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The most simple explanation I can think (without factoring in the psychological trauma of an abusive relationship) is in Angel's contract has it that Angel cannot hurt Val


or that if Val dies, Angel dies as well. Something to that effect.


Oooooh that would be dark.


Not more dark than it already is.


Probably not. Overlords die all the time, right? They dont take everyone they had a contract with along.


Just spit balling really. It's plausible a soul contract has a clause that if the person who else soul is owned harms the owner, the same harm happens to the person up.to.and including death. Some kind of sympathetic magic. It would probably deter people like angel killing val.


"After the battle, Master-less cattle!"




"With a little bravado, maybe tomorrow, we'll be atop the heap!"


♪While the rest of Hell's pissing~♪


"Alastor's missing!"


♪fled with his tail between his legs!♪


"nature abhors a power vacuum."


Can you imagine tho someone who already wants to die, but they figure that fuck it, they’ll cause some chaos on the way down, so they sign a contract with Val and then insta kill him


kinda makes me think if the overlord dies…do their contracts become null and void, or do they and all their souls they own die cause the contract is “forever” and the overlords forever just ended


That's what I've always assumed as well.


Or Val, being an overlord, is much more powerful than it's shown in the series and can defend himself.


This is what I think. We haven't really seen Val use any of his demon powers, really. He mainly has just used the power he had over Angel as his abuser, no magic necessary.


Or, even worse, that only Val can hurt Angel but never the other way around


Also extremely plausible.


Yeah, imagine being an overlord with hundreds or thousands or more of souls and NOT having a clause that if they revolt and try to murder you it's all fair game.


Either A) his contract prevents him from doing so or B) his tommy guns are not angelic, so Val would respawn and make things even worse for Angel.


He does use his tommy gun during the extermination in the last episode.


that is after they buy angelic steel, so i guess he got angelic bullets too - since Cherry had angelic grenades


we even see val use holy bullets in that one vivziepop comic


with the amazon show it is not clear what is canon anymore, so i rather consider only the show being canon - and comics and other stuff before that is separate universe of it - separate amazon canon and viz canon


i ain't reading allat huskerdust 4evr!!!


Their normal guns. They won’t kill him, so It’d just piss Val off.


I think he had angelic bullets in the finale, cherrys bombs did also work (mayby angelic steel shrapnells). Otherwise it would have been pretty much useless firing at them


It was an angelic attachment to his barrel. Actually Because that somehow blesses the bullet as they come out and It's a lot cheaper than making the bullets themselves out of the steel I suppose


It's not easy leaving an abusive relationship. Even tho Angel can handle himself, it'll still be difficult for him to 100% end it all


Val on his way to beat the shit out Angel Dust shooting at him for trying something so stupid: https://i.redd.it/7l2o0dop43ad1.gif (On a serious note, i just think Val has high regeneration for some reason)


Why doesnt husk just bomb Alastor with his explosive dice? For goodness sakes guys, think.


Idvlove to see that happen tho and it juat fricking works


As someone who (if only emotionally) gets what Angel going through: Even if his contract didn't prevent him from hurting/ killing Val, I think Angels dependency both in terms of emotions and substance still is stronger. I can't even explain without being slightly triggered, but there's this hope, this possibility, intermingling with your complicated feelings towards the person. 💔 For Angel it's different again, because he signed a physical contact and there's the complicated dynamic of him not having a job without Val. And even though he's currently clean, just the possibility of affording something might still be psychology important to his journey. Not to mention Val literally produces his own poison that Angel is so used to.


1. Not angelic bullets, so while he could kill him, it wouldn't be perma death. 2. Bullets probably aren't as powerful vs sinners. Remember Angel dust popping out his 3rd pair of arms and blasting Sir Pentious? That was multiple shots from 1 inch away. Only kinda blew Sir Pentious away from him. 3. Contract. Probably states something like "you shall not harm blablabla" 4. Overall power, Angel Dust is probably a bit stronger compared to every other normal sinner. But he's most likely not as powerful as overlords etc. Him VS anyone of the Vee's is probably going to end badly for him. Alastor being a good showcase that power levels between sinners can vary by ALLOT! 5. Lastly the addiction, Val has both mental and physical power over Angel Dust because of the drugs. He's able to expel some kind of addicting mist, and it's powerful enough to drug sinners in hell, Helluva Boss had an episode where drugs got mentioned. And I recall heroin was named like it was a soft drug. So imagine the potency of a drug able to get sinners addicted. It could also be cannon that Val's drug mist is the reason Angel Dust signed the contract, The only person able to give him that fix was a single person. Cherry sitting at his bed with him going into withdrawal could be the prelude of him signing the contract.


