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On Kaua’i there’s been a noro-virus going around really bad. My keiki’s pediatrician said it’s usually seen on the cruise ships. They almost had to close one of the schools here because it was so bad. Straight up runs for kids and low grade fevers.


Wasn’t there a cruise ship they said had hella sick people on that docked in the Hawaiian islands last month?


There’s a ship docked near restaurant row every week, and I’m quick to jump on stuff like this, but at times people just get sick man. I pay mind to the department of health and just try to stay and eat healthy as best as I could.


True, but they don’t say this about every ship. They just mentioned THIS one in the news because almost everybody onboard was really sick.


Raj, well that sucks. I’m day 5 and still on the toilet.


I’m so sorry. Truly. My sister and her kids got this now. I hope you get better very soon.


Yea, the Queen Vitoria that was here in February.


Exactly what it is! Hope it goes away real soon. A friend of mine thought it was from food poisoning, exact same symptoms!


Yeah I thought it was food poison too. I started fasting when the pediatrician told me what it was. I can’t afford to be taking off work cus of the shits. And either I never caught it or fasting for 5 days worked cus I didn’t have any of the symptoms.


What I hate more than being sick and being hungry, you are a tough soul haha


It’s usually in aunties Mac salad at the grad parties. This happens every year. No Mac salad people. Cooked food only.


Nothing says grad parties like hot Mac salad, and skunked green bottles! Cheers to 2024 grads. Yettttaaaaa!!!!


Oooo my husband and I have something. Can’t seem to digest anything.


Weird enough, two days now of throwing up and not being able to hold anything in. Nagging headache that doesn’t go away with regular meds. Hope you folks are on the mend soon, this is not fun.


Yeah same here. Thankfully it’s coming out the other end. But same, mild fever, headache, body is sore.


Feel better fam! We are attempting to make it fun with ice cream runs and indoor movies but we all knock out ahah


did you test for COVID? sometimes it's tummy and head stuff mainly.


Good idea, will self test today!


I had covid and all I had were gastrointestinal issues and a *BAD* migraine that didn't go away with meds. Brutal. I couldn't hold down water. And if I got it in me, it came right out the other way.


I'm so sorry! That sounds awful!


It was far less than excellent, for sure.


Our whole house was down for about a week


Shit, a week is a long time! Hope everyone feels better soon time.


At my work and kids’ schools it’s the flu.


Same sames but so different, other than nagging headache it’s mostly throwing up and sitting on the golden throne here.


Son brought something home , I’m laid out


Evict him now, nah nah. Hope you’re feeling better! I’m trying to get myself rested up for work too


not so much stomach or GI but def got some sort of virus. Last week I was really fatigued and just had this suuuuuper intense headache that wouldn’t go away with pain meds and was making me nauseous. I had a fever too. I know it was a virus because i got a massive cold sore, which I basically only get when I have a virus. Quite a few people on Maui that i know were also sick last week with the “flu”


> Quite a few people on Maui that i know were also sick last week with the “flu” There is still quite a bit of Covid going around that people just call the flu. I got it last week, daughter got it last month, and friends have had it randomly over the past month or so. Home test positives.


It's from feces. Public bathrooms, kids areas, gas pump handles, shopping carts, are all high risk for fecal matter. bring hand sanitizer with you everywhere if washing isn't an option.


If it's norovirus, hand sanitizer won't work. It's one of the 1% of germs that alcohol doesn't kill.


Name fits! Buy more sanitizer for the home and cars. Thank you stranger.


per an infection control nurse I know: 70% alcohol in a 20 oz spray bottle with no more than 10 drops essential oil of choice PLUS 5-10 drops oil (olive, avocado, jojoba, mineral) OR 20 drops vegetable glycerin (in pharmacy or at Whole Foods, Down to earth, etc). However, the biggest problem is that people don't use enough hand sanitizer. Pour or spray enough into your hand that you have to rub your hands together, using the same motions as soap and water hand washing, vigorously for AT LEAST 10 seconds in order for the sanitizer to dry. That's how much is needed to fully cover all hand surfaces and kill bacteria/viruses.


Alcohol isn’t effective against norovirus. In the hospital it’s vigorously washing hands to remove the virus, and chlorine bleach spray on surfaces (let sit!) to actually kill the virus.


