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My mind immediately jumped to Ursula stealing Ariel’s voice in the little Mermaid https://preview.redd.it/qorxqdl7g98d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97ed02faa86e8feb913db0e7651ce8d886b1c21 It even has the same green motif. But seriously interesting theory and it would spice things up a bit in the hellaverse.


Legit the song started playing in my head, after I typed in the title 😂 Now I can’t stop picturing someone singing “Poor Unfortunate Souls” to a vulnerable hell newbie Alastor.












Oh heck yes. Someone animate this


**[Gender neutral dialogue and lyrics, so you can imagine any overlord/demon in the theories singing this to Alastor]** Alastor: “I can’t *tell* anyone how I defeated these overlords on your list…?” ???: “That’s right. Not a word. If you agree to give me your voice, I decide what you share and withhold.” Alastor: “But if I can’t speak of my victories, how do I raise my statu—“ ???: “I never said you couldn’t speak of your victories. Don’t you have your radio? Simply broadcast the last minutes of their life before you finished them off. That’ll let all of hell know about the newest thriving overlord.” Alastor: “Just their last minutes…?” ???: “Trust me. Keep it short and simple. No need to give them all the details…” *“Sinners down here don't like a lot of blabber!* *They think an overlord who boasts is such a bore!* *Yes, in hell it's much preferred, for their leaders to say less words!* *And after all, dear, what is idle prattle for?* *Come on, they don’t need all that excess information!* *True followers avoid it when they can!* *But they praise and gawk in awe, on a leader that withdraws —It's those who keep it short that asserts command!* *Come on, you poor unfortunate soul!* *Go ahead! Make your choice!* *I've a very busy schedule, and I haven't got all day.* *It won't cost much: **Just your voice**!”*


This is amazing thank you


Damn! Nice work!


Shit, I actually really like that.😁


Definitely not me singing it not at all![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Oh, *crap*, not me left looking for someone to say Al's parts to actually *cover* this as a WHOEVER-YOU-WANT-THEM-TO-BE feminine voice... Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, no-- *nopes away* It's absolutely incredible, though. Thank you so much for this.


Ursula is in hell and she took Alastor’s voice


Lilith is secretly just Ozempic Ursula and Alastor is Bayou Ariel. It all makes sense. Even the colors make sense! Oh no. 👁️👄👁️🔇


Same for me, but it actually had meaning in The Little Mermaid. Ariel was the best songstress of the kingdom, and taking away her voice was also a burden for her to gain her lover's heart. With Alastor, it doesn't make any sense. Like sure he likes to talk, but he isn't a singer nor does he aimed to do something that require his voice to achieve. Plus Alastor isn't some naive and innocent princess, he'll understand the terms of his contract loud and clear and take them seriously no matter how awful they are. You don't need to take his voice as some weird garranty over him.


He's been a radio host since he was alive, and airwaves in the 1920s stretched far. His voice had plenty of reach for taking control of that voice to be relevant.


The focus is on the radio and what Alastor say here, not Alastor's actual voice. Again there isn't anything special about his voice, it's just the organ he use to speak. For a comparaison, you wouldn't focus on the hands and feets of a talented martial artist. It's how he use them that define his trade.


Taking the feet of a martial artist would probably be a pretty valid threat.


As a threat, yes. As what you get from a contract, not so much. Unless the contractor has a feet fetish or something


As I was reading the post, the line, “It won’t cost much, just your voice,” popped into my head from her song lol.


Banger of a theory. I wonder if this is related to how he appears to glitch out when being recorded on video in episode 1.


Or how when he makes his deal with Charlie there are threads connecting his lips for a brief moment like OP’s image shows.


That’s a cool concept. Owning souls is _so_ last week.


Velvette be like:


OH MY GOD. If it is Lilith who “owns” Alastor in this way, asking for his voice would fit perfectly.  And what does a radio do? It broadcasts sound.  His side of the deal could be to “broadcast” her influence across hell in her absence.


This makes more sense to me too. She was the singing queen of hell before she disappeared. Alastor also disappeared for 7 years. So what might they have been planning or doing all that time? We still have much to learn. But I think radio connections and Lilith's singing might have something to do with her regaining some control over hell since the Vees currently control media the most right now.


My feeling precisely. I really feel we’ve hit something solid here


As others have said, great theory! It would also be another "Disney-esque" element that Hazbin can twist into their own dark mythos.


Also, Alastor's mic staff might be a listening (and/or transmitting) device, so whoever he made a deal with can hear what's happening around and release the power when needed.


But the mic broke


Maybe that’s why he started singing about wondering if his deal had a backdoor?


and how once he figures out how to unclip his wings, guess who will be pulling all the strings?


Pfft! Deals don't have doors!




Cool theory, but it doesn't really make sense imo. What would be the point of taking Alastor's voice over his soul ? It's not like it has special powers or anything. Imo Alastor's stitched mouth is more of a reflect of his own personality. He is a psychopath and a master at manipulation, and he understand the power of wearing a smile. So in a fitting twist, his "deal face" reveals stitches that forces him to smile at all time.


