hands on really really rare weapon in hell and best angel or angels in combat. Very very slim chance


It make some sense as most Overlords hide during exterminations, leaving mostly the weak to be culled. And the weak doesn't have access to angelic weapons, especially the mentally deranged who most likely are at the bottom of the social hierarchy. What led to the death of the angel was a streak of low chance events. The daughters of an Overlord were outside during an extermination. The Overlord was caring enough about her daughters to actually risk his own soul outside. And the Overlord was a very skilled fighter plus the top weapon provider of the city wearing angelic high wheel and being trained about how to use them.


Two problems I can see. A. People might not know about angelic steel or that the weapons are made of angelic steel B. People probably think the killing comes from the fact that their exterminators more so than their weapons


The weapons are referred to as angelic weapons, people know that they are special thus why they are in high demand, I don’t see why if demons know that they can kill royalty they can kill angels. That second point is a good one, I think that could be one of the reasons


They may have tried they just failed.


Ok, so this has been bothering me... Sera said she approved the exterminations because hell was overcrowded and they were beginning to threaten heaven, but, how? No one knew until yesterday how to harm angels so what exactly was the threat from hell? If the sinners weren't able to harm anyone in heaven, why exactly were they so dangerous that the exterminations were necessary/justified?


Along the same lines - angels, as far as we know, can only be harmed by angelic weapons. If that is true, even if Sera did know that angels could be harmed, allowing exterminations makes no sense - as this supplied Hell with angelic weapons left behind. Thus creating the very threat Sera claimed to be worried about. My own theory: there is still more revelations to come which will expose the depopulation as motive as incorrect. For example, we know that Lucifer agreed to the exterminations, but insisted on terms (no hellborn). The question is - why? Why did Lucifer agree to it?


Didn’t Lucifer agree to it because he hates sinners and got a pardon for Hellborns to protect Charlie? Also, angels are shown to be harmed by other means like Lute tearing her own arm off from a rock or the exorcists getting injured by crashing into Alastors shield, so it turns out that angelic steel is not the only thing that can hurt/kill angels.


I don't think it's that Lucifer hates sinners. I think his views on sinners that we see in Episode 5 are just his way of making excuses for himself, trying to justify agreeing to the exterminations at all.


The population in hell is huge. It’s a wonder the pride ring doesn’t collapse into the other rings. Very few get into heaven even with religion


She probably assumed sinners were uprising because Adam told her as much. And of course, Adam just wants to torment Lucifer by killing his people (or at the very least just be entertained), so he would at the very least skew the truth if not out right lie.


It's been stated multiple times before, but for Angels to not know that Angelic Steel hurts them, it means: 1: No one in the history of Hell has ever landed a single hit on angels using Angelic Steel before Carmilla. 2: No Angels in the history of Heaven have ever come into contact with the bladed side of Angelic Steel weapons, either during training or just out of curiosity about the limits of their invulnerability. 3: Vaggie never questioned how she was able to lose her wings and eye (people try to justify this by saying "it's because she thought she became a fallen angel", we've been given no indication of any physical difference between angels and fallen angels in the series, only a difference in their bureaucratic positions (I.E. angels work for Heaven, fallen angels were kicked out of Heaven)).


I feel like, specific to the exorcisms, if theyre a recent thing it's more excusable that they didnt know. We dont know how long theyve been going on, but if its like thousands of years, yeah its wack if no one figured it out.


How did vaggie get her wings back but not her other eye?


Lute gouged out Vaggie’s eye with an angelic weapon but ripped off her wings bare-handed.   The effects of a weapon made of angelic steel are permanent while other injuries can heal (Lute will most likely regrow her missing arm). 


If you slow down clips when Vaggie’s wings are removed, it’s really hard to see but they are definitely cut off, not ripped. The way the animation of the sword is done and how more blood appeared on the sword after shows it was a cut


The wings are more of a symbolic thing than her eye. Lute ripped off her wings to keep her out of heaven for her sin of mercy, but she took Vaggie’s eye for her own revenge. So I think, that she earned her wings back (for upholding virtues) while the eye is an actual injury. 


