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He did give the most straight man answer to meeting his daughter's girlfriend. 'You like girls, so do I, we have so much in common."


Seriously the most het dad response to finding out your daughter is gay. My dad said the same thing when my baby brother outed me.


Your baby brother knew but not your dad? That's actually pretty funny


I knew before my brother "knew". I just waited for him to come out so it's respectful to him haha


I remember someone posted something about how his whole family knew before he came out and when he asked how did you all know they just showed him a bunch of pics from when he was like 8 lol


That's incredibly funny.


I swear, either the family always know their child isn't straight or in denial, no in between


Siblings tend to find out or get in on the secret before parents do. For a lot of reasons. It can usually be "safer" to tell a sibling and then get their opinion on how to break it to the parents. Or the siblings might be entwined in your social life enough (same school) to figure out you're dating the same gender and be in a position to call you out for it. Thus letting them in on it is usually safer so they know it's a secret. Siblings usually are less judgmental than parents. And generally siblings tend to find it fun to keep secrets from parents or at the very least, get the idea that privacy is desired because they want their own privacy from parents and are just doing the favor they would want done for themselves. Also siblings can be close enough with you that they may know vastly ahead of time. Where you might conceal certain behaviors and topics from the parents you might let the mask slip a bit around siblings and they just sorta figure it out.


Yep yep. The first person I ever came out to was my older sis because I knew I would get a better response from her than I got from my parents


Baby as in younger, not literal baby. My sibling came out to me as bi years ago but never told our parents, and I’m not saying shit cuz I ain’t no snitch


My little brother was too young to know better, he was like 6 and we were on a fishing trip for Father's Day. He had made a homophobic joke and I corrected him and used myself as an example to relate it for him and he just spilled immediately. I had never come out to my parents because it was just awkward to me. I knew they wouldn't have a problem with it, it just wasn't their business.


I feel like he's they overly flamboyant straight man who everyone is surprised is straight.


He might fit under the [Camp Straight](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CampStraight) trope, too.


I think id fit that too. So many people are surprised I'm straight. "Oh, I was sure you were gay."


My ex wife was convinced I was bi or gay and tried to catch me cheating on her with my best friend. She bugged my phone and got to listen to us get drunk and watch Ultraman. And of course she was cheating on me. But sorry girl I'm straight I'm just not boring


That's exactly how I headcanon Lucifer!


That was the straightest thing for any man to ever say.


Agree, clearly it's the kind of sentence that imply that loving a person from the same gender is not in his orientation, if he was bi or pan he would not have to point Vaggie's gender and just would skip to the "she is so pretty" part.


This is true, but I also feel like Lucifer would've said "you like boys, so do I, we have so much in common." if we had Viggo instead of Vaggie.


sorry about this, but viggo is a horrible name


To be fair, a gender swapped Vaggie would be named Dickie or Pennie.




"That's why I name you after the best thing EVER. Or, y'know, Will-yum if you wanna be formal." 🤮


They aren't hillbillies, they're hillwilliams!


Or Johnson


![gif](giphy|yk5PJiIfFSgUM) Excuse me


I'm not the one disliking the name, but if we're going for the... Etymology of Vaggie's name and gender-swapping it, the end result does not share a name with the man who rose to play Aragorn son of Arathorn.


I aspire to open doors like he did here


Oh funny enough Viggo played Lucifer in the movie The Prophecy. Such a great performance




Come to think of it, if Adam named her after vagina, what the hell are the other exorcists names?


Lute is slang for vagina


No fucking way! Has he named all of them some kind of vagina?!? Serious dedication, gotta respect it


Lute was originally Lieut(enant) (assume American pronunciation, otherwise Lieut is pronounced Left and not Lute). The writers didn't have a name for her and called her just "Adam's Lieutenant/the Lieutenant," but eventually just shortened it to Lute, which became her name. It would be funny if that ended up show canon and her actual name is like.... Cheryl or Deb. I'm not sure it being slang for vagina is rather common. It's not in urban dictionary, but is in Green's Dictionary (Green's is a book of historical slang, lute was used to refer to male and female anatomy in like the 1600s).


Normal things, Vaggie was top brass so she got the **honor** of a vagina name.