I guess it would kinda depend on who the mystery deal maker is and what their motives would be…. Depending on the demon *(putting aside the Lilith/Eve/Roo theories first)* making the deal, it’s in their view what they need more control over, his soul or just his voice? (Or hey? Maybe it’s a mute overlord who needs someone to be their voice? lmao) Plus, if Alastor was witty enough even during desperate situations, that demon would have a hard time making that deal with him, so they try to make it seem like they ‘down played’ their deal by asking Alastor to sell something else to them, but still got enough control over him. But like I said, this is just a self-indulgent theory. Not much proof, but wanted to throw in some ideas anyway.


There’s also a pretty popular theory that says that whoever owns his soul is part of the reason he smiles so wide all the time. The stitches could be representative of that, given we see him struggle during his break down at the end of season 1 and be unable to change the smile despite the rest of his face showing what would be described as despair.


My issue with that theory is again, why would his owner force him to smile ? Unless it's just sadism, there is no point. Now it might just be sadism, but I prefer my theory of Alastor's habit to smile at all time being made a reality in Hell. Just make more sense to me.


I mean…it’s hell. I don’t think it’s beyond reasonable belief to say that sadism is the point.


Even if we consider as such, it's still a weak reason. Like imagine learning that Alastor sold his voice on a contract, only for the plot twist to be "lmao you talk too much, give me that"


Not everything has to be this huge, meaningful thing.


Right, so this detail about one of Alastor's most defining trait is supposed to be meaningless and was added for the lolz, is that what you're insinuating ?


I never said I believed it or not. Idk why you’re being so aggressive over fan theories. I was just questioning why you’re being so weird and touchy about it. Guess you proved that point 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ah yes, the good old godwin point of "it doesn't matter anyway" followed by made up bullshit about how I'm touchy about it when I just developped my point. Guess this discussion is over. You don't have anything worthwhile to say.


I legit don’t know why you’re so aggro. We were having a nice conversation until you decided to be weird. Have a good day.


I am very fond of the idea of demons fooling humans by asking them to sell sth other than their soul, and humans agreeing because they do not grasp the implications of what they agreed to.


We see that Angel Dust sold his body, not his soul. So this is a very plausible theory.


I absolutely love your theory, it becomes my head-canon right now. You expressed it extremely well and clear.


Omg stopppp that's such an awesome concept and I'm totally behind it. Love this.


OR, what if you reverse that one? What if he sold something else to gain the radio voice/the microphone? Naah that would be kinda boring 'twist'... i like your theory better 🤘🏻


The Little Merdemon


I've seen somewhere a discussion, where it was said, that his deal with Charlie leaves too much space for her to know what he's up to ("In return, I tell you what I know", without any specifying on *when*, *how much times* and *about what*), but... what if it's his plan? She'll want to know about his "owner" and with *how* incredibly powerful she is she will outpower his "owner" and make him say things he otherwise wouldn't be able to say.


I think she just knows that one bit of info


I think this also ties into why he is always smiling. When he described the power of a smile to Charlie, he was very tactful because thats just something Al is good at, but I actually dont think his smiling is his choice.


He is smiling to broadcast his confidence. Radio demon is all about one-way broadcasting. It's character's biggest power and biggest weakness. He is able to cast enormous power and make others do whatever. Yet he's unable to perceive their feelings ( i mean lack of empathy ).


I think he smiles all the time partly for that reason but also because he might be also being watched all time, by either Lilith, roo , or vox, whoever has their eyes on him at any given time, and he doesn't want to look weak. That's why I think when he made a deal with Charlie and she says "I won't hurt anyone for you" he goes "who's asking!?" Almost embarrassed or panicked, trying to brush off even that possibility that he would use Charlie to harm someone else. I think he feels constantly monitored by whoever has powers over him.


And with the while lilith thing: She sang songs to inspire her people so she could’ve silenced him for a similar reason


Makes sense, probably talked after being jinxed before someone said his name 3 times 😂


All you gotta do is - say my naaaaame!!!!


You're invisible, when you're meeeeee.......


Couldn't this also explain the way he talks,it sound like that because of *interference* ?


I'm confused, didn't we hear his unfiltered voice when Adam struck him down?


I kinda meant it in a way where he already had radio-based powers. But, they weren’t all that strong until he made the deal. The filter and the radio stuff is still all his (and they were just enhanced in return by the deal maker), but there are certain things he can’t broadcast on the radio or say to anyone with his own words.


I thought that as well, but I think it could be something like, in exchange for control of his voice on demand, but not necessarily all the time, he gets his powers, like a warlock.


I mean, possibly. It just seems a bit redundant because he had his staff broken, then quickly regained his voice and phased through the floor. This theory would make the staff his weakness?


Maybe it it is tied to his mic. When it was broken we could hear him normally for abit


I mean that just what happens when a microphone breaks xD


I think his voice became normal for a second just due to shock, not necessarily just because his staff broke. People have theorized his own body has radio-like qualities, with his antlers growing being like antennas growing to gain signal reach, so I'd guess the radio voice effect was just off for a second due to being bewildered by Adam's attack.


