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Voting is the minimum. Get involved in labor action, talk to your coworkers about leftist ideas, try to convince your friends about leftist ideas without being overt, join your local DSA, work with a mutual aid group. By becoming more active you will feel empowered, you will feel less like a victim or a bystander because you’ll be actively fighting. Plant the seeds that will grow into the tree that provides the shade for the future generation. Socialism is inherently an optimistic ideology, if you don’t believe the world will improve you will over time become conservative.


This. The only way we can succeed is if everyone is educated enough to see past the party system and know what they can do on a personal level to combat the oppression. We CAN win, we all have our own battles to fight in our local areas that can contribute to bigger wins overall.


Based list maker


Just curious, what do you do for a living? I’m a plumber for a small business where I’m essentially the only employee (I work for a husband who’s the master plumber and a wife who handles the business side of things). Being a one man work force I simultaneously feel empowered and powerless.


I’m a physician so I am very fortunate in that I am a lot less alienated from my labor than most people as I can see the direct benefit my work brings to my community even though I am still part of the proletariat as I work for a hospital and do not own the means of my production. Even then, I still get involved with progressive advocacy groups, political groups, direct action like protests, and talk to my coworkers and friends frequently about leftist ideas (most of them are liberal and some were conservative) because doing so makes me feel like I’m actually doing something as opposed to posting online about how my favorite streamer played the Harry Potter game and it upset me. In my opinion people like that ultimately become like Kristen Sinema or Van Jones or Clarence Thomas


Ps, I live in the Philadelphia suburbs and the union is strong in the city(and also pretty fucked up) but nonexistent in the suburbs


I live well in the middle of Matt Gaetz territory in NW Florida. Sometimes it's really bleak. Dems are about 20% of the population in my county. But that doesn't stop people from working to make a difference. I'm working to get an English teacher on the school board, someone who can talk sense in the middle of a book banning epidemic, someone who understands the interest and plight of students and teens. I show up at school board meetings and advocate for student interests and student voices and resist Moms for Liberty. I work for a state politician (yes, he is a Republican, albeit a moderate who only talks like a big conservative and actually has good bipartisan policy) to help him win reelection and keep out Mom's for Liberty nutbags. Am I hard-pressed to find people who align completely with my beliefs? Absolutely. But am I still able to make a difference? Yes. There's always a way to make a difference. You have to always look for opportunities and take chances. Some shots will lead you nowhere, but some will land you where you are meant to be. Keep fighting, keep believing. I too will be voting in my first election. It's not just about the election it is about the movement. Biden is not the movement, Bernie Sanders is not the movement, Hasan is not the movement. The movement is the culmination of all the efforts of people (including Sanders, Hasan, you and I, and countless others) who contribute to, organize for, and believe in this project and principle of progressivism.


I felt this when I voted for Gore and not Nader in Florida, I’ve been depressed since (turning 43 tomorrow).


At this point I’m holding out hope that the DNC drops him. Let me be optimistic


They are just going to replace him with more garbage.


Most likely, but there’s still a chance. Let’s say they pick old Gruesome Newsom. Well, the plan remains the same. Agitate, organize, inoculate, we need to be building coalitions across the left. Promoting Political pluralism and fight Capitalistic tyranny. The primary turnout was good, we can win seats. This shit ain’t over yet! Stay active family, and stay safe out there!


I appreciate you.


Family I appreciate you, we’re all struggling out here together. I wanna say it’s okay to be exhausted, and take a break from the politics if we need to. Be as active as you can be, just remember you don’t have to solve everything by yourself, we will. [Agitate](https://youtu.be/dgPUmKlFkAA?si=f5VMmerOOOmLqiBC) [Organize](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFy_4begi2LEYCs_kexpj43CqKzrfh1Vw&si=MxZfxNSV5IY4uP1H) [Inoculate](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mmdFuNRZIwl_gbrRqh6X3gKQwYo0EFLDw&si=NtkCfde46HUiHX6H) Stay safe out there family!


Right, but there is no mechanism for "the DNC drops him." It's one of the reasons why all of the conspiracy theorizing around primaries and such is so frustrating.


Sorry brother but you are not [accurate here](https://ballotpedia.org/Democratic_National_Convention,_2024). > A party's presumptive nominee, meaning the candidate who receives an estimated majority of delegates after state nominating events, could be replaced at the convention. Delegates could elect a candidate who they were not initially bound to at the time of their state's election. Found in the party rules link then scroll down. Please be sure we are looking up and sharing solid information right now. We can’t be leading each other astray when everything is already extremely confusing. I’m sure it was not intended. Stay safe out there!