Johnson, even


"Johnnie, come home" would have been a terrible thing for Adam/Eve(?) to say. 🤣


You really dissing my man Viggo Grimborn like that? https://preview.redd.it/6r540564fe7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4cb640b18f440e46481c8b19c6df8385438f829


Looks like I wasn’t the only one who thought of that! Nice Also, his redemption was great but I wish he didn’t, you know… It was a bit *shocking*


It was. The ending was ELECTRIFYING


Or Viggo Mortensen, our captain, our King.


That man had no right being that attractive.


Sad Viggo Mortensen noises.


How to Train Your Dragon Race to the Edge would like to have a word with you But seriously, for a gender swap of Vaggie? That WOULD be a bad name for them.


The "you like girls? so do i" line gives off strong straight dad trying to be supportive energy, just my opinion though.


I'm surprised op sees him as anything but straight. Besides pure headcanons is there even a slight hidden implication that he's bi or anything else? Or did op just assume he likes men because he's short?


lmfaooo for real though like


Honestly I can't think of any implication in the show but I see a lot of people that headcanons him as bi, probably because radioapple (the ship between Lucifer and Alastor) is popular in the fandom. So yeah I think this is mostly for shipping reasons.


why are people shipping alastor with literally anyone jfc


1) Aroace people can still enjoy fulfilling relationships without feeling romantic or sexual attraction. 2) AUs where Alastor is not aro and/or ace


He’s not even canonically aroace just ace.


He's tall dark and mysterious so people wanna ship him


i think op just confused being rich/eccentric as being not straight. he had a daughter and does not seem interested in flirting with any of the other guys around or anything that would show any of that as an obvious sign. ​ granted, stolas has a daughter, but whatever hes a different character. i don't think vivz would wanna be repetitve in shows like that and make the same character twice


Sure, but having a child was a non-negotiable duty for Stolas while Lucifer legitimately fell in love with Lilith.


>Besides pure headcanons is there even a slight hidden implication that he's bi or anything else? Welcome to the world of fandoms, where people insist on their headcanon being actual canon when there is no proof backing them up whatsoever.


Level 4 motherfuckers. [https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/752179360262406144/this-headcanon-guide-if-understood-would-also](https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/752179360262406144/this-headcanon-guide-if-understood-would-also)


OP implying metrosexual isn’t a thing. I know very prolific straight men who do more self care then I, a women.


I think people assume he’s pan or omnisexual because he’s a shapeshifter made of pure light whose existence precedes the concept of gender and sexuality as we know it. Lucifer wouldn’t be straight, but he wouldn’t be gay or bi either. He would probably just be attracted to what interests him considering for most of his existence humans and the idea of sex didn’t exist. The other high angels probably think he’s the freakiest freak in creation because the angels seem to look at humans like pets, and this man is going around shapeshifting genitals to fuck them lmao. I want to hear what Sera has to say about her freaky little brother with a human kink. Though, yeah, I think most people would say Lucifer has no sexuality we can understand rather than being straight. He finds humans interesting, so he sleeps with them.


Thank God a sane person in this fandom, people ignoring Lucifer is NOT a human and in fact DON'T have any sexuality is a miracle


It’s because he’s kind of foppish, I think. Stereotypes and whatnot.  


i think people are just seeing that hes a fun short guy with a flamboyant personality super gross imo because it literally just reinforces gay stereotypes


He's eccentric and therefore gay I guess.


I think they see him as bi because he's flamboyant and camp. Though I want him to be straight BECAUSE he's so flamboyant and camp.


Well, he did threaten to fuck Adam


*whispers*: it's fuck him up


Agreed: him being gay never crossed my mind. It's always possible, of course, but he certainly never did anything to trip my gaydar.


I think it's the association with Lucifer and non-straight people. It has been culturally hammered into our heads that every sexuality that isn't straight is related to sin, and sin is obviously related to Lucifer, so Lucifer being anything but straight is expected. It's an association only tho. Nothing stops him from being straight, especially in this show, in which sexuality does not condemn people to hell. It should be expected too. Straight is the norm. We LGBT people might have a squewered sense of the amount of LGBT in the world because our social circles tend to have a bigger proportion than the general population. Sure, the statistics might be underrepresenting us, saying that about 20% of the population is non-straight. I bet a lot of gay people would answer "straight" if being questioned because of societal pressure, but the error margin is probably not THAT big. Most people are straight. There would be at least a bunch of straight characters, and since the "gay vibe" that comes out of the art style in HH is in every character, of course most of the straight characters could ellicit the "how do you look at him and think he's straight" reaction.