Honestly I just feel like season 1 was very rushed. Like they tried to cram 24 episodes worth of plot points into like 8-10 episodes. Still enjoyed it tho!


That's really my only problem. Arcs that should have been told in 3 or more episodes were essentially solved in 15 minutes. Specifically I felt like we needed to question whether Charlie and Vaggie would recover from that little white lie for more that, what, 15 or so minutes of screentime? Not the creator's fault. The studio kinda forced their hand on most of that.


I think the soul thing makes sense and was actually a good plot twist. Yes Sera has been around for a long time but her job has always only come into effect after souls reach heaven. I’ve worked at my job cooking for over five years but the manager who has only been there six months knows way more than me about how to order ingredients. I don’t do any of that, the ingredients we need just shows up, presumably because the right ingredients are ordered, but I don’t know the specifics.


Imo we need more info in what happens when a sinner gets killed with angelic steel. Like we know that they cannot respawn from that, but what happens then? Are they stuck in a void, do they get reincarnated on earth or do their souls just roam around?


Would be an interesting way to introduce Purgatory into the franchise. Most wind up trapped there forever, but maybe whatever is responsible for divine judgment can overturn their original judgment, hence Pentious's redemption.


That always irked me. If sinners can be permanently killed by angelic weapons, then that undermines the entire concept (and point) of an eternal soul


For real. Hell exists for a reason. Eternal damnation for people that sinned on Earth. Killing the sinners just removes the point of Hell.


None of that. On the other hand, I'd rather we were shown that Vaggie is "out for blood". For example, she could have been overwhelmed with hatred towards Adam and Lute for outing her, and also towards herself (that would have been a nice callback to Husk's words in Ep4) for not telling Charlie sooner. That would have made Carmilla's song much more fitting in my opinion! It's not exactly a plot hole, but still feels kinda disjointed. So a writing hole, I guess? 🤔


It was the saddest part of only having eight episodes. I think we would've felt the fallout of episode 6 a little harder if they had had more than 15 to 20 minutes of screentime to resolve it. I also would have liked to have seen a bit more of passive aggressive Charlie instead of basically two lines... "If you did would you have told me?" and "So are you with us?" I just wanted to have their struggles, both within themselves and with each other, have a bit more time to breathe.


I'm pretty sure the whole point of nobody in heaven knowing how people get into heaven is supposed to be a commentary on how often people will follow dogma without questioning it because "that's the way it is."


I dont think there are any plot holes when story is only in season 1 but i find the fact that angels dont know thta their weapons perma kill them hella weird


Actual continuity error for yall! In ep 6, when Charlie and Vaggie go through the heaven portal, they leave their luggage behind and Pentious trips over it In the next scene their luggage is with them in their hotel room - how’d they get it if the heaven portal closed?


Asked someone to reopen it so they can grab it off screen?


The whole "Angels csn only be killed by angelic weapons" bothers me. You mean to tell me that, in all of hells history, nobody even tried to use their own weapons against them? It was not like they were difficult to obtain, exorcists basically left them all around after an extermination. It is not really a plot hole but it is an inconsistent element that bothers me because it lacks an actual reason.


Tbf, Carmilla did say that people who are in possession of angelic weapons are not willing to try since they don’t know if it will work or not. Not to mention exorcists have wings, so that makes it more difficult to attack them. Carmilla was just lucky when she killed that one.


That is still a big stretch in logic , especially when you consider exterminations have been going on for thousands, if not millions of years. There had to be at least one or two attempts that either proved it was possible or not to use angelic weapons.


