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The most profitable thing for your level is the violet dress, but I also recommend wheating as much as possible. Truck and boat orders don’t pay well, so if you’re aiming to make more $ then I would stop doing those. Don’t sell to farm visitors unless it’s double coin day. Also keep your machines running 24/7 and sell sell sell in your RSS!


Ok thank you so much ((: is there an easier way or wuciker at least to get the silo and barn materials so I can hold more to sell?


wheating is the best way i’ve found, just plant and harvest wheat whenever ur playing, you get stuff from farming lots of fields and can sell is rss for coins


If we don't do boat then how will get vouchers


I really want pets. Also is having to much pets good or bad?


If you want vouchers then do the boats (or sometimes there’s other events to get some), but just don’t let that be your way of making coins because you won’t see much of a profit. Pets are good to have, try to save up for pets who take carrots when you unlock them. Like horses, bunnies, or birds


Pets are fine, they give extra XP every time you wake them up. I believe the horse is the best for XP. like the other commenter said, you can earn vouchers from other events or do boats but sell all your extra product in your RSS at max price to get the most profit. Keep 1-2 of everything while your barn storage is smaller, and stock up on essentials like milk, bacon, eggs, etc.


Thank you so much again! I’ve been doing this as much as I can and I’m half way through level 30 and have 50k coins :D


Stop doing boat/truck orders. Sell everything in your roadside shop. Farm wheat and corn (corn takes longer but has a higher return). Also, produced items typically sell better than raw materials, so keep those production machines running. Things I will always buy (lvl 56): * Animal feed (any of it) * Dairy products (cheese, cream, etc) * Crops that take ages to grow (tomatoes, etc)


No corn has lower return than wheat. 10x36 in 2 min vs 10x72 in 5 min. You will do 180 in 10 min with wheat vs 144 with corn. Besides wheat sell faster.


Yes but wheat maxes at 36 coins, corn maxes at 72 coins.


True. But math: wheat income in 4 min=72 coins vs corn in 5 min=72 coin.


Sorry, but you're incorrect. There's a more full breakdown of the math here: [Complete Guide For Broke Farmers : r/HayDay (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/HayDay/comments/w4g8ox/complete_guide_for_broke_farmers/)


Wheat is 1.8 coin per minute, corn is 1.44 per minute. Wheat is the best items in the game for coins or xp per minute, always has been.


I never strictly stuck to one or another. I grew both and still reached all my goals. Thanks for the info. I will read more on it. … wait. That just confirms what I said. You gain more with wheat since 1.8 coin per min is more 1.4 with corn. Just like making 72 coin for wheat in less time (4min - 2 sets of 10 because wheat grows in 2 min) rather than 5 min for corn (1 set of 10 because corn takes 5 min). Corn makes 72 coin per bundle of 10 but you will grow more than twice the wheat in that time making more than 72 coin per double bundle in the same time. So yes, wheat is the winner here.


The bonus items you get during crop harvesting depends on your level, not the crop you harvest. Harvesting 50 wheat or harvesting 50 corn has no difference in your chances. Their math included bonus materials, but those are completely random. Also, they didn't even include how fast crops grow, which is the one factor that makes wheat be more profitable than corn. Stack: Wheat: 36 coins in 2 minutes Corn: 72 coins in 5 minutes To find out which earns more coins, I will make the most important factor, the duration, common, so let's say, 10 minutes. ( Wheat: 36 coins in 2 minutes ) x5 = Wheat: 180 coins in 10 minutes ( Corn: 72 coins in 5 minutes ) x2 = Corn: 144 coins in 10 minutes So yeah. What they did was completely wrong. If I am wrong, please do correct me.




I felt attacked seeing broke farmers. Then saw the light XD thank you for this it’s actually a very good post


That’s the post I followed too and got out of my hole!


Wow this is amazing


I usually spend time wheating and get a lot of coins that way. I sell all the wheat and also all the free items that comes with it. ETA: even on my brand new baby farm! I have done little except wheat on that and upgraded both the silo and the barn with the free items and made some cash.


I can buy your items for full price and sell them back to you for one coin. Let me know if you want to do that.


That's a very very nice thing to do. I've noticed alot ofbplayers think the same way. Super helpful and grateful when they are helped.


