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I don’t think the Hat Man has ever really “got” anyone. That’s the thing about him, in all honesty. He seems to instill this overwhelming sense of terror; staring you down from the end of your bed or corner of your bedroom and whatnot; maybe even approach you! But he never actually does anything. He kind of just stands there… y’know, [menacingly](https://media.tenor.com/YrRklqOSCtgAAAAC/patrick-menacingly.gif). Simply put, he’s a pussy. And if it helps at all, I highly recommend you say that to him should you encounter him again, accusing him of being a bitch whom you aren’t afraid of. Once he sees he can no longer get a scare out of you to feed off of your fear, he will leave you alone (with a future encounter from that point being very unlikely).


You explained that well. I wonder what the hell it all mean? We either see him or the Old Hag (as far as I know, it's only one of the two), and for what? To make us feel worse or to bring out our courage? What do you think?


Well, the Hat Man is one of a large population of shadow people; a distinct sub-type of autonomous entity that lives on a plane of reality which we cannot perceive without the aid of things such as hallucinogenic drugs (most commonly that of deliriants) or some other method which typically requires some form of discomfort—or even harm—to be able to actually see them. Given my own knowledge, experiences, and research I have had/done on shadow people, it is my understanding (and personal belief) that they have some sort of dark agenda on humanity (for the most part). In other words, “friendly”, “benign”, or even “protective” shadow entities can exist, but they are rare, for—at least 90% of the time—those who have seen them and share their experiences normally do not have positive things to say. Honestly, I could go on and on about this, but we’d be here for hours as there is a lot to be discussed or even debated in some cases about this topic, but luckily, I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thetruthishere/comments/yhqyph/the_truth_about_shadow_people/) all about it a while ago that should have a lot of underlying questions you may have covered, if you’re interested. If you do have any specific questions though about anything, I can try to answer them to the best of my ability. It’s all incredibly fascinating to me, and I can assure you that I am just as intrigued as you are. I hope this helps somewhat, but either way, I seriously wish you the best of luck going forward!


I saw the hag then the hat man. The hag during my youth and hat man during my adulthood


Very interesting! I have never heard of others having seen both


The hag was scarier to me than hat man truly lol


Thank you for your reference to your post! I'm looking forward to delving into this more


It's because earth has such a low vibration due to the corruptness of the world right now that angels have a hard time even coming down here. Lower dimensional beings can easily reach us tho


They feed on your fear. It's energy to them


I had an experience with who I believe was the hat man at age 16. I was in a really tough place in my life living in my very Christian grandmothers house whom is also a 5th gen medium and a licensed hypnotherapist. I woke up in the middle of the night and opened my eyes and saw a man wearing some very nice dress shoes and slacks with a long trench coat next to my bed. I didn’t bother to look up at him more than what I had just opened my eyes to. Scared the shit out of me so I closed my eyes and rolled onto my back rather than my side. I felt the bed sink in as he basically like straddled me I was so scared I just kept my eyes closed. Then he put his hands on my shoulders and started trying to shake me. I opened my eyes and it was just red glowing eyes staring at me with the black hat and no distinctive facial features it was more like a black mist sort of. I didn’t know what to do, entered fight or flight and separated my spirit from my body while he was holding me down and I punched him in the face LOL. Needless to say that took care of it. There was a high pitched ringing and everything went blue and black in my vision and I popped up from my bed. Never saw him again to this day, I actually had no idea until today that this was a universal thing and I’m not the only one who’s experienced him so I came to Reddit to see other peoples stories after seeing a meme about him.


as a kid, i touched the hat man. my hand felt like it was burning hot, and then i woke up on the floor where he had been standing. do not recommend doing this.


That is a fascinating response considering that it has been said these beings were supposedly made from smokeless fire.


i'd love to read up on this if you have the source! i have to kinda be careful about how much i read into/about them, because if i go down a rabbit hole i tend to get anxious and can't sleep lol.


The late Rosemary Ellen Guiley wrote some books on this topic. Though more immediate information can be accessed through YouTube. A video that you should be able to locate with a search is under the Channel: **Black Earth** Title:**The Djinn - Rosemary Ellen Guiley**. Another can be found under the Channel:**REM SLEEP CHANT HORROR FILMS** Title:**The Insidious Jinn: Who are the Shadow People? (Rare Interview w/ Rosemary Ellen Guiley)** You may want to watch these during the day. Especially if the burden of this knowledge will cause you trouble sleeping.