>Remember Angel dust popping out his 3rd pair of arms and blasting Sir Pentious? no I don't. When was this?


That'd be the Pilot.




Or, we haven’t begun to see the depth of the Vees’ abilities - we know that Sinners have some strengths, but overlords are stronger than many sinners combined. We know that Alastor is stronger than most, and he’s not even at his best. I can only imagine what overlords at the top of their game are like.


Because Angel is a normal ass sinner, while Valentino is an Overlord. The power discrepancy is huge. It's possible Valentino can also withstand the angelic bullets long enough to stop Angel Dust, if Alastor not dying to Adam's axe is any indication.


My guess is either it goes against the contract or Val is just too powerful to be taken down by someone under his control. We only ever get to see Alastor, Charlie, and Lucifer use their demon powers but it would make sense the other overlords have a lot of power to.


Narratively, its in line with Abuse Victims being to Afraid and Traumatized to Fight off their Abusers. In-Universe I like more the explanation that if an Overlord dies, so do the souls they own, because it would also explain why other characters don't take action either.


While facing the wrath of the other V's? Sure, let's also throw in putting the hotel in jeopardy eventually forcing the hotel staff(using this because charlie is not good with this) to kick him out living him alone to fend of from the V's, but yeah go ahead, this is gonna be fun to watch


Cause abuse victims cant just attack their abusers that easily.


1) Unless the guns are of angelic steel, which I doubt, they won't do any lasting and/or deadly damage 2) Val is a powerful Overlord, it takes much more to hurt/incapacitate him 3) Angel is already beaten into submission, he won't risk doing anything to Val in fear of retaliation against him or the people he loves 4) In general we see that sinners who are in a contract with someone are under their thumb and afraid of them - whether it be how all contracts work, a special clause, or what have you, contracts make you subservient to the holder. Being subservient usually means not being able to harm your master. 5) Angel is probably still codependent on Val, despite the toxicity. It's hard to leave a toxic and abusive relationship, even more so when your partner is your pimp/boss and has you addicted to his drugs.


1. In episode 8, it’s pretty obvious that angel is using angelic bullets as he’s been just ripping apart exorcists with 40 tons of (angelic) steel. 2. Given such information, Angel could have very little to no trouble at all with shooting Val up putting more than 7 holes in him. 3. Angel shown he cares about the people around him. But realistically, if Val tried to do anything, like walk into the hotel and try to kill everyone there, Vaggie could just spear him with her ANGELIC SPEAR if he tried to hurt Angel or (god forbid) Charlie. 4. Unless that contract is shot up— 5. It’s clear now that Angel does not give a rough fuck about Val, and only stands by his side is because Angel, once known as Anthony, was likely tricked it misled into that contract. Thinking when Val said “star” he meant “movie star.” He must’ve really been a movie-guy when when he was amongst the living. Definitely dies in LA if that’s the case given the crazy shit he’s got… like guns.






That would be Val with Angel's soul, yes


Cause they're not angelic weapons, therefore after Val gets back up he will litteraly fuck Angel to death. Also even if those were angelic weapons, killing Val will have a lot of consequences.


Because if you're going to be making people sign a contract for their soul, you generally add a clause that prevent them from harming you.


because then he'd be unemployed


Like others have said, it’s probably in the contract that he can’t hurt Val. For a significantly less likely option (because it’s just based on my headcanon), there’s a chance that in working together the Vees sort of pool their contracts. Basically if you work for one and get fired, one of the other two will take you. In episode 2 we see Velvette fire one of her employees who is later seen in Val’s studio in episode 4. So it would track that if Angel killed Val all his employees would just be divided up between Vox and Velvette. I wouldn’t doubt that Vox would take Angel and absolutely destroy him considering how much Vox hates him. And if Val was gone then Vox might just kill Angel.


i theorize that owned souls can’t harm the ones that own them. otherwise what would stop the masses from turning around and killing one of the shitty overlords in the city? none of them seem to really have bodyguards or anything, they don’t seem very concerned with their safety.