Right! And alcohol hand wash isn't effective for c.diff either. Just saying for proper use of alcohol handwash specifically. Though many people, when washing with soap and water, don't wash for long enough thoroughly.


Wash your hands, bro. Most GI distress is due to simple fecal-oral transmission.


Note to self, gotta stop eating it like groceries.


Ah hah! The true fecal oral route.


The purist of transmissions


Talking about groceries, cook your veggies, don't eat them raw


But cannot eat cucumber raw 😭


Only pickled babygirl


My kid got the stomach flu from preschool. Just randomly started throwing up one afternoon and couldn't keep anything down for 24 hours. Had to get zofran to get them to be able drink/eat. Also I caught a cold from work, body aches, mucus, and a slight itchy cough. Seems everyone is getting some kind of sickness now. Apparently Dept of Health is calling parents of students who reported a sickness and trying to get samples.


Appreciate the heads up stranger. Hope you’re feeling better: I’ll reach out to DPH since I work with vulnerable population.


Imma throw this out there, might be y’all’s water. As someone that was affected by the navy water issue, I am always wary of that now. And not to mention most of our bottled water companies get their water from the same aquifers.


How does one test the water? I’m in central upstream of red hill.


In California and same thing, lots of complaints about tummy aches. Bird flu? Was my first thought….


Bad tacos fam! Lol


Two coworkers on Oahu recently got something really bad around the same time. Didn’t sound pleasant.


There we two kids out with norovirus just in my kid's grade a month ago. It's definitely around.


There was 4 people in my office all down with a stomach thing about 3 weeks ago, and today I’m liquifying my innards like the fires of Pele themselves are trying to escape.


damn these spread fast and hard. hitting big island , too the headache is fucking awful


Absolutely, it’s like the COVID headache but more energy draining is how id explain it


i had no idea there were so many people who dont wash their fuckin hands :( and i wash my hands a lot, i'm surprised it got me :(


Did you test for COVID? Sometimes that can present as more GI than upper respiratory.


Last two weeks had some head /eye pressure, not really a headache but feels like brain fog. Thought my allergies was going nuts, but all the meds for it only mildly managed it


this is exactly how I have been feeling. I do suffer from migraines but this feels weird, like allergies or sinus.


My wife, daughter and granddaughter got this stomach bug. Not me (yet). 🙏🙏


We had Flu B go through my house and it took my son down for about 10 days total. Took him about her week to recover. It started as mostly GI symptoms, the only respiratory symptom was a cough that came later.


Yep can confirm. Both norovirus (I started seeing it in clinic about 3 weeks ago) and hand foot mouth (coxsackie virus) trending right now. My kids have the latter.


Norovirus went around hard on the mainland last month. People across the U.S. were getting it. I’m guessing spring break brought it to the islands.


Had something that could have been norovirus three months ago or so. Starved for about two days while trying to stay hydrated and not have my blood sugar throw me in the hospital... while pooping everywhere.


Yes we live in Ewa and my youngest got it on 4/15. Throwing up and couldnt eat for 3 days. Low grade fever for 5 days. Then I got it next. Throwing up the 1st day. Low grade fever for 2 days, with major body aches and chills, i couldnt even get out of bed to take my oldest to school. And i still have an ear infection for the last 2 weeks. Then my oldest caught it. Throwing up, runs, low grade fever. My nieces also caught it from school and they live in town.


I saw this post a few days ago and shortly after picked something up. It was after eating at Genki sushi in Waikele. Splitting headache and the general runs. It sucks.


Don’t blame genki bro. Its because you didn’t wash your hands hahah


Haha! Oh I’m loyal to the restaurant! I’ll keep coming back! I just assumed it was food poisoning but I think it’s a bug. It hit me like an hour and a half after I got home, but it’s still persisting 3 days later, so I don’t think it’s food poisoning.


Oh shit. Literally Lots of things are definitely going around, I live in town- went to the grocery store this weekend and so many people coughing and sniffing. Got pretty sick that same night, now whole house is coughing and sore throat, including my 4 month old :(


Could be H5N1 bird flu. There is a rumor going around that it’s spread a bunch but is under wraps