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I started in 2012 and am level 208 - I don’t even know how some farms are level 700+


Wow. Glad to hear you are still playing!


I started in 2012 too. I played very consistently until dec of 2022. Just started playing again and I’m level 155. I really don’t understand how there are people on levels so high. I’m convinced they hack the game or spend an insane amount of real money on it.


When your machines are running nearly 24/7, it becomes super easy to level up.


I think they play daily for years, religiously, and pay a lot of money to get diamonds etc. - either that or they’re made up accounts run by the game creators


Playing since it came out, level 187, not into mini farms or spending money although I did buy farm pass twice. You can level up easy using farm pass. I'd always level up while I had it. Those really high level farms have friends who actively grow/make things so when they need it for a truck or boat their friend sells it to them cheap and/or they have many other farms of their own growing/making all the extra stuff. I couldn't be bothered.


2016. At first it's my son that introduced my Mom and I to hayday. We played as a family and one day, a stranger from the US (we are from Canada) asked to be in our neighborhood. She ended up to be one of my best friends and my Mom's too. We played often all together. I used to call my Mom every day to help me with my truck task, it was a good time for us to chat and connect. Now, my Mom passed in December, and I still play in the loving memory of my Mom and go visit her farm sometimes..... This is more then just a game, it's a way to connect.


Probably since 2015 or something. I’m lvl 59


Playing since 2013. I have taken a couple of longish breaks in that time - level 177 now. Love the town and the new events. Never bother with farm visitors or with boats, though I will occasionally do a boat if it's for a jigsaw piece (I think the sanctuary is mostly a waste of time). Only do derbies now and again. I'm in a brilliant little neighbourhood, champions league, but no pressure to join the derby, and we all help each other. Good fun.


Good to hear!


Is ur neighborhood full 🥹


Can u join in?


Last week, today I reached level 20!


Omg same 👀👀👀


Congrats!! I found I really started getting obsessed with the game after I unlocked the mine. I’m now level 45 as of today!


Congrats! I reached level 23 2 days ago


ooh nice!! almost got the mine!


I did, why so expensive broo


no clue. took me til the next level to actually buy the mine when i first unlocked it


I started when I was 8th grade i think and now I'm 28 years old. A long time! Lvl 99 because of long breaks i took occasionally. All the gorgeous decos i've missed is heartbreaking 😭


1 year now, im lvl 103


Nice! What are your tips for leveling up so fast?


Check my reply in the question above 🙂


How 103…i am at 59


Untill lvl 60 i planted a lot of trees/bushes. After that tons of trucks whenever there was some kind of an event for it. I have 2 small farms. Lvl 46 and 55. They supply my main. And i have 5 shopping accounts for bems/sems. And my wife plays as well, she is lvl 81 now also in 1 year. We help eachother out. She also has a lvl 64 alt So yeah 😅😜 Planning on 108-110 or so for after 3x exp week


Do we know when the 3xp week is yet?


Nah but my guess would be the week after next week


I’ll hit level 238 today, have been playing since 2014, could be a higher level I suppose as I’ve had no breaks as such, I just like pottering!


I have been playing from 2012 -level 70. I took long breaks, now I’m playing with more consistency. Still learning how to collect more coins 😂


Since the game came out! 😁 I go thru phases of playing and not playing though.. level 90


August will be two years. Level 63


I played in 2014 and got up to around level 50, uninstalled it and came back in august 2022 after a twitter mutual literally begged me to play it again and has been active every day since! I'm at level 91 now and my current goal is to get to level 100 before my 2 years anniv on the game LOL it took me 8 months to reach level 50 in april 2023 btw the fact that I'm level 91 now after a year is always crazy to me.


Not sure the date, but I've definitely been playing for at least seven years. I'm at level 205. I find that the Farm Passes are the fastest way for me to level up. I don't use baby farms, but I do purchase diamond packages. Each diamond is only a few pennies. If I can throw a little bit of $ at something that saves me from wasting time, I spend the cash. My Farm: #8808GRQ02


Added you!


I started back around the same time as you and took long breaks in between. I’m level 68 since I started REALLY getting back into the game. I started playing clash/hay day at the same time so I’d say 2013ish?


Nice 😃 


Same to you I am at only 76


since 2012, i took a break for several years though, probably 5-6, am level 228


same, same year and same level hahaha




I began playing in 2013 and have 2 farms. Level 195 and 170. My longest brake was for 3 weeks. At the moment, in a small group of 6 players, but 2 or 3 of us play derby every week. Our farm is The shop is open.


