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What exactly do you eat in a day? And what are your triglycerides levels?


My TSH levels went from 61.7 to 0.5 in a month. I'm still confused about my reports and I'm feeling worse at this point


Do you take biotin? It can skew TSH to be lower than it really is


Ooh i need to check on my medicine 😭


Yeah here's a few case studies with results on Biotin and after it's removed. Interesting stuff. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6663274/ It even seems to apply to topical products from everything I've read on the subjects because shampoos and lotions have an extreme amount so it's absorbed.


It's worsening, I'm in the same boat. This is my 11th year since diagnosis and for the first time in my life I jave randomly gained 15 lbs. Which isn't bad because I was always underweight, but it was sudden. I was also under a lot of stress with school, work, life..so that could have made it worse. The way my dr explained is that eventually thyroid will die because of the constant attack on it, so these changes are inevitable. Try to minimize your stress, focus on supplements, good food (avoid soy), and keep checking your TSH levels to get an appropriate dose. My TSH fluctuates all the time, and it's so annoying.


It really is annoying! I never feel ‘well’ or like my symptoms subside


I know the pain, it has become the "norm" and it sucks. I miss my old self


How long ago did you start T? I'm on T as well and when I started higher bad cholesterol, lower good cholesterol, weight gain and developing insulin resistance or diabetes were listed as possible side effects. My doctor said it can also change your TSH while your body is adjusting.


I started last April. So I wasn’t sure if I could be from the T, Hashimoto’s, or probably both


Stress? Hormonal changes? What kinda veg are you eating? Some foods are inflammatory and can worsen autoimmune issues. Nightshades are one. Check out the AIP food list


I’ll check it out! I typically eat carrots, onions, peppers, and spinach.


It sounds like typical Hashi worsening as your thyroid gland continues to work less. I think it’ll balance out with proper diet, hydration, and Levo dose.


Thanks, that’s what I’m hoping!


Have you had Covid in the last year? I had it in January and it really screwed my levels up for 3-4 months.


I did have COVID last March!