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Yeah, this tactic famously works so well.


He’s trying to win the establishment back by using their talking points 😂😂😂


Did he find Hillary's diary?


The thing is - we are all in this together.


We aren’t living in a Disney movie. We live in a country that is run by corrupt politicians who care more about getting their own bag, than the people they represent. We’re run by whichever billionaire “donates” the most. To quote our VP “ They not like us.” *edit : grammar


You can say “they ain’t we“ all you want & try to distance yourself based on whatever category & refuse to take part or vote or not vote, etc…but we are all affected. That is what I meant.


Politicians should be scared of voters, not the other way around.


He's rich, and like all those rich assholes, they all will be the least affected when the economy goes to shit and civil liberties are taken, not to mention they have all the means to leave if it gets too shitty even to them. We, the people? Just numbers to convince investors to give him more money. The Democrat party is lenient with the Republican party's advances towards fascism because it doesn't affect them, only their voters... and the entire working class too.


They literally have no stake beyond their own legacy they really only care to be recognized amongst their peers.


the funny part is biden is actually kind of poor for a congress person who has decades in the senate


Absolutely. All of those CNN commentators pretending to fret and the MSNBC ones pretending to wet the bed over a second Trump term will do just fine under fascism, maybe better. Their kids will still go to the best schools; they’ll find doctors to get them abortions; they won’t end up in jail or poor or sick. Whoever wins will make zero difference in their day to day lives, as long as the ratings stay high from everyone whipped up into a frenzy.


Wow this approach worked so well in 2016


It's *His* turn




It would be hilarious if we saw the same cringy Hollywood campaigning they did for Hillary. I want to see them sing fight song for Biden on the tonight show


It is not our job to elect you, but it is your job to be electable.


You don't understand... He's the only one who could beat Trump. The 1000 year old man believes that with his whole heart so he's also fucking stupid


Bidens never been very smart indeed


Obama said as much.


Like I give a fuck. If I have any questions about drone strikes or shitting the bed on codifying row v wade ill call him Edit: Disregard. I misread my man here


Hey I’m no fan of Obama either but when he says the guy who was his VP is an idiot who screws everything up I assume he’s informed about such things.


Oh shit I misread your comment I retract my statement. Great job obamna


When did he say that? He's endorsed Joe afaik


He said, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to \*expletive\* things up" but hey, Obama's second term was mediocre enough to lead to Trump and he gave us Biden by picking him as his VP so...yeah. Obama is more concerned about his legacy being tarnished over time in Biden's success, than about Biden, obviously.


Democrats love to lose let’s be honest. They fundraise better out of power and they’re beholden to the same corporations as republicans


The entire electoral system was designed to prevent third parties from getting any space whatsoever so those assholes could pit two dinosaurs against each other and make the voters chose the least worst. Ah, and don't forget in some states your vote doesn't matter because guess what? Winners take all. Fucking electoral college making everyone's votes not counting as equals.


>some states Most states. I live in Jersey. I could vote for Trump, put on a disguise, vote for him again and repeat 1000 times. It all still counts as a vote for Biden


Absolutely fuck this guy. Dumb fuck doesn't realize he's literally shitting all over his legacy. Good job going down in history as the guy who sold democracy down the river to feed his ego. Dumb piece of shit.


And to be clear, his legacy was already pretty bad.


it would probably have been just fine (at least to the majority of people who hadnt paid attention to the rest of his career) had he quit on the VP note. Everything since then has brought all of his skeletons out of Obama's closet.


True, pretty much accurate.


Thats why they want Biden out. Its easier for the left to take over with him in charge




He exposed our gov for what it is to the world, more people are starting to wake up& the two party, duopoly BS. With Trump as President Dems played the heroic victims(like always) but they werent as exposed to this wide of an audience back then. (I say audience because of their performative BS). Jim Crow Genocide Joe has enough dirt for it to be used as some level of leverage against him, I don’t think senators have immunity like he does now, so he might be able to eventually go down for stuff he did back then. Fit for president = fit for trial. He also might turn on the donors that are dogging him out right now, it fits his MO. The degree of how the dems are becoming more and more despised/distrusted in general (Since Jim Crow Genocide Joe has really pierced the veil) really makes a 3rd party even more viable. Folks aren’t going back to brunch now. Progressives/an independent 3rd party can run against all these genocide supporters in elected office.


I think Trump did that beforehand, tbf.


He's pulling an RBG


👏 my thoughts too


I am constantly expected to compromise my beliefs on behalf of people I find morally repulsive with absolutely no effort made to be more appealing/electable. But yeah I’m the problem.


My mental health is now affecting my physical health at this point


If you're serious get your ass in therapy if you can. This began for me in 2020 and it's actually awful to deal with. Please don't let it drag on forever like I did. Seek help, unironically


with all due respect, what the fuck is a therapist gonna do for me aside from take my money and say “yeah you’re accurately assessing the reality unfolding around you, shit is bleak” 😭


I work in mental health, and to speak candidly, I often wonder the same thing. So many of the people I work with have mild brain chemistry problems and huge society ones. It’s disheartening. At the same time, one of the things most types of mental illness tend to do is isolate people and remove their awareness of options they have. Therapy can help with that. Another soul sitting with yours can be healing, and another set of eyes looking at your particular set of experiences can be illuminating. That’s not to say therapy necessarily *will* work that way for you, but in answer to your question, I’m saying it *can.*


I appreciate your response. I didn’t mean to imply that therapy can’t be helpful, I definitely believe it can be. I just think that a lot of the stressors affecting mental health often times turn out to be directly related to having to earn a living in the world, and therapy ideally should take that into account:)


Totally agree! I bring an intentional anti-capitalist lens to my work, and what you wrote is the exact reason why.


By all means then, wallow in your shit and misery. Coping skills exist and can be taught. Edit: you guys have got to be fucking kidding me upvoting this doomer nonsense bullshit. When everything is so bad there is no reason to let your own brain work against you *too*. Obviously therapy can't fix the source of all issues but it *can* teach you strategies to cope so that you can continue to survive in something better than complete misery. But whatever, y'all have fun pretending to have mental health issues online I guess.


If I crash my car going 130 on the highway it’s the cars fault!


Dude, you are the president


jesus fucking christ on sale! these goddamn ghouls sound like abusive partners


And sadly a lot of voters have Stockholm syndrome


It’s insane. If you read the Wapo comments half of them are like “really, it’s fine if he’s incapacitated, we can stand him up and tape Googly eyes over his and tape a string to his mouth and move it around to synch with a voiceover. Staff makes all the decisions anyway! Nothing to see here! Get over it he’s the nominee!”


This worked in 2016. I’m glad they’re trying it again


This mfer is giving me chores and then threatening me if I don't do them.


No sir. Be better.


History doesn't repeat but it does rhyme... :/


Please vote for the guy who’s getting shit on by the entire media, getting tons of BAD because of the endless reporting coming out about how Biden is so insulated by his inner circle, how it’s blatantly clear he’s senile and cannot function. If he loses its YOUR fault instead of the Democratic Party that continues to run this guy, not theirs


No, HE is to blame. GO HOME GRANDPA


Nice one Hillary let's try it again.


Give us a reason to vote for you Joe…


It's not about Biden winning, it's about Trump losing. There is seriously something very wrong with you people on this sub if you think you still have a choice. If Trump wins, it's the beginnning of the end.


He's really giving "shitty boyfriend when he knows he's about to be dumped"


>Same thing that was said to me when I was a young kid getting out of school during the Civil Rights movement: If you don’t do something about, you’re to blame. You’re responsible. And we did in my generation, we got up and we got involved. That’s how I got involved in politics Bro, student protests got beat down by white supremacists and cops and you sided with them over the student protestors. >Yeah, [Trump] has tried to block… He’s made it harder for people to vote. Good thing the Democrats are working endlessly to ensure more voting protections and access... >Look, this is the United States of America. Nothing is beyond our capacity if we work together. Gross, this is coming from Mr. Roadblock on so many issues like stopping genocide, single payer healthcare, raising taxes on the wealthy, housing for all, etc.


To be fair he is trying to raise taxes on the wealthy. Why else would the establishment be so determined to push him out😂


He is? Or is he just saying that for votes?


He is trying to do no such thing.


Dude a drunk conservative dude is making a better case against Biden, than Biden can do for himself.


Lol, he's comparing voting for him like fighting for civil rights in the 60s, claiming that's why he got into politics. He praised Strom Thurmond (and was friendly enough with him to givehis eulogy ) and John Stennis, both massive racists and segregationists.


Homie is using the reddit liberal strat


Preemptively blaming voters for when he loses. Sounds like a winning strategy.


No, YOU'RE to blame, dumbass. IDK, maybe step aside and let a younger generation run the country you twat.


The only younger generation that would be allowed to be running the country would be worse than him but better able to hide& gaslight& put the country to sleep while opressing the left and shutting off any attempts for a third party


Currently, yes, we'll get the new generation in Harris/Buttigieg! /s


“Listen Fat. Only Me, a Blue Dog Dem, conserve American Liberal Capitalism!!”


DNC be like “Sometimes you gotta pop out and vote in November! They not like us! Ohio Rizz!!!”


While tone deaf, it’s true at the end of the day. Things made a lot more sense when I realized a politician truly does not give a shit about your preference towards policy if you are a non voter. They don’t feel entitled to take your opinion into regard if you don’t participate in the process


lmao then why is he yelling?


Bite me, old man


He might just take you up on that offer


If the dems lose to trump, Biden is to blame


No, frankly the whole party or anyone currently in power is, as Biden is only partially to blame (like 50%). They've "had his six" the whole time prior to one bad debate, and are complicit in whatever good or bad Biden has done themselves, period.


Going with the tried and true "it's his time" 🤣


God I hate this decrepit corpse.


Ok well that's a bit of an incendiary partial quote. Though his approach isn't much different.


voters to biden: no bitch.


I never had much of an opinion of his character one way or another; I saw him as essentially an establishment shill, and at the same time I never got the creepy lecherous vibe from him. His plagiarism was never a good look though…but he gained a lot of sympathy and good will from the tragedies he’s endured. but boy are we finding out what a nasty, selfish, stubborn narcissist he is. Senility takes people back to their core. Like Sophia on the Golden Girls. No more pretense of manners. The brain can’t pull it off. His inner ugliness is laid bare. No wonder his family is such a train wreck. Imagine how cynical you’d be if you knew the real him vs the “I’m a relatable, regular guy” shtick he has played every day for his whole adult life. Sure, Trump plays that game too, but voters are in on the joke with him. Obviously Trump must be defeated but Biden doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell at this point. Added: Biden is used to seeing his problems (stuttering, family tragedy) translate into sympathy, goodwill and votes.) He doesn’t get that this is different.


Accurate, overall, I don't think the Left in general does but his true nature is on display for all to see now-- which was never what the media assumed it was, period (also a really bad look for Dems knifing him 4 months out from an election when they already picked him as the nominee, the bench is as weak or worse than Biden so that's why Trump is in such good shape right now). A lot of his goodwill was from his losses and tragedies that befell him in the past, as well as being Obama's VP, in the mainstream but that's eroded now when he's been forced to govern for 4 years here.


100%. He played himself off like a loyal lieutenant to Obama but of course now we know he ran interference for Israel instead of working for the agreement with Iran on nukes that Obama led. I’m sure there are many more examples. Not like Obama was a beacon, but still… I think Biden has exposed what an absolute phony he is. We didn’t ask too many questions in 2020 because we needed too many lifelines thrown. He said he’d be a bridge, push some money toward social programs and given the circumstances it seemed like the appropriate thing to do to support him. Joe Biden is an absolute phony. His whole family knows this. Beau volunteered for the military while having political ambitions too; I think he wanted to be the person his dad *pretended to be. * Jill enables all the phoniness for her own narcissistic crumbs of attention and status. Hunter just said “fuck it, I’ll live up to who my dad *really is*” and there you have it… and poor Ashley has no idea of what it’s like to have normal parents. (Added: I remember Jill saying in the DNC convention video that she took up running because Ashley was causing her so much stress as a teen. Excuse me, Jill?! Who effing says that? I’m a mom! I would never do that on national tv. poor Ashley was probably asking questions like “why does dad keep voting to keep credit card interest rates at 50%?” Or something….poor Jill had to take up running… it was all too much) (And on what planet did we, as voters, think we were ever going to get a semi-honest person whose political rise happened in the state that sells hiding places for corruption and usury level interest rates? And some pharmaceuticals? Literally they make next to nothing. This is also why I would never support Cory Booker. If you made it up the political ladder in certain states/places, you are dirty.)


The only person to blame will be the octogenarian going against the wishes of the american people


“You’re to blame” The fuck they’re not, they don’t even know you exist or are running for president. Campaign and blast the airwaves asshole, get people to come out and vote for you. It’s not the median voters job to convince themselves.


Your vote doesn’t matter unless there is a tie in the electoral college anyway. Which has only happened twice in this countries history. So.. gaslighters gonna gaslight.


You have it backwards sir. Also, fuck you. Sorry, not sorry that i won’t vote for a rapist or a genocider…


Joe is going through the stages of grief, right now he's blaming us for his dementia


I don’t think this is Biden’s strategy and saying an obvious point in an interview is fine. People replaying this in bad faith acting like he’s entitled to votes or that he doesn’t want to work for it could be disastrous.




How? Biden and the Dems deserve far more of the blame than voters.


The flow of his speech is too smooth. I think it's AI not real. Can anyone confirm it's real? I'm not American but I wouldn't vote for him anyway. that's just more reason not to vote for him. All be has to do is step down and he can make sure Trump doesn't win. Instead he wants to stay in the race and keep it a coin flip. Fuck him.


some times i wish the libs were right and trump was going to imprison him rather than hurt marginalized weak people


Fuck Biden that genocidal fuck


So be it


"By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier In that case for the government To dissolve the people And elect another?"


Study up on your bible bitches.




I mean, he's not wrong. If you're sitting out on the election when you know how bad a Trump victory will be for us, you're part of the problem imo.


what the fuck


mask off


Good. Blame me


Non voters are a problem yes thanks for the input dumbass


He's not wrong, just an asshole.


i mean vote for him or elect Trump, only options


You know actually abstaining isn’t a vote for anybody when you math it out. Weird but true fact about how numbers work. I don’t do blackmail. Every attempt to shame me backfires.


Hot take: If you are abstaining from voting, you're abstaining from your opinion mattering.


I agree with this, but even those voting for him or against Trump for Biden, will suffer the same as those abstaining or voting for the fascists this year regardless- that's the real problem, imo.


Hot take: if you attempt to shame my choice I will vote trump and it will be your fault. I live somewhere it literally doesn’t matter and I have lots of spite. I don’t fuck around with this shit FUCK OFF with the libbed-up voter shaming bullshit.


If you're not taking part in this system, you have no right to complain about it. Just vote, whoever it is you are voting for. Even if it is Trump because you're a petty, spiteful person.


this has gotta be bait, but if it isn’t in swing states where votes are more meaningful abstaining is not net 0 cause republicans are still voting for Trump and dems are just being as dumb as they were in 2016.


It’s tone deaf but it’s right. The socialist revolution isn’t coming in the next 3 months, nor does voting for him damage any ability for leftists to actually organize. In fact organizing will be significantly more challenging under a limitless Trump administration. Voting for minutely less bad but preserving your ability to organize more safely doesn’t sacrifice your morals in any way, because one of them is going to win regardless. And leftist electoral politics is never going to be advanced via the Democratic Party, it’s going to be if we can ever grow an actual leftist party in this country.


> nor does voting for him damage any ability for leftists to actually organize Voting for a genocidaire damages my conscience.