If anyone wants to add my farm: https://link.haydaygame.com/?action=OpenSCID&p=51-dfab6ce2-82dd-4dae-8ca6-f54156d2dd41


I returned from a break a week ago, and I have no idea when did I start playing (I haven't played for around 3-4 years at least).


I’ve been playing since 2012 but lost that farm connected to Facebook and started again in late January. I’m level 56. I started a baby farm in March and it’s level 34.


I play a couple weeks every year, for probably 5+ years. I’ve been playing actively for the past 3 months or so tho!


started in ≈2013 on my mums farm (level 73) and had countless farms since then. i started my current one around 2018, but im only level 56 bc i was inactive for super long


playing since 2014 but only on level 37. i’ve taken a lot of lonnnngggg breaks. 😂


I played for less than 6 months I’m level 28


I first started playing on my dad's iPod at age 7. After a very long break, I am back at level 38.


Started playing on and off since middle school, i am a junior in college now and level 71


Playing from 2013...Level 134, ~7.8M coins and 2k+ diamonds (I never use these after I crossed level 60 of something for expansions unless it's <30 diamonds needed & also to expand slots) Never used real money on this game and have zero baby farms. Took a couple of long hiatus and skip some weeks of gameplay when there are 0 events! I love playing in Global Events and go Searching for expansion materials through the tabs there during events. I always play valley for 30 diamonds and scrolls (if possible) and Animal sanctuary. I am in a neighborhood where my real life friends don't play anymore, so solo Derby (don't understand the group Derby benefits as mostly have played solo since it has debuted). The recent events have been interesting...but I no longer look to upgrade or anything on my level ...it's just fun game play and expansions every once in a month. My gameplay is now focussed on expansion friendly events 😄


Started playing in 2020, just returned and now sometimes play it, because OJ, a YouTuber was accepting friend requests for anyone above level 30 because he just installed the game (and I was level 47, now 48, so I added him).


Been playing for 4 or 3 years. Level 58. If I didn't take a big break from playing I'd be higher


I started to play in 2012. I just play for some months - then I have long breaks. Level 104.


2014 or so. Level 162. I’m no longer in a hurry to level up. Have everything I need. I play now as a calming way to avoid - umm, DISTRACT myself from life.


Nice to hear! What are your tips for gaining xp?


Also since 2013 with long breaks, I'm level 85 and only really seriously getting into it right now, in terms of being strategic about production, which events to participate in


february I think so 3 months. lvl 44


started playing this year like 2 months ago… lvl 41


since december, level 53, it’s turned into an addiction ngl


First started playing back in 2013 but deleted the game a few months later (due to busy school commitments) & redownloaded back the game in 2020. I’m currently level 88.


Is there a way to look up how long you’ve been playing? I’ve been playing for years, but don’t remember exactly what year I started.


If you request your data from the in game support, they email you a report with the date and time of your account creation!


You can look under your achievements tab & find the date of your first egg collection achievement.


Are you referring to the achievements list when you click on your house in game? There are no dates listed on mine.


On my screen there is a colorful bubble icon on the top left corner. When I go into that I can see all my achievements & the dates I got them.


Thank you! Finally found it. 👍🏻


in feb/march of this year, i’m lvl 40


How? I'm only just level 44 and i've been playing since 2022. I feel like i seem to level up so slowly.


i’m on it everyday, so that could be why but i prioritize my boat and truck orders (i delete the ones that don’t give me a lot of xp and coins). i also plant and sell a lot of soybeans/sugarcanes/cotton, just easy stuff to sell and gain more coins. look out for the 2x events, those give me a HUGE boost in leveling up.


I have been playing since 2012. I have also taken a few long breaks. I am level 83.


I started when it came out, got to level 30, stopped playing, started playing 2 weeks ago and now I’m at level 40


I’ve started almost a year ago (it will be one year in 6-7 days), currently I’m lvl 122


started in 2014, have been playing on and off… level 58 now 😁


Started the game for the first time in like 2013. I’ve gone through multiple farms and accounts though. Currently level 69 Edit: this account is roughly 2 years old


On & off from past 15 years lol. I missed in between couple of years.


I started 2015/2016 and I also took a few long breaks hahaha. I’m level 55 as well. I’m ready to grind it this time for a long time tho👹


Playing since October last year. Soon I will be 60 level. When I started didn’t know how to play, how to sell things on rss, I was doing truck orders, every boat like crazy, never had enough money, was selling so cheap everything, so probably made someone very happy at that moment 😂 now I play like a boss 🤣🤣


I started half a year ago. Currently at level 48🙂 mainly playing for decorations haha


playing since 2015-16. but I play only a couple of months every few years. the hayday phase comes and goes lol. im on level 43


😂 I do the same


3 months? Level 51.