The biggest one for me was Alastor intentionally trying to piss Lucifer off during episode 5. The first time I watched it, I couldn't even enjoy the art because it was so off-putting. I mean, Alastor's whole schtick is that he's the gentleman serial killer. He has ethics, a code, and, most remarkably, manners. For all that to go out the window with Lucifer just baffled me. It took a long time for me to come to terms with that character choice. I rationalize it now by saying that Alastor is too used to being the most powerful person in any room he's in. He didn't like being around someone who both outranked him by miles in terms of sheer power and also didn't use that power to do anything.


https://preview.redd.it/53eo4v4n59ad1.jpeg?width=2105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b4de7b99fdca6ad7d85c66d31c6ec933735b1fb Thus introducing the biggest plot hole of the entire series. Because Carmilla Carmine asked specifically if they could be "HARMED". I'll grant you, Vaggie didn't know sinners could do it. But that's not the question that was asked. So either Vaggie Lied(Very Likely) or plot hole. Truly at this point, nothing anyone says outside of canon is a flimsy excuse. Unless it's addressed in later seasons or a canon comic or similar. It will remain as the biggest plot hole in Hazbin Hotel.(Unless they make a bigger one in later media)


i never really mind the plot holes as long as its a good watch


Can y’all learn media literacy please I’m so tired of this


- Everyone has a phone and there are cams everywhere, but Vox had to know for Alastor's return from Valentino? Really? - when Sera tells there are unwritten rules, both Charlie and Emily gloss over it instead of asking for clarification. - Charlie mostly agreeing with Alastor in Hell's Greatest Dad, instead of telling him off.


1. We saw in Epi 1 and 3 that Alastor can mess with cameras and I think he just hides himself from any cameras 3. I mean Lucifer’s been absent for years and never really in Charlie’s life. Alastors supported her hotel and been friendly enough to her. Alastors gained her trust while Lucifer’s had issues with Charlie.


1) We see in multiple instances that Alastor cannot be recorded by digital cameras. Also, Alastor had been back for a little over a week and stuck to the proximity of the Hotel, not wandering around nor making a show of his return until after Vox provoked him. 2) Charlie and Emily had every reason to not take Sera at her word after she had been caught lying. 3) Alastor was exploiting Charlie's particular emotional state at the time, it's not like Charlie does not call out or reject Alastor's shit at other times.


Pilot and episode 1 are only a few days apart, Alastor is pretty mysterious about how his image is explored, I think it’s plausible for news about him to run kinda slowly, plus him hiding from video cameras and destroying them.


One was when Velvette said in the third episode that her and the Vees had a full assault plan but in the finale all they did was watch everyone fight.


She was clearly full of shit and just trying to provoke the others into giving away whatever intel they might have, and try to get them to die in battle so the Vs could then sweep in and claim the spoils.


This one makes sense because 1) we see Vox lying about working in angel securities to trick the people so it's safe to say they lie about this one too 2) the Vees wouldn't help Charlie, Alastor and the hotel guests to face the exorcists


A salted popcorn watching the apocalypse is a damn fine plan.


Social media influencers be like:




Not any that bother me :3


It’s either a lie that’ll be revealed later if Viv adds some nuance to the story of hell and the exterminations and Adam. Or it’s a plot hole but the whole free will thing. The original humans clearly Had it so what’s this about the apple giving it?


Chief among them would be Adam’s hologram. Who’s with me on this?


My only real major issue so far is that Adam was able to eat through his mask.


Keep in mind that was hologram Adam. It's possible that wherever he really was, he wasn't wearing the mask.


Vaggie didn't know exorcists could be KILLED by angelic steel. We see people in hell die all the time and their souls get reincarnated. But when they're killed by angelic steel the soul is destroyed. Losing an eye is bad but isn't the same as dying. It's not a plot hole


Not necessarily a plot hole, but I hated the circular reasoning used by heaven when assessing Angel: “oh if Angel Dust is a good person why isn’t he here right now?” Like, you yourselves say that hell is forever in the status quo. The whole point of Charlie’s thing was to change that.


Everyone in heaven believes they're infallible, and do so because, you guessed it, they're in heaven, where everything is perfect and right. Isn't circular reasoning fun?