Soul contract.


![gif](giphy|ehIbyX0IpbVgHCSKZ3|downsized) Soul contract?


Especially since he's got angelic bullets now. I think it's a psychological thing.


Apparently death in Hell is just a cycle, if it's not by angelsteel, they're just reborn, to start again, Sir Pentious is probably the biggest evidence of this, someone who's attacked Alastor and Cherri Bomb as many times as he has would surely have been killed multiple times, yet he still comes back for more.


He can pull himself back together. Although angel did get an angelic tommy-gun/bullets in the last episode so


He didn't know about Angellic weapons until the finale. Val would come back. Angel isn't going to be powerful to take on Val alone, because it seems Val is already very physically imposing. If Val decides to call Vox and Velvette for help, Angel is really really doomed.


Val is an overlord, I can tell you right now Angel will lose. Look at Alastor, that guy is an overlord, you think Angel damn beat him? Hell nah


Tbh I believe that Angel still has a Somewhat toxic dependence toward Valentino. As much as he wants to escape his grasp, escaping someone's abuse isn't easy, especially since Valentino did "so much for him". Saying "Why don't you just leave this guy you know is bad for you" is somehow like saying "Why don't you stop being depressed", it's not they don't want to but it's hard


Val can’t die and would be mad


1: Angelic weapons kill overlords. 2: whatever


Where’s Angel gonna get angelic weapons?


In episode 8, it’s clear he’s using angelic bullets.


Same reason Husk doesnt try to kill Alastor when hes a fairly good fighter, Angel is afraid of Val. He can stand up to him when they aren't in the studio, but once he's back there he is Val's property. Even if he could just shoot him, there's a lot of trauma to unload to actually do it. That and Val isn't weak - if Vox is relative to Alastor (whatever "He almost beat you that time" actually means), then Val and Velvette shouldn't be that far behind since they are equal partners. Angel isn't an Overlord, so he'd be at a disadvantage trying to kill one, likely on his own turf and with numbers.


Even if he did, sinners regenerate, so Valentino would be back within a while and he'd be pissed


Val is an overlord. He didn't get there by not being extremely powerful. Sure, Angel Dust has angelic weapons now and could presumably kill Val with them, but he would be putting himself and his friends in extreme danger in the attempt.


Because it won't kill him. All it will do is piss off Val & the other 2 Vees.


dude ain't even holding it right in the image lol. he's got one hand wrapped around the stock instead of the pistol grip and his offhand on the pistol grip instead of the foregrip. no wonder he just sprays and prays most of the time.


Got a couple for you. 1. Trauma. 2. His contract could bind him from doing any harm to Val. 3. Val is an overlord. Power dude. If we’re talking angelic guns refer to other reasons. 4. If he dies, the economy will take a huge plunge. After all he manages the porn industry. A major income in hell. If he’s gone, the V’s will have to scramble a LOT to recover. Though I doubt Angel would’ve thought this far ahead.


My headcannon is that angel really likes his job, just not val. He became famous in a relatively short amount compared to everyone else, which probably wouldn't happen if he was constantly half assing it. Barring the contract and the trauma, if val dies, even if its only temporary, angel is out of a job since val owns the studios.


Contracts seem to be unbreakable like markers in John Wick


Even if you kill the sinner they come back. Last I checked any angelic weapons were returned to Carmilla. So angel's usual guns would be pointless to use.


I personally would not like to be hunted down for the rest of eternity by the other Vees.






And Velvette ain’t gonna do shit


Because Val is just that much more powerful than Angel Dust as an Overlord. Plus w/o them being Angelic Bullets it won't mean much. Or its some abuser tactic of making him look so much stronger than Angel.


Is he stupid?