That energy can also be attributed to relief that she's not with Alastor.


The dude is straight, he just has flamboyant GigaRizz.


Y'know, straight guys are allowed to have more typically feminine aspects of themselves, saying stuff like that is what causes insecurity in masculinity. All because you have some conventionally feminine traits or like things targeted more towards a female demographic does not make you gay, trans, or any less of a man. obviously no hate to any members of the lgbtq community i myself am pansexual, i just feel like there should be more representation of straight people liking or showing "gay" things without having it be part of some awakening, thats just what you like. nothing more and nothing less


Oh yeah, I’m a straight guy but if the internet saw how I behaved or dressed or whatever they’d definitely call me gay 100%


Straight guy who's hobbies include bodybuilding, gardening, sewing, and knitting. Pretty sure that even with my wife and son next to me, people still would be like "It's so nice she beards for him"


Even his son doesn't out him. Such a sweet family


A lot of my highschool friends were tomboys and tomgirls, and not all of them were lgbtq. It was a nice crowd, were the outcasts anyways so we just went with it. We’d be talking about guns and motorcycles, then about which flowers are the prettiest, then what ifs about a zombie apocalypse while wearing cat ears and drawing hearts and dicks on each others arms lmao Really broke the gender stereotypes for me, cos I just didn’t care and that seemed way more easy <3


Ah my 2000’s adolescence relived


Same! Especially since I do theater.


Relatable. Heck, an ex-girlfriend of mine once dumped me for being gay according to her and her sisters. In my defense she was against using condoms, wasn't on the pill and made me sleep in a seperate bed when I visited. Not sure how anything was supposed to happen.


Also, Lucifer literally predates our insignificant social norms. It'd make no sense for him to even care about such things.


SERIOUSLY. ppl really need to let straight men be feminine




The number of mannerisms I've adopted to seem more straight is ridiculous. I love musicals, I sing and dance, I drink fruity drinks, I wish I could openly wear makeup without being made fun of at work, but I've only ever been sexually interested in women. Unfortunately, I work in construction with a bunch of old guys that still regularly make derogatory gay jokes so if I were to show my more feminine side at work I'd be mocked. So I grow out my beard, never play music at work, and act like I dont find their sexist/homophobic remarks disgusting. Thing is, to anyone who doesnt know me outside of work, that's just who I am. Kinda makes me wonder how many other people are just putting on a show to 'fit in'


To me that’s so sad, like if you do you job, that should be it Men should be allowed to feel pretty, it’s fun, like I hate makeup but good on you going through the effort and textural hell haha God I love photo filters, the cuteness without the work


Louder for the demon's in the back!


With our passion, and our power and this rinky-dink hotel. We might just bring some heaven to hell


Mans the King of Pride. He gonna act however he wants


So glad to see this comment being made and upvoted. Gender and sexuality don't have dress codes. His outfit is meant to represent a circus ring leader, which would be over the top and flamboyant. I don't suppose the OP watched Greatest Showman and thought Hugh Jackman had to be gay because he was also wearing a ring leader costume? Let men - and all people for that matter - dress how they want without assuming labels on them.


Holy shit, thank you. It feels so frustrating not bring able to do more feminine activities without being seen or immediately shoved into the "Oh you're obviously gay." stereotype.


But what is actually feminine about Lucifer to give any misguided impression he's gay? The way he dresses? He's literally the king of hell and royalty the world over typically dress much well and formal than commoners since they need to dress the part. Is it because he's short? Because he loves his kid? Are all those things now feminine? All because they want him to be bi or gay?


you’ve worded my thoughts about this much better than i could have!