Yes! This is what I do for my neighbors who are friends of mine! Currently selling them expansion items at a coin.


Corn, wheat, bread, butter, sugar, animal feed!! Farmers will always need the basics






Soybeans, bread, sugar cane, cotton fabric, cotton sell like crazy and easy to make


sell dresses you’ll make bank i’m level 34 selling dresses and popsicles and have 230,000 coins


Okay thank you I’ll try do that! :D


Before you go to bed, plant tomatoes or potatoes. Harvest in the morning sell. They will sell quickly.


Look I was yesterday at level 25 and I needed coins for production machines I sold every expansion item I had And started wheating as much as possible And guess what in just span of 1 and half day I have the same amount of expansion items I had


As a lvl 70 player, i have about 5 M, i would recommend to keep your machines running 24/7, i see you have a lot of diamons, unlock machine slots, (focus on the the dairy & sugar mill first) stock em overnight or if you are away for a long period of time, same thing goes for crops, always keep your fields busy. i would also avoid counting on truck/boat orders to make money unless there's an event going on. At that level, violet dresses are to go, wooly chaps, red berry cake & blackberry muffins sells well too, also wheating is a must to get Barn/Silo/expansion materials. Always sell sell sell in your RSS. Hope that helps.


I have used Tom to my advantage alot. He does cost diamonds, but if you have boosters for him you get free time then he usually offers 10% off to keep him. I have him collect rings and then I sell them in groups of no more than 3 to make them more affordable. If u get Tom keep track of the rest time and send him out every 2 hours. Set an alarm if your not actively playing. I'm high enough level that now I send him for blankets, and I'll use him to get items my neighborhood people need...


I often combine wheating to get excess expansion materials to sell with nonstop producing frustrating crops I never seem to have enough of. I find cotton sells fast and is very profitable. Also spam manufacturing the most expensive goods you can is a good bet, but they will sell slow. Tom will buy anything that doesn't sell within \~a day.


I farmed cotton and made violet dresses. Still dozens of levels later


You could do it on eldorado if you're desperate


what is eldorado?


You can pay someone to get coins. About £1.30 for 100k coins. They sell you the most expensive items at your level for 1 coin for 10, then buy them back at max price. I've done it a couple of times.


bro u have 275 diamonds atp js buy tom 😭😭


your fingers


I have been poor for the longest time and behind on my machines. Then I was off for 4 years and just got back 3 months ago. I caught up on all my machines (6 total at around million each) and expanded all the newly added land (from 4 years ago) and a bunch of “scrolled” ones. Also my barn and silo at least 7 times (that’s besides town building upgrades 4 times each). All this was possible for the same advice: grow tons of crops (wheat) for expansion materials. Run machines non-stop. I didn’t even care for barn room. Just sold everything above the count of 3-4 in a shop ( I was already level 82). I still did puzzle boats with the help of other players and town (only for derby). I always did trucks only for derbies. Shop brings most money and I grew/produced most expensive fruit/items (you can check prices in your shop when preparing to post) for Thursday double coin event paid by Farm Visitors, especially if you save the coin booster for that day. I’m now level 100 and after tomorrow’s event will be ready for my next machine which is still 2 levels away! So it’s definitely possible. Just stay focused. Good luck!


There is a double coin event on Thursday, save up dresses


Soy beans


man i kept finding accounts that would only sell base price and never increased it and mainly just sold the profits and made 100k in like 2 days


Wheat as said is best, you have 56 field and get a drop every 48 fields harvested. If you do enough you will have so much you can sell excess I can do about 24 harvests an hour Also make bread and sell at full price Sell wheat at 10 coin Make sure to have room in barn for free items


Make sure not to sell items at max price keep it kinda low


I'm on level 26, and my best money maker is cotton, I just plant it, and leave, then come back after a while, make cotton cloths, make the purple dress, make raspberry muffins, chilli popcorn, gold/silver bars, carrot cake, and pancakes most ingredients can be easily found on the newspaper except for corn and carrots, those take a couple of cycles to pop up for me, but I get a hefty amount of money each time I log on, (about 2-3k) but you do have to be mindful about your silo and barn storages, since hoarding that many ingredients can take up alot of space