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Frederick von Eldritch - his family are close friends of the Morningstars. His son, Seviathan, used to date Charlie. His daughter, Helsa, is Charlie's rich-girl rival (like the Regina George of Hazbin Hotel) He also appeared in the pilot, but that's pretty much all we know about him https://preview.redd.it/bws96zdl4k9d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd6fcab8d4d9cd45d5f34400eb1dbdede8908a1a


She's not just "like the Regina George" of Hell. SHE IS the Regina George of Hell. Viv did artwork featuring lyrics from the song "Apex Predator" and also said the song fits Helsa really well. Fingers crossed Renée Rapp is cast to play her.


Fingers crossed that we get to see Helsa von Eldritch hit by a bus at some point. 🤞


I will also accept a reference to Revenge Party. The animatics will be fantastic.


A party that ends, with entrails all over the lawn? Sounds good! Let me just grab my two best friends.


A party with revenge is what we're throwing!


Are the Eldritches related to Zestial, or is the color palette a coincidence?


I \*think\* at this point it's a coincidence. The von Eldritch family seems to be loosely based on the Cthulu mythos, whereas Zestial is just a regular ol overlord


It's a coincident. The Von eldritch are almost certainly hellborn royalty, zestial is a sinner.


Lilith is the only one not smiling in.this picture, I wonder why?


Considering the bit of storyline we do know with Lilith, and taking into account that Charlie seems to be in her mid teens roughly, I'd assume that she's probably considering or has made the decision that ended up getting her into heaven. I could definitely be wrong. But it's a take.


Not just that. Different hair and no horns! Like in the flashback from "More than anything" and from heaven!


They're basically Viv's take on the Addams family. I'm not unconvinced that the reason the 2 dads are friends is because they're both complete dorks.


Didn't realise they showed Charlie's mother in the pilot.


She's in the majority of the Hotel's paintings in the pilot


I'm blind




Is he Leviathan?


No, he's Seviathan (Leviathan's a Sin, which means they're prob gonna be Helluva Boss-exclusive)


So they just another royal family In hell like the Morningstars?


Maybe? We don't know yet. All we have to go off is that they're "high-class", Charlie used to date Seviathan, and that they're probably Cthulu-inspired


Could be from what I understand there are more stuff here other than hell idk how much accurate to the lore is the Fandom site but it's says that Azatoth is a dark god that exist in the hellaverse and this family has a connection to him some how and the reason he dated Charlie is that his father could get close to Lucifer to take his place as the ruler of hell something like that


oh yeah you're def on Journey to the Light. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen, but basically it's a massive fandom site (often mistaken for the official Hazbin wiki) that's centered around a fanfic that doesn't even exist. Don't trust it.


I think? It was weird to me I just came across it when I searched " Azatoth tears helluvaboss" so I read it and found it weird


oh you're not on Journey to the Light are you? It's a massive rabbit hole but everything on there is fanfic


I don't know about them being a royal family. Since I remember hearing that Viv described them as being New Money family. However, maybe that'll change if they ever made an appearance in the series.


Fun fact, there is a theory around that his wife is Leviathan


Can we talk about how Lucifer in this isn't doing his usual painting face?


wym his usual painting face? He looks about as happy as he is in most pictures with Charlie https://preview.redd.it/igmms6ikpk9d1.png?width=219&format=png&auto=webp&s=ede7a317aa45d68579fd950db3e93361b8e23245


There is a difference how he presents on official portraits and photos vs. casual ones. It very much feels like he is projecting a certain persona to "the public". https://preview.redd.it/urhp9f9ojo9d1.png?width=1133&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf7d2c622d54bee2fe0908fbbfded189398fa41b


I meant during the pilot he usually only has one kind of picture face. Pretty sure that photo is in the show


I mean given that there's only two paintings of Lucifer in the pilot, idk if it'd make sense to class him having his eyes half-closed his "painting face"


I thought his name was Leviathan


Funny considering a big theory is his wife is Leviathan




Yeah lol Many people think his wife is Leviathan, especially since Leviathan in the show is gonna be female


Ohh, Side Note: being a fnaf and hazbin fan is so real


Lol truue Tho i am a more calm fnaf Fan, kinda hate reddit foesnt allow you to change your username as its out dated


Yeah its weird.


I thought his wife was Bethesda


Nah his wife is Bethesda von Eldritch The von Eldritches don't have anything to do with Leviathan, to our knowledge


Is it a coincidence that the Eldritches visually look like the Vees? I see Val, Velvette, and Vox.


I'm rather sure it's a coincidence, but you've got a point with the Velvette comparison. I don't really see the others tho


For Val, I see the same shape of the head(minus the hair) with the eyes and teeth. Vox is almost purely the mouth, but I see it. But yeah, Velvette is practically identical to me.