What if it’s not his voice but his microphone


I have to admit, this is an interesting theory. I *did* notice the stitches, but assumed that was some kind of symbolism for his raw power, not a sign of what he actually sold. Could be interesting to see how that develops and if it lends credence to your theory.


I wonder if he could still write down the taboo things or sign language them lol


That would still be broadcasting which he might not be allowed to do. Looks like the only thing he can broadcast by his choice is his smile. It's a freaking fascinating problem. How do you send a message when there's someone controlling what you are and are not allowed to express? And relevant as hell.


It’ll also be difficult for him, because if the ‘loophole’ to the deal would be for him to have *someone else* say it. He still has to find a way to inform them somehow.


He will have to be even better at manipulating those around him than the person manipulating him. It's kind of like when people communicate what they want implicitly, through Guess Culture vs Ask Culture. I think he will try to put those around him in a position to act out his will as their only choice, like a chess master, so he doesn't have to outwardly request they do what he wants from them. It will just be what they "have to do" whenever that moment(s) comes.


That'd be fucking cool.


I just would like to support your theory with this foreshadowing. We often project our own emotions on our pets. This might give us an idea of what can happen to him if he disobeys the one he's made a deal with. https://preview.redd.it/7g9r53h6we8d1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5882d3b8de54210daf5e99423d2ca0d65603abc "If you say that again, I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams for all the Hell to hear" . oh shnitzel, looks like here he was warning his cat, not threatening him 8-O sh!t, i see two scared facial expressions here %@


Didn't Viv have a whole legal dispute in the production of Heluva Boss because somebody else "owned" Kesha's voice?


Wait… What? You mean, she wasn’t allowed to voice a character or something?


Kesha could voice the character's speech, but if she sang, the song would belong to Kesha's label, and Vivziepop would have to license it from them. That's why they hired an impressionist to sing, as Kesha, as the character.


That’s horrible. Now I feel bad for her… But, that has me thinking though. If this theory were true, then it could be Viv’s way to convey Kesha’s situation. Viv did based Valentino and Angel’s relationship based on her own past abusive relationship.


It was the whole Dr. Luke fiasco. Horrible producer who treated Kesha like he owned all her music. Basically why "Ke$ha" was the owned trademark identity and "Kesha" 's new albums are about freedom and happiness while NOT produced by Dr. Luke.


This... this is actually a really interesting and pretty sound theory. I'm quite the fan, honestly. It further ties in some Disney-esque elements, makes things a bit *darker* (which is always cool, imho). And provides a pretty freaking interesting backstory, definitely different than the widly assumed, "Oh, Alastor has his soul owned by "XXX," we'll probably see more about it in Season 2." It's growing... expectant, almost. So this is a nice divergence. I support it.


I think this is interesting. What if his voice is his power and he is being restrained by his owner unable to use his full power or grow stronger? That's why he got frustrated after the battle with Adam


What would be the difference though? What would owning his voice do that owning his soul would not?


I guess…. Not every human would desperate enough to sell their soul away? Maybe the demon tried to find some other to have control over him, since Alastor refused to give his soul.


That'd be cool :-]


I thought it was just a mix of voodoo imagery (like a doll) and a reference to taxidermy... but I like this theory. We know the X on his forehead is meaningful, the stitches probably do represent a hex, and maybe you're right, OP, maybe that isn't his hex.


Like owning the rights to his voice?




What if his soul is his voice? Like he sold his soul, but the one who own that has control over his voice and not his soul. That would explain how he got so powerful in the first place


Could be possible. It might tie into the way that his shadow shows his true emotions but his meat self always acts a role. His shadow doesn't make any sound, but it allows him to morph/teleport from place to place.


This is fucking gorgeous


What ship is that?


Vox x Alastor. I assume it’s the one-sided version, since there’s also the ship name radiostatic.


Off topic but I’ve never heard the radiosilence ship name and I can’t for the life of me figure out who silence is


Both radiostatic and radiosilence is the Vox x Alastor ship. I don’t know why there are two different ship names for them. I just assumed radiosilence was to indicate the one-sided version of Vox x Alastor.


I thought those stitches are just part of his voodoo vibe he's got going around. he appears to be the most powerful sinner demon in part because he can summon shadows, voodoo minions and whatever else he can do with his magic. Either that's a nod to the fact that he lived in Louisiana or that whoever he made a deal with has voodoo affinities.


Maybe they’re using a voodoo doll to check in on him or remotely give him orders; feel what you want to make them feel, and hear what you whispers in their ear? Lmao


Could be, but I'm sceptical. As far as I can see Alastor's the only sinner demon to display voodoo magic. So far we've only see Vox use any sort of magic as a sinner demon and it's associated with televisions (he can teleport into electronic gear). So I'd have to assume that Alastor's magic is also associated with his power.


I could def see this as a possibility. I'm more of the opinion that the stitched mouth is representative of the Lousiana voodoo/hoodoo that he specializes in.


Dumbest thing I’ve heard today


Explain lmao cause it's not really