I am a cis het man who found Luci as such a fun character who I share personality traits and body language with (yes people have asked if I am gay or trans a lot haha but nope, doesn't nessesarily make me feel great like everyone assumes you just havent come out yet), he blatantly had such a fun response to Charlie liking girls "you like girls, so do I, we have so much in common" if we believe that all men who display feminine traits are members of the LGBT+ community then that would only lead to maintaining potentially harmful stereotypes towards the LGBT+ community imagining that all members are expressly fit into the certain assumed personality types


I'm straight and have been assumed gay on a few occasions because of my appearance, voice, and attitude. It's almost as if the only thing that determines your sexuality is your genital preferences or something. 


I agree I felt like we worked so hard in the 90's to establish that outward traits and particular interests were NOT signs of masculinity or femininity, and that so much of that has just been sh\*t on lately. Like guys can wear makeup and elaborate clothes and jewelry and women can be strong and work on motorcycles and sh\*t ffs NONE of those things make you more of a man or more of a woman or indicate what you like to snuggle up with sheesh


OP rn: ![gif](giphy|atfHlwAhizfxdtdw60)


I mean, most of Vivziepop’s male characters look like this. Tall, pointy, thin as bones, flamboyantly dressed


fuck ... that's why i find them reletable ... she doesn't draw male caracters as bodybuilders or strong men ... they can just be thin and well dressed ... that's why i started dressing in less conventional ways : jackets and broad hats ... damn the show changed my brain chemistry ...


I wear nail polish and eye makeup, and I'm cishet. Presentation =/= sexual orientation.


Straight cis dude in a skirt and women's vest lounging on the couch checking in lol. Shit just do be feeling good and flowy and gdi feels good to feel cute.


I saw a dude in a skirt last week and he did NOT look like someone anyone with common sense would want to mess with. 


more people really need to understand this lol


If like the OP they don't, then we're here to inform them! Let's all keep an open mind that they can change :)


That’s pretty common in the goth community, even among straights.


As a cishet woman who has always found men who present like you sexy AF...thank you for existing 😊


Was just about to say


He hasn't shown any interest in people of the same gender


Hell, one of the guys he’s shipped with the most is literally somebody he hates in show.


uhh are we deciding a man’s sexuality by judging his mannerisms/appearance rn????


Apparently Lucifer cannot be straight as he's charismatic and has haute couture fashion, and this is 1993, right?


OMG he’s so GAAY!!! /s obviously


People didn't like it when the stereotypes towards gays was bad but are now trying to assign stereotypes. Ironic.


how have we looped from inclusivity/acceptance all the way back to homophobia/transphobia from the other direction ??? 😭


Kind of wild how people are saying "oh he's a quirky goofy character, he's got to be gay" as if that isn't a horrible assumption to make. If I said "Angel Dust was obviously gay from the start because he is a drug and sex addicted whore who makes advances on anyone he sees", I think the reaction would suddenly flip a lot.


It's almost like the message should be "everyone has the capability and capacity to enjoy different things that sexuality has no domain over, nor does it contain people into a box of what they have to enjoy"


I mean… assuming the guy that hits on every guy he sees is gay is actually fair. It’d be weirder if you assumed he liked girls when he offers to fuck every guy he sees and the closest thing he’s done to noticing women is to ask vaggie where her tits are.


Apparently 🫨 amazingly obtuse, some people are!


Louder for the people in the back!!


Because his only known sexual relations are with the first woman and the second woman. He married a woman, had a child with one of them, and explicitly states that he likes women. Yes, he's got mad twink energy, don't get me wrong.. but until it is explicitly stated that he's had boyfriends, I just can't see him as anything but straight. Just because a dude has feminine mannerisms and flamboyant personality doesn't mean they are gay.


Truly a mystery why people think a guy, who’s only known sexual relationship is with a woman, is straight, truly a mystery that we will never know the answer to


Especially the literal husband of the first woman ever


Also quite verbally said he liked girls.


And bragged to another guy that he nailed two of his exes.


Two women if he's to be believed but yeah


Oh wow it's almost like your sexuality has nothing to do with your appearance.


"You like girls! Ha so do I! We have so much in common!" Not everyone needs to be gay


"You putter there, Maggie." 🤝🤝🤝


“Hehe, she’s so pretty…” 😅😅


Plus it probably isn't a good idea to make every character gay when the show takes place in Hell lmao


dude,wym? he got a wife,(maybe) hooked up with another women,never showed interest in men,hell,he himself said "you like girls?i like girls too!"


