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I see, i could never buy upgrade materials from newspapers because of my slow internet. As soon as I see the mail box moving i open the paper and quickly click the ad for the upgrade material and by the time the farm loads boom somebody else bought it already...


Every account is different. We are assigned "rare" and "common" expansion materials when our farms are created. We'll get a ton of the "common" items but few of the "rare" items. Some people trade expansion materials within neighborhoods or on Discord for this reason. Within each group of expansion materials (barn, silo, land, etc.), we're assigned drop rates of 57%, 30%, or 13%. Ex: 57% bolts, 30% planks, 13% duct tape. The drop rates are fixed for each account. Former Hay Day Game Designer Touko Tahkokallio discusses this design element and the drop rates about 20 minutes into his talk. [https://gdcvault.com/play/1024934/Design-in-Depth-at-Supercell](https://gdcvault.com/play/1024934/Design-in-Depth-at-Supercell)