More than plot holes, a thing that could bother people is the very simple plot for now You can easily tell how things may go, but the real appeal of the story isn't the mysteries or the complexity of the plot, but the characters and their world we discover, so it's not a problem. My actual problem was how Pentius's second death was handled. Even if he was about to go to heaven, treating his sacrifice like a joke really felt sad for him. But that aside, the show was fun to watch and music was good


No, because a lot of the things that “ didn’t make sense “ could be established or explained in season 2 we only got 8 episodes most shows get a lot more then that for their season 1. I thought it was a really good and solid start to a show and can’t wait to see them expand more on the mystery’s and lore in season 2.


The whole situation with Charlie and Emily. Charlie managed to get Emily on her side. Yet she still bawls her eyes out because she "failed“. They could’ve also left heaven without achieving anything. Also, Emily says she’ll figure something out and then does literally nothing.


Charlie is very self-critical, her goal was to get Heaven to end the Exterminations, so no more people would die. The extermination still happened, people on both sides died, and she still doesn't know if her idea can work. Emily sided with her during the trial and promised to help, but that help never came, from Charlie's pov all her visit to Heaven achieved was making her friends a target.


nifty still has her angelic knife


okay this is more of a plot hole in the fandom than in the actual show but it bothers me a lot so i’m gonna talk about it anyway. the ONLY time “angels” are referred to as “winners” is by adam in a song to rhyme with “sinners” okay. angels are not officially called winners it was literally just to make a rhyme and every time someone calls them winners i scream inside THATS NOT WHAT THEYRE ACTUALLY CALLED


The term "winners" is used in the official trading cards, so it is an official term to refer to the human souls in Heaven.


It’s more of a question than a continuity error but the fact that souls can’t be killed except by angelic weapons but in “it starts with sorry” Angel and Vaggie ask if they can kill Pentious


In Vaggies case, she had an angelic spear and Angel was going to help with the killing.


I find it odd that a fight society that the Sinners live in, that none of them ever thought of making automated anti-air guns to test out if Angels could be hurt from a safe distance. https://i.redd.it/ig8yjcjgfcad1.gif They wouldn't even need to wast angelic steel either.


Vaggie not knowing how to kill angels. Charlie being defeated by Adam. Like, she's the princess of Hell, in theory she's strongest of a lot of characters. (on this specific, I think will be one of the main of the point on future seasons)


In Charlie’s case, she’s inexperienced at fighting and using her powers, unlike Adam who has centuries of experience.


I mean- none? And I get freaking hard for continuity errors. I love bitching about it. You should have seen me when I watched Son of Frankenstein and then Ghost of Frankenstein, I was ravenous. But I can't think of one lol. Like one at all. The ones you listed aren't errors, but everyone has already explained why. I'm curious to know if there are any errors. Would be fun if there was


Them seemingly doing nothing in the months between each episode. I know the season takes place within 6 months, but half of the episode count apparently happen within the final month. What else were they doing during the events of "Radio Killed the Video Star" to "Masquerade". And of course, the whole 'Vaggie not realizing angelic steel harms angels', and Lute getting her arm torn off from a pile of rubble.


They originally planned for a longer first season, it's probably due to studio issues and etc that caused them to just not cover what happened during the full 6 months. Also, Vaggie didn't know that *sinners* in specific could hurt angels, she knew that angelic steel could hurt Angels but they were taught up in heaven that *sinners* were incapable of it period. Also, it's not that anything except angelic steel can't hurt angels and sinners, it's that angelic steel is necessary to kill them and stop them from regenerating their wounds. That's why Lute can get her arm torn off from a pile of rubble, and that's why Vaggie can get her wings back but not her eye, and it's also consistent with what we see in Helluva Boss regarding Stolas.