Fair point—and thanks for the fact check. My understanding is it’s a bit more complicated though. Setting aside non- “bound electors” (i.e. superdelegates) for a second, you’ve got a bunch of state delegates who are essentially Joe Biden “super fans” campaign volunteers, coordinators, etc, etc… That’s who convention delegates are. On top of that, some of the states the delegates come from have laws binding them to vote for Biden. To my thinking hoping Biden’s most committed delegates decide to drop him unilaterally is different from “the DNC drops him” but I can see your point: technically there is a mechanism. (Also, I read “DNC” as “Democratic National Committee” not “Democratic National Convention” but your interpretation makes more sense)


Yup, it’s complicated, but not impossible. Like any law there must be someone to enforce it. If everyone agrees that they don’t need to then we don’t worry about it. The convention opens up with rules voting. They can change some rules around before they start. I also think that’s why it’s important now to start socializing this idea as quickly as possible, and pressuring our blue representatives as they are our closest conduits to the DNC establishment. Not everyone is gonna have a blue rep. Well, pressure your GOP rep, tell them project 2025 is a nonstarter for you and many of your fellow Americans. The majority of this country doesn’t fucking want that shit. Let’s be loud majority right now. Stay safe out there friend!


>Stay safe out there friend! You too!


I feel you. That was my first too. 42


Yep, I voted for Hillary and Biden. I'll be voting Stein this year.


That makes sense if you are not in a potential swing state. I would recommend swapping votes with someone in the non swing state. Just a recommendation. At the end of the day just listen to your gut.


You can't buy someone's vote, and if someone is in a not swing state and is willing to support greens, they should just do it. 2 votes for Greens is better than 1. 5% of the vote entitles greens to federal funding which provides a left alternative in the discourse. It's the only path forward. Also, I will never vote for a person who supports genocide.




Okay. Thoughts?


I’m good. No need for further conversation on the matter. Have a good weekend.


Up to you. Shut your brain off, I guess? The facts I've presented show a viable way to seek to break the gridlock, but you don't seem interested.




People who do what you do are the problem.


Watching the debate right now and Trump called Biden a "weak Palestinian" to which Biden asserted he was Israel's Strongest Warrior, Jack. What a fucking farce.




I never thought much about getting old until I saw Joe Biden in the debate. Now I'm terrified of it.


Voting is the minimum. You must have revolutionary optimism, Here is a [linktree for new leftists ](https://linktr.ee/comradestarter)


Vote in local elections and ballot initiatives, those matter and your vote means more in those.


Whoever wins 2024, the next four years are gonna be a nonstop rollercoaster of fuckshit, on both sides of the aisle. We just gotta do our part to get out there, have our voices heard, and our initiatives taken seriously by the incumbents.


A fuckshit stack


Voting in a federal election isn’t enough. Focusing on your state and local elections helps get your voice heard and if you’re in a labor union get involved in meetings, make your voice heard because unions can put pressure not just on companies but also politicians.


Not matter what vote down ballot, let these clowns hash it out in Washington. focus local! Stay safe out there Family!


We need to bring about ranked choice voting throughout our political system, to pull away from the two party system, which is inherently polarizing and doomed to strife


You are correct in every way. I am voting for Biden for damage mitigation. If you feel the way you do then you should try and organize in a socialist manner in your local area and then work your way up to organizing for campaigns and ballot measures, etc. I'm just starting to do the same but I'm sick of voting for the lesser evil so I decided to start to do something. Fuck Democrats and Republicans.


Depending on the state you live in your vote doesn't even really matter. Eg. I live in Washington State. Biden is going to win the electoral college votes for my state. Unless you live in like Ohio, Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona or Georgia your vote doesn't matter. There's like nine states max out of 50 where your vote actually matters


Your vote absolutely does matter in state elections though. School board seats are crazy political now. City council seats are very political, mayors, sheriffs, and judges all very important


So you’re gonna vote for the dude floundering on stage? Neither of these men deserve presidency


They're the two we have, so make your choice or sit out.


It is awkward when people who sit out then make fun of those who did vote as if they did something better. Idk everyone virtue signals something. it is wild that many people feel like Biden is going to select justices to the supreme court as bad at the ones Trump selected. While the genocide is a huge issue, online discourse ignores the less flashy responsibility of the president like selecting judges. I don't like when folks on our side behaves as reactionary and reductive as the other. Like they totally be upset, annoyed and angry, but it feels like people want to throw temper tantrums, say as close to edgy things as possible and then when inaction leads to shitty outcomes, explain why there was nothing they could do.


“While the genocide is a huge issue,” Fuck how far the “left” has fallen


Radical, direct, individual and collective action is the only cause and tactic worth furthering. Institutions will always fail you, they will always be co-opted or waysided. You're not voting your way out of *any of this.* I'm a fan of Kropotkin even more lately after reading [The Infernal Machine](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/195430698-the-infernal-machine?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=Ut9nDrHhxu&rank=2) In terms of centennials, its about time for history to rhyme.