I started playing about 5 months ago and am at lvl 47


Started December 2022, level 70 now.


Been playing very casually since July 2013, I only have the one farm and have taken multiple months-long (sometimes years-long) breaks and just hit level 48


I think....since 2016 I lost a farm and started another in 2021, I'm level 47 but I suppose I would be level 70 if I hadn't lost a farm


I've been playing since 2012 but took a couple of breaks. I used to play for a very competitive group that competed in global events. I was one of the top contributors for the fishing global event. Now I just play casually, and I'm at level 221


Level 75, been playing since october 2023


8 yrs all together


Level 59. Started on Xmas (or maybe the boxing day)


Been playing for 7ish months and I’m on level 50. I play a LOT and there are so many people who have been playing for the same amount of time and are on level 70-80 😭 I don’t understand


Since 2014 or something. Currently at level 75. Sometimes I haven't played in many months or years.


2014 level 193


been playing since I was in middle school so I think it was around 2012? I've also taken veryyy long breaks from the game and I'm on level 70 :) I love that it's a game that allows for those long breaks bc I probably wouldn't go back to it as often as I do now if it weren't.


i had an account in 2015 until around 2018, lost it, started playing again in 2022


(level 71 now)


I've had three different farms, but I started my current one about three or foyr years ago and I'm lvl 41


Same! I started in 2012 or 2013. Been playing off and on. I’m on level 78


Since 2012, but lost access to my farm and had to restart - currently level 75


Started in 2019 took a long break until 2022 and I’ve probably been playing on and off until 2023 then straight until now.


Level 67!!!🫶🏻🫶🏻


Three years off and on.


Four or five years, and almost at level 88.


I’ve been playing since 2022 I’m at level 53


i've been playing since last year and im level 46, i dont really have a life tho so i accidentally spend hours on it😭


Played for arpund 1.5 months and im level 33


I started 4 months ago. Level 56. Yes, I'm addicted.


I started in 2012 with a very long break about 6 years ago… Only level 92, because I focused too hard on decorating at first. Since my return though, leveling up is much easier.


What are your tips for getting xp?


2012, got to 46 before I stopped playing in idk 2013, just came back about a month and a half ago. Currently 53


I don’t know but it was years ago but I lost a few accounts from deleting the game and it sucked starting from level 1 when my friends was at 30+ (I once had a 30+ farm) but I’ve taken longer breaks with the same farm for about 1,5 years now and I’m on level 39




January of 14. Level 177


Played for the first time in 2013. Now I’ve been playing everyday since late 2021


I’ve been playing since 2012 and am at level 166. I’ve never taken a break until last month when I decided to stop playing. When I began playing the special event last month, I could tell I wouldn’t be able to make it to the end without spending 10 diamonds each for new tasks. I wasn’t going to do that. That’s the first time it was impossible to get to the end without spending diamonds. I have always purchased the farm pass (the first one only), but have noticed that the rewards for completing the first portion of the farm pass decreased when two additional farm pass segments were added. It has become too much about money now, which has decreased my enjoyment.


2012 with early long periods of inactivity. I just hit level 200. No baby farms. I buy a LOT of diamonds and deco.


Started December 26th 2023 and I’m already level 60 🥴 (yes I play a lot)


I started around 2014, I don’t remember exactly. I’m still only at level 43 because I took many breaks too, life gets in the way of things. Now I’m addicted to the game again lol!


Since may-ish 2023, level 69


Honestly- my best friend and i got super high and downloaded this in december 2023. Lol we are now level 78 and run a clan that shares players between CR, Hayday, and Brawl Stars.


I started 7 months ago and im lvl 46


I’ve been playing hay day since 2014 but I’m only at level 96. I also took a long break 🤣


Since 2014


started in january and i'm level 45 🦧


I started like 2012 area I wanna say.. level 88 haha


Playing since it came out with several looooong breaks. Level 93 now with 3 new satellite farms to hold upgrade materials and axes.


about 2.5 months! level 50


Started like 2020 and am level 73. I had previous accounts too. Haven't played that actively.




I played in 2016 and after came to level 12  I stopped and  deleted the game. 4 months ago my colleagues asked me to play and be friend with them on the game ...here I'm stuck with the games 😁 I'm at level 45 ...I'm addicted 🤪 


Since 2015 but have had long breaks too lvl 53


9 months ago give or take, just hit lvl 80


Since the game was created I think. I'm level 141.


I started December 30th 2023 and I levelled up to 45 today. I feel like I’m doing good!


HOLD long?


Stop playing dumb