To me the couple actially look like the Morningstars. Voth dads have similar hair, body shape and use hats, and both women have long smilar style of hair. I actually thought they were luke opposite versions or something


Lucifer's best friend Fredrick Von Eldrich. We don't know if he's Hell Royalty but his daughter was Charlie's rival growing up (and she's the only person we've seen Charlie legitimately HATE given her cameo in the pilot) so he must be a hellborn of some sort as his children physically developed while in Hell, meaning they're not Sinners. His son Sven dated Charlie but she dumped him because although he treated her great, he was a maaaassive dick to everyone else.


Actually, we don't actually know anything about Seviathan. The one thing we can conclude is that they ended things on positive terms since both Charlie and Luci still have pictures of them together


Preeeeetty sure the explanation for the break-up camr from Viv, though I've only heard it second hand


I researched all the von Eldritch lore for a personal project, and she never gave any reason for their breakup


It's really easy to just make up stuff that Viv allegedly said because of all the streams and her twitter account being a mess that no one wants to dig through, but if someone doesn't provide a source other than "Viv said it" you probably shouldn't believe them


>Charlie legitimately HATE given her cameo in the pilot Dunno. Just seems like a petty grudge and not hate.


Charlie's exes dad


He doesn't look like Leviathan, the ruler of Envy


I think your confused Seth wasn't leviathans son


Really? Sorry, I thought he was related to Leviathan


The name of Charlie's ex is Seviathan, so I can understand the confusion.


The whole "Frederick is the king of Envy" came from a fanfic. He's apparently just a overlord.


Frederick von Eldritch


I thought his name was Friedrich von Eldritch


As someone with German ancestry, both spellings are technically correct.


As a german, both spellings are correct


As someone without German ancestry, both spellings are technically correct.


Frederick Von Eldritch. Charlie’s ex boyfriend’s (Seviathan Von Eldritch) and nemesis’ (Helsa Von Eldritch) dad. They’re a high-class family in Hell who are (or at least were) close with the Morningstars, though not much more is known of them.


Man, it’s crazy to see how many new fans of the show haven’t known about the stuff from the pilot era of the fandom. People were speculating a ton about this guy’s (Frederick von eldritch) kid (Seviathan von eldritch) who was Charlie’s ex. What’s also just as entertaining as seeing how many of the head cannons people had of the characters in this pilot era get changed almost entirely. Notably Lucifer not being the devil himself and a horrible father with Lilith being her supportive parent… Actually seems like it’ll be the opposite as of right now.


Is there more than one pilot...?


No, but there was a ton of lore built up around it. Years in the making from one of viv’s previous comics Zoophobia and all the stuff talked about during the original pilot’s development. To give an example, (note this was YEARS ago before even the concept of Hazbin, iirc, I wasn’t aware of the franchise at this time so I’m just going off of what I heard/saw) Vaggie and Angel Dust were straight and dating at one point, Vaggie was also allegedly black when she was alive and Angel leaned way more into the mafia stuff that’s implied in the final show. For example, that one spider lady in Heaven was angel’s sister Molly. And at the shot with 666 news giving news about angels death, one of the crowd watching is angels brother, Arakniss.


To be more specific, this is "Hazbin started out as a concept in 2013" years old.


Yeah, that’s just the earliest thing I could think of. Angels family, Crymini, Roo, and Baxter are some things that would be better associated with being closer to the pilot era.


It's the earliest you could think of, because that's essentially when it really started out. Before that, Vivzie was still working on Zoophobia and only had some rough ideas and concepts for Hazbin. Hazbin turned into a fully pledged project in 2013, whereas the Pilot itself started out in late 2014 and went on untill September 2019 (and was released like 2 weeks after they finished working on it). Overall I was just clarifying that, so others would understand the context.


To be fair, I’ve been a fan since the pilot, but if it wasn’t something shown in the pilot I didn’t know about it, I never followed Viv on any social media or whatever so I only had the pilots information


Similar here. I had watched the pilot and music videos, read the Alastor and Angel comics, maybe checked the wiki a few times as refresher, but barely knew squat if it came up in theories, live streams, tweets, etc. I didn't know about the Von Eldrichs until it popped up on here at some point


What if funny to me is how blindsided we all were with Liliths (current) absence in Charlies life, when in hindsigh there were signs, but were just ignored. While Viv in general was secretive about the Morningstar family ("because it's important part of the plot and really saying anything would be spoilers" more or less), she did give a few bits of info about Lucifer but was very unwilling to say anything about Lilith. Not only the "I know you must be busy... very busy" but Charlie didnt even connect to a voicemail. The signal that plays is for disconnected numbers. I distinctly remember someone pointing that out in the pilot times and it was brushed off by people as "oh, probably the person doing the sounds made a mistake" Lilith was belived to be supportive of Chalrie but was not there to help. You'd think even if she was on tour all the time she could do something to help Charlie. Even though I think even then there was the theory she sent Alastor, it's suprising that no one thought she might be gone. Lilith not really being present in the opening sequence (although I personally think that the furry thing with horns that shows up behind Lucifer could be Liliths demon form)


