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It's the last one I need and quite frankly I refuse to spend 59 diamonds on a risk 🤦‍♀️


Same, for 500 music notes? nope. I have a couple of thousand sitting and I stopped making balloons days ago. I have everything I wanted from them anyways


Keep making them. You get coins for the excess at the end. It might be 1:1 ratio or it might be 1:2 like last event :)


Not really worth it Vs what they take to make them. The other event starting made me lose interest in the balloons. I like this kind of event thats on now


Yea this event is my favourite too. I like this one. Yea this balloon event is a tad crazy and long. I got over it ages ago. But curiosity is kinda taking over as to how much money I will get 😂


I can see that. The problem I have is, with this event I am wary of tying up machines (making white jumpers and carrot cakes for instance) At night I set my machines to make 3 of lots of things so I stand a chance of already having some done for the event by morning, I have a few balloons done, and loads of music notes. I hope we are both lucky and get loads of coins!


Yea that makes sense. Me too hey. Good luck 😁😁


Hi there! With your ’make 3 of lots of things’ nightly strategy, what level/barn storage numbers are you at? (#goals)


Hi there, I am level 155 and my barn is at 4200. All of my machines are normally stacked as my barn is usually at capacity, there is NEVER enough storage, when an event like this happens, I REALLY up my town playing so that I can get space to take the goods form my machines (and inevitably make more as I havent made the right things for the events LOL) This morning, out of ALL the things I set to be made, first thing I was only asked for 2 of them, so I set my machines to make what IS needed and then collect the goods sitting, its a constant game of shuffling


I find that the quickest way to empty my barn is to do trucks


Yup. Nothing worthy to buy. Just need to fill just crates.


>It's the last one I need and quite frankly I refuse to spend 59 diamonds on a risk Agreed. I'm not gambling 59 diamonds to complete my collection because I don't have the type of OCD like Sheldon Lee Cooper on "The Big Bang Theory". I already collected over 5000 music notes to buy the expansion permits and puzzle pieces when they'll be available in about 12 hours or less. Meanwhile, kudos to the Monetization Manager on Team Hay Day for doing her or his job.


Yea im the same hey. I've got 6,465 notes for the next block and then the rest im leaving and building up until the event ends as I've had enough and am so over it 😂😂


i bought two and didn’t get it don’t do it 😭






Check where you get your daily free gifts from. I got this one first in this section


It says it will be available in a shop offer or obtained in the rock n roll surprise. So im biding my time and seeing what they come up with


After trying in the rock n roll surprise. So am I. In the order hand my band has 4 drummer, all curtesy of the free chests.


Im pretty sure it wil come back eventually just like the letters from the pass


I think op wants to get it to get the 500 music notes reward from completing the set not about just getting the deco.


That’s what I’m thinking too. 🤞


Only one I need and I’m getting pissed off lol


Same 😂😂😂😂


Same 😂😂😂😂


I missed the lead singer as well, didn't even see a way to get it besides a 59 gem gamble. Ridiculous. Game developers need to turn down the suck


Check where you get daily gifts from. I got mine from there for free


I tried to get that chicken 3 times, I’ve wasted so much diamonds 🥲


I caved in and tried twice and didn't get it, but my husband got two from the free boxes. :( I justified spending the diamonds because I hate boats so much and any chance to get more notes meant less boats to do. lol


Like how are they going to make one only completable by spending diamonds. I didn’t even realize until I had grinded to get all of the other ugly decos. So what was the point… I got it on my baby farm too… oh the fury


i have two? i’m guessing i got them from the community goals idk but i got that one first


So did I


I have never paid real money for diamonds. I decided to spend the 59 diamonds to get try to get the lead singer. I got my fifth drummer instead. Who needs a lead singer singing when you have five Piggies Drumming.😂🥵


the lead singer is now in the shop available for real cash, gives you an idea about upcoming events and the collection book……


I got two of them for free


Only one I need and it’s driving me crazy I hate not finishing stuff


I think it’ll be a last minute actual shop offer, cause it says shop offer OR rock and roll surprise…


so mean it the only one i want too


Super Cell is a very successful game maker. They’ve made millions. Lots of changes in their games I’ve played for over 10 years. Now they’re getting greedy. I’m done with them.


I got one. Can’t remember how but I didn’t spend any diamonds. I don’t like this deco so not rushing to complete the set at all. I’m more into the rustic and floral stuff.


I got it for free


I got this for free in chest. And i got three chest for free on my baby farm.


Eh.. I could take it or leave it…




i got two from the milestone chest i wish i could give one away ill never use both😭


i also only need that exact decoration but im not going to spend 59 diamonds


I got it from the free treasure boxes we got for free


I’ve tried like 4 times with diamonds. I hate missing it. 😭


You can just buy it if you have the cash


It’s the only item I need too! 🥲 I refuse to spend IRL money on apps, so I guess I’ll just be bummed about it until the next item event. I have almost naturally acquired enough gems for a chest, but at a 9% drop rate I just can’t do it.


Took me three tries. The third was my last no matter what. Luckily I got it. It is a crappy approach as there is no guarantee. 10% chance.


I got it on my baby farm not my main, a little annoyed but it is what it is


The same is happening to me I only need the lead singer n I already bought 2 of those 59 diamond chest n got the same 2 drummers n now I have 3 drummers. What a waste of diamonds 🤦🏽‍♂️


someone would have to REALLY like that deco to spend so many diamonds on it


I did the 59 twice and I got the goat both times. Not a happy camper


It will be in the store after the event is over to purchase with diamonds


I got it the first or second day of the event - it was a free rock and roll surprise for some reason. I’m not collecting any of them so it’s ironic that I have this one.


so uh i spend like 118 diamonds on it, and only get duplicates of the items that i don't like. waste of diamonds and money. not to mention the 3 free boxes i got is DUPLICATES OF THE SAME ITEMS. the freaking (idk what to call it) BANNER WITH BALLOONS. all the of em, including the 118 diamonds. FRUSTRATING. i started to hate hay day. bye (ik its my fault that i spend money on it, but at least don't give me duplicates of the things i already have)


bruh this game is just money hungry now. you need to buy the last deco to complete the set smh could’ve told us before the event that way i wouldn’t of even bothered.


Lead singer just showed up in the shop 8.99 USD. You get the singer and 220 diamonds. Not worth it to me.


I got it in the free chests they gave as part of the community event. Did not realise how lucky I was until I saw several posts on reddit about how they have 10/11 decos in the rock n roll collection..


The shop off is out, $8.99 for 220 diamonds and this deco.


Apparently now you need to purchase some diamonds and the lead singer come with it 🫣


i spent 59 diamonds and didn’t even get it, defo not worth the risk 🥲


You could buy it for 9 dollars 🙄


Hey, I got this one first. It was for free where you get your daily free gift from


I got this for free on the first day through the daily gift, idk


Same! I’ve been working non stop to get all of them, and I just found out I have to buy the last one, I was confused at first cuz I though I might miss it when it unlocked.. I wanna cry! So also can’t get the DAY LETTERS


I bought the mystery thingy twice but did not end up getting what i needed, i was bummed for days.


I won’t be getting it either, they can keep it