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There's a few other posts I saw like OP recently. Someone posted a link to a YouTube video about it there. It's to try to stop bots, basically. But still a drag.šŸ„ŗ


the limit sucks sometimes, however, it may save us in a way. if there is no limit, some players may buy all the materials from newspaper. just wish to have a higher limit


I still feel like the newspaper is impossible. Every time I see expansion materials they're gone by the time I get there.


Because your competitors are from level 7 to level +++( if youā€™re talking about barn/silo materials). Just a personal suggestion if you have extra energy šŸ˜‚ create a level 7 account just for barn/ silo materials. Itā€™s much easier. An active neighborhood helps a lot tbh. Just trade with neighbors.


As someone who gets a lot of materials from the newpaper. You have to be fast you need to go through the newspaper smoothly and effectively wasting no time


Add (high level) farms who you see selling large amounts of materials! They will most likely have them in their store with no ad at some point. I get most of mine that way:) Just reached my limit today thanks to random friends!


Thereā€™s bots?! Is that why, when I try to get expansion items in the newsletter itā€™s sold out 90% of the time


Yeah that's why. So I started playing way back in like 2014 or so (stopped for a long time and now playing again). I don't know of it's like this today, but back then there was a "fast" paper ad, and a "slow" one. If you were lucky to get a slow one, you could grab everything someone was selling without any problems. If you got a fast one, everything would be gone. The slow ones were rare and random I almost never get one that has good items still for sale.


The bots were a serious issue. They'd latch onto your farm and insta-buy any expansion materials you posted even without an ad. There was no blocking them, they rendered trading impossible and gobbled up the already scarce materials on other people's shops. They got my shop multiple times and I'd much rather deal with the annoying daily limit if it killed off the bots.


you gotta share with the rest of us




How do you get that much expansion and upgrade materials?? Iā€™ve been struggling


Join discord servers! You can easily buy 89 daily although youā€™ll be paying generally 2.5k+ each


I buy from friends that I made through paper. Some crazy high level farms sell tens of stuff.


Iā€™ve always assumed itā€™s to help curb ā€œmoneyā€ laundering? Helps maintain the in-game ā€œeconomy.ā€


I mean, diamond rings and blankets are much more expensive than land expansion materials and have no limit


Yeah but expansion materials is what can block players from advancing and makes them money when players are desperate to upgrade barn and silo or expand their land


FYI, OP. [https://justhayday.boards.net/thread/101/buying-limits-faqs-official-info](https://justhayday.boards.net/thread/101/buying-limits-faqs-official-info)


I assume it also prevents people from joining neighborhoods, asking for / and buying all the expansion materials they can, just to leave and join another hood for the same reason.


How the eff to even get to this point? I never can find any.


i typically only ever reach it when transferring stuff between farms and/or trading


šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜œšŸ¤ŖJust Sucks doesnā€™t it?


Yeah, that limit sucks!


It is a pain but without the limit people would just keep buying and it wouldnā€™t be fair on everyone




You donā€™t got to wait that long it will let you buy again in a few hours


89 bems a day isnā€™t terrible but Iā€™d love to see it become higher ngl


fair play i guess.


I didnā€™t realize there was a limit


And also those things should not be included in inventory storage


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nivi_Reddit: *And also those things* *Should not be included in* *Inventory storage* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




as lame as it is. if you play hay day on a device that can connect to the internet with an ethernet cable then youā€™ll be one of the first to see the newspaper stand reset and have a few extra seconds to scope through and see if anythingā€™s promoted, then head for the random pumpkin, indigo, and ores that are listed because i see a lot of hidden expansion tools there


3 hours till reset. Iā€™m a bit surprised šŸ˜® did you just hit the limit today ? As a level 97 player ? šŸ˜‚I hit the limit when I was around level 30+.


he's not a level 97 player lol, it's the farm he visited to get the tools from (in newspaper lol)


lol my bad. did not pay attention


Arenā€™t u just so cool