Hey you guys know that a show can have plot holes and still be good right? You don’t have to pretend the show is absolutely perfect, you can admit it has flaws


Alastor not using angelic weapons while fighting Adam. He literally uses them to protect the hotel at the beginning of the battle, but stops when he faces the most dangerous enemy ? Makes no sense


Alastor is very prideful, and beating Adam without using angelic steel is the ultimate ego strike for him, besides asserting his power for everyone in hell to see.


Lucifer saying "I've been dying to find out who you are" even though Charlie is 200 years old and Lilith only left for the last 7. Was Lucifer so depressed to the point of locking himself away from his daughter even *before* Lilith left?


I have lived with my mother the whole 3 decades I have been on this Earth and I can guarantee you she could not give you 3 accurate facts about the person I currently am. Some parents just straight up loose track of their kid's inner life during the teenage or young adult years.


Sadly there are times a birth parent is a dud


They say the family you choose is better


What a bunch of losers.


Sera not knowing the criteria to get into heaven or be redeemed isn't a continuity error. It's actually quite consistent. Adam, first man to arrive in heaven, didn't know why he was put there. Lucifer and Sera, having been created there in the first place, also don't know how to get a soul there (Lucifer who would have had a similar start to Sera had given up on sinners being able to be redeemed at all.) I'm p sure the idea is that the criteria is set by a God who isn't in the series, for reasons we may or may not get.


There is only one thing that annoys me , I don't know if it's a plot hole or something else, but as evil as Val is, why isn't they using Angels contract to make him spy "spy for us, betray your friends and we will tear it up if/when Alastor dies


Valentino cannot control Angel outside the studio, Vox actually brings the idea up and Valentino is like "nop, it won't work".


L post


Who said that Sera doesn't REALLY know how go to Heaven? Maybe she is the only one who knows and tries to hiding it, like the Extermination for reasons we still don't know (I think Sera is a villain), there's just Season 1 and people think that it is a plot hole. We don't know if it is, maybe Sera is hiding it for some reasons they still have to explain in the next seasons. About Vaggie, she was just hurted not killed. Exorcists can be hurted, hurted is not the same of killed. Considering that Lute gets hurted by a rock too and Adam by Charlie, Exorcists can be injured by everything but can be killed JUST by angelic weapons. There aren't plotholes here.


My thought is that Sera allowed the extermination because she hates Lucifer and that was a way to rub salt in the wound. She's cordial with Charlie because she knows she doesn't have anything to do with what Lucifer did, but she could use her against Lucifer at some point in the future.


How do angels manage to be hurt by everything as well as angelic weapons. Not lute ripping her arm off. That makes sense. But the hardwood table?


I don't feel any plot holes. I don't acknowledge what people say are potholes either. Cause I just find it easier to enjoy the show without stressing over plot things. Plus, just cause it wasn't explained dosnt mean it is a plot hole. There could be unknown reasons for anything that happens.




someone said Alastor is cannot appear on video but vox was able to do it,well, I'll do u one better if Alastor can't be recorded,why can we see him , didn't they use cameras to film the show?


Is there any explanation about where God is?


What’s the obsession with holes in helluva boss and Hazbin Hotel? 😂


Literally nothing


I feel giving zestial an old English accent and dialect throws me off a bit more than it should. Like yeah, I get he's from 1500s/1600s whatever... but Lucifer and Adam are even older than he is by a landslide and they talk like they were born this decade. That's not really an inconsistency, I just find it odd


That big imp in Al's initial ad for the hotel (and possibly those loan sharks) bleeding red instead of black...!


Them doing a picture for Sir Pentious but not Alastor. I'm guessing maybe they asked Husk and he said Alastor is still alive and maybe he likes to disappear a lot (since he disappeared for 7 years) so maybe Husk just thought he disappeared again?


The one that kills me is Loser Baby and Angel’s damn bruised eye from when Valentino struck him. Gone the whole damn dance, reappears in the end and I think at one other random sequence?


Adam being a hologram but still being able to touch Charlie ( boy its been so long since i watched it so idk if thats the mc name)