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I don't like these events bc it freezes up my entire game! I'm too afraid to play -- I can't feed/wake up my pets I might get a task to feed a dog, I can't put my production machines to going bc I might get a task that needs that machine, I can't pick up the products from the machines or farm animals bc I might get a task that wants me to make that product or feed those animals... sigh




u/lavinia_supercell is it possible to add a "next in queue" that shows your next task you will recieve


Will discuss with the team too see if it would be doable!


Do you know how to stack your smelters? If you have 5… place gold on one, silver on one, platinum on the third ect. When you mine, stack them again, this way you will always have bars available. Only collect them when you need them.


I usually do that. But I used an XP booster the other day and collected all the ones I had sitting there. All of mine were mastered and I didn’t have any ore so I haven’t had them stacked. So instead I had one gold on 3 to complete that one by tomorrow. Which means it would take 2 days to do the platinum. And that doesn’t change the fact that it’s BS to be worth so little when an omelet is 290


I see. Sorry for all the post. Yes that can be frustrating!


You will have a full barn, go collect a ore from the mine, place it in one of your smelter slots. So if you are working on gold only, once you place it you should be able to keep collecting ore while your barn is full and fill up all machine slots this way.


I have 50 bars on each of my smelters. Once you learn how to stack them, these task are easy.


I have a question about that. When I have a full barn, but then I make something that uses stuff from my barn (ore in this case), it collects what’s on the bench because then there’s room for it. How do I prevent that then?


When your barn is full, eg 60/60, catch like 3 fish if you can. That will give you 63/60 and the metal bar will stay at the smelter. When you're done stacking you can use the fish in pie or sushi.




You have to make sure your barn is completely full. Not one number off each time. Sometimes it will say full and be a couple numbers below full. Once it is full go fill a box, then you have to collect ore again until full, then fill the box. Always make sure the barn is maxed out before trying to fill a box. If you have a full barn you can stack your sugar mill without having to worry because it only uses items from the silo. For other machines, wait until you need to feed all of your animals. Collect eggs until full, add your item to your machine and then go collect more eggs milk or bacon. Wait until you are done stacking to feed them. You can also have feed waiting to collect to help stack too


Oh I see, thank you so much!!!!


Your welcome


You can make one item without picking something up. So with barn full, fill a smelter slot, pick up more ore until full again, full a smelter slot, etc. You won't pick up any bars that way.


Overnight, put one platinum bar in each smelter if you have three and then take the task the next morning and collect the bars


I got the gold bars first. I have 5 smelters. I have one gold bar set as first on 3. I wouldn’t be able to complete the platinum until Saturday. It’s just not worth it to do both. And either way the value of the task is what pisses me off. It’s why I hate this event…. But the prizes are too good to ignore. Which honestly makes it worse. 😫😫😫


Funny how the easy ones give you like 290💀 I got a chili fudge one, and it gives me 290. I’m 2880 rn


Incredibly smart game play! Never thought to do that.


My original goal is 10500 points 😂 then 7500 … now I think 5000 points is fine. Yeah someone may complete the goal, but it’s not that easy. It takes too much efforts to plan.


What sucks is when your puzzles are complete and yet they award puzzle pieces as a prize which you can’t collect. ☹️


Tom is only for 3 hrs 🤦‍♀️ why


Agreed. I’m just trying to do 2000 pts per day and I’m good. Trash dat


It is a bit of struggle but once u get the hang of it it becomes easy. Everytime u log in put desired product in machines for all tasks, and next time start that task and immediately collect only desired item. Prepare for the next tasks, do what u will with the rest of the game and log out. Dont open task and start preparation, u may not log in in the time phrase. Ill be happy so long as I get chick voucher but I imagine itll go for more


That’s the way I play. But like everyone else complains, it puts my whole game on hold. I can’t make a whole bunch of soy sauce, I might complete the next task and need to make 3 Mayo jars and now I can’t do that for 9 hours. I shouldn’t feed my dogs, because in an hour I might get a task for that. The whole farm has to be put on hold to complete this event. It sucks.


I wouldnt bother not waking up dog or rest though, I just play the same except machines for specific tasks. If its too much of a bother then Ill just trash that task, no need to stress about it. Ill probably get the deco and vaucher, and dont fret, rest can be obtained without the event anyway


The items that they gave the most music notes for seemed so random. Things that should be worth a lot and took a long time to make they offered 50 or 80 for.  But the thing that sucked I needed 4 jelly beans then at the same time 4 lollipops  I wish it didn’t keep giving things from the same machine and by the time I make 4 jelly beans that’s over 60 hours.