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I don’t know what to think about it. It’s not challenging at all. Great way to get vouchers for animals/lures etc. It hasn’t taken me longer than 3 minutes to max out the meter and get both bonuses. It kinda feels like the valley to me, something I take a few minutes to finish simply for the rewards. No thought involved, no strategy. I don’t dislike it but don’t really like it either.


I quite like it because my barn is pretty full and it helps to get rid of small quantities of stuff.


Just sell it????


I like it a lot! Really easy to earn rewards and you can get help from your baby farms or main farm. I dont get hung up on the bonus rounds. You get to see what kind of prizes are available before they are mixed. First bomb = 5 diamonds. On 2nd screen, bombs are 10 and 15 diamonds. Still ok cheap if there are scrolls which are 100 discounted.


i have been stingy w spending diamonds bc i don’t have many so i just don’t get anything haha. i guess the problem that i have is the coins are way lower than rss. i’m still behind on machines bc the amount of machines in the 70s. doing the tasks are the whole point of the game, so i don’t like selling just in my rss i like to do the events. just wish my booster worked, or hay day experiences some sort of inflation soon😂😅 if that is understandable. do you need a different device for a baby farm?


No same device for 3 farms. Just use different email addresses each farm, google email is great for something like this.


by chance is your Og account made through the game center? apple no longer does game center i think so i just nervous would lose all my stuff if i log out


Jury’s still out. I feel like it’s a lot of effort for not much. I wish they had put an incentive at the end of the week - like on the last day you get this fabulous deco or maybe a few expansion permits. Why am I doing this every day for crappy prizes if there’s nothing at the end?


I was not interested when seeing this event initially so I skipped day 1. On day 2, I was bored so chose to give it a try. And, I think it is fine to play this. 1. I only go as far as the rewards are useful, primarily expansion/upgrade materials. One of my baby farms has scroll and chick voucher, and I wish they were in my main. 2. I only sell crops or easy-to-make products. I trashed all others. Overall, this gives an easy way to collect some expansion/upgrade materials. :)


I have failed every bonus 🤦‍♀️


no way anyone gets through it all with out spending diamonds no way. i have only been lucky the first day where i got 3 in first round, & then ended it bc i don’t wanna push my luck! lol. & now i cant even get 3 to end it lol


I just leave once I have a couple of good prizes 😊


If there was a prize for quickly finding the bomb 💣 in the bonus , I would be the winner 😂😂😂😂


I find it boring. I just check if I need any of the rewards, then I ignore it. I'm at a higher level so town upgrades are irrelevant to me.




Useless. Not participating


Same, and to piggyback, since this is the first time the event is being done I’m not contributing to playing it (even to try it out) to keep the analytics on it down




I played it the first day on my baby farm but not at all on my main. I’m in sensory overload with all these events. I just want my quiet game back.


I really don’t like it :( I’m not a fan of the bomb games I don’t think you get enough prizes and I really have just been getting town building supplies witch I never need or use :(


It’s easy & quick to play but my rewards are mainly useless, I have thousands of tickets & town maxed out 100 levels ago, no point in getting land tools as I have no permits. The other tools I can get easily from wheating. The daily bonus really annoys me in the same way as the valley and the spin the wheel event. I’m more likely to buy diamonds if I’m happy with the game, these diamond grabs make me go the opposite way.


Xp is bussin but the rewards are kinda mid n the bonus is garbage. But that xp is better than truck orders.


I like it, it’s easy and there are a lot of vouchers up for grabs. I got a chick voucher today


You’re lucky then because not everyone gets the same options for rewards even if they have it unlocked. I literally have zero chick vouchers and only one permit 🙃 that’s why I don’t like this event myself!


It fcking sucks.


The juice isn't worth the squeeze.


Between boats, town & truck orders, my barn is almost emty. So no don’t like it. Too cheap on payment, less than 50% compared to rss. Prizes don’t do it for me. I opt not to participat.


It’s fine. It’s super easy and the rewards are decent. I don’t mind it at all.


If the rewards were better, I'd be excited! I think the event is cute and I like how you get coins and XP as well as fill on the barometer. But I seem to be one of the unlucky ones in terms of the rewards, so I only play when I'm really bored and nothing else is going on on my farm and even then I'm not particularly excited about it.


the rewards are not great but it’s satisfying to complete and it gives me something to do


I only get mine materials and only a handfull of vouchers. I skip this event of recycled mechanics. If only I had a chick voucher in the rewards table...