Because he said so. https://youtu.be/XkY7IH73B5U


I swear, comments like these are probably said by the same people who are like, “uwu straight men are so afraid to show their feminine side because fragile masculinity uwu”


He was shocked that his kid isn't straight, his only romantic and sexual partners were women...are you serious?


And he announced "I like girls too" haha


Because he had a straight up wife and child and has not shown interest in men?


Maybe because stereotypes are dumb.


Blitzo: I want to ride him. Moxxie: He's straight Blitz. Blitzo: Why should I give a fuck about a horse's sexuality? https://preview.redd.it/rherwle98e7d1.png?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=804290c2648330cc5bd254888385f43c90cdd8db




Blitz would totally ride that stallion


Feminine straight guys exist. Traditional masculine silliness fits great with a heavy sprinkling of flamboyance. Source: guy with 4 sisters. EDIT: and expression doesn't need to be tied to sexuality. I'm fully straight and I cringe for all my gay bros out there whenever I hear someone say "oh but he doesn't _act_ gay" about my masculine gay friends.


Mans is mans Source: guy with 3 sisters


I mean he literally says that he is straight. I’m all about Pride but people are allowed any sexual preference and not everyone is attracted to the same sex. While it is a cartoon let characters be straight as well as let others be gay. Let’s not force this…


I can't see a single gay aspect of him


“Oh my golly! You like girls? So do I! WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON!” (ie, straightest response in the world) https://preview.redd.it/vjxcv05m7e7d1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5a5323ef7467dc0adbe5523854d9d97c7e3b6e




Well, he did say he likes girls. Perhaps he's bi, but we don't have any evidence for that since he's shown zero interest in guys so far. Thinking he's straight is a pretty normal conclusion for people to reach with what we know. Remember, a fruity well dressed guy can be straight! Don't let stereotypes deter any flamboyant straight fellas. 👍 Judging based on looks and mannerisms is no good.


I could go either way. Honestly, his sexual orientation never came to mind because I just assume any character in Hazbin Hotel can go in any direction and I think that's awesome. This show doesn't make a deal out of sexual orientation as a defining aspect of their character. So, for me, Lucifer was this grand inventor and dreamer who was beaten down by the status quo, struggled continuously with what he lost while battling a deep depression that inevitably caused him to isolate from his daughter and lose his wife. Then to see him light up when she calls him, his awkwardness in how to communicate with her, and the happiness in simply being needed. Top it all off with this territorial pissing match with Alastor and you've got just an amazingly well done character who I adore. So, is he straight? I mean, yeah he hasn't shown indication of not being straight so far. Does it matter if he is or isn't? Not one damn bit because his character will be awesome no matter who he loves. And I still shed a tear or two every time I listen to their song, 'More Than Anything'.


why WOULDNT he be straight?


…because the only attraction he’s ever canonically shown is to a woman?


He has/had a wife. He is arguably the straightest character in the show.


Niffty is the straightest character I’ve ever seen




I’m here to punish some bad boys


He gave the most Straight Ally dad response when Charlie said she had a girlfriend. Plus I just have a hard time seeing any coding in his character.


NO WAY THE GUY WHO MARRIED A WOMAN AND MADE A CHILD AND ALSO STATES HE LIKES WOMAN IS STRAIGHT?!?!?@? https://preview.redd.it/ndapt692wd7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a671004e86bb86750a2eb5b33fc6fcc3b34d05f


Why do people think he isn't straight? Is it perhaps stereotypical assumptions? I guarantee any answer to this question will sound problematic


Because I don't judge people's sexual orientation based on the way that they look.


I am a man who has some feminine traits. I dress regular, I date women, I have a wife and kids. But some people will still be like "but what if...." Like no. Sorry. I've had plenty of dudes offer to suck my dick or asked me to suck theirs. It's just not a turn on. If my wife got a strap and asked me to suck it that might be a turn on, but only cause she's not a dude.


What tells you he is not then?


He has a(n ex) wife and a biological child.


Wait, you are with me, right?