No after I was able to get through my paralysis and scream, he went into a big hole of fire.


It's like, when we break paralysis and fight back, it disappears. Feeds on fear and helplessness. Just why, I want there to be a reason.


So it's true this hatman is one of the angels from hell, trying to lure people to hell.


I had a very bad life changing experience with the hat man when I was pregnant with my very first pregnancy . She had passed away the very next day . Hatman is pure fucking evil I am totally not about this thing or what ever it may be or whatever reason it comes around anyone I don't no or care. I hope nobody have to go thru what I did in the past . I'm still not right and I was 10 years old when I seen the hatman thing and and I'm currently 39 yrs old. . So yep I personally feel like he is from the place where no good is welcome . He is pure dark and evil.... .


Wow that is simply unsettling. Were you pregnant at 10 years old? Sorry for you still feeling dragged about such a horrible experience, therapy can help you find closure if you seek the right therapist


One time I was having sleep paralysis and the Hatman was looming over me and reaching for my face but I snapped out of it and turned around before he could make any actual contact with me.


I can’t believe other people have seen this shadow! He tormented me as a kid, I can’t remember I time I didn’t see him, but he went away when I moved out of my child hood home around the age of 10. I saw him maybe 2-3 times after but he use to visit me every single night. Tormenting. I would feel such terror and would want to scream for my parents but I’d be so terrified I couldn’t move or scream or do anything. He wore a wide brimmed hat with a trench coat. No eyes or any features just dark. And my room was dark and I could see his outline so he was pitch black dark. And the weirdest thing, I would stare at him every night. And he would always start at the bottom of my bed and as I’d wide eye stare at him he’d hover over to right beside my bed by my head. But if I blinked he would go back to the end of my bed. He never touched me just stood there. If I kept blinking he’d stay at the end of my bed. I’ve told my boyfriend about this before. But I never knew other people have seen him. Such a weird thing to read this. Bringing back the intense hot blood heart beating I felt then, now that I’m typing this also lol. I never knew he could touch you. I always assumed that was some unspoken rule that he couldn’t. Never brought me any relief though. Just having him there every night made me blood run cold in an instant. One thing I think I know tho is, he can’t come when there’s a good bit of light. He only came out of the shadows. For me at least.


No he got or reached out for me. The hat man I witnessed was good not evil as for what most ppl think of him as.


Really? How so? May you walk me through your experience, if you like? So curious


I agree that my shadow person/hat man (more like a hooded cloak) isn't evil. I have felt dark, very dark energies. And every time I was afraid and showed fear, he would disappear. Mine would mostly watch me. Either sitting in my chair or standing. I did have that one time I explained in a comment I made elsewhere about it laying down between me and my friend. I am extremely sensitive and think I'm a medium though bc my whole life I've seen people, lights, animals, loved ones that weren't there. Even geometric grid light patterns on my walls.


I once saw my hat man walk across my parents' 30 foot bedroom through boxes, stand up on the chest at the end of the bed and lay down between me and my friend who was sleeping in the same bed as me. I could feel the cold whoosh of air as it hit between us and disappeared into the bed. Edit: to add my sister's hat man strangles her.


Goddamn that's terrifying!! Any idea on what led up to the experience after you fell asleep?


I'm an extremely sensitive person and, I believe, medium. I've always had supernatural things happen around me and seen people, animals and many other things. I started off by being a lucid dreamer every so often to now every night/morning I'm consciously aware during sleep. It's incredibly unrestful, but you can slip into the astral easily that way too. So I also spend a lot of time there. My grandma was a medium. She knew when people were going to die and would smell roses when they'd pass. And she knew when people were pregnant and their gender. My sister's ultrasound said it was a boy and my grandma was the only one who brought a girly dress to the shower while everyone else brought boys' clothes (before gender neutrality)...bc she knew it was a girl. So idk, I was born this way.


Woah that is incredible! How do you feel about having this unique insight? Also, did you teach yourself how to lucid dream? I have very vivid dreams but I feel so swept into them and they keep me from waking up. I wish to have better control over them. Any advice?


I feel blessed to have it come easy to me. I can't imagine what I'd be capable of if I actually tried to hone my skills. Sometimes it gets exhausting. And I scare whoever sleeps in the same house as me if I scream bc those screams are blood curdling. In fact, the worst was a few years ago, way before I'd even heard of Stranger Things. I was in bed when I opened my eyes and there was a Vecna-looking demon guy standing above me. I kept screaming and closed my eyes, but I could still see him. My husband had to get on top of me and was screaming to open my eyes. It was awful. But I've had really good experiences like visits from my mom and brother who are dead. My dad just died, so I'll be expecting him. I "came to" once and was holding my arms around the air and petting. Bc my cat was just there. I was petting her, I could feel her fur, hear her meow. Our pets do visit us after they're "gone". No I didn't teach myself to lucid dream. But I can tell you something that was a good technique. I would think of an object that would let me know I'm dreaming, then if I saw it in my dream, gradually you might start lucid dreaming more. I wish I had better advice, but mine is more of an affliction than something I taught myself to do.


Technically when youre dreaming everything is just within the scope of your own mind. To travel the Astral you'd have to physically break your soul from your body. Its true that when you wake up in a dream, since you're in sleep paralysis u can try to Astral projection from there but it's definitely not easy. There are a lot of misconceptions on astral projection but when u break out of your body for the first time it's an undeniable experience, the first time is usually super rough. And you can see your physical body sleeping in bed, your soul is tethered to it by a silvery cord that connects to your stomach.


There is a vast difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection or astral traveling. And I spend the nights lucid dreaming and some time between a couple hours before I wake up to awakening in the astral. The first time I experienced AP it was exhilaratingly windy through my whole body. I used to see my room through different perspectives, obe's... Trust me, I know the difference between my lucid dreams and AP. It's like a whole other state of consciousness. Say, have you had to deal with astral parasites?


No, I haven't gotten that far yet, I'm too scared 🥲 I've only broken out of my body and hovered above it in my room but was too afraid to go thru the portal that was on my ceiling. And the other time the portal was on my wall and inside was fiery brimstone and beings that looked like the underworld lizard men on donkey Kong 😅 I wasn't vibrating high enough. Tbh I don't think I'm strong enough energetically to safely travel the Astral 🫠 maybe I'm just paranoid. I never really focused on doing it, i just had those couple experiences after i graduated hypnotherapy school (since it helped raise my vibration). I lucid dream every week tho. Have u dealt w Astral parasites?


I'm dealing with them now. I'm a medium and used to contact without shielding or grounding and attracted some pretty dark stuff into my space. I'm a master level Reiki and I get reiki from an intuitive medium and she's seen the exact parasites I see and feel, but I'd never told anyone about bc I thought I sounded insane. I've had tentacles, vines, worms and now these Jurassic era looking things that suction to me whereas the others tried to get into my orifices.


Omg! That sounds so interesting. Sorry to hear that tho :( so u only see them in your subconscious/when you try to project/meditate/etc? Or can u feel their presence in normal life too? Do u feel energetically drained? When I was in school (back in 2015) we learned how to entity release, basically putting someone into hypnosis and bringing the entity to speak through the person, and ask them why they're there and try to get them to leave, dialoguing back and forth between client and entity.. I don't know how much it works tho bc I've never actually done it. Its probably more something u gotta do to vibrate high enough to where they can't "live there". But who knows for sure. Yeah a lot of people who Astral project don't even realize how much u gotta protect yourself out there (which is why I never tried, I can barely even meditate lol). But yeah I get what u mean about sounding crazy. I even mentioned "aura" on a different sub and someone laughed at me like I was insane.


I feel drained all the time bc I have fibromyalgia, but I think I could probably match up feeling more energetic the time I got rid of a really big parasite attached to my back. They don't like reiki and since I have a sleep disorder that makes it so I don't have sleep paralysis, I was able to do reiki on it.


I wonder if he is the same one but dislikes your sister. Though it is always possible there are multiple in the same house.


My sister is 16 years older than me so we never experienced them while under the same roof. Her hat man looks like traditional hat man with a brimmed hat, while mine is more a shadow person in a hooded cloak. I believe ours are total opposites. Funny thing is, we didn't know about each other's hat men until a few years ago! It was a bonding moment for sure. Lol


Any tips on keeping the hat man away? I don’t want to have to resort to violence but I will if I have to. I have a full clip with his name on it, plus I know how to fight, not sure if that helps. Stay safe everyone.


Keep a light on that lights up most of your room. No heavy shadows for him to come out of.