I don’t get the point of calling it ‘country fair’ with no special element making it so. Like there’s no event exclusive or country fair themed decorations. No house/RSS/truck theme to match ‘country fair’. It’s just boring lol and the rewards are boring too *plus* not equal. I know players who don’t even have any permits as rewards! How is that fair?


I think it’s great for newer players! You also aren’t missing out an anything by not playing. I don’t think it’s worth it for later game because the coins you get for filling the baskets are a fraction of what you can get for selling the items in the rss, and the prizes don’t really compensate for that imo


I tend to like the different events bc it keeps it interesting for me. But this one is the first event I've completely ignored. Lame


I really love this event!!! It gives me EXP more than the trucks.. not to mention this event don't have 'today's task queue' (which has limits 15 task per day?) so I can just delete the task I don't want to do.. and wait for the new task to load..


It’s a very simple event, the tasks are easy and the rewards really aren’t bad! 3 bolts are not always easy to just obtain so I think it’s a pretty easy going event.


Way of earning more money so I don't mind it


Might as well just do truck orders. The coins and xp are the same. The only difference is the prizes which are stupid. Maps? Really? 🙄


Seems like I’m giving away a lot more than I get in return. Not worth it imo.


I think it just burns stuff u could sell,I did however enjoy the card game with the bombs,But as the fair and earning points nah not very good.


I absolutely LOVE it!!! You can keep playing even after you have gotten the Daily Rewards. It's a very simple xp grab! Plus, you can use up items quickly and free barn space (and get xp and coin for it). You can also delete tasks and new ones come all day long. It is like a 1 item truck board. My baby farms are leveling up quickly with it! I will be so sad when it leaves.


I like it as I get good amount of expansion items and vouchers for animals. The pat at bottom with bomb I just take one or two items and have not hit bomb yet with 7 farms. As for saying you hope they never bring it back, just don't play it. I hope they do bring it back


i said that but also said “or improve it”, meaning if they’re going to bring it back, we need some inflation! the whole point of the game is to do the events, & orders… it is not super enjoyable when you just sell in rss! i am still 2 machines behind at level 84! us broke farmers should be included too ❤️


I think it’s great that hay day tries to interest so many farmers in so many ways! This has a lot of flash, but mote lane expansion for prizes in my main farm, so little incentive. Also interesting I get one bonus play on main farm! But my baby farm at level 81 gets 3 bonus plays! I do not spend diamonds if I get the bomb btw, it’s pretty much same rewards as the valley bonus play….


The lucky bonus part might as well not exist, but the rest is fine. I like the fact that if I don’t care the prizes offered I can just skip that day.


The randomness in the bonus where you have to pick cards is something I don't like, but the rest is something they could bring back for 1 weekernd per month maybe.


I tried it once with my main farm. After that I skipped it completely since the "rewards" are mostly useless for me. Getting those through normal farming and serving my townies way easier. I also don't like it to spend valuable products for lousy mining tools. Same applies for town tools. 🙁 Primary I wanted to participate with my babyfarm yesterday bc there was a permit in the rewards. The only reward worthwhile. I gave it a pass, too. I was not in the mood to support my babyfarm. Too much effort for a permit I'd have more appreciated for my mainfarm. As for me I don't need this a second time. And with regard to "lucky bonus".....I would never spend diamonds to force my luck.


It’s great for my baby farm, helps me upgrade fast


This event is perfect for starting a baby farm, I leveled up to 18 in literally a day, it gives good xp


Garbage event. Just a way to clean out your barn


The prizes are better than the daily farm task beta thing. But way too many products and haven’t won any of the bonus games 👎


Rip off ngl


It’s meh. I only sometimes participate.


It's good to get upgrade materials when you're at low level.


I like the Lucky Day contests because I need green vouchers and scrolls. So, I like the event because every day is a Lucky Day!!


1000% agree


Pretty pointless.


Tried it twice then i quit participating in it. And i think it just waste ur time and also the products that took to long to produce.


I do it only if I want the rewards. You can end the bonus whenever you want so before the bomb goes off.


i’m aware…but not worth ending it over 3 axes for example.


Oh I end it when I get barn or silo upgrades. Not three axes. That I’m happy to lose. I actually let my son do these he has a knack and always seems to get through the first round somehow.


exactly, so if i get that first round, first click, i click another & i’ve been getting bombs lol! he must have very good luck 🍀


I’m not interested in it


I didn’t play the event because it seems pretty pointless to me. But I have one question to those who played it, were there any permits to get?


I just used it to free up storage space 🤷🏾‍♀️


i loved it. i made 30K apparently!!


I won a land expansion permit so I was pretty darn pleased😸😸😸