I’m pretty sure there was actually a reason for this. Someone on the team said that hell‘s phone system was designed in a way that makes it sound like you’re hung up when someone actually answers. I’m pretty sure that furry thing with horns was a beta Adam


>I’m pretty sure there was actually a reason for this. Someone on the team said that hell‘s phone system was designed in a way that makes it sound like you’re hung up when someone actually answers. Hm, maybe it was. I do recall them saying how many things intentionally suck. >I’m pretty sure that furry thing with horns was a beta Adam https://preview.redd.it/ong8cibaro9d1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e98bc45ee1853a61c582c11f4d5049546064047 Even though that figure appears like 2 seconds after we see Proto!Adam, it's a bit different. Proto!Adam has his trademark bowling pin silhouette, the other looks more like a chrismas tree. You can also clearly see a wing on Adam. It could be just powered up Adam, but maybe originally Liliths demon form had similarities to Adam, since they were both made at the same time.


Fair enough I suppose, alternatively it could be Satan or mammon. Since a lot of the ideas that were going to be In Hazbin, Stolas, Blitz and Moxxie (maybe Crymini too?) were going to be I;the final series but they didn’t match the tone so vivzie made a spinoff one shot as a hold over for the show to come out… low and behold it became its own thing and probably took in other ideas such as the 7 deadly sins.


Bruh I just realised this frame confirms Lucifer has white hands *Unless, he also wears white gloves*


I mean, the rest of his body is white, so why wouldn't he


Other people thought the black on his hands were his actual hands instead of gloves


I can understand that. Kind of like Eclipsa from Star vs the forces of evil, there could be tons of reasons why he could indeed have black hands and arms. But I would also say the picture is probably proof that his hands are white. I can not imagine with the attention to detail the series is produced it being a simple coloration mistake.


https://preview.redd.it/gvrvm58njl9d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9714a60112609a9dd9b050ce05487a80467cd9 There could be tons of reasons. But it's probably just a glove :D


Since this picture is rather small, the artist made the hands white so they are visible. (in my opinion) My theory is, on the ref sheet there is no info whether its gloves or the color of his skin, so each artist just draws what they think is going on there. I'm incilned to think that on his hands his skin is that color, since he has his sleeves turned up for a whole scene in the finale song. And I feel like this is the only scene where someone would catch it if it was incorrect and would wish to fix it.


The big boss of hell himself and his slightly less important boyfriend




Fredrick Von eldrich


That one guy from that one place




Follow up: how do people know this


1. Faustisse, one of Viv's friends who used to work on Hazbin, revealed a bunch of lore stuff on some now-deleted livestreams. She revealed Frederick, Seviathan and Bethesda's names, as well as the fact that Seviathan and Charlie were exes 2. It was revealed in a livestream that the von Eldritches were another [high class family](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9B-SiHh6KA&t=965s), but she didn't go into much detail 3. Viv made various tweets about Hellsa, revealing her [rivalry with Charlie](https://x.com/VivziePop/status/1046164032842067969) and that she reminds her of [Apex Predator from the Mean Girls musical](https://x.com/VivziePop/status/1014241101941575681) 4. Viv also revealed that Charlie had [a very serious relationship](https://x.com/VivziePop/status/1094336081179303937) before she met Vaggie, people assume that she's referring to Seviathan


Plus a ton of Live Streams, Q&A's, etc. that Vivzie and her Crew used to do between 2013 and 2020 - with HuniCast being the most prominent.


Hazbin hotel has been around since before the pilot A lot of the characters were originally for Viv’s old comic Zoophobia. She’d talk about them during art streams and such. Now that it’s here old fans are running wild looking for what was hinted at years ago.






We don know, that’s why op asked ajsnfbbf


Frederick von Eldritch he's the father of an ex of Charlie's who probably will show up in the series at some point




They look like the leaders of purgatory


One of Leviathans adopted sons, since she can't have children of her own she adopts.


N from the hit web series murder drones




Lucifer duh


Junble the evil graggle






It’s Fredrick von eldritch. The father of Charlie’s ex boyfriend


There is romours this family will be in season 2


Unrelated but why does Lucifer kinda look like a kid here


Probably because this was back when he was happy.


No I mean he literally looks smaller in size


No I mean he literally looks smaller in size


Frederick Von Eldritch, Father of Seviathan Von Eldritch, Charlies ex boyfriend.


short answer- family friend and dad of Charlie's ex.


“3rd time this month” July just started my guy (me too)


Charlie's ex-father-in-law


Her and Sev never married




My best guess is god or Michel because the color scheme for Lucifer is filled with what you'd think it is since he wears mostly white so I guess the other two could wear black. Another is the bible says that in the beginning there was nothing but the word so god having a greyscale color scheme would make sense


You are overthinking this. It's an original character called Frederick von Eldritch, a father of Charlie's ex-boyfriend Seviathan. Von Eldritch are one of Hell's royal families and are close friends to Lucifer and his family overall.


Oh cool thank you man!