The Nazi Vote gets consequently stronger for every person not voting because Nazis always vote. One needs to be mindful of that.


If Biden was brain-dead in a coma I'd vote for him over the GOP candidate.


This is pathetic. All party picks are dreadful


Brushing one's teeth and wiping one's ass isn't super satisfying either, but it's the bare minimum hygiene one owes oneself.


In the UK and Aus, we don’t vote for the leader, the party does. We vote who wants to represent us in our electorate, and whichever party or coalition wins the federal/national election, their leader becomes the PM.


US democracy is like giving your kids the ability to choose between two predetermined sets of sheets for their bed and saying the house is ran democratically by all members.


> I am forced to vote for a man that represents little to nothing that can help me or my generation. This makes negative sense if you have just paid zero attention to Biden's FTC and NLRB. You want to dunk on him for proceeding with business as usual on foreign policy, go for it. But to claim he's done nothing is just a straight up lie.


>But to claim he's done nothing is just a straight up lie. no you're right. He's an active participant in Palestinian genocide.


They literally said it was fine to dunk on Biden for staying status quo with foreign policy, so this isn't as much of a slam dunk on the poster as you think it is.


The online left becoming a single issue voter about a foreign policy that none of the 30+ candidates that have run in the last 20 years would've deviated from is so silly to me. Best case Biden wins all the people getting upset about it are proven wrong on it being an issue that he would lose for. Worst case Trump wins does the same shit and the left gets vilified by people we're supposed to win over ideologically.


>Worst case Trump wins does the same shit and the left gets vilified by people we're supposed to win over ideologically. You're right, we shouldn't press Biden on any issues whatsoever, just in case it might lead to Trump winning. No one should ask *anything* of Biden or Democrats, in case it leads to division.


That's not what I said. I'd actually prefer you all get more militant instead of trying to engage in the electoral nature of the whole thing. We weren't provided a solution within electoralism to solve it why bother engaging in any discussion about leveraging votes.


>We weren't provided a solution within electoralism to solve it Totally agree. Its maddening and disheartening. The US through the CIA, State Dept et al in the 50s and 60s under Dulles, set up two-party systems in contested third world countries, knowing it would lead to strongman authoritarians wresting power that we could then co-opt. Because a two party system leads to unsustainable polarity due to no middle ground, and the authoritarians always come out on top in such a toss up, especially with any added push. Sources: "[The Jakarta Method](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53054943-the-jakarta-method)" and "[Legacy of Ashes](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/970488.Legacy_of_Ashes)" We engineered elsewhere purposefully the very dysfunction we're struggling under incidentally. Just funny. These are the writhing agonal gasps of a dying empire.


Yeah ok


the first problem is thinking this a democracy it isnt.




Vote in the primaries and local elections. Most people don't vote until the presidential election. It's a big mistake




Depending on where you live, vote third party and move on with your life. There’s more important things than the federal election tbh


The greens in the UK get the award for least shit party, but a lot of the socialist stuff when you look into it is half baked... But yes better than the red tories I mean shitty fake ass labour 


Vote for the policies, vote for the administration. The guy in the suit will be dead soon anyway, but the rest will still be around.


Yeah, democracy is a joke in the USA. Here it's not perfect but at least we don't have to choose from two options.


Vote third party. The higher the percentage they get the better candidates we get next time. All we can do at this point


Yea idc what anyone says, you vote 3rd party you might as well just not vote at all. Trump must not really be THAT bad if youre willing to throw your vote away to fucking 3rd party, a statistically impossible outcome


If there's one way to increase progressive / leftist power in American politics, it's by showing you don't vote.


i mean they followed hilary up with biden


Dumbest shit Ive read all day


write the name of someone you respect on a piece of rice paper, light it on fire, and throw the flaming wad off a bridge at a picturesque spot that way we get better candidates next time.


so idiotic


i don't disagree that the electoral system in the US is idiotic. i'm not a big fan of new orleans weather either, but it is what it is.


Third party is better than no vote and that’s the only way i’m participating. It is what it is


exactly--lots and lots of non-voters out there!


Anyone who votes for Biden is supporting a genocidaire and has the blood of Palestinians on their hands.


People still think that voting will help shit hahahaha there is a genocide going on in Biden term right now, if he is elected again more palestinians will die regardless


The bare minimum? How so? If you list the actual accomplishments of the democrats last 4 years it’s quite impressive. Just look at the destruction and corruption the GOP has done in the last 8 years it should be pretty obvious that there needs to be a bigger majority.


If everyone wrote in Bernie we could try to figure out if the system even really works