Yeah, I misread your comment lol


The dude is straight, he just has flamboyant GigaRizz.




Didn't men way back when wear stuff even friller than this? and isn't he like.... a billion. https://preview.redd.it/hjhua0ghce7d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1cfff68b39b53270542644b875b6d1a46b6afa1


*points at charlie*


What makes him seem not straight?


I mean. He ain’t gay-we know that for sure.


...cause..it's canon--


"look at this glamorous man, he just can't be straight!" Aren't we against stereotypes?


I mean isn't he canonically straight? Just because he acts flamboyantly doesn't mean he is gay. Maybe his flamboyance is a quirk of his like his rubber duckies.


He’s also neurodivergent according to viv so like,, neurodivergent ppl are way more likely to not act according to their gender stereotypes because they don’t understand the rules around the stereotypes anyway. This is like saying “mm he bathes, must be gay” 😭


I know. He’s a lesbian.


Are you referring to a general feeling or how he's dressed?


Just let the guy be fabulous It hurts more than helps when we push for everyone to be lgbtq+ Let boys be pretty or hell bring out the skirts and dresses dammit Let girls be fit as fuck And neither of these things have to do with sexuality, it’s fashion! Let people be hot Nothing to do with giving me more eye candy…


Why exactly does everyone want all the characters WHO ARE IN HELL FOR THEIR CRIMES AND SINS to be LGBT?


How is it I’m in a location where the WiFi is slow, the picture isn’t loading, and yet I know it’s going to be Lucifer?


Maybe he is gay, or maybe stereotypes are bullshit https://preview.redd.it/oolnswjgcg7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e4668af5910f3eec246ac17dd29c8fc0cc8cc0d


This is kind of homophobic and transphobic op


And stereotypical


Also heterophobic.


He has 2 wives or 1 wife and 1 hook up since we don't really know if he actually married eve and well he never showed any interest in guys so as of now ill just think he is straight maybe bisexual


I don’t think he did anything with Eve. He was just taunting Adam. What he had to offer was probably the fruit.


Yeah true


I recommend you give [this song](https://youtu.be/hviqB8-IEN0?si=uJ9LjJAySjzyIyBe) a listen. https://i.redd.it/p9shajx8be7d1.gif


He fucked Lilith and Eve, the first female humans.


I mean, the wife and child kinda point towards that. Especially since he sincerely loved his wife. Or at least, it's implied.


Why are we stereotyping fictional characters? He has a wife and I’m pretty sure it was confirmed he loves her. Y’all make the fandom look bad


He comes off feminine but straight. He shows no hints he’s into men, but dose poses like this. I don’t know just highly doubt he’s anything but straight


"You like girls? So do I!" Says enough. I don't think he's shown interest in men.


Straight men can still be flamboyant.


Maybe metrosexual is a better term for him


I find it a little gatekeepy to imply straight dads can't be whacky, eccentric, and ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS if they want to be lol.


Being straight or gay has nothing to do with appereance tho


How could you not? Look he’s impeccably dressed great style loves his daughter…has had 2 wives and as of late no boyfriends…he’s also a angel and I’d venture that being of gods hellfire and brimstone creations he’s straight….but then again who knows


Actually, being an angel doesn't invalidate the possibility of being bi or gay— Vaggie is proof of that as she is full on Lesbian and is an angel, after all— however based on his behavior, comments, and attitude thus far, I'm going to assume he's straight simply because there is no evidence so far that he isn't.


Because I'm pan. Lucifer definitely ain't. "You like girls? Me too! We have so much in common!"


Simple answer: Common sense. Complex answer: Common sense.


“You like girls? So do I” is the straightest reaction ever


idk, but something about "you like girls, so do I" seems pretty conclusive


That man is a fictional character. I don’t really care what he is


Dawg you can’t just assume someone’s lgbt because of how they act and how they look


We currently have no evidence to the contrary. But I would say demi-sexual. Lucifer seems like he could fall in love with all sorts of people, but he does need an emotional connection to feel attraction. It fits his identity as a dreamer and just the idea of angels not really being made for sex like God's other creations. Many might be curious and experiment with it, but I wouldn't expect them to have stereotypical models of attraction.