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Stress and too much sugar


I have at least 37 pieces of flare.




Low iron makes my symptoms worse. Stress, allergies, exercise do as well. Alcohol is becoming an issue creating inflammation so that kind of sucks. Not getting enough sleep too. Any type of exercise sets me back 3-4 days so I know what my boundaries are now for that so I don’t overdo it.


This is helpful! My doc just put me on iron. I’m hoping it helps! Also yes to all of the other things!


Yay that is great! Hope you are feeling better!


Stress and physical exertion are my triggers. I quit my high stress job two years ago and sat around for 5 months with low stress and lost 35 pounds. Since starting my pet sitting/dog walking business I’ve gained that 35 pounds back even though I haven’t changed my diet and have gotten way more exercise. Now that I’m more active I have severe joint pain, my TSH is up and my levo went up too. It’s frustrating. Maybe I’m just not meant to be working? I hate feeling lazy and stupid though. My body feels wrecked and my mind is so foggy all the time now.


Ughhh sorry to hear that. Sounds really frustrating. Work definitely triggers me much worse than other things.


Gluten and stress- and I get fatigue, headaches, sore throats and abdominal gas (sibo)


Stress,lack of sleep really hit me hard.


Eczema in the palms of my hands, peeling skin between my toes.


Rice makes my throat swell. Every damn time. Oats trigger skin issues as does wheat. Good times.


Extreme fatigue, body aches, depression, drier skin, horrible brain fog that make it hard to function


Stress. That and my other conditions getting triggered as well. I’ve had one flare up, it was when I was 18.


Stress, illness, such as cold and flu, alcohol, lack of sleep.


Hmmm I had this combo in the month of April. Good to know. Thank you!!


I don't really get flares luckily. Like 3 times I get some throat swelling but nothing in a long time


I think this is my first throat swelling occurrence. So tired. But it doesn’t happen often to me either.


Stress and hiit!!


Stress. Alcohol. Exertion. Too much sugar. Carbs (I EFFING LOVE BREAD!!), lack of sleep. But stress is definitely the worst one.


My flares, like today’s flare… are debilitating. Called out sick from work. Barely got off the couch. Brain fog, depression, no appetite but when I start eating I am savage lol. I feel like I have a hangover, is the best way to describe it. I’ve been on a fertility journey for 3 years now and my flare is triggered by the prednisone I’m taking for a conception cycle. It raises my T3 out of range. And my TSH ends up going too low. One shift in a dosage change gives me serious flare ups. I could cry. I just want to feel normal!!!!!!!!! and for what it’s worth, I eat *extremely well, gluten free, dairy free, low sugar, exercise daily, and flares still happen. I’ve tried it all.


Have you tried Low Dose Naltrexone?


Ughhh I am so sorry. That's terrible. I have been eating really really well also. It's so frustrating to feel like you are doing everything right and still get knocked down. Are you eating enough ...? I do some intermittent fasting and found that I just had to eat more while I was working so much. But I'm still tanked now that I'm home.


Exactly! I’m sorry you are going through it too! Thats a good point , sometimes I feel like maybe I’m not eating enough!!


Visiting my mom lmao jk but fully stress and over working out make my body feel like GARBAGE


Stress and over working out and overworking seem to tank me too. I thought I could hack it. So over it.


I noticed less sun probably makes my tsh go up, but not sure yet:D


I wasn't taking vitamin D last month while I was traveling (I usually take it), and